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Comments by rduke
rduke commented on the word oestrum venereum
From OED definition #3 of oestrum:
1857 R. G. MAYNE Expos. Lexicon Med. Sci. (1860), Oestrum, Oestrus,..term for the orgasm or pleasurable sensation experienced during the operation of the appetites or passions, particularly that during coition, termed more distinctively Oestrum venereum.
April 17, 2009
rduke commented on the word oestrum venereum
From OED definition #3 of oestrum:
Oestrum, Oestrus,..term for the orgasm or pleasurable sensation experienced during the operation of the appetites or passions, particularly that during coition, termed more distinctively Oestrum venereum.'>1857 R. G. MAYNE Expos. Lexicon Med. Sci. (1860), Oestrum, Oestrus,..term for the orgasm or pleasurable sensation experienced during the operation of the appetites or passions, particularly that during coition, termed more distinctively Oestrum venereum.
April 17, 2009
rduke commented on the word sculduddery
1. ‘A term, now used in a ludicrous manner, to denote those causes that come under the judgment of an ecclesiastical court, which respect some breach of chastity’ (Jam.).
Jamieson's words imply that the word was originally in serious use, but of this there seems to be no evidence.
2. Obscenity.
3. attrib. passing into adj. a. Concerned with ‘sculduddery’ as a punishable offence. b. Of literature or conversation: Obscene.
January 17, 2009
rduke commented on the list words-that-don-t-really-exist-but-should
Concision exists.
January 8, 2009
rduke commented on the list do-the-locomotion
How about wamble, titubate, gambol and circumambulate?
December 12, 2007
rduke commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I always like pixilated
December 6, 2007
rduke commented on the word fracedinous
productive of heat through putrefaction
December 6, 2007
rduke commented on the word naufragous
Causing shipwrecks.
December 5, 2007
rduke commented on the list day-and-night
I like it! How about vespertine, matutinal and glooming?
November 30, 2007
rduke commented on the word blackjack
Did you get inkjet, too?
November 12, 2007
rduke commented on the word anthronecroviviphobia
This is a word I made up. It means a fear of zombies. The latinate roots translate out to a "fear of living dead people"
Let me know what you think.
November 5, 2007
rduke commented on the word ultracrepidarian
Of somebody who gives opinions on matters beyond his knowledge.
November 5, 2007