A list of 43 words by milosrdenstvi.
- empoweredwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 18 lists
- sacculo-utricularwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- guardianshipwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 10 lists
- intradermalwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 5 lists
- anottawas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- brusquewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 172 lists
- tradesmanwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 6 lists
- mephiticwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 101 lists
- mystagoguewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 39 lists
- tricawas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 2 lists
- castratowas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 19 lists
- sexuallywas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 8 lists
- fendwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 19 lists
- sixthlywas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- foodwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 74 lists
- thoracometerwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 2 lists
- conditioningwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 10 lists
- bowyerwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 23 lists
- mowas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 19 lists
- gregarianwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 6 lists
- penfishwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- pseudostomawas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- summarilywas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 15 lists
- pedantizewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- nycthemeronwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 4 lists
- Zufolowas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- atterrationwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- Phariseeismwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- indigometrywas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- mangcornwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 4 lists
- horticulturistwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 5 lists
- tuscorwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- yankwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 28 lists
- ramrodwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 17 lists
- polyphonicwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 20 lists
- corresponsivewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 2 lists
- intrigantewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 4 lists
- misexplicationwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- vetchwas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 27 lists
- appellativelywas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 4 lists
- tweedlewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on 4 lists
- tortulouswas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
- venturinewas added by milosrdenstvi and appears on just this list
milosrdenstvi commented on the list random-list-22-5-2010
I must admit I am quite impressed. Two of these I switched the case on (Intrigante and phariseeism) - one (Zufulo) didn't appear to be a word - and it was a little weird getting castrato right after sexually - but otherwise this is quite a nice assortment of ordinary words, cool words, and words I've never heard of before.
May 22, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list random-list-22-5-2010
Zufulo might be a misspelling of a French fipple flute. No, seriously. See zufolo.
May 22, 2010