johnwarren commented on the list hikerfoto-s-words
I never liked "risible." It just doesn't sound like what it describes.
March 17, 2007
johnwarren commented on the list baby-got-back-formations
Glad to see some kindred souls here who hate language-mangling...
johnwarren commented on the word false flag
A term that should make anyone laugh if they've seen the "South Park" on 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
January 17, 2007
johnwarren commented on the word asshat
Incredibly stupid Web neologism.
January 2, 2007
johnwarren commented on the word schadenfreude
Overrated word that has caught on wildly in an age when people giggle at the "Darwin Awards," etc.
December 31, 2006
johnwarren commented on the word noetic
As in the sham Institute For Noetic Science in California.
johnwarren commented on the list words-i-fucking-b-hate-b
Oh man, you're so right
johnwarren commented on the word douchebaggery
One of the greatest online crimes against the English language is the introduction of supposedly whimsical "-ery" suffixes, appended to different blog cliches. Etymology: Misguided Monty Python instincts.
johnwarren commented on the word brummagem
Classic H.L. Mencken vocab.
December 30, 2006
Comments by johnwarren
johnwarren commented on the list hikerfoto-s-words
I never liked "risible." It just doesn't sound like what it describes.
March 17, 2007
johnwarren commented on the list baby-got-back-formations
Glad to see some kindred souls here who hate language-mangling...
March 17, 2007
johnwarren commented on the word false flag
A term that should make anyone laugh if they've seen the "South Park" on 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
January 17, 2007
johnwarren commented on the word asshat
Incredibly stupid Web neologism.
January 2, 2007
johnwarren commented on the word schadenfreude
Overrated word that has caught on wildly in an age when people giggle at the "Darwin Awards," etc.
December 31, 2006
johnwarren commented on the word noetic
As in the sham Institute For Noetic Science in California.
December 31, 2006
johnwarren commented on the list words-i-fucking-b-hate-b
Oh man, you're so right
December 31, 2006
johnwarren commented on the word douchebaggery
One of the greatest online crimes against the English language is the introduction of supposedly whimsical "-ery" suffixes, appended to different blog cliches. Etymology: Misguided Monty Python instincts.
December 31, 2006
johnwarren commented on the word brummagem
Classic H.L. Mencken vocab.
December 30, 2006