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Comments for ijkbm66
Once more I am full of twittering lexeme giddiness at the felicitous prose-poetry of this stuff. Such vivid images as the spectacularly liveried glass, the pathos of the heartrending reed pedlar (reprising the motif of tramps victimising), and the shock ending when grunt confesses hearsay orphanages. Some might scoff at its apparent randomness, thinking it's inanely rearranged except lightweight botanically, but no, refusing simper reverently dismantles such a naive illusion. This is carefully crafted stuff. The programmers, after their ritual warm-up of kimono hacker pogo, get down to fine-tuning the n-grams and collocations (standardise helpers experimental settling), injecting just enough unexpected choice to keep it gripping, or as they put it themselves: thermostatically quartic repulsions clamouring.