I have seen Prolagus use this a couple of times and am curious about what it means. I could probably look it up in Urban Dictionary, but there's no immediate link and I'm not fully awake yet. So I'll just ask.
My first guess would be: "What's The Big Hurry", but that doesn't fit the circs, so then, remembering BHAG (wasn't that "Big Hairy-Assed Goal"?), I thought, "What The Big Hairy". That took me to "What The Big Harry", but then, who the f--k is Harry? But maybe this is short for WTBHAD: What's The Big Hairy-Assed Deal?. I'm feeling lost.
Sounds like the call letters of an east-coast talk radio station. "It's five minutes past the top of the hour on WTBH, coming up next it's NPR's All Things Considered."
rolig commented on the word WTBH
I have seen Prolagus use this a couple of times and am curious about what it means. I could probably look it up in Urban Dictionary, but there's no immediate link and I'm not fully awake yet. So I'll just ask.
My first guess would be: "What's The Big Hurry", but that doesn't fit the circs, so then, remembering BHAG (wasn't that "Big Hairy-Assed Goal"?), I thought, "What The Big Hairy". That took me to "What The Big Harry", but then, who the f--k is Harry? But maybe this is short for WTBHAD: What's The Big Hairy-Assed Deal?. I'm feeling lost.
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word WTBH
What The Bloody Hell ... ? ?
December 2, 2009
Prolagus commented on the word WTBH
WGS (what gangerh said) . :-)
I made it up but I bet it's in common use (unless it's considered too mild... compared to the terrible WTFG...)
December 2, 2009
mollusque commented on the word WTBH
Yup, it's in use.
December 2, 2009
rolig commented on the word WTBH
Thanks, I should have gotten that, but then, I'm not British, so "bloody" doesn't necessarily spring to mind. WTFH would be my dialect.
But now I'm wondering if WTBHAG is a sweet tooth fairy?
December 2, 2009
uselessness commented on the word WTBH
Sounds like the call letters of an east-coast talk radio station. "It's five minutes past the top of the hour on WTBH, coming up next it's NPR's All Things Considered."
December 3, 2009
PossibleUnderscore commented on the word WTBH
December 3, 2009