Comments by palooka

Show previous 200 comments...

  • Let's see. Words you love I vote for patina, pantaloon, microscopic, iris, pallet, speculum.

    For words you hate: panty, cudgel, shekel.

    Am I on the right track?

    March 5, 2008

  • That's a cool example skipvia - Bear Flanks Alaska.

    March 5, 2008

  • Calling San Francisco "Frisco" is like calling New York City "Nork", or Chicago "Chica", or Kansas City "Cans City", or Houston "Hugh"", etc. We don't like it.

    March 5, 2008

  • The charging baby tapir is almost a spitting image of me. It's uncanny.

    March 4, 2008

  • Thanks reesetee. That's my typical expression.

    March 4, 2008

  • Same eyes & nose as mine skipvia. I've been told I look a lot like a famous movie star - a young Ernest Borgnine actually.

    March 2, 2008

  • I should probably post a self-portrait to illustrate this.

    March 2, 2008

  • The name of a Bob Marley song from the album Natural Mystic.

    March 2, 2008

  • Santa Barbara is a beautiful city.

    March 2, 2008

  • Spanish for "Yes, It can be done!" or "Yes we can!". Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta adopted it as the motto of the United Farm Workers in 1972 - per Wikipedia.

    March 2, 2008

  • I didn't mind caudated dates as long as they had a prehensile tail.

    March 2, 2008

  • I actually bought and used a mi-vox. I now have a rampant and incurable testicular rash, & am quarantined along with my mi-vox in the house. The hazmat people are still trying to decide how to safely remove and dispose of the mi-vox.

    In the meantime my food reserves are almost gone and I now weigh 45 pounds. My wife has left me in disgust. But I have heard some great audio-books.

    (Just kidding mi-vox lawyers.)

    March 2, 2008

  • I agree - an exceptionally beautiful name.

    March 2, 2008

  • You're right gangerh, today was the bissextile day - the extra day in a leap year. Thanks for pointing this out.

    March 1, 2008

  • It needs to be more formal, reverential even. We need to be more aware of the diversity & essentialness of boxes in our lives. Consider their diversity: packing boxes, batter's boxes, lunch boxes, penalty boxes, cigar boxes, box offices, box wrenches, boxcars, and on and on. I advocate a mandatory holiday, especially if it means a three-day weekend.

    February 28, 2008

  • I personally enjoy being lionized. It just doesn't seem to happen enough though.

    February 28, 2008

  • That's a shame it didn't make the list - and after all boxes have done for us. Without boxes there wouldn't be civilization as we know it.

    February 28, 2008

  • Guaranteed to eliminate all facial expressions immediately. No one will know what you're thinking or if you're thinking or even if you're still alive. It's a wonder cream.

    February 28, 2008

  • Hilarious list & link! I guess it's not that hard to get a book published after all.

    February 28, 2008

  • Is there a word for being fascinated by a mollusque's word list?

    February 25, 2008

  • I'd like to see this word revived - it's a beauty & fun to say.

    February 25, 2008

  • Bad spelling sucks.

    February 25, 2008

  • You're in pilgrim. Let's stop wasting time and saddle up.

    February 25, 2008

  • Sure. We can bring train timetables to plan out our respective trips - unless were on the No-Rail list too.

    February 25, 2008

  • Yes, I know I'm about to be castigated as a subversive & placed on the No-Fly list, but I've always felt his characters were one-dimensional, cardboard characters.

    February 24, 2008

  • Good question reesetee - there's probably a word for that somewhere. In the meantime we can coin a gender neutral version: omnigendertikolobomassophile.

    February 24, 2008

  • A person who likes to nibble on a woman's earlobe. There is a word for everything.

    February 23, 2008

  • I wish more politicians lost because they were morons rather than mormons. Strangely that doesn't keep people from enthusiastically voting for them.

    February 23, 2008

  • Mean. This is just mean palooka.

    February 23, 2008

  • This list must have tied you up for a while reesetee.

    February 23, 2008

  • Embarrassing but it dries quickly. Science is still searching for a cure.

    February 22, 2008

  • You are all making good points. When coloring I certainly became anxious about going outside the lines or using the wrong colors. I hope trivet & Treeseed didn't have their artistic talents squelched. Sounds like reesetee survived his education without too many emotional scars.

    February 22, 2008

  • Why not? I'd join one.

    February 21, 2008

  • Lead on! Lead on oh Millers!

    February 21, 2008

  • The "longest" word is a series of repetitious chemical syllables & is really nothing to get worked up about. It doesn't add value.

    February 19, 2008

  • That's it! That's exactly what my problem is. I feel so much better now.

    February 19, 2008

  • Here's some places to visit: slippery slope, cloud nine, and my favorite, the funny farm.

    February 19, 2008

  • You have a sick sense of humor gangerh. I like it! I wonder if we're related?

    February 11, 2008

  • History is no longer his only - though it's so grim I don't think either gender would want to claim responsibility for it.

    February 11, 2008

  • PC indeed! You go girl.

    February 11, 2008

  • It's that unthinking remark you made that got you fired.

    February 11, 2008

  • Beautiful word.

    February 11, 2008

  • Sorry jennaren. I have the flu today & my comments are weirder than normal.

    February 11, 2008

  • One of my favorite phrases from the movies. Cackled to Dorothy by the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz.

    February 11, 2008

  • jennaren? The name sounds slightly familiar. Are you new? Welcome to wordie jennaren! No need for HISTRIONICS! We'll get to know you - all in good time my pretty.

    February 11, 2008

  • I second Treeseed's & reesetee's sentiments. This is an awesome site.

    February 11, 2008

  • Don't take it so hard gangerh. WE CAN'T GO ON WITHOUT YOU! AND I'M SERIOUS, DAMN IT! HOLY SHIT!

    February 9, 2008

  • And I'll try to find a way to use tentaculiferous which is another beautiful word.

    February 9, 2008

  • Tending to produce waves.

    February 9, 2008

  • I agree reesetee. They're not fun albums to listen to.

    February 9, 2008

  • Their music is good but irritating. I picture them as being sort of fat with no facial hair and constantly grimacing & scratching themselves.

    February 8, 2008

  • Good but irritating.

    February 8, 2008

  • Stay out of this guy's way!

    February 8, 2008

  • "I Feel Like Homemade Shit." What a great title - one I can relate to. I also remember "Kill For Peace" and "Group Grope". They don't write em like that anymore.

    February 8, 2008

  • "I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more."

    February 8, 2008

  • Suzy Creamcheese has haunted me since the 60's. Did you listen to the Fugs also?

