A list of 6 words by samantha.gainesnelson.
- ensorcellwas added by glypheme and appears on 49 lists
- shibbolethwas added by glypheme and appears on 224 lists
- Lincoln, Nebraskawas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- Nebraskawas added by samantha.gainesnelson and appears on 14 lists
- bloviatewas added by samantha.gainesnelson and appears on 163 lists
- censuswas added by samantha.gainesnelson and appears on 15 lists
- syllogismwas added by samantha.gainesnelson and appears on 141 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list aaron-sorkin-words
Oh, yay! I love his work.
July 19, 2012