A list of 110 words by ideologie.
- lacunaewas added by ideologie and appears on 39 lists
- rhizomatouswas added by ideologie and appears on 5 lists
- abstrusewas added by ideologie and appears on 314 lists
- mouewas added by ideologie and appears on 81 lists
- spraddlewas added by ideologie and appears on 6 lists
- callipygouswas added by ideologie and appears on 42 lists
- fracaswas added by ideologie and appears on 114 lists
- chrysoberyllianwas added by ideologie and appears on just this list
- teindwas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- widdershinswas added by ideologie and appears on 141 lists
- heliotropewas added by ideologie and appears on 141 lists
- aspidistrawas added by ideologie and appears on 27 lists
- epergnewas added by ideologie and appears on 23 lists
- convolvuluswas added by ideologie and appears on 18 lists
- anathemawas added by ideologie and appears on 338 lists
- panoplywas added by ideologie and appears on 197 lists
- scuzziestwas added by ideologie and appears on just this list
- scuzzywas added by ideologie and appears on 13 lists
- simulacrumwas added by ideologie and appears on 211 lists
- shuftiwas added by ideologie and appears on 8 lists
- restaurateurwas added by ideologie and appears on 16 lists
- menschwas added by ideologie and appears on 56 lists
- highfalutinwas added by ideologie and appears on 79 lists
- mercurialwas added by ideologie and appears on 387 lists
- ipsilateralwas added by ideologie and appears on 15 lists
- noshwas added by ideologie and appears on 59 lists
- interrobangwas added by ideologie and appears on 132 lists
- scattywas added by ideologie and appears on 11 lists
- rangywas added by ideologie and appears on 25 lists
- sartorialwas added by ideologie and appears on 208 lists
- fluidicwas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- sluicewas added by ideologie and appears on 80 lists
- roilwas added by ideologie and appears on 67 lists
- diptychswas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- auspiceswas added by ideologie and appears on 35 lists
- lambastedwas added by ideologie and appears on 11 lists
- liminalwas added by ideologie and appears on 168 lists
- milieuwas added by ideologie and appears on 179 lists
- fluorescingwas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- troikawas added by ideologie and appears on 52 lists
- paraskavedekatriaphobiawas added by ideologie and appears on 11 lists
- truncheonwas added by ideologie and appears on 64 lists
- bowdlerizewas added by ideologie and appears on 136 lists
- mantissawas added by ideologie and appears on 18 lists
- mehwas added by ideologie and appears on 60 lists
- lethologicawas added by ideologie and appears on 72 lists
- natchwas added by ideologie and appears on 34 lists
- buttywas added by ideologie and appears on 17 lists
- chiasmuswas added by ideologie and appears on 107 lists
- oaxacawas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- hegemonywas added by ideologie and appears on 249 lists
- lanugowas added by ideologie and appears on 19 lists
- microcosmwas added by ideologie and appears on 54 lists
- isomorphismwas added by ideologie and appears on 18 lists
- ekisticalwas added by ideologie and appears on just this list
- catawampuswas added by ideologie and appears on 42 lists
- ekewas added by ideologie and appears on 73 lists
- dobbinwas added by ideologie and appears on 19 lists
- plashwas added by ideologie and appears on 34 lists
- presentimentwas added by ideologie and appears on 64 lists
- quiescencewas added by ideologie and appears on 81 lists
- casuistwas added by ideologie and appears on 28 lists
- troublouswas added by ideologie and appears on 15 lists
- williwawwas added by ideologie and appears on 69 lists
- aphasiawas added by ideologie and appears on 109 lists
- bibliotherapeuticwas added by ideologie and appears on just this list
- assizeswas added by ideologie and appears on 13 lists
- loquacitywas added by ideologie and appears on 25 lists
- chiaroscurowas added by ideologie and appears on 226 lists
- teraphimwas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- hydrochlorothiazidewas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- hyperrealisticwas added by ideologie and appears on just this list
- hypercatalexiswas added by ideologie and appears on 2 lists
- hypertheticalwas added by ideologie and appears on 2 lists
- calenturewas added by ideologie and appears on 51 lists
- pastichewas added by ideologie and appears on 222 lists
- atavisticwas added by ideologie and appears on 178 lists
- diasporawas added by ideologie and appears on 105 lists
- jejunewas added by ideologie and appears on 352 lists
- exchequerwas added by ideologie and appears on 46 lists
