
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective which has not been thawed: still frozen
  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of unthaw.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective still frozen


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  • (This soup also stores well frozen to be unthawed and enjoyed later in the winter.)

    French Word-A-Day: 2009

  • (This soup also stores well frozen to be unthawed and enjoyed later in the winter.)

    French Word-A-Day: 2009

  • (This soup also stores well frozen to be unthawed and enjoyed later in the winter.)

    poireau - French Word-A-Day 2009

  • And Pacquiao is the only man on earth who can restore the "Rocky III" anthem "Eye of the Tiger" to its pre-ironic, 1982 glory, as he did on Saturday night, entering the ring at the MGM Grand accompanied not just by the bombastic song, but also by its original singer—Survivor's Jimi Jamison, who wore leather pants and appeared unthawed from Reagan's first term.

    Manny Pacquiao Deserves a Better Encore Jason Gay 2011

  • This somewhat confirms my theory that we'll most likely see Captain America frozen at the end of the first movie and unthawed and revived somehow in the actual Avengers movie.

    The First Avenger: Captain America To Be Set in WWII! « 2008

  • Cap came first, Tony did not make the sheild (He did however upgrade it before Cap was unthawed) The guy that wrote the article didn't know that and if they don't do Captain America next and do some type of a tie in at that point to Ironman, it will screw everything up.

    Captain America's Shield Found in Iron Man?! « 2008

  • This somewhat confirms my theory that we'll most likely see Captain America frozen at the end of the first movie and unthawed and revived somehow in the actual Avengers movie.

    Captain America's Shield Found in Iron Man?! « 2008

  •   There we were, turkeys unthawed, stuck at airports, stranded in train stations, thwarted by the empty pumps.

    The Perimeter 2009

  • After all, Paris Hilton has to have a few hundred grand for a new wardrobe every month or two and the Royal Bush Family needs to be frozen for as long as it takes for them to be unthawed as brand new hominids in a science fiction future (actually, the freezing part is rather appealing -- just so long as they don't start to rot).

    Why is Obama giving a green light to bailed-out-banks to credit card gouge "lower class" Americans? 2009

  • I look the other way when Michel fills up on French fries (another perishable that got unthawed during the move), for who can blame a Frenchman for making room for fries?

    déballer - French Word-A-Day 2007


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  • I've been seeing people use 'unthawed' as thawed. As in to make not frozen.

    Most recent sighting - Daily Show's Jordan Klepper's 'Useful Tools' video.

    Other sightings... the examples listed at Wordnik.  

    May 21, 2024

  • An incorrect usage, good gawd!

    Using unthawed when shoulda used thawed

    If you don't get it right

    Then alexz just might

    Send you to meet your sweet Lord

    May 22, 2024