A list of 15 words by helio.
- votivewas added by helio and appears on 25 lists
- visceralwas added by helio and appears on 234 lists
- vespertinewas added by helio and appears on 169 lists
- verdigriswas added by helio and appears on 120 lists
- vanguardwas added by helio and appears on 91 lists
- vellumwas added by helio and appears on 70 lists
- seraphwas added by helio and appears on 52 lists
- barefootwas added by helio and appears on 24 lists
- onsetwas added by helio and appears on 24 lists
- discordwas added by helio and appears on 65 lists
- badinagewas added by helio and appears on 125 lists
- backchatwas added by helio and appears on 6 lists
- arrivalwas added by helio and appears on 19 lists
- birdwas added by helio and appears on 86 lists
- anodynewas added by helio and appears on 304 lists
vendingmachine commented on the list band-name-words-CQB-PgfI6
Do you mean in terms of reviews, marketing...?
July 1, 2022