A list of 109 words by CornflowerBlues.
- beetlewas added by hernesheir and appears on 46 lists
- gimpwas added by hernesheir and appears on 35 lists
- shufflewas added by hernesheir and appears on 53 lists
- flinchwas added by hernesheir and appears on 58 lists
- longwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 55 lists
- achewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 62 lists
- desirewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 85 lists
- lustwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 95 lists
- hungerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 37 lists
- shrinkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 33 lists
- sasswas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 38 lists
- balkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 115 lists
- stiffenwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 6 lists
- bravewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 75 lists
- shywas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 57 lists
- grovelwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 86 lists
- snapwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 89 lists
- yankwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 28 lists
- joltwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 49 lists
- chucklewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 66 lists
- chortlewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 159 lists
- snuffwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 36 lists
- snubwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 59 lists
- clamorwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 87 lists
- guffawwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 114 lists
- playwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 81 lists
- yearnwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 52 lists
- teasewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 46 lists
- shudderwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 45 lists
- flailwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 50 lists
- sourwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 65 lists
- blanchwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 44 lists
- yelpwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 22 lists
- gloatwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 74 lists
- snarlwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 61 lists
- gloutwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 5 lists
- starewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 35 lists
- blinkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 62 lists
- winkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 40 lists
- shrugwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 25 lists
- smirkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 56 lists
- bristlewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 76 lists
- rilewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 37 lists
- cowerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 62 lists
- squealwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 35 lists
- shriekwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 48 lists
- recoilwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 55 lists
- puzzlewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 66 lists
- worrywas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 33 lists
- forcewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 76 lists
- strainwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 44 lists
- stresswas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 34 lists
- softenwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 19 lists
- relaxwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 33 lists
- stiffwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 36 lists
- hisswas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 52 lists
- splutterwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 14 lists
- moanwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 39 lists
- grumblewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 58 lists
- trudgewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 58 lists
- soarwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 49 lists
- amblewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 103 lists
- tremblewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 48 lists
- palewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 82 lists
- blushwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 79 lists
- squirmwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 38 lists
- slouchwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 27 lists
- slumpwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 29 lists
- fidgetwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 68 lists
- tensewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 42 lists
- gawkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 60 lists
- lourwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 32 lists
- glowerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 93 lists
- frownwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 38 lists
- groanwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 45 lists
- whimperwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 49 lists
- simperwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 113 lists
- sobwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 28 lists
- gagwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 44 lists
- startwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 58 lists
- gulpwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 37 lists
- chokewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 33 lists
- crywas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 65 lists
- cheerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 28 lists
- jerkwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 68 lists
- gaspwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 66 lists
- gapewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 43 lists
- cringewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 71 lists
- gruntwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 61 lists
- sniffwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 32 lists
- titterwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 48 lists
- cacklewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 61 lists
- snortwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 38 lists
- poutwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 40 lists
- huffwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 21 lists
- snickerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 56 lists
- sighwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 74 lists
- grimacewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 68 lists
- wincewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 57 lists
- leerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 56 lists
- grinwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 41 lists
- scowlwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 37 lists
- sniggerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 35 lists
- laughwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 62 lists
- gigglewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 82 lists
- scoffwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 69 lists
- sneerwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 51 lists
- beamwas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 73 lists
- smilewas added by CornflowerBlues and appears on 82 lists
CornflowerBlues commented on the list the-many-ways-to-smile
I added stare, but it doesn't really belong because it can mean different things depending on the adjective: "He stared longingly..." "He stared in stunned silence..." "He stared blankly..."
August 17, 2012
anisfarhanaaliman91 commented on the list the-many-ways-to-smile
i love writing and this site is the perfect guide for me to express my writing better! this list is definitely love!
February 26, 2013