    February 8, 2008

  • Who's Bonnie without Clyde?

    February 8, 2008

  • It's Judy's turn to cry.

    February 8, 2008

  • Tom Jones in his prime.

    February 8, 2008

  • By the infamous Barry Manilow.

    February 8, 2008

  • Per wikipedia: Teddy And His Patches recorded a song called Suzy Creamcheese in 1967. It was also a famous Mother's of Invention lyric who also recorded a song called Son of Suzy Creamcheese.



    Suzy Creamcheese?


    ... Suzy Creamcheese, honey, what's got into you?"

    February 8, 2008

  • Meaning wavelike in motion or appearance.

    February 8, 2008

  • Great idea reesetee!

    February 8, 2008

  • Sionnach, you really have a knack for this. Your entries are generally hilarious.

    February 8, 2008

  • A good way to go though.

    February 8, 2008

  • I think this would make a great title for an X-rated movie.

    February 8, 2008

  • Parch... Farm= the Dust Bowl of the 1930's.

    February 6, 2008

  • Thanks reesetee, Treeseed & skipvia! This is a list I've always wanted to include - glad you all liked it.

    February 5, 2008

  • Just kidding - my apologies to uselessness.

    February 5, 2008

  • I certainly believe skipvia & c_b are the same! I guess it's time for me to reveal that my other Wordie identity is uselessness. You were bound to find out sooner or later.

    February 4, 2008

  • Thanks brusselsprouts!

    February 4, 2008

  • Thank you for thank you for nothing Oroboros. Good ones all!

    February 4, 2008

  • Good suggestions - I like have a fit & fall in it. I've done that numerous times.

    Without Wordie, words are just ...words. Like parts of a sentence.

    January 18, 2008

  • Thanks all! Great suggestions! I've been over-burdened with projects lately, & I've unfortunately been neglecting Wordie. But thanks for your comments.

    January 17, 2008

  • I've always had great luck consulting tartlet molds.

    I think bilby really nailed down the madeupical meaning & purpose of spatulamancy.

    December 2, 2007

  • There's also metaphysics & parapsychology.

    December 2, 2007

  • Very comprehensive as usual! Others include leading light, take the wind out of his sails, above board.

    December 2, 2007

  • "someone who talks through his hat". How about that?

    December 2, 2007

  • Divination using the shoulder blade of an animal. Be a lot more fun if it was divination using a spatula.

    December 2, 2007

  • "Dire financial or economic distress created by fiscal mismanagement."

    December 2, 2007

  • "A photograph in which the subjects are lined up in a row across the picture." per Word Spy. I've taken many of these!

    December 2, 2007

  • Thanks bilby - they're both great names!

    November 25, 2007

  • These ads are non-intrusive & are for a good cause! A labor of love is a wonderful & highly worthwhile motivation. However, it can quickly turn into a burden when life starts throwing a few heavy duty financial challenges your way. A little pocket change will help keep you and Wordie buoyant.

    November 20, 2007

  • Congrats on 10,000 reesetee! Someday you'll become a professional wordie & give up editing altogether.

    November 20, 2007

  • The loss of honeybees sionnach would be devastating to our food supply as well as to the ecology. It would be a disaster of the first magnitude.

    November 18, 2007

  • Damn, I forgot about velociraptors. My attention has been focussed on the imminent invasion of California by killer bees. Whatever happened to killer bees anyway? You never hear about them anymore. Maybe the velociraptors got em.

    Life is so hazardous these days.

    November 17, 2007

  • Embracing diverse co-workers does help build excitement within our company - you'll be eager to learn more about that.

    Tap shoes are not necessary, but you must have truck and tools (pizza cutters for instance are not provided).

    You know reesetee, I'm seeking money-motivated superstars dammit, people who really want to get rich! Get on the train reesetee, get on palooka pizza's money train! Don't be left standing in the station - please contact Tammy NOW!

    November 17, 2007

  • California dreamin', Colorado high, remember the maine, pennsylvania polka, idaho potatoes, ...

    November 17, 2007

  • Yes, we embrace diversity. However background checks are conducted so don't be too diverse!

    November 17, 2007

  • And an excellent writer. Your sentences are always so well crafted.

    November 16, 2007

  • This could be your opportunity reesetee! Sounds like you have a burning desire to succeed. We want people with passion, especially if they're passionate about having no medical or retirement benefits. Are you able to wear a uniform and work in the US? Don't forget to bring your mother; moms are welcome here too.

    November 16, 2007

  • I'll email you the help wanted ad reesetee. Can you meet tight deadlines & thrive on pressure? Pizza is a rough & tumble business. Are you adept at handling anchovies?

    November 16, 2007

  • Thanks yarb - good point! Employers start off dreaming & then have to face reality.

    I think the only qualification listed I meet is that I have a genuine interest in dogs.

    Who thrives on pressure? Do they realize that help is available?

    November 16, 2007

  • One of my favorite people from history - Typhoid Mary!

    November 15, 2007

  • Great additions John!

    November 14, 2007

  • Is an eatery related to a beanery?

    November 11, 2007

  • Everytime I open wordie I discover a wonderful new improvement - from definitions on the word pages to better spacing of our lists. Appreciate your work John!

    November 10, 2007

  • I've always loved these highly descriptive words & phrases used in various industries & activities. Fun list!

    November 9, 2007

  • Hi mollusque. I used google to find glossaries of color terms & found everything from the Crayola Crayon Company to names for HTML colors.

    November 7, 2007

  • I agree with the others - great list!

    November 7, 2007

  • What a list! Favorited.

    November 6, 2007

  • Well skipvia, you used irregardless correctly.

    November 6, 2007

  • You can be ignorant but not stupid. You may not know the capital of Outer Mongolia (ignorance), but you are capable of learning it (not stupid).

    It's Ulan Bator btw.

    November 5, 2007

  • These always confused me, but the difference is surprisingly simple: capitol is the building, whereas capital encompasses the other meanings like the seat of government, wealth, etc.

    November 5, 2007

  • "It's like kissing the cobra & expecting to live."

    November 3, 2007

  • "A murder-hole is a hole in the ceiling of a gateway or passageway in a fortification through which the defenders can fire, throw or pour dangerous or noxious substances at attackers. .."

    A word from adoarn's interesting Fortifications list.

    November 3, 2007

  • Wonderful list! I've always wanted to be a pulp fiction writer. It would be cool to be able to write an entire 300 page novel during one afternoon.

    "It was a dark & stormy night in Wordieland & John was intent on finishing an entire bottle of Jack Daniels..."

