
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun One of the manifestations and cult titles of the wife of Shiva and mother goddess Devi, especially in her malevolent role as a goddess of death and destruction, depicted as black, red-eyed, blood-stained, and wearing a necklace of skulls.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A carpet with a long pile, as distinguished from the carpets without nap.
  • noun The largest in the set of carpets commonly used in a Persian room, filling the center of the room.
  • noun For words beginning thus, see cali-.
  • noun The plant Salsola Kali, the prickly saltwort or glasswort. See alkali and Salsola.
  • noun Potash: so called by German chemists. Also kalin.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun (Bot.) The glasswort (Salsola Kali).
  • noun (Hind. Cosmog.) The last and worst of the four ages of the world; -- considered to have begun B. C. 3102, and to last 432,000 years.
  • proper noun (Hind. Myth.) The black, destroying goddess; -- called also Doorga, Anna Purna.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A goddess in Hinduism, and one of the most significant figures within that religion.
  • proper noun Hinduism A male demon, lord of Kali Yuga and the nemesis of Kalki, tenth Avatar of Vishnu.
  • proper noun A female given name used in India.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun bushy plant of Old World salt marshes and sea beaches having prickly leaves; burned to produce a crude soda ash
  • noun wife of Siva and malevolent form of Devi


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Sanskrit Kālī, from kālī, feminine of kāla-, dark, of Dravidian origin; akin to Kannada kāḍu, black, blackness.]


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  • By the same token, "Kali" is shortly going to be released, with many even more fundamental changes.

    No Surrender 2006

  • Today I can admit that my fascination with the Hindu deity Kali is not solely based on the fact that she is female and the Goddess of Time and eternal energy ... but also that she has 10 arms and I can't help but imagine how much more I'd get done around the house with extra extremities.

    Robyn Okrant: Multitasking and the Modern Woman Robyn Okrant 2010

  • Today I can admit that my fascination with the Hindu deity Kali is not solely based on the fact that she is female and the Goddess of Time and eternal energy ... but also that she has 10 arms and I can't help but imagine how much more I'd get done around the house with extra extremities.

    Robyn Okrant: Multitasking and the Modern Woman Robyn Okrant 2010

  • Children of the Night by Dan Simmons – Simmons 'The Song of Kali is regarded by many as one of the best horror novels ever written.

    Chasing Tale: June '09 2009

  • Today I can admit that my fascination with the Hindu deity Kali is not solely based on the fact that she is female and the Goddess of Time and eternal energy ... but also that she has 10 arms and I can't help but imagine how much more I'd get done around the house with extra extremities.

    Robyn Okrant: Multitasking and the Modern Woman Robyn Okrant 2010

  • With only one week before I had to begin work, I called Kali in a panic.

    Unbearable Lightness Portia de Rossi 2010

  • In Sanskrit, that age is called Kali, which meant a time of less clarity, the so-called age of quarrel or age of opinion.

    Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar Jeffrey Armstrong 2010

  • In Sanskrit, that age is called Kali, which meant a time of less clarity, the so-called age of quarrel or age of opinion.

    Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar Jeffrey Armstrong 2010

  • In Sanskrit, that age is called Kali, which meant a time of less clarity, the so-called age of quarrel or age of opinion.

    Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar Jeffrey Armstrong 2010

  • ‘Goddess Kali is highly revered in Hinduism and she is meant to be worshipped in temples and not to be used in clubs for publicity stunts or thrown around loosely for dramatic effects,’ said Rajan Zed, an American Hindu priest.

    RNB QuickLinks: Heidi Klum, a noisy church burglar, and ‘Christian’ gossip 2008


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  • From The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia:

    "n. The plant Salsola Kali, the prickly saltwort or glasswort. See alkali and Salsola.

    n. Potash: so called by German chemists. Also kalin.

    n. A carpet with a long pile, as distinguished from the carpets without nap.

    n. The largest in the set of carpets commonly used in a Persian room, filling the center of the room."

    n. For words beginning thus, see cali-."

    July 19, 2017