A list of 52 words by tumbel.
- odalisquewas added by tumbel and appears on 127 lists
- khedivewas added by tumbel and appears on 15 lists
- vegetalwas added by tumbel and appears on 16 lists
- pulverulentwas added by tumbel and appears on 18 lists
- hyperboreanwas added by tumbel and appears on 42 lists
- vespillowas added by tumbel and appears on 4 lists
- speightwas added by tumbel and appears on 4 lists
- sparblewas added by tumbel and appears on 18 lists
- puliciouswas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- posternwas added by tumbel and appears on 42 lists
- pasigraphywas added by tumbel and appears on 17 lists
- mulctwas added by tumbel and appears on 128 lists
- lordkinwas added by tumbel and appears on 6 lists
- grangerismwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- glaverwas added by tumbel and appears on 5 lists
- cribblewas added by tumbel and appears on 8 lists
- cerasteswas added by tumbel and appears on 6 lists
- cacodoxywas added by tumbel and appears on 9 lists
- baccivorouswas added by tumbel and appears on 9 lists
- avolatewas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
- gyronnywas added by tumbel and appears on 5 lists
- harquebuswas added by tumbel and appears on 20 lists
- halberdwas added by tumbel and appears on 38 lists
- dirkwas added by tumbel and appears on 24 lists
- mizzen-topgallantwas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- atinewas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- palanquinwas added by tumbel and appears on 86 lists
- carrochewas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- bigawas added by tumbel and appears on 4 lists
- sulkywas added by tumbel and appears on 26 lists
- cabrioletwas added by tumbel and appears on 31 lists
- landauwas added by tumbel and appears on 24 lists
- phaetonwas added by tumbel and appears on 46 lists
- rebecwas added by tumbel and appears on 15 lists
- ramsingawas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- moawas added by tumbel and appears on 14 lists
- megatherewas added by tumbel and appears on 5 lists
- boletewas added by tumbel and appears on 7 lists
- fly agaricwas added by tumbel and appears on 4 lists
- equuleuswas added by tumbel and appears on 5 lists
- colloquywas added by tumbel and appears on 96 lists
- caponwas added by tumbel and appears on 29 lists
- laliquewas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
- zouavewas added by tumbel and appears on 8 lists
- dragoonwas added by tumbel and appears on 67 lists
- cuirassierwas added by tumbel and appears on 13 lists
- cenotaphwas added by tumbel and appears on 90 lists
- filobuswas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- extrasystolewas added by tumbel and appears on 4 lists
- pyloruswas added by tumbel and appears on 10 lists
- settlewas added by tumbel and appears on 37 lists
- nadarwas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
tumbel commented on the list the-mysterious-flame-of-queen-loana
what happens when a book has been translated from the italian and cognates have been used for the latinate words.
February 17, 2009