A list of 60 words by taciturnyetprolix.
- centipedeywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- family circus-likewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- tarrywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 74 lists
- ocherwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 25 lists
- scrinchwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- faddishwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 10 lists
- squintywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 9 lists
- entreewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 15 lists
- mellowlywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 4 lists
- ramifyingwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- pad-holsterwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- bed-headedwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- batikwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 30 lists
- nutcrackerlikewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- obviatewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 213 lists
- quininewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 24 lists
- twiggywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 6 lists
- cremainswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 27 lists
- mahddawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- illinoisianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- postcollegiatewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- belle epoquewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- ephemerawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 138 lists
- vichyssoisewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 35 lists
- neurozinewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- penumbrawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 208 lists
- fitzeswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- suavelikewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- down-time-lesswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- ashramwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 19 lists
- fosseanwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- parentiscentiwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- unkemptnesswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- suckitywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- rothkoesquewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- peasant-likewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- rhododendronwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 49 lists
- haggywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- zittinesswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- mulchywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- thrumwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 54 lists
- clunketywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- blurrilywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- shhingwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- madraswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 22 lists
- bloodorangewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- podulewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- glasnostwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 28 lists
- poseurismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- gimmickrywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 8 lists
- naifwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 36 lists
- pshawwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 33 lists
- pufferywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 19 lists
- planethoodwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- remainderedwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 4 lists
- memoir-ywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- bloodredwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 5 lists
- herpetologistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 9 lists
- temperawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 11 lists
- stockbrokeringwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
Prolagus commented on the list a-heartbreaking-work-of-staggering-genius
I closed the book around page 3, during the description of the woman's vomit (if I remember well).
November 16, 2008
taciturnyetprolix commented on the list a-heartbreaking-work-of-staggering-genius
I don't have a stomach for such things either.
Truthfully, I can't say how I come down on the book. Part of me was really impressed, but it seems to lack a certain sincerity - which the author alludes to - so I'm not really sure of my verdict just yet.
But, it has set me to thinking about the mechanics of writing, the fiction/nonfiction dichotomy in literature, the role we have with our parents and siblings and friends, etc, etc... so Eggers certainly had something on the ball.
November 16, 2008