A list of 28 words by whichbe.
- strainswas added by whichbe and appears on 3 lists
- bootswas added by whichbe and appears on 33 lists
- bangleswas added by whichbe and appears on 12 lists
- acerbicwas added by whichbe and appears on 205 lists
- some morewas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- garnerwas added by whichbe and appears on 91 lists
- malaisewas added by whichbe and appears on 128 lists
- irewas added by whichbe and appears on 90 lists
- lousewas added by whichbe and appears on 26 lists
- welchwas added by whichbe and appears on 6 lists
- roamin'was added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- chiliwas added by whichbe and appears on 28 lists
- turkeywas added by whichbe and appears on 63 lists
- hungrywas added by whichbe and appears on 36 lists
- curdwas added by whichbe and appears on 30 lists
- greasewas added by whichbe and appears on 33 lists
- neitherlandswas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- dutchwas added by whichbe and appears on 20 lists
- danishwas added by whichbe and appears on 18 lists
- checkwas added by whichbe and appears on 80 lists
- tiewas added by whichbe and appears on 35 lists
- rushin'was added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- more-rockin'was added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- germanewas added by whichbe and appears on 194 lists
- finishwas added by whichbe and appears on 43 lists
- polishwas added by whichbe and appears on 45 lists
- sweetishwas added by whichbe and appears on 4 lists
- phlegmishwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
bilby commented on the list punlandia
strains :-)
December 8, 2008
bilby commented on the list punlandia
louse, ire, malaise, welch, garner, some more, acerbic, you're a peon, bangles, boots.
December 8, 2008
whichbe commented on the list punlandia
Bilby, as I expose my ignorance, can you explain these? I'm familiar with Ire (Ireland), louse, welch, eur-o-pean, but that's it.
December 9, 2008
bilby commented on the list punlandia
People of the Missing Countries: Malaysia, Ghana, Samoa, Serbia, Bangladesh, Bhutan. Ooh, and Strains come from Straya!
December 9, 2008