Comments by artm

  • Fine silver is generally too soft for producing large functional objects; therefore, the silver is usually alloyed with copper to give it strength, while at the same time preserving the ductility and beauty of the precious metal.

    May 27, 2009

  • Generative art refers to any art practice where the artist creates a process, such as a set of natural language rules, a computer program, a machine, or other procedural invention, which is then set into motion with some degree of autonomy contributing to or resulting in a completed work of art.

    Philip Galanter

    April 1, 2009

  • Generative art is a term given to work which stems from concentrating on the processes involved in producing an artwork, usually (although not strictly) automated by the use of a machine or computer, or by using mathematic or pragmatic instructions to define the rules by which such artworks are executed.

    Adrian Ward

    April 1, 2009

  • Live coding is not about tools. Algorithms are thoughts. Chainsaws are tools. That's why algorithms are sometimes harder to notice than chainsaws... Live coding may be accompanied by an impressive display of manual dexterity and the glorification of the typing interface.

    From TOPLAP manifesto.

    April 1, 2009

  • Fucker is a person, but пиздец never is. Apart from being an expletive it is also an abstract noun with meaning ranging from bad luck to unpleasant fate, future or present: "пиздец вам пришёл" (literally "your pizdets has come" or even "pizdets came to you") would mean something like "you're fucked". Often, you don't even have to specify the recipient of the pizdets, which has to be deduced from context: "ну, всё, пиздец" usually means "that's it, we're fucked" although "we" isn't mentioned. It appears as if it were an expletive here, but it really is a meaningful sentence on its own (cf. screamimng "punk'd!" or typing "p0wned!" to mean "you have been punked/owned!")

    April 1, 2009

  • Art which applies electronic media - especially digital or unstable media - reflects upon and takes into account the meaning, idiosyncrasies and boundaries of such media. In this process, instability is a creative force that is essential to the continuous re-ordering of the social/cultural, political and economic relations in society. Instead of providing us with an orderly, homogeneous worldview, unstable media present an image of a world that is inconsistent, heterogeneous, complex and variable.

    (From "Mission & Strategy" by V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media)

    April 1, 2009

  • Before the first moult, scorplings cannot survive naturally without the mother, since they depend on her for protection and to regulate their moisture levels.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    March 23, 2009

  • So, people are using the fact that the leader board exists to game the system... That's so... reprehensible.

    Leo Laporte, FLOSS Weekly 60: Boinc

    March 19, 2009

  • Seated far aft in the ship, I read Edgar Poe’s book with sedulous attention, but I was not unaware of the fact that Hunt, whenever his duties furnished him with an opportunity, observed me pertinaciously, and with looks of singular meaning.

    Jules Verne, "Antarctic Mystery", English translation: Mrs. Cashel Hoey, 1899

    March 13, 2009

  • It is thought that the Shoggoths cried "tekeli-li" to mimick the sounds that the Elder Things made.

    February 20, 2009

  • French for drunkard

    February 20, 2009

  • Oh! ne croyez pas que vous ayez affaire à un ivrogne!…

    Jules Verne, Le Sphinx des glaces

    February 20, 2009

  • Toutefois, je dois l’avouer, ces derniers ne présentaient pas les dimensions gigantesques notées dans le journal d’Arthur Pym, et aucun ne poussait ce sempiternel tékéli-li, qui paraissait être d’ailleurs le mot le plus usité de la langue tsalalaise.

    Jules Verne, Le Sphinx Des Glaces

    February 19, 2009

  • Inutile d’ajouter que le cri tékéli-li ne retentissait point à nos oreilles, – ce cri que poussaient les insulaires et les gigantesques oiseaux noirs de l’espace... Partout, le silence, l’abandon !...

    Jules Verne, Le Sphinx Des Glaces

    February 19, 2009

  • Au milieu de cet enténèbrement effroyable passaient des bandes d’oiseaux gigantesques, d’une blancheur livide, poussant leur éternel tékéli-li, et c’est alors que le sauvage, aux suprêmes affres de l’épouvante, exhala son dernier soupir.

    In the midst of this frightful darkness a flock of gigantic birds, of livid white plumage, swept by, uttering their eternal tékéli-li, and then the savage, in the supreme throes of terror, gave up the ghost.

