A list of 38 words by hereticaneue.
- triassicwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 4 lists
- cretaceouswas added by hereticaneue and appears on 24 lists
- temnospondylwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 3 lists
- sinkholewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 16 lists
- orthoclasewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 4 lists
- feldsparwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 42 lists
- phaneriticwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 4 lists
- topologywas added by hereticaneue and appears on 30 lists
- isopachwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 5 lists
- thrustwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 56 lists
- faultwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 25 lists
- fracturewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 42 lists
- ozokeritewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 3 lists
- llanitewas added by hereticaneue and appears on just this list
- grossularitewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 3 lists
- ooliticwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 4 lists
- maficwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 10 lists
- silicatewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 5 lists
- facieswas added by hereticaneue and appears on 7 lists
- cleavage planewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 2 lists
- phenocrystwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 3 lists
- sodicwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 2 lists
- pyroclasticwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 31 lists
- clasticwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 23 lists
- flyschwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 7 lists
- striationswas added by hereticaneue and appears on 2 lists
- carboniferouswas added by hereticaneue and appears on 16 lists
- orbital harmonywas added by hereticaneue and appears on 4 lists
- apatitewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 14 lists
- sphaleritewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 4 lists
- shalewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 30 lists
- loamwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 72 lists
- metamorphosewas added by hereticaneue and appears on 16 lists
- conchoidalwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 18 lists
- rhombicwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 7 lists
- gneisswas added by hereticaneue and appears on 37 lists
- schistwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 21 lists
- dodecahedronwas added by hereticaneue and appears on 42 lists
hernesheir commented on the list my-favorite-geology-terms
flysch, clastic, sodic, phenocryst, cleavage plane, facies, alumino-silicate, mafic, grossularite, delta-front sandstones, thrust fault, ozokerite, Paleogene, K-T boundary, oolitic, estuarine, lacustrine, fining-upwards, to name but a very few....
September 16, 2009