    November 3, 2007

  • The truth will out, reesetee.

    November 1, 2007

  • Hey c-b, now that I'm home I looked up "founder" (the verb) in the American Heritage Dictionary & got these definitions:

    1. To sink below the surface of the water: The ship struck a reef and foundered.

    2. To cave in; sink: The platform swayed and then foundered.

    3. To fail utterly; collapse: a marriage that soon foundered.

    Essentially founder means "to fail utterly, collapse." Flounder means "to move clumsily, thrash about," and hence "to proceed in confusion."

    October 30, 2007

  • "I'm going to google tom swifties", he said searchingly.

    October 30, 2007

  • Nasty food condition? You mean eating a bad Flounder? That would make your stomach founder.

    October 30, 2007

  • This is a great idea - to take a historical event & list all the words associated with it. Good work.

    October 29, 2007

  • I've always liked founder in the sense of sinking . It means you're just plain going down. No reason to flounder about, just enjoy the ride.

    October 29, 2007

  • I thought this word had something to do with a cell phone compusion (preferring Cingular over Verizon), but it means a strong desire to hold someone in your arms.

    October 29, 2007

  • No problem. I first read the distinction on a list of "words commonly confused" I stumbled over which also included other interesting pairings like flounder & founder.

    October 29, 2007

  • Educational & comprehensive - typically reesetee! You must live near the Indian Sea or spend a lot of time on it.

    October 29, 2007

  • Here's the American Heritage Dictionary's usage note on flotsam:

    "Usage Note: In maritime law, flotsam applies to wreckage or cargo left floating on the sea after a shipwreck. Jetsam applies to cargo or equipment thrown overboard from a ship in distress and either sunk or washed ashore. The common phrase flotsam and jetsam is now used loosely to describe any objects found floating or washed ashore."

    Thanks for the great words sionnach & the compliment reesetee

    October 29, 2007

  • "Family Values" means our family values in opposition to any family values that may be different. It's intolerance.

    October 29, 2007

  • Great word!

    October 29, 2007

  • Thanks c_b & skipvia! I'll come down from the flying bridge long enough to add flotsam & jetsam.

    October 29, 2007

  • Skipvia is on the right track - rice is an illusion. What one perceives as rice may not be "the rice", but an illusionary construct of the rice-seeking mind. If we did not seek rice, would rice exist?

    I believe only pasta has an actual existence.

    October 29, 2007

  • Fun list sionnach! At the risk of being a grandstander, there's also grandstander.

    October 28, 2007

  • Does anybody use this phrase any more?

    October 28, 2007

  • You haven't eaten until you've had skinned squirrel smothered with fried green tomatoes. It's more than passable fair!

    October 28, 2007

  • Beautiful list! Great selection of evocative names.

    October 28, 2007

  • frangarnes: I agree with sionnach. I admire you for correcting your mistake so quickly. I've made my share of mistakes with my offbeat comments.

    If a person tries different things, he or she will certainly make mistakes.

    We all make mistakes, but not all of us are as honorable as you seem to be frangarnes!

    October 25, 2007

  • I agree with your proposed action John. Since you're not censoring a word, but video pornography, I would have no problem with you removing the link. Wordie is not designed to display pornographic or overly disgusting imagery.

    You don't have to accept & live with whatever anyone feels like doing to your site! If that sort of material became uncontrolled here, you would lose too many good members.

    We all respect the fact that you would never abuse your power to control the content on Wordie.

    October 25, 2007

  • "Sucks" is very generic - it's fun for everyone! It's also become a common adjective. I don't necessarily associate it with homosexual activities either.

    October 25, 2007

  • Wow, you've described me! Except for electra of course. Great list idea!

    October 24, 2007

  • Colorful list CB. I think I'll try one of these on the boss tomorrow: "You know boss, I think your visioning plan blows dead rats." I wonder if that would be an incorrect usage of the term?

    October 24, 2007

  • Cool word! I guess we're all by necessity aquabibs.

    October 24, 2007

  • Beautiful words & concepts skipvia!

    October 24, 2007

  • Great list - like an insider's tour of the business!

    October 24, 2007

  • Man, this is an endangered, beat down word! I'm starting the "Irregardless Preservation Society" to promote the acceptance & use of irregardless in our society. We will insist that no sentence containing the word irregardless will under any circumstances be erased, defaced or recycled until the population of irregardless words in the wild is stabilized & naturally begins to grow.

    I urge all of you caring wordies to do your part to save irregardless!

    October 23, 2007

  • You're right skipvia. Maybe I should have listed a different phrase like leaving on a jet plane.

    October 22, 2007

  • Irregardless is my kind of word; it beautifully uncoils then strikes you with its impact, its payload of meaning. Regardless is just a word you happen to stumble over on the way to the rest of the sentence, though it's a perfectly good, functional word.

    Irregardless of that, I respect your opinions.

    Most of my lists are populated with mouthfeel words and/or words with poetic impact I think.

    October 22, 2007

  • Great list CB - you have a nice cross section of famous & infamous ships, many with wonderful names (the Flying Cloud e.g.). The Hornet was a great WWII carrier & is now a museum ship in Alameda, CA.

    October 22, 2007

  • Irregardless is a pretty word regardless of it's total lack of regard for formal usage.

    October 22, 2007

  • Yes, I remember now. "In the early morning rain..."

    October 22, 2007

  • This is a major sirens-screaming earworm alert. Unfortunately it's too late for me. But then my problems don't amount to a hill of beans compared to ...

    October 22, 2007

  • Is "early morning rain" a lyric skipvia?

    October 22, 2007

  • Such a beautiful word - in all its forms!

    October 22, 2007

  • You ensnared them in my cerebrum. A prudent list, though sagacious & perspicacious.

    October 21, 2007

  • That's another good issue jennaren - having a great list idea that just doesn't work out in the end. I have a number of clunker lists I should delete.

    October 21, 2007

  • There's also "Holy shit, I just ran out of list ideas!" That stage is similar to an artist's dry period.

    October 20, 2007

  • If you list all the words in Spanish that are fun to say, you'll list the entire language. Spanish is so beautiful!

    October 20, 2007

  • Our current theory of evolution certainly is insulting to the apes.

    October 19, 2007

  • This list funs Wordie!

    October 19, 2007

  • We can ban uselessness? Actually, lately I'm beginning to appreciate his intelligence through the comments he's been making. He's deeper than I thought.

    October 19, 2007

  • I agree - a fantastic image. The internet is only a quick click away & then you're gone.

    October 19, 2007

  • Skivvies is good.

