A list of 24 words by yaybob.
- noisomewas added by sionnach and appears on 190 lists
- disseverwas added by yaybob and appears on 22 lists
- licentiouswas added by yaybob and appears on 154 lists
- wizenedwas added by yaybob and appears on 80 lists
- toothsomewas added by yaybob and appears on 102 lists
- ingenuouswas added by yaybob and appears on 178 lists
- firmamentwas added by yaybob and appears on 123 lists
- inflammablewas added by yaybob and appears on 36 lists
- meretriciouswas added by yaybob and appears on 293 lists
- libertinewas added by yaybob and appears on 169 lists
- cupiditywas added by yaybob and appears on 201 lists
- temeritywas added by yaybob and appears on 250 lists
- prosaicwas added by yaybob and appears on 311 lists
- nonpluswas added by yaybob and appears on 58 lists
- gainsaywas added by yaybob and appears on 180 lists
- trippingwas added by yaybob and appears on 7 lists
- matriculatewas added by yaybob and appears on 50 lists
- queanwas added by yaybob and appears on 46 lists
- spendthriftwas added by yaybob and appears on 87 lists
- redoubtablewas added by yaybob and appears on 151 lists
- puissantwas added by yaybob and appears on 160 lists
- restivewas added by yaybob and appears on 143 lists
- enervatewas added by yaybob and appears on 269 lists
- pulchritudewas added by yaybob and appears on 291 lists
yaybob commented on the list deceptively-named-words
Admittedly, this is a very subjective quality in a word. Still, there must be a degree of objectivity to this trait, since many people will agree that many of these words fit this description.
December 3, 2008
yaybob commented on the list deceptively-named-words
I suspect that until they know better, most people wouldn't trust a person described as ingenuous or redoubtable, but might be attracted to one that they were told possesssed cupidity, was libertine or licentious. Wouldn't you rather meet a meretricious, nonplussed, queanly spendthrift with a wizened face and her feet planted firmly in the firmament more than a tripping one with a pulchritudinous face? Temerarious and puissant sound frightened and reserved. Restive and enervated sound calming and charged up respectively. Prosaic speech sounds like it might be flowery, lofty or lauditory, and inflammable sounds a lot safer than flammable.
December 5, 2008