
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In petrography, the magnitude of the grain of a rock: a factor in the texture.
  • noun The condition or quality of being granular.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun uncountable The condition of being granular
  • noun countable The extent to which something is granular

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun the quality of being composed of relatively large particles


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  • I hate the word granularity, but I would like some more of it, would be the diversification of your business, i.e., going outside of the government and the NGO world, what would be, let us say for instance, an optimal acquisition target because you do have the cash for it, you do have a stock that is trading well. Home Page 2010

  • I hate the word granularity, but I would like some more of it, would be the diversification of your business, i.e., going outside of the government and the NGO world, what would be, let us say for instance, an optimal acquisition target because you do have the cash for it, you do have a stock that is trading well.

    Biotech Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha 2010

  • The appropriate word here is not "granularity" - the appropriate words are blood, fecklessness, and the absence of any common sense, including moral sense, in the Pentagon and, sadly, in the White

    In These Times 2010

  • What would work, I think, is some kind of tagging structure and … i guess i’d call it granularity … voting … and algorithms that help determine truth.

    Recovery 2.0: An agenda? « BuzzMachine 2005

  • The main thing is that Vogt has this 800 word granularity of structure but only a very ephemeral over-arching structure.

    Archive 2007-04-29 patternjuggler 2007

  • The main thing is that Vogt has this 800 word granularity of structure but only a very ephemeral over-arching structure.

    Rogue Ship by A.E. Van Vogt patternjuggler 2007

  • SOA veterans say that sizing services properly-also known as granularity-is as much art as science and that poor granularity can dramatically reduce the possibilities for reuse. 2009

  • It turns out MSAA does not have the single-word granularity I'm looking for.

    AutoHotkey Community 2009

  • SOA veterans say that sizing services properly-also known as granularity-is as much art as science and that poor granularity can dramatically reduce the possibilities for reuse. 2009

  • Access control lists alone are notoriously difficult to manage with any level of granularity, which is why most enterprises choose to deploy firewalls as the principle enforcement points on the network. - Virtualization Technology News and Information for Everyone 2008


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  • People at work just started using this to mean they they have earthly idea what they're talking about.

    March 13, 2008