    October 18, 2007

  • I am definitely allergic to the word manties. Guys just plain wear underpants - that's all we need. No need to glamorize them. Boxers are ok too.

    October 18, 2007

  • Look at the lists on the right, at how many people hate this word. I think it's refreshingly short, descriptive & covers the subject very nicely.

    October 17, 2007

  • Wasn't his wife's name Kitty Cleaver?

    October 17, 2007

  • Purgatory is still going strong. Purgatory has always been where the action was anyway.

    October 16, 2007

  • It is a strange comment seanahan - & I'm the expert at writing strange comments.

    October 16, 2007

  • The ads look fine to me. If they help Wordie to survive, all the better!

    October 16, 2007

  • Great list & a great descriptive introduction. The earth is marvelous!

    October 15, 2007

  • E-friends can be a bit over-rated. I remember visiting a social site where this guy claimed to have 839 friends on the site. That's really pitiful I thought.

    October 15, 2007

  • I understand Italian orchestras are particularly susceptible to this infestation.

    October 15, 2007

  • You probably have friends in Pennsylvania you could relay through reesetee. Is it monsoon season there in India yet old wise one?

    October 15, 2007

  • It's sad but after Bush & Cheney, Nixon & Agnew seem pretty innocuous.

    October 15, 2007

  • Great list!

    October 15, 2007

  • And then there's beeswaxed which according to WordWeb means to "cover with beeswax" with the example given "Chris beeswaxed the kitchen table."

    Does Chris now have a beeswaxed table or a beeswax table?

    WordWeb btw is a great downloadable dictionary.

    October 14, 2007

  • No, a perceptive one.

    October 13, 2007

  • I don't buy his "Pennsyvania" story for one minute. Reseetee is from the Indian subcontinent, is short, frail & amazingly Ghandi-esque in appearance. The "Reese" part of his name comes from his obsession for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups which he buys from a confectionary shop in downtown Bombay.

    October 13, 2007

  • If I don't get back to work, it'll be today.

    October 13, 2007

  • Lot of phrases here my wife calls me! Her favorite though is a worthless piece of shit.

    October 13, 2007

  • I agree with jennaren. You have such a talent for writing arby - hope you can take advantage of it!

    October 12, 2007

  • Being a photographer, I'd enjoy that John - the visual illustration of words. If implemented, you may need a huge amount of storage space/bandwidth, though you could limit the size of the graphic (which would be a good idea).

    October 12, 2007

  • And to think seanahan that small potatoes can be the tastiest.

    October 7, 2007

  • Great list! An unforeseen but common destination is between a rock & a hard place.

    October 7, 2007

  • Thanks for your comments arby & burntsox! I'm not a horse racing fan, but I've always loved the random evocativeness of the horse's names.

    October 6, 2007

  • Outdated & ugly & useless. A throwback to the Bad Old Days.

    October 6, 2007

  • I like scurvy wench. It really evokes an image!

    October 6, 2007

  • I agree with trivet! Rather than simply being big, incomprehensible words, these words are fun to say & contemplate.

    October 4, 2007

  • Beautiful word and fun to say. I'd love to see it used more often.

    October 4, 2007

  • If I gave a rat's ass, I'd suggest some words.

    October 4, 2007

  • Thanks chained_bear, I'm honored! Chained_bear should also be on the list of Best Wordie User Names. It really conjures up an image.

    October 4, 2007

  • Or if you're buying their food it would be supersizing a McShit.

    October 4, 2007

  • Beautiful word yarb. Composed of land and water.

    September 30, 2007

  • Fun & highly personal list. Whatever floats your boat is a favorite of mine. Colossal gall is very useful.

    September 29, 2007

  • Great list uselessness! I will jolly well favorite the whole bloody thing.

    September 28, 2007

  • reesetee & yarb- I have some examples of how race horses were named. Singing Wood was parented (the sire is the father, the dam the mother)by Royal Minstrel & Glade; Hill Prince by Princequillo & Hildene; False Front's mother's name was Superficial.

    However the owner is free just to make up a name as long as it meets the Jockey Club's guidelines (found under Naming on the website

    I think an article about the story behind race horse names would be fascinating.

    September 28, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee & yarb. I've always been fascinated by race horse names. Apparently they are a combination of (or suggested by) their parent's names with a little imagination thrown in. The name has to meet requirements set by the Jockey Club which has a website you could check out.

    This list can go on forever! Most of these names came from horse's running the past two weeks.

    That must have been funny listening to the announcer talk about "That Horse". Sounds like the "Who's On First" routine.

    September 28, 2007

  • Extraordinarily beautiful word list in every way reesetee!

    September 24, 2007

  • Sounds logical to me uselessness.

    September 24, 2007

  • Colorful & useful phrase purpleboy! I wonder what the "whack" in out of whack refers to? Can something be "in whack"?

    September 24, 2007

  • I miss Jacqueline. Every time I do something efficiently I think of her. I really do. (Sigh).

    September 24, 2007

  • Palooka need to add pooka!

    September 24, 2007

  • Fun list trivet!

    September 23, 2007

  • You don't have to worry about stepping on my Wordie toes reesetee - I'm the expert at stepping on other people's toes including yours!

    September 23, 2007

  • A great topic with an abundance of colorful phrases: sheet lightning, thunder snow, squall lines, gully washers, staccato lightning, etc.

    September 23, 2007

  • What a great phrase & metereological phenomenon!

    September 23, 2007

  • Nice list! It has all the basics except the blacks like obsidian or raven or ebony. What color is liver?

    September 23, 2007

  • Your cartoon was great colleen & it made an excellent point.

    September 22, 2007

  • This discussion is starting to circle the drain & I'm afraid it was my fault.

    September 22, 2007

  • This is the value of Wordieing.

    September 22, 2007

  • Great discussion! Perhaps there's a difference between sectors of society artificially forcing a change in usage (as in the business world's annoying practice of turning nouns into verbs)and the natural evolution of words & their meanings. Language vivifies itself by evolving.

    September 22, 2007

  • The opposite of propinquity. I agree with seanahan - it's a challenge to pronounce but a beautiful word.

    September 21, 2007

  • Wow, what a word! I thought it might refer to a demagogue on a galactic scale. Wikipedia defines it thus: "A galactagogue is a substance, typically a herb, that increases lactation. The most commonly used herbal galactagogues are fenugreek, blessed thistle, and alfalfa; others include anise, astragalus root, burdock, nettle, fennel, and vervain."

    September 21, 2007

  • What a great range of words! Educational list!

    September 21, 2007

  • Thank you linguista88!

