A list of 50 words by kaichi.
- chipotlewas added by kaichi and appears on 27 lists
- frangipaniwas added by kaichi and appears on 33 lists
- hydrangeaswas added by kaichi and appears on 6 lists
- anemonewas added by kaichi and appears on 76 lists
- homogenouswas added by kaichi and appears on 27 lists
- errwas added by kaichi and appears on 66 lists
- penwas added by kaichi and appears on 59 lists
- cinnamonwas added by kaichi and appears on 143 lists
- espressowas added by kaichi and appears on 46 lists
- etceterawas added by kaichi and appears on 16 lists
- probablywas added by kaichi and appears on 21 lists
- vice-versawas added by kaichi and appears on 2 lists
- escapewas added by kaichi and appears on 52 lists
- picturewas added by kaichi and appears on 43 lists
- seguewas added by kaichi and appears on 102 lists
- macabrewas added by kaichi and appears on 286 lists
- banalwas added by kaichi and appears on 271 lists
- antibioticwas added by kaichi and appears on 17 lists
- salmonwas added by kaichi and appears on 89 lists
- solderwas added by kaichi and appears on 37 lists
- suitewas added by kaichi and appears on 20 lists
- tubularwas added by kaichi and appears on 33 lists
- clitoriswas added by kaichi and appears on 28 lists
- drowningwas added by kaichi and appears on 10 lists
- potpourriwas added by kaichi and appears on 40 lists
- itinerarywas added by kaichi and appears on 45 lists
- asteriskwas added by kaichi and appears on 44 lists
- particularwas added by kaichi and appears on 37 lists
- similarwas added by kaichi and appears on 34 lists
- secretarywas added by kaichi and appears on 37 lists
- tsunamiwas added by kaichi and appears on 54 lists
- athletewas added by kaichi and appears on 27 lists
- realtorwas added by kaichi and appears on 15 lists
- librarywas added by kaichi and appears on 78 lists
- ambulancewas added by kaichi and appears on 25 lists
- umbrellawas added by kaichi and appears on 65 lists
- governmentwas added by kaichi and appears on 47 lists
- askwas added by kaichi and appears on 44 lists
- spaghettiwas added by kaichi and appears on 56 lists
- wednesdaywas added by kaichi and appears on 30 lists
- februarywas added by kaichi and appears on 24 lists
- mischievouswas added by kaichi and appears on 50 lists
- washwas added by kaichi and appears on 45 lists
- remunerationwas added by kaichi and appears on 54 lists
- peripheralwas added by kaichi and appears on 75 lists
- sandwichwas added by kaichi and appears on 63 lists
- macramewas added by kaichi and appears on 15 lists
- vietnamesewas added by kaichi and appears on 6 lists
- nuclearwas added by kaichi and appears on 42 lists
- vietnamwas added by kaichi and appears on 7 lists
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
library, realtor, athlete, tsunami
December 2, 2006
tankexmortis commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
ambulance (seriously, I have friends that still struggle with this one)
December 2, 2006
pamelad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
ask (aks) government umbrella (umberella)
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
february, wednesday, spaghetti
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
December 2, 2006
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Thanks, everyone! These are all great! I'm going to add them! :D
December 2, 2006
gratitude commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
December 3, 2006
pamelad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
December 4, 2006
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Once, again, I must say "Thanks!" for the words I had forgotten about. (^o^)
December 5, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
OK, I'm having one of those "if I don't know what in the hell they are talking about, then they must be talking about me" moments. Either I'm completely oblivious to my blunders or I'm living in a pronunciation safe zone. Seriously, how does one mispronounce "Vietnamese" and "realtor" and "spaghetti" and "macrame"?
December 8, 2006
kad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
'realtor' often becomes 'reel-i-tur' when it should be 'reel-tur' or 're-uhl-tur.' as for vietnamese and spaghetti, i'm as perplexed as you are, pedalinfaith.
December 8, 2006
andrew.simone commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
I confess that I often find myself pronouncing realtor as 'reel-i-tur.'
I would remind word snoots (of which I am one) that perfection is the enemy of the good.
December 8, 2006
sarra commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
December 9, 2006
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
"Vietnamese" often becomes "Vietmanese," in my area (Texas). "Spaghetti" sometimes turns into "Pasketti," and "macrame" is, on occasion, pronounced "muh KRAYME" by those who don't know how to use the pronunciation guides in their dictionaries.
