A list of 56 words by hernesheir.
- floatywas added by hernesheir and appears on 10 lists
- holoplanktonwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- metacenterwas added by hernesheir and appears on 5 lists
- blownwas added by hernesheir and appears on 16 lists
- polyfoamwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- lightbuoywas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- halibutterwas added by hernesheir and appears on 4 lists
- seed-downwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- Baryshnikovwas added by mollusque and appears on 2 lists
- Velellawas added by mollusque and appears on just this list
- Janthinawas added by mollusque and appears on just this list
- elk hair caddiswas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- smogwas added by hernesheir and appears on 35 lists
- thistledownwas added by hernesheir and appears on 18 lists
- oil sheenwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- oil spillwas added by hernesheir and appears on 6 lists
- oil slickwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- ping pong ballwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- spumewas added by hernesheir and appears on 57 lists
- raftwas added by mollusque and appears on 53 lists
- inflatable canoewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- jetsamwas added by hernesheir and appears on 61 lists
- flotsamwas added by hernesheir and appears on 101 lists
- ideawas added by john and appears on 51 lists
- helium baloonwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- weather baloonwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- hot air baloonwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- airshipwas added by hernesheir and appears on 14 lists
- zeppelinwas added by hernesheir and appears on 43 lists
- baloonwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- floating dockwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- personal flotation devicewas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- message in a bottlewas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- japanese glass fishing floatwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- corkwas added by hernesheir and appears on 37 lists
- bobberwas added by hernesheir and appears on 5 lists
- nurdlewas added by hernesheir and appears on 31 lists
- jellyfishwas added by hernesheir and appears on 49 lists
- seaplanewas added by hernesheir and appears on 5 lists
- floatplanewas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- pontoonwas added by hernesheir and appears on 28 lists
- sea skaterwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- water striderwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- seabeanwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- smoke ringwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- cloudwas added by hernesheir and appears on 110 lists
- foamwas added by hernesheir and appears on 38 lists
- oilwas added by hernesheir and appears on 64 lists
- styrofoamwas added by hernesheir and appears on 11 lists
- soap bubblewas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- danwas added by hernesheir and appears on 21 lists
- lifebuoywas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- buoywas added by hernesheir and appears on 34 lists
- pumicewas added by hernesheir and appears on 22 lists
- balsa woodwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- kapok vestwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
hernesheir commented on the list b-kapok-vest-and-other-floaty-words-b
Looking for more floaty words....
June 3, 2010