    September 21, 2007

  • Great list from beginning to end!

    September 20, 2007

  • I agree. Great pair of lists trivet.

    September 20, 2007

  • Fonts are fun as is this list!

    September 20, 2007

  • I still like irregardless irregardless of the fact that regardless is more highly regarded.

    September 20, 2007

  • Thanks annabethblue, reesetee & trivet - all great suggestions! I actually drove past the mighty Humptulips River on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. It's definitely an amazing name.

    September 20, 2007

  • Interesting indeed! I especially like Highlonesome - what an evocative Western name.

    September 19, 2007

  • Wow, what names! All these lists are great! I think I might retire to Log Pile - sounds affordable, though Turnip Hole might work also. Is Red Hot anywhere near Intercourse?

    September 19, 2007

  • Don't forget the astral plane.

    September 18, 2007

  • Great list!

    September 18, 2007

  • Beautiful list!

    September 18, 2007

  • Go to the front of the class reesetee - great idea for a list!

    September 18, 2007

  • Great list! There's also watershed, bayou, reservoir, natatorium.

    September 18, 2007

  • That hopefully is history. John's done a great job - Wordie is as fast as a rocket & dependable to boot!

    September 18, 2007

  • "It's the dawning of the age of aquariums..." So I furnished my place with fresh & salt water aquariums to impress my dates. They weren't.

    September 18, 2007

  • Being a Californian I always thought New Jersey was a mythical place, one invented by the Eastern media to describe a purgatorial realm thought to exist in the shadows of the mighty New York City.

    September 17, 2007

  • Thanks trivet, npydyuan & reesetee! I can see how this list would make your thumbs hurt trivet - it makes me want to sit on an old board & take a break. I agree that the "...for poets" concept has lots of potential.

    September 17, 2007

  • Congratulations on reaching 8000 reesetee! When you consider how many wonderful words there are in the English language, 8000 is actually a small number. When you reach 80,000, then you can start thinking you may have maxed out. Good work - don't stop!

    September 16, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee. I forgot to add Twelve-Step to my list.

    September 15, 2007

  • For me Wordie was like a powerful narcotic. My first three months on Wordie was agonizing (though a real high) - I compulsively collected words day & night & did nothing else with my computer. It was a major struggle to finally pry myself away and work on other projects & chores.

    We need a 12 step group for recovering Wordies. I don't know if I can permanently break this addiction alone - the allure is too great. Say, have I added "allure" to a list? Let me go check.

    September 14, 2007

  • Yea, who says? I know eyeliner is OK for a guy to use - it's the hottest thing in male cosmetics. Sapphire ice (listed in bylanternlights wonderful Shades of Eyeshadow list) makes my eyes really dazzle.

    September 12, 2007

  • Very clever seanahan! "Thou shalt not have graven images of other coders before me" sayeth John (Book of John the Wordie, Chap 12, Verse 4).

    September 10, 2007

  • I'm historically Catholic also - but all the guilt remains. If I don't say my "Hail Johns" I'm certain I'll be cast into the inferno & forced to spend eternity making wordlists with uselessness as my only companion.

    September 10, 2007

  • Thank you seanahan. Some sort of penance is called for here & I think you've been merciful. So, we're you raised Catholic also?

    September 10, 2007

  • I must confess Father Seanahan that in my heart I have lusted after my neighbor's lists (some are really hot!) but never had the courage to try to possess them.

    September 9, 2007

  • Beautiful list - & such evocative names!

    September 9, 2007

  • Wordie looks & runs great John - the new design is wonderful & pages are loading a lot faster!

    September 9, 2007

  • The new Wordie home page looks great John - good work!

    September 9, 2007

  • "Stealing words" to me is a non-issue & is an issue that is often important to new Wordies. When someone adopts & uses one of my words I'm flattered! After all most of us are here to learn new words or variations of old ones & to share word discoveries we've made.

    Copying another Wordie's entire list of course is reprehensible and idiotic.

    September 9, 2007

  • Educational list! We'll start calling you the Birdman of Wordie!

    September 1, 2007

  • "...oh baby, you know what I like!"

    August 26, 2007

  • Funny list oroboros! I read it while gulping down some of Walmart's Bad Ass Bordeaux. It tastes like liquid fruitcake.

    August 25, 2007

  • Cool list! I especially like curb feelers & fender skirts. You should do an auto terminology list.

    July 28, 2007

  • I had salmonella once - it was wonderful. It was lightly poached with capers.

    July 24, 2007

  • Reesetee is an outstanding word-collector, a good guy & an extraordinary and intelligent asset to Wordie! We need more reesetees!

    July 22, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee - glad you enjoyed the photos!

    July 22, 2007

  • Sweet word!

    July 17, 2007

  • Add a little Screaming Sphincter Hot Sauce to the lamb's blood & you'll be protected.

    July 17, 2007

  • ADD a word reesetee - you're at the dreaded 6666!

    July 17, 2007

  • Unique list! I like to relax by putting on an album of xalam music.

    July 16, 2007

  • Good suggestions - Can you imagine having a romantic dinner with your date/spouse & asking "Would you like a little Screaming Sphincter on that honey"?

    July 16, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee!

    July 16, 2007

  • Beautiful list - I especially like marmoleum. sounds like flooring for a mausoleum!

    July 14, 2007

  • I like comptroller - it says & means business. No unnecessary expense will get by the comptroller. The accountant & controller are out playing racquetball, but the comptroller is in his office & scowling, determined to take no prisoners financewise.

    July 10, 2007

  • Say it 10 times fast. It means having four wings & it's our word for the day.

    July 8, 2007

  • Pretty word! From the AH dictionary, "Of or relating to a flower that opens to allow for pollination."

    July 8, 2007

  • Such beautiful writing & you've highlighted such powerful & evocative phrases. Good work!

    July 7, 2007

  • You can learn so much on Wordie - & so efficiently.

    June 26, 2007

  • Sorry reseetee - I had second thoughts & deleted my comment

    June 26, 2007

  • I'm disappointed. I thought reseetee was an exotic East Indian or Pakistani name. I envisioned you as a wise man looking strikingly similiar to Ghandi.

    June 25, 2007

  • Interesting list with a lot of undesirables listed like preggers & cherub! W.C. Fields would appreciate the fact that you dislike the word puppy.

    June 24, 2007

  • When the first feminists appeared, they were intimidating to men, no doubt. Now that the feminist agenda of simple equality has been established, I think feminism has become less of a hot-button issue. I haven't had a woman complain when I held the door open for them or shown them other courtesies.