    Jules Verne, Le Sphinx Des Glaces

    February 19, 2009

  • Enfin se produisit une formidable explosion, lorsque les poudres prirent feu, – explosion qui détruisit un millier d’indigènes et en mutila autant, tandis que les autres s’enfuyaient, poussant le cri de tékéli-li !… tékéli-li!

    Finally a terrific explosion took place--the fire had reached the powder store--killing a thousand natives and mutilating as many more, while the others fled, uttering the cry of tékéli-li! tékéli-li!

    Jules Verne, Le Sphinx Des Glaces

    February 19, 2009

  • Thanks bilby. OK, I'll link to the book. The point is it is unclear what the word means and I know it also happened in other books of other authors, so I thought I'd collect all the citations I come across, so the meaning would emerge :-)

    February 19, 2009

  • At the risk of seeming puerile I will add another thing, too, if only because of the surprising way Danforth's impressions chimed with mine. Of course common reading is what prepared us both to make the interpretation, though Danforth has hinted at queer notions about unsuspected and forbidden sources to which Poe may have had access when writing his Arthur Gordon Pym a century ago. It will be remembered that in that fantastic tale there is a word of unknown but terrible and prodigious significance connected with the antarctic and screamed eternally by the gigantic spectrally snowy birds of that malign region's core. "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" That, I may admit, is exactly what we thought we heard conveyed by that sudden sound behind the advancing white mist-that insidious musical piping over a singularly wide range.

    H.P.Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness

    February 19, 2009

  • ...They should be regarded, perhaps, in connection with some of the most faintly detailed incidents of the narrative; although in no visible manner is this chain of connection complete. Tekeli-li! was the cry of the affrighted natives of Tsalal upon discovering the carcase of the white animal picked up at sea. This also was the shuddering exclamatives of Tsalal upon discovering the carcass of the white materials in possession of Mr. Pym. This also was the shriek of the swift-flying, white, and gigantic birds which issued from the vapory white curtain of the South.

    Edgar Alan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    February 19, 2009

  • March 22d.-The darkness had materially increased, relieved only by the glare of the water thrown back from the white curtain before us. Many gigantic and pallidly white birds flew continuously now from beyond the veil, and their scream was the eternal Tekeli-li! as they retreated from our vision.

    Edgar Alan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    February 19, 2009

  • Nu-Nu was seated at my elbow, and the linen accidentally flaring in his face, he became violently affected with convulsions. These were succeeded by drowsiness and stupor, and low murmurings of "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!"

    Edgar Alan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    February 19, 2009

  • To these masts we attached a sail made of our shirts-doing this with some difficulty, as here we could get no assistance from our prisoner whatever, although he bad been willing enough to labor in all the other operations. The sight of the linen seemed to affect him in a very singular manner. He could not be prevailed upon to touch it or go near it, shuddering when we attempted to force him, and shrieking out, "Tekeli-li!"

    Edgar Alan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    February 19, 2009

  • By-and-by the men with the stakes drove them in a circle around it, and no sooner was this arrangement completed, than the whole of the vast assemblage rushed into the interior of the island, with loud screams of "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!"

    Edgar Alan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    February 19, 2009

  • From absolute stupor, they appeared to be, all at once, aroused to the highest pitch of excitement, and rushed wildly about, going to and from a certain point on the beach, with the strangest expressions of mingled horror, rage, and intense curiosity depicted on their countenances, and shouting, at the top of their voices, "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!"

    Edgar Alan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

    February 19, 2009

  • превед, аффтар.

    выпей йаду.

    April 29, 2008

  • Wee chooky birdy, tol-lol-lol

    laid an egg on the window sol.

    The window sol

    began to crack,

    Wee chooky bird roared and grat.

    Alasdair Gray, Lanark

    April 29, 2008

  • "damn, i broke my leg", cried Tom Swifty hoplessly.

    April 28, 2008

  • thanks gangerh, that was supposed to be "hope" indeed.

    April 28, 2008

  • "...after the hundred and eightieth all twittering is to be treated as a sign of hopelessness." Alasdair Gray, Lanark, 1981

    April 28, 2008