A list of 13 words by zeke.
- facetiouswas added by zeke and appears on 369 lists
- pneumoniawas added by zeke and appears on 20 lists
- unproblematicwas added by zeke and appears on 7 lists
- undisprovablewas added by zeke and appears on 4 lists
- ulcerationwas added by zeke and appears on 4 lists
- troublemakingwas added by zeke and appears on 7 lists
- tambourinewas added by zeke and appears on 42 lists
- sulphogermanicwas added by zeke and appears on 2 lists
- postneuralgicwas added by zeke and appears on 4 lists
- mustachioedwas added by zeke and appears on 20 lists
- exhaustionwas added by zeke and appears on 17 lists
- cauliflowerwas added by zeke and appears on 31 lists
- ambidextrouswas added by zeke and appears on 70 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list panvowels
Zeke, allow me to introduce you to mollusque. Mollusque, this is zeke. :-)
November 4, 2010