    Like reseetee I've used "guys" informally to refer to a mixed gender group. However I wouldn't think of using "gals" to refer to a mixed gender group. Curious, eh?

    June 24, 2007

  • Interesting word! Pus is not as fun as snot, but better than putrefaction. It's all in your point of view!

    June 24, 2007

  • Great set of lists - really interesting examples of words at work!

    June 23, 2007

  • Creative list reseetee. You must have been smartstruck!

    June 23, 2007

  • It's not stealing, it's learning. I'm flattered when one of my words becomes popular. It's sharing.

    June 16, 2007

  • Interesting list!

    June 15, 2007

  • I agree - amazing idea for a list.

    June 15, 2007

  • That's what I thought it meant. Never having bombed out in that activity, I was unfamiliar with the term.

    June 13, 2007

  • Thanks uselessness & quotato. A & H bombs are cool but what the heck is an F bomb? Fusion, fission?

    June 13, 2007

  • Cool list!

    June 9, 2007

  • You have some great synonym lists - nice work! Bollixed is a good word I just learned here.

    June 9, 2007

  • You have an entablature? What a house! How about an architrave or quoins? I love eyebrow window.

    June 8, 2007

  • Great list. Perhaps there's also rubble, wrack, leavings, precipitate - but you've included most of the beautiful ones.

    June 8, 2007

  • Cool list. Must have taken time to research.

    June 6, 2007

  • What a vocabulary lesson this list is! I personally search for words like vivific - fun and impactful variants of more common word forms, though vivifying itself is a beauty.

    June 5, 2007

  • aptly creepy indeed!

    June 5, 2007

  • No problem reesetee. Really like puggle! Platypus is a great word too.

    June 5, 2007

  • Really cool reesetee - each word makes me think!

    June 3, 2007

  • All good suggestions Valse. Hemispherectomy is a beautiful word! Lobotomy makes me nervous - my friends & family think it would be perfect for me.

    June 3, 2007

  • Thanks reseetee! Your "The Eyes Have It" list is excellent! Another interesting anatomical area is the ear - lots of fun terminology. The more we explore words, the more we find, eh?

    June 2, 2007

  • Good ones oroboros - used them all

    May 26, 2007

  • Great list!

    May 23, 2007

  • Oops! Nice list uselessness.

    May 22, 2007

  • Handy list reesetee!

    May 21, 2007

  • Interesting words indeed!

    May 13, 2007

  • Wow! All your lists are beautiful & unique.

    April 18, 2007

  • Thanks spicolli! I Enjoy the uniqueness of your lists.

    April 17, 2007

  • Cool list. Destroying angel sounds like a character out of the apocalypse.

    April 16, 2007

  • Great list!

    April 15, 2007

  • A very creative & unique wordlist! I think you had fun putting it together.

    April 15, 2007

  • I think you pronounce the "flang" as in language: kam-o-flang-wuge.

    April 15, 2007

  • Dislike of female writers - per Word Spy.

    April 14, 2007

  • Loony conspiracy theorizing by crackpots.

    April 14, 2007

  • Pleasant term for a restroom break.

    April 14, 2007

  • Those features of the American landscape (strip malls, motel/restaurant chains, prefab housing) that are exactly the same no matter what part of the country you're in - per

    April 14, 2007

  • Memorabilia related to a murder or murderer.

    April 14, 2007

  • Language that uses jargon, euphemisms, and other devices to hide the true meaning of what is being said - per Word Spy.

    April 14, 2007

  • The determination of a person's financial status or health insurance coverage before admitting that person to a hospital or before performing an expensive procedure - per Word Spy.

    April 14, 2007

  • Web page animations and effects that detract from the content of the page.

    April 14, 2007

  • One billion hamburgers

    April 14, 2007

  • A non-cowboy who dresses up in elaborate cowboy costumes.

    April 14, 2007

  • The inability to think of a suitable present for a particular person - per Word Spy.

    April 14, 2007

  • Fear of Friday the 13th.

    April 14, 2007

  • A child used to impress other people and enhance the status of the parent or parents - Word Spy

    April 14, 2007

  • An activist who promotes breast-feeding over the use of infant formula - per Word Spy.

    April 14, 2007

  • The evidence of sexual misconduct by a politician or other public figure.

    April 14, 2007

  • An employee with a cold or the flu who insists on showing up for work - per Word Spy

    April 14, 2007

  • A person who walks particularly slowly and aimlessly - per Word Spy

    April 14, 2007

  • A person born on February 29th - yes, there's a word for everything.

    April 14, 2007

  • An adult child who returns home to live with his or her baby-boomer parents per Word Spy

    April 14, 2007

  • Dating that emphasizes intelligence, particularly by attending lectures, readings, or other cultural events - per Word spy

    April 14, 2007

  • A woman who has only pre-feminist cultural or political heroines per Word Spy.

    April 14, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee!

    April 14, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee!

    March 30, 2007

  • Thanks reseetee & welcome back!

    March 25, 2007

  • Great explanation - caged monkey indeed.

    March 24, 2007

  • Thanks sionnach - great "que" words!

    March 24, 2007

  • Thanks uselessness! Great name & a great part of the world. It's added.

    March 23, 2007

  • Fun list to read!

    March 21, 2007

  • Lying immediately above or on something else. per wordnet

    March 20, 2007

  • dateless: having no known beginning and presumably no end. per wordnet.

    March 20, 2007

  • Easily understood; clear or lucid. AHD

    March 20, 2007

  • Flat on one side and concave on the other.

    March 20, 2007

  • Beautiful list.

    March 18, 2007

  • Great list Trivet! Favorited.

    March 18, 2007

  • Uneven, lumpy terrain.

    March 18, 2007

  • Having six syllables.

    March 17, 2007

  • Having six fingers or six toes on a hand or foot.

    March 17, 2007

  • Thanks amcd56. I missed some obvious ones!

    March 16, 2007

  • Sounds like a great obscenity. "Stick it up your oikofugic!"

    March 14, 2007

  • Great find reesetee! What a word.

    March 14, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee!

    March 13, 2007

  • What an amazing vocabulary!

    March 12, 2007

  • Good words - I like chump change especially!

    March 12, 2007

  • Like an afternoon at Home Depot. Thank you reesetee!

    March 12, 2007

  • Great list! Favorited.

