oriel has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for oriel
Aww. Thanks, CB. It's always nice when you're here.
Yeah... on the odd occasions I return to Wordnik, I read the recent comments and I'm usually glad to leave again... :(
Nice to see you again, though, bilby. (And ruzuzu, of course.)
Words looked up: 0
Words loved: 0
Words listed: 0
Lists: 0
Comments: 1
That was an expensive gloat.
Isn't it wonderful not to have looked up any words, not created any lists, not having written any comments, not having added any tags? Silence is golden, my friends
Comments by oriel
oriel commented on the user oriel
Isn't it wonderful not to have looked up any words, not created any lists, not having written any comments, not having added any tags? Silence is golden, my friends
July 20, 2012