- proselytewas added by ideologie and appears on 43 lists
- proselytismwas added by ideologie and appears on 5 lists
- cavilwas added by ideologie and appears on 182 lists
- orielwas added by ideologie and appears on 36 lists
- phizwas added by ideologie and appears on 12 lists
- perspicacitywas added by ideologie and appears on 201 lists
- ideologuewas added by ideologie and appears on 23 lists
- anomiewas added by ideologie and appears on 153 lists
- stroywas added by ideologie and appears on 3 lists
- aberrationswas added by ideologie and appears on 3 lists
- apothesiswas added by ideologie and appears on 8 lists
- freudianwas added by ideologie and appears on 16 lists
- mandalawas added by ideologie and appears on 37 lists
- archetypewas added by ideologie and appears on 109 lists
- ideologieswas added by ideologie and appears on 5 lists
- mandarinwas added by ideologie and appears on 60 lists
- claviclewas added by ideologie and appears on 70 lists
- pubiswas added by ideologie and appears on 14 lists
- chapwas added by ideologie and appears on 43 lists
- chloroformwas added by ideologie and appears on 22 lists
- noirwas added by ideologie and appears on 58 lists
- medusawas added by ideologie and appears on 29 lists
- cruxwas added by ideologie and appears on 137 lists
- tangibilitywas added by ideologie and appears on 4 lists
- tangiblewas added by ideologie and appears on 116 lists
- illusionwas added by ideologie and appears on 101 lists
- gelidwas added by ideologie and appears on 108 lists
- parapraxiswas added by ideologie and appears on 60 lists
- phallocentricwas added by ideologie and appears on 9 lists
- ideologywas added by ideologie and appears on 47 lists
postnomer commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
dude. awesome. (I love how this is all about words, and I give you, "dude. awesome.")
March 10, 2007
postnomer commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
i was just reading about aphasia!
March 25, 2007
postnomer commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
having more words than I do is all very well--but I actually got to use defenestrate in that essay I turned in today. Yes, Becky defenestrates her copy of the dictionary at the beginning of Vanity Fair. I enjoyed that entirely too much.
April 6, 2007
postnomer commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
question--has wordie always been spelled "wirdee" at the top of www.wordie.org?
April 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
I never noticed that... surely not?
April 20, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
I see the phonetic spelling right after "Wordie," and the lettering there is "wurd e"--is that what you're talking about? If so, it's always been there, at least on my screen.
April 20, 2007
oroboros commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Maybe "weirdie" might be the operative phonetic spelling. ;^)
April 20, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
I'll accept that. I've certainly been called worse! ;-)
April 20, 2007
oroboros commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Hey! It's a mark of distinction to be called weirdie, don't ya know?
April 20, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Just so. Perhaps we need a logo.
April 20, 2007
oroboros commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
I like the one Douglas Adams created for us: the Sloppy-tongued Smiley Face!
April 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Apologies to ideologie for cluttering his/her profile page... that said, reesetee, the wird... I mean word... in question is in the first long paragraph on the home page: "Wirdee lets you make lists of words -- practical lists, words you love, words you hate, whatever." I can't believe I didn't notice that sooner.
April 20, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Ooooh, weird....No, I'd almost swear it wasn't always like that (proofreading being one of my occupational hazards)!
April 23, 2007
postnomer commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Wordie is spelled right again, now. Hooray!
April 25, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
Passing strange...wonder if it was a long-standing April Fool's joke that we didn't notice on time?
April 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
I require an official explanation... for closure.
April 25, 2007
postnomer commented on the list words-that-trip-off-the-tongue
where did you find epergne, and how is it that i have missed out, all my life, on such a fabulous word that would have saved me in scrabble many a time??
also--harry potter, 12:01, i'm having trouble not jumping up and down whenever i think about it!
July 20, 2007