    March 11, 2007

  • "The vague, speechless awe one experiences upon gazing up into the cosmos and contemplating the pathetic minuteness of one's being. This word was coined by Charles Harrington Elster. (New York Times Magazine, August 29, 1999, page 18.)" per ArtLex Art Dictionary

    March 8, 2007

  • Great list. Another great wind is the arctic screamer

    March 6, 2007

  • "Typing all the correct letters, just in the wrong sequence. Occurs often when "dashing off" an e-mail response." per

    March 6, 2007

  • Euphemism for failure. There's hope after all!

    March 6, 2007

  • "A quiet protest of company policy in which employees go through the motions of doing their jobs but intentionally accomplish nothing." per

    March 6, 2007

  • "Description of a person whose predictions or guesses are more often wrong than right." Per

    March 6, 2007

  • "The mass nod of agreement by participants in a meeting to comments made by the boss even though most have no idea what he just said."

    March 6, 2007

  • Photoshopping news photos

    March 6, 2007

  • "What a struggling company does just before it goes down the tubes."


    March 6, 2007

  • And the mighty redwood aka sequoia sempervirens

    March 6, 2007

  • "The talking heads, pundits, columnists, talk show hosts, etc., who have something "expert" to say on every issue -- whether it's meaningful or not." per

    March 4, 2007

  • Another one for the cryptkeeper: cryptocrystalline

    March 3, 2007

  • Would it be easier to say funnel-shaped?

    March 3, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee

    March 3, 2007

  • You're right - "thus far" is two words.

    March 1, 2007

  • Thusfar a good list. Favorited!

    February 28, 2007

  • Beautiful list!

    February 27, 2007

  • A cheap restaurant, often a greasy spoon, with a hash slinger for a cook.

    February 25, 2007

  • Pretty word. "To move in a spiral or zigzag course".

    February 25, 2007

  • I don't think this person is extremely happy at the moment...

    February 25, 2007

  • It worked! Thanks reesetee!

    February 25, 2007

  • Great list! Favorited

    February 24, 2007

  • Interesting list!

    February 24, 2007

  • Good one reesetee - it's just a bit long, causing the links to go to two lines.

    February 24, 2007

  • Built like a brick shithouse is funny but I don't know about beautiful. I asked my wife & now I think my nose is broken.

    February 24, 2007

  • Good list! I like whippet.

    February 23, 2007

  • How about viperish or vulturine? Not to forget pachydermatous.

    February 22, 2007

  • Everyone has their own way of listing words. I limit my word set list to about 100 words or so each because I enjoy browsing through them & hate scrolling. Scrolling through long lists gets very fatiguing to me about a third of the way down.

    I like uselessness' idea of having a single lookup link with a drop-down menu of all the possible sources.

    February 22, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee & chained_bear! I'm not a beekeeper, but I liked the poetic images these terms create.

    February 22, 2007

  • When you consider there's millions of words in the English language, what's 3000 well-chosen ones? You have a love of the language also. A year from now people will have 30,000. Hope John has the bandwidth.

    February 20, 2007

  • "First, do no harm"* - the obligation not to injure others. Used primarily in the health care industry.

    *from the ancient maxim "primum non nocere". Per

    February 19, 2007

  • Thanks chained_bear! I like the word fuck too! It's not the word, it's the intention behind it's use. The word fuck can be used in a joyful or highly offensive manner.

    Your points are well taken. I can certainly be an overly judgmental idiot on occasion - I didn't choose the handle "palooka" lightly! It's highly self-descriptive.

    February 19, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee! The key is to avoid taking Wordie in the wrong direction. Why make word lists about Gays? Are there word lists about Jews we should all be snickering about?

    Freedom of speech is crucial here but I think the best & most active Wordies - & you are one - have a responsibility to keep this site as positive & ethical as possible.

    Lets keep Wordie fun, educational & welcoming towards all.

    As an aside, I certainly am guilty of using overly judgmental & incendiary words in my original comment. I could have handled my feelings in a more mature & fair-minded manner for sure.

    February 19, 2007

  • Thanks for all your thoughtful responses. What set me off is the fact that this was the second thread on Sunday that seemed to contain slurs against gays. The first was on Abraxas' Wordiehol list in which two Wordies seemed to become hostile towards Abraxas when he made a joking gay comment - comments Abraxas deleted.

    This thread is relatively mild but ominous. Some of the best, most active Wordies seemed to be willing to take Wordie in the wrong direction.

    Maybe I over-reacted to this thread, but my response was the result of reading both threads, not just this one.

    Again, thank you all for your thoughtful responses.

    February 19, 2007

  • Thanks sionnach! On this thread it's gays, on the next it might be attacks on Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, or your or my ancestry. Thanks again!

    February 19, 2007

  • WHERE IS ALL THIS HOMOPHOBIA COMING FROM? I'm not gay, but I don't support this negative stereotyping of gays either! Look up words like hatred, fear & discrimination ladies & gentlemen.

    February 19, 2007

  • Female supporters could call themselves Obamarama mamas

    February 19, 2007

  • Obama is my man-a

    February 19, 2007

  • Maybe sexual reproduction that results in sextuplets.

    February 19, 2007

  • Abraxas, creating lists is creativity! Aggravating uselessness is an art too.

    February 19, 2007

  • I did the same thing - try to devise a new language. It gave me an appreciation for the structure & incredible variety of English.

    February 18, 2007

  • Last night for dinner we had a bowl of curds & whey, coush-coush and boiled tongue. Man, that was eating!

    February 18, 2007

  • I have the exact same problem! I should be creating art.

    February 18, 2007

  • Holy macaroni! You included my favorite, "holy macaroni".

    February 18, 2007

  • To make six times as great; multiply by six. To make six copies of. Per the American Heritage dictionary

    February 18, 2007

  • Thanks Abraxas - good term! It's added.

    February 18, 2007

  • There's also bug me not, assassin bugs, bugaboo

    February 18, 2007

  • Turning off your alarm clock and immediately going back to sleep; risking not waking up for a job, class, or other daily task. Per the Urban Dictionary

    February 18, 2007

  • I also have hypnic (relating to sleep), somnipathy (any sleep disorder), somniferous, somnifacient, somniloquy (talking in one's sleep). I think I'll go lay down now.

    February 18, 2007

  • I like fossiliferous and lithological.

    February 17, 2007

  • To readjust or rearrange.

    February 17, 2007

  • Refers to physiological changes anadromous fish go through to enable them to migrate from fresh to salt water.

    February 17, 2007

  • There's also an administratrix, a woman who handles the affairs of an estate when there is no will.

    February 17, 2007

  • Slang for a corpse that has been cryonically preserved (frozen). Advocates of cryonics find it an offensive term. Per

    February 17, 2007

  • Thanks seanahan - interesting word! Added.

