I've become addicted to rhopalic sentences recently and have created a page about them here, at my Quadrivial Quandary site.
This is one of mine:
I do not like these greedy phrases, rhopalic fashioned, tirelessly snowballing, accumulating incrementally sesquipedalian overindulgences, circumlocutional complexifications, pseudo-aristocratic self-aggrandizements, psychopathalogically over-intellectualizing incomprehensiblenesses; hyperpolysyllabicomania!
Comments by quandary
quandary commented on the word rhopalic
Love the Borgman examples!
I've become addicted to rhopalic sentences recently and have created a page about them here, at my Quadrivial Quandary site.
This is one of mine:
I do not like these greedy phrases, rhopalic fashioned, tirelessly snowballing, accumulating incrementally sesquipedalian overindulgences, circumlocutional complexifications, pseudo-aristocratic self-aggrandizements, psychopathalogically over-intellectualizing incomprehensiblenesses; hyperpolysyllabicomania!
December 10, 2009
quandary commented on the word galvanize
In the usage examples I didn't see the construction "galvanize into" (as in "galvanize into action"), but this seems common.
November 21, 2009