A list of 47 words by dontcry.
- mojhy appleswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- lotwerickwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- pickled eggs and red beetswas added by dontcry and appears on 2 lists
- cabbage-filled pepperswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- senfgurkenwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- meadwas added by dontcry and appears on 41 lists
- kucha un weiwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- fastnachtswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- sand tartswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- pfeffernussewas added by dontcry and appears on 10 lists
- drechter kuchawas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- ob'l dunkes kuchawas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- zwetschenkuchenwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- fastnacht kartoffel kuchenwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- blitzkuchenwas added by dontcry and appears on 2 lists
- frau moyer's cheese custard piewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- berks county potato custard piewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- shoo-fly piewas added by dontcry and appears on 2 lists
- rosina boiwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- dutch strickle sheetswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- streusel kuchenwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- pfannkuchenwas added by dontcry and appears on 5 lists
- dandelion and lettuce saladwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- pod peas, mennonitewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- knabruswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- kartoffel ballenwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- smeirkasewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- hootslawas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- hasenkuchawas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- stuffed goose neckswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- speck und bonawas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- sousewas added by dontcry and appears on 39 lists
- pig knuckles with sauerkraut and dumplingswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- ponhaws or pannhaswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- schnitz un kneppwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- liver dumplingwas added by dontcry and appears on 2 lists
- g'shtuptaful lew'rwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- sweet and sour tonguewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- stuffed beef heartwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- pickled pigs' feetwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- boova shenkelwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- shdreis'l suppewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- philadelphia pepper potwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- hamburger aalsuppewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- braune mehlsuppewas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- goose livers in jellywas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- flash un kaswas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
ruzuzu commented on the list pennsylvania-dutch-of-stolid-country-cookery
What are sand tarts?
May 5, 2011
reesetee commented on the list pennsylvania-dutch-of-stolid-country-cookery
Oooh, they're delicious. Is this recipe similar to the one in your cookbook, dontcry?
May 5, 2011
sionnach commented on the list pennsylvania-dutch-of-stolid-country-cookery
I suppose it would be enormously politically incorrect to interject a remark involving the term "Saudi prostitutes" at this point.
But, honestly, so many items on this list sound so ... dirty what goes on between them dutch strickle sheets ... know what I'm sayin', rosina boi? nudge, nudge, wink, wink
g'shtupaful lew'r yourself, you salacious bawd! and keep your feelthy mitts off my kartoffel ballen.
Oh, wait, this is actually a SNL sketch starring Alec Baldwin
May 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the list pennsylvania-dutch-of-stolid-country-cookery
Yes, r, quite similar but mine calls for pecans and one less egg.
'nach - *snort*
May 8, 2011