    February 17, 2007

  • a woman who writes a will, a female testator.

    February 16, 2007

  • Thanks chained_bear!

    February 16, 2007

  • Thanks conceptwriter & notanotherjazzpoet!

    February 16, 2007

  • I'm reading this over a jigger of gin.

    February 16, 2007

  • Then there's your basic bamboozler

    February 16, 2007

  • flapjacks - a fun variation of pancakes.

    February 16, 2007

  • You guys should all take a powder

    February 16, 2007

  • Great list! I showed it to my wife & now she wants me to buy her a pair of mukluks.

    February 16, 2007

  • I wish coprolalia & comedogenic had different meanings - really beautiful words. stercoraceous is a good one as is klismaphilia. Personally, I suffer from idioglossia.

    February 14, 2007

  • I own an Armageddon. It'll be the last car I ever own I'm afraid. How about a megaton? Try to get that baby in the garage

    February 7, 2007

  • Not to mention the Mercury Miniscule.

    February 7, 2007

  • Blissful list!

    February 6, 2007

  • Thanks reseetee - I've always been a weather-buff.

    February 6, 2007

  • Sarsaparilla is a great example.

    February 6, 2007

  • Great idea for a list!

    February 6, 2007

  • What a list! Love tyrannulets, kiskadees and frigatebirds among many others.

    February 6, 2007

  • Thanks for your comments.

    February 6, 2007

  • Thanks chained_bear! I was inspired by your "Animals with Nifty Names" list.

    February 4, 2007

  • Great idea for a list!

    February 4, 2007

  • Thanks chained_bear!

    February 3, 2007

  • Is this a beautiful word or what?

    February 3, 2007

  • Fun list!

    February 1, 2007

  • booboisie: what every politician seeks. Per the American Heritage dictionary: "A class of people regarded as stupid and gullible"

    January 28, 2007

  • "A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption." per the American Heritage Dictionary. Also kleptocratic & kleptocrat.

    January 28, 2007

  • This list sizzles - very creative!

    January 28, 2007

  • "The belief that the Being of God includes and penetrates the whole univers, so that every part of it exists in him, but (as against Pantheism...) that His Being is more than, and is not exhausted by, the universe." per

    January 28, 2007

  • A neologism defined by as "Extreme in dramatic effect or action; a rapidly or violently striking effect". It's a combination of dramatic & drastic. They list "dramasticiferous" as one of its forms which is really a fun word to contemplate.

    January 28, 2007

  • Wow, spaghettification is a wonderful word! Good find!

    January 28, 2007

  • A condition affecting exterior shingles or panels defined by the VYTEC product glossary as: "condition that occurs when the seam formed by joining two panels does not close properly. The resulting seam gapes open, similar to a fish’s mouth."

    January 28, 2007

  • Adjective form of heliotaxis which is "the movement of an organism in response to the light of the sun." American Heritage Dictionary.

    January 27, 2007

  • A fun word to say - means "composed of or producing globules" per the American Heritage dictionary.

    January 27, 2007

  • Thanks - been watching hold-em on TV lately & was confused about what beat what between a full house, flush & a straight. Now if you can just explain the big & small blinds.

    January 27, 2007

  • Thanks Abraxas. Wordie does get highly addictive.

    January 27, 2007

  • Great idea for a list! I liked "flammulated".

    January 27, 2007

  • Cool list. An idealistic, lexiphilic, anachronistic scumbag - that definitely describes me too!

    January 27, 2007

  • Macaroni & cheese, indeed. Put a little papaya whip on it & you'd really have a unique color.

    January 27, 2007

  • Beautiful list - I like your use of variant word forms like "anathematized".

    January 25, 2007

  • Love your word lists - they're elegant, exotic & educational.

    January 14, 2007

  • Unique & beautiful list!

    January 14, 2007

  • a collection or accumulation of things seen as a whole.

    January 14, 2007

  • An elegant & beautiful word that simply means bent or curved backwards.

    January 14, 2007

  • Refers to a tree or group of trees uprooted & blown down by the wind.

    January 14, 2007

  • Having a large belly, a potbelly. A polite way of pointing that fact out to a loved one.

    January 14, 2007

  • Greetings from Northern California. I enjoy the variety & undercurrent of humor in your word lists!

    January 14, 2007

  • Delicious words for a fun food. Great list!

    January 13, 2007

  • I came across a great one though linguistically English: arctic screamer.

    January 9, 2007

  • Thanks shhill! Cerulean is added to the list

    January 9, 2007

  • I'm impressed by the depth & variety of your vocabulary! Great lists!

    January 7, 2007

  • Great suggestions - they're all added! "Ecru" is an interesting new word/color - it was fun looking up.

    January 7, 2007

  • Aubergine, also known as an eggplant, is generally blackish purple, like the skin of the eggplant.

    January 7, 2007

  • Thanks Gloriaha! I enjoy the variety of your lists.

    January 6, 2007

  • I second oroboros' suggestion to encourage Wordies to leave comments for words.

    January 6, 2007

  • Cool word & fun to say - conglobation! Simply means "To form into a globe or ball" per the American Heritage Dictionary.

    January 6, 2007

  • How about a googolplex? Googol is the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros, or 10 raised to the power of 100. A googolplex is 10 raised to the power of a googol! That's a lot of damn zeros.

    January 6, 2007

  • I remember seeing Sissiboo Falls while boating on the Ubangi. We stayed at Mushaboom since Bannockburn was booked. Great list!

    January 6, 2007

  • It's a real word! Defined as "...relating to or causing vomiting. A medicine that induces nausea and vomiting, an emetic."

    January 6, 2007

  • A fun name for a food! Hush puppies are deep-fried fritters popular in the South.

    January 5, 2007

  • Beautiful word. Relates to the partially conscious state just before completely awakening from sleep. It's the opposite of hypnogogic which is state of partial consciousness preceding sleep. Both are times for delicious reveries.

    January 4, 2007

  • Delicious list. Not to mention rutabagas and succotash.

    January 1, 2007

  • Annoying indeed - great list. Just a heads-up while I'm multi-tasking.

    January 1, 2007

  • Fun list! Saskatchawan is one of my favorites along with it's capital, Saskatoon.

    January 1, 2007

  • Intriguing list. There's also taupe & mauve, two colors I could never describe but always seems to be in every retailer's catalog.

    January 1, 2007

  • Beautiful list! "Architectonics" is a personal favorite.

    January 1, 2007

  • Great list - from "sufferin' succotash" to "synchronicity"; what a beautiful range of words!

    January 1, 2007

Show 249 more comments...