A list of 117 words by scarequotes.
- wolf warriorwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- wombynwas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- cringewas added by scarequotes and appears on 71 lists
- Groyperwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- chudwas added by scarequotes and appears on 7 lists
- smoothbrainwas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- smooth brainwas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- fullnamingwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- inconwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- suswas added by scarequotes and appears on 17 lists
- periodtwas added by scarequotes and appears on 10 lists
- bodyconwas added by scarequotes and appears on 5 lists
- alt litewas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- quar-horrorwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- wokescoldwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- gotcha daywas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- aspecphobiawas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- blue checkwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- derechowas added by scarequotes and appears on 22 lists
- MAGAgoonwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- magagoonwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- microschoolwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- longcovidwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- maskholewas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- aborishawas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- mascnewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- masknewas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- plandemicwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- randonautwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- randonautingwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- simpwas added by scarequotes and appears on 16 lists
- antimaskerwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- sanismwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- long-haulerwas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- biodomewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- co-zitswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- mask-newas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Capitol Hill Autonomous Zonewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- CHAZwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- BIPOCwas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- reglasswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- double bubblewas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- boogaloowas added by scarequotes and appears on 14 lists
- autocorruptwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- vice signalingwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- quarantine bubblewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- quarantine podwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- quaranteamwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- kickbackwas added by scarequotes and appears on 21 lists
- shoopwas added by scarequotes and appears on 11 lists
- ishwas added by scarequotes and appears on 22 lists
- orthosomniawas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- acabwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- platter goalswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- quaranfriedwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- overtourismwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- murder hornetwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- touch toolwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- disease detectivewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- contact tracingwas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- juvenoiawas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- spendemicwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- zumpwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- exposomewas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- sumbiotudewas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- quarcorewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Generation Cwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- quarancookingwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- vetocracywas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- facemutewas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- pandemishegosswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Great Shutdownwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- WuFluwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- Zederwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Fesachwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- dalgona coffeewas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- quaranzinewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- sourdough classwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- lewdswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- quarantunewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- N95was added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- SARS-CoV-2was added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- PPEwas added by scarequotes and appears on 9 lists
- kung-fluwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- coronisewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Chinese viruswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- low-carbonwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- coroniquettewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- six-foot shufflewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- bravxwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- doomsurfwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- fishtancingwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- ghost hotelwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- ronawas added by scarequotes and appears on 6 lists
- quarantuneswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Zoombombingwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- coronacationwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- tip baitingwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- tradwifewas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- quarantiniwas added by scarequotes and appears on 4 lists
- covidiotwas added by scarequotes and appears on 6 lists
- caremongeringwas added by scarequotes and appears on 5 lists
- ecofashwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- on-nomiwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Quaranteenswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- Coronialswas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- quaranteenwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- cottagecorewas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- daddyjackwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- parentjackwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- mommyjackwas added by scarequotes and appears on 2 lists
- #girldadwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- girl dadwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- wishcyclingwas added by scarequotes and appears on 3 lists
- lewkwas added by scarequotes and appears on 7 lists
- charity pornwas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
- leftugeewas added by scarequotes and appears on just this list
blafferty commented on the list words-new-to-me-2020-NY4hVTZrcTi
I was so surprised to find, a few weeks ago, that there were no pandemic/COVID lists so far. Do you know of others?
May 7, 2020
alexz commented on the list words-new-to-me-2020-NY4hVTZrcTi
@blafferty , you will find that that lists are personal preference. In my case, I may have a few Corono words, but I prefer to keep a 2020 list instead.
My 2020 list is here https://www.wordnik.com/lists/2020-new-words-i-stumble-across-gcITmkkCfnM
May 7, 2020
bilby commented on the list words-new-to-me-2020-NY4hVTZrcTi
I made one but due to Wordnik bug it's not even visible to me. Well, it doesn't appear in the list of lists. I can find it by using the back button of my browser.
May 11, 2020
scarequotes commented on the list words-new-to-me-2020-NY4hVTZrcTi
Oh! I didn't realize my list was gathering comments — no notifications.
May 27, 2020