A list of 80 words by pterodactyl.
- deathwas added by actung and appears on 112 lists
- inappropriate happinesswas added by chrissykp and appears on 3 lists
- unexpected oily dischargewas added by iaiasianeyes and appears on just this list
- mucophagywas added by Wordplayer and appears on 3 lists
- Wordie addictionwas added by Wordplayer and appears on just this list
- implosive diarrheawas added by Wordplayer and appears on just this list
- glowing in the darkwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- wanting to hug an Australianwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- howling fantodswas added by reesetee and appears on 16 lists
- padded face holewas added by blafferty and appears on 12 lists
- plankingwas added by blafferty and appears on 8 lists
- the heebie-jeebieswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- schadenfreudewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 600 lists
- ricketswas added by yarb and appears on 13 lists
- falls of fish and frogs in Boise, IDwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- the end of the world as we know itwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- splenetic gestureswas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- poetrywas added by yarb and appears on 38 lists
- folk musicwas added by yarb and appears on 6 lists
- woewas added by yarb and appears on 58 lists
- mild groaningwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- shit your leg offwas added by yarb and appears on 2 lists
- change into a nine-year-old Hindu boywas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- Australian accentwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- jiving to Phil Collins recordswas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- talking like Hawkingwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- repeated shouting of the word "no!"was added by yarb and appears on just this list
- yogawas added by bilby and appears on 33 lists
- toejamwas added by yarb and appears on 19 lists
- supercilious waiterswas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- autodefenestrationwas added by yarb and appears on 5 lists
- decapitationwas added by yarb and appears on 12 lists
- overwhelming urge to read epistolary novelswas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- exophthalmiawas added by yarb and appears on 3 lists
- childrenwas added by yarb and appears on 41 lists
- unattributable sense of guiltwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- earth tremors in Modesto, CAwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- big swinging dickwas added by yarb and appears on 3 lists
- aboutyrapistesiswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 4 lists
- Wordnik addictionwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- adipose tissuewas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- fufluns flingingwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- mucoadhesivenesswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- atheismwas added by reesetee and appears on 28 lists
- foppishnesswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- nictitationwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 7 lists
- osculationwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 23 lists
- expectorationwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 11 lists
- illeismwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 38 lists
- apotheosiswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 341 lists
- gurningwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 11 lists
- sophistrywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 191 lists
- dermal chiaroscurowas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- horkingwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 4 lists
- Armageddonwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 14 lists
- itchy spleenwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- frivolous misuse of Australianswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- pantslessnesswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- spooninesswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 12 lists
- spontaneous self-defenestrationwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- spectral badger visitationwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- excessive use of the phrase "as it were"was added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- muliebritywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 56 lists
- tweenesswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- lurgywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 11 lists
- Dutch elm diseasewas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- uncontrollable finger-twiddlingwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- sensing a powerful disturbance in the Forcewas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- existential angstwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- flatulencewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 35 lists
- weltschmertzwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 16 lists
- anosmiawas added by pterodactyl and appears on 24 lists
- amnesiawas added by pterodactyl and appears on 47 lists
- spontaneous decapitationwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- walking like an Egyptianwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- vomitingwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 8 lists
- drowsinesswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 14 lists
- dry mouthwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- dizzinesswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 8 lists
- sweatingwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 4 lists
- nauseawas added by pterodactyl and appears on 33 lists
pterodactyl commented on the list side-effects-may-include
See also strev's excellent list set phasers to..., from which some of these were pilfered.
May 15, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list side-effects-may-include
And also Possible side effects may include... by Nicholas Hume.
May 16, 2011
pterodactyl commented on the list side-effects-may-include
Good heavens! Every potential Wordnik list is an existing Wordnik list!
May 16, 2011