A list of 23 words by trivet.
- opopanaxwas added by trivet and appears on 13 lists
- opoponaxwas added by trivet and appears on 9 lists
- monophysitewas added by trivet and appears on 3 lists
- mephiticwas added by trivet and appears on 101 lists
- calinerieswas added by trivet and appears on just this list
- diapasonwas added by trivet and appears on 49 lists
- grimoirewas added by trivet and appears on 104 lists
- adapertilewas added by trivet and appears on 4 lists
- retromingentwas added by trivet and appears on 26 lists
- perllanwas added by trivet and appears on just this list
- cupellationwas added by trivet and appears on 5 lists
- adytumwas added by trivet and appears on 33 lists
- sepoywas added by trivet and appears on 15 lists
- subadarwas added by trivet and appears on 6 lists
- paludalwas added by trivet and appears on 24 lists
- apozemicalwas added by trivet and appears on just this list
- camorrawas added by trivet and appears on 18 lists
- ithyphallicwas added by trivet and appears on 40 lists
- alcaldewas added by trivet and appears on 10 lists
- aspergillwas added by trivet and appears on 4 lists
- agathodemonwas added by trivet and appears on 4 lists
- kakodemonwas added by trivet and appears on just this list
- goeticwas added by trivet and appears on 18 lists
trivet commented on the list bookworm-s-bacchanal
The Joy of Sesquipedalians, by Anne Fadiman. From Ex Libris: confessions of a common reader, 1998.
February 7, 2007
sionnach commented on the list bookworm-s-bacchanal
I knew this list looked familiar. I am a great fan of "Ex Libris", and have given away countless copies. I think my favorite essay was the one about spotting typos.
March 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list bookworm-s-bacchanal
Oh yes, I loved that book too and have been meaning to get my hands on a copy. Perhaps the time has come.
June 19, 2007
reesetee commented on the list bookworm-s-bacchanal
Excellent! Thanks, trivet!
June 19, 2007