A list of 27 words by sionnach.
- pocky botchwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- suo-yangwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- amokwas added by sionnach and appears on 84 lists
- hwa-byungwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- zarwas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- dhatwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- hikikomoriwas added by sionnach and appears on 27 lists
- latahwas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- korowas added by sionnach and appears on 5 lists
- athlete's footwas added by sionnach and appears on 7 lists
- montezuma's revengewas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- swimmer's earwas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- tennis elbowwas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- scammonywas added by sionnach and appears on 11 lists
- cholagoguewas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- venice treaclewas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- opodeldocwas added by sionnach and appears on 11 lists
- grease-poxwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- lypemaniawas added by sionnach and appears on 8 lists
- boanthropywas added by sionnach and appears on 12 lists
- the king's evilwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- devonshire colicwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- washerwoman's itchwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- housemaid's kneewas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- dustman's shoulderwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- hatter's shakeswas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- painter's colicwas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
yarb commented on the list what-ails-you
You're in a bad way.
June 10, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list what-ails-you
Golfer's elbow*? Tennis elbow**?
*Medial epicondylitis
*Lateral epicondylitis
June 10, 2008
pterodactyl commented on the list what-ails-you
Swimmer's ear?
June 10, 2008
sionnach commented on the list what-ails-you
Pro: I just included tennis elbow because I think it's more common than golfer's elbow (granted this is based on the purely local evidence provided by my father, an avid golfer and a notorious hypochondriac, who never complained of anything wrong with either of his elbows).
yarb: I am in a bad way, though it has a quite specific origin, the condition known to travelers to Mexico as Montezuma's revenge.
June 10, 2008
bilby commented on the list what-ails-you
Delhi belly, athlete's foot.
June 10, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list what-ails-you
If it's a matter of how common it is, then Ondine's curse is a priori excluded, I guess...
June 10, 2008
john commented on the list what-ails-you
Irish flu?
June 10, 2008
whichbe commented on the list what-ails-you
Venus's curse
June 10, 2008
sionnach commented on the list what-ails-you
Pro: what is your fascination with poor suffering Ondine?
I'm not adding 'Delhi belly'. I have standards for my lists. Sometimes they may be obscure, but I do have them. And 'Delhi belly' is an unfortunate coinage, at best.
June 10, 2008
dontcry commented on the list what-ails-you
When I first (just now) saw the word Dehli belly I thought it referred to that little patch of belly you often see peeking through the middle of the sari wrappings, and that made me laugh! Then I read up on it -- eeuuww!
June 10, 2008
dontcry commented on the list what-ails-you
The "trots?"
June 10, 2008
dontcry commented on the list what-ails-you
Plantar's wart?
Blue Flu?
June 10, 2008
sionnach commented on the list what-ails-you
guffawing at Plantar's warts. like peanuts that grow on your foot.
June 11, 2008
reesetee commented on the list what-ails-you
Oh sionnach, you wouldn't laugh if you'd ever been afflicted with one!
June 11, 2008
dontcry commented on the list what-ails-you
You know who would NEVER be afflicted with one? Mr. Cleanfeet...yarb!
June 11, 2008
yarb commented on the list what-ails-you
I had Plantar's warts (amusing name) when I was a young oik, but not since.
Seriously, am I alone in not producing toejam??
June 11, 2008
dontcry commented on the list what-ails-you
Let me put it this way, bubble boy: yes ;-)!
June 11, 2008
sionnach commented on the list what-ails-you
yarb: you have considered the possibility that 'plantar' is an adjective, right?
June 11, 2008
yarb commented on the list what-ails-you
I was just quoting dontcry, below.
June 11, 2008
mollusque commented on the list what-ails-you
Can stellar sea cows get Plantar's warts?
June 11, 2008
mollusque commented on the list what-ails-you
June 11, 2008
mollusque commented on the list what-ails-you
June 12, 2008