A list of 8 words by cicatriced.
- chiffonwas added by cicatriced and appears on 42 lists
- taffetawas added by cicatriced and appears on 66 lists
- tweedwas added by cicatriced and appears on 40 lists
- angorawas added by cicatriced and appears on 21 lists
- mylarwas added by cicatriced and appears on 7 lists
- vellumwas added by cicatriced and appears on 70 lists
- corduroywas added by cicatriced and appears on 64 lists
- velcrowas added by cicatriced and appears on 16 lists
zizoo commented on the list material-names-of-which-i-am-fond
How about teflon, or polyvinyl? Those are cool. =3
February 25, 2009