A list of 36 words by she.
- diegeticwas added by she and appears on 29 lists
- diuturnalwas added by she and appears on 10 lists
- decoctionwas added by she and appears on 29 lists
- diaulicwas added by she and appears on just this list
- depreciatewas added by she and appears on 29 lists
- diplopiawas added by she and appears on 25 lists
- docilewas added by she and appears on 142 lists
- dushwas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- dvandvawas added by she and appears on 17 lists
- dwelewas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- dwinewas added by she and appears on 12 lists
- dreewas added by she and appears on 22 lists
- dœglingwas added by she and appears on just this list
- diœciouswas added by she and appears on just this list
- damoiseauwas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- dichopticwas added by she and appears on just this list
- detrituswas added by she and appears on 167 lists
- dysphoricwas added by she and appears on 28 lists
- descrywas added by she and appears on 108 lists
- desmidwas added by she and appears on 6 lists
- desquamatewas added by she and appears on 19 lists
- diasporawas added by she and appears on 105 lists
- debouchwas added by she and appears on 37 lists
- douroucouliwas added by she and appears on 3 lists
- dead tree editionwas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- deplorewas added by she and appears on 58 lists
- dacryolinwas added by she and appears on 4 lists
- dazywas added by she and appears on just this list
- dulciloquentwas added by she and appears on 6 lists
- daffadowndillywas added by she and appears on 6 lists
- dehiscewas added by she and appears on 22 lists
- dysphemismwas added by she and appears on 63 lists
- dogslicewas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- dearworthwas added by she and appears on 3 lists
- disgustipatedwas added by she and appears on just this list
- data mistwas added by she and appears on 2 lists
she commented on the list miscellany-pt-d
D is for DESMOND thrown out of a sleigh
- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies
August 2, 2008