Thanks to sarra for "itinerary," as well, which stuck another one into my head: "potpourri," which I have heard someone say as "POT purry." ;P
December 12, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Small children purportedly say "pusketti" instead of "spaghetti".
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Me, I'm puzzled by 'ambulance'.
December 14, 2006
yoshiyahu commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
There are two common usages, CLIToris and cliTORis. And since clitoris is often thought of part-and-parcel with vagina, pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable, perhaps the emphasis on the second syllable carries over. However, those who say cliTORis usually sound uncomfortable with the pronunciation, not sure themselves whether they should be saying it one way or another. This is probably at least partly because we usually think of it as 'clit' anyway and only say 'clitoris' when we need to go more clinical and formal. So while it's a different kind of pronunciation problem, I humbly offer it for your consideration.
December 14, 2006
yoshiyahu commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
This word and its variants are often pronounced (and even spelled -- google it) "drownding."
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
If I hear someone say nuk-uh-lir one more time, I'm going to explode.
December 14, 2006
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Thanks, yoshiyahu! I had forgotten about "drowning" coming out as "drownding." People here do that, too. And I don't know many people who use "clitoris," but if they did, they'd probably stumble on it, too. ;P
"Ambulance" gets changed into "AMBA lance" around here. Just as "library" often becomes "LIE berry." *shudders* I also just remembered "tubular," which sometimes sounds like "toobler."
December 16, 2006
asativum commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
I've heard suite pronounced suit in the South (of the US).
December 16, 2006
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Asativum, thanks! I've heard that one, too.
December 17, 2006
pamelad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Words that sound so differently from the way they're written: banal, macabre, segue
December 17, 2006
veruca commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Picture...Believe it or not I work with several people that pronounce it the same as "pitcher."
January 2, 2007
seanahan commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
I have one at my office too, Veruca.
January 3, 2007
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Thanks, pamelad and veruca! I'd forgotten how many people around here say "pitcher" instead of "picture." ;P
January 4, 2007
gloriaha commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
espresso ('expresso')
etcetra ('excetra')
cinnamon ('cimmanon')
wash ('warsh')
pen ('pin')
homogenous (it's hoMOGenous, not homo-genius!!! This is not to be confused with homogeneous. Note the spelling.)
err ('air' is incorrect! it's supposed to be 'ur' although widespread and prolonged mispronunciation have almost cause 'air' to trump the correct 'ur')
January 6, 2007
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Thanks, Gloriaha! I had wash, already, but none of the others. (^-^)
January 10, 2007
pamelad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Anemone often ends up as anenome. Hydrangeas - hyderanges. And instead of a frangipani, my grandma had a fransypansy.
January 15, 2007
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Thanks, again, pamelad! This list seems to be never ending. (O.o)
January 19, 2007
veruca commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Chipotle (chi-pote-lay) gets pronounced like chipolte (chi-pole-tay) all the time.
January 19, 2007
kaichi commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Thanks, veruca! I should not have forgotten Chipotle, especially considering how many restaurants in my area throw that word onto half the dishes on their menu. It's become a stylish word!
January 25, 2007
kraduate commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
My husband says samwich instead of sandwich.
LIEberry for library is common where I'm from.
October 14, 2008
hereticaneue commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
i LOVE this list and those who have contributed to it. :)
September 15, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
For “pin�? and “pen�? see, well, pin-pen merger.
September 15, 2009
michaelt42 commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
As most people cannot differentiate in their pronunciation between presence and presents, one or the other deserves a place in this list
October 30, 2013
michaelt42 commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Even some TV cooks get tagliatelle wrong. And lasagne gets apparently singularised to lasagna , even before the horsemeat scandal in Europe
October 30, 2013
michaelt42 commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Terpsichore dances to a beat of four!
October 30, 2013
michaelt42 commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
George Bush used to be ribbed for noocular; I reckon it's very common but also not readily detected.
October 30, 2013
bilby commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Italian singular and plural never transfer to English.
+ "I had spaghetti last night."
- "Oh, how were they?"
As weird as it sounds to a English-speaking native, that is exactly what an Italian would say.
Inwardly I wince when I've had to order "two cappuccinos" in a cafe in Australia :-/
October 30, 2013