
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The business or practice of hunting, killing, and processing whales.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The act or business of taking whales; the pursuit of whales; whale-fishing: much used in compounds: as, a whaling-ship; a whaling-voyage; whaling- grounds; bay -whaling; shore-whaling.
  • Big, unusual, or extraordinary of its kind; strapping; whopping; whacking: as, a whaling lie.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The hunting of whales.
  • adjective Pertaining to, or employed in, the pursuit of whales

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The practice of hunting whales.
  • noun The practice of spotting whales.
  • noun informal A beating.
  • verb Present participle of whale.


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  • "Several recent phishing attacks have been directed specifically at senior executives and other high profile targets within businesses, and the term whaling has been coined for these kinds of attacks."

    Slashdot: Your Rights Online 2010

  • "Several recent phishing attacks have been directed specifically at senior executives and other high profile targets within businesses, and the term whaling has been coined for these kinds of attacks."

    Slashdot: Your Rights Online 2010

  • Since 1986, when the International Whaling Commission (IWC) 's moratorium was enforced, commercial whaling is prohibited in Japan.

    Global Voices in English » Japan: Whaling. Scientific research or commercial hunting? 2009

  • We could stop whaling tomorrow by sending in a military force to protect the whales and kill the whalers, but would such a show of force make people understand that whaling is wrong?

    Is Pacifism A Sham? John Storhm 2009

  • We could stop whaling tomorrow by sending in a military force to protect the whales and kill the whalers, but would such a show of force make people understand that whaling is wrong?

    Archive 2009-03-01 John Storhm 2009

  • At present only research whaling is allowed, but a lot of whales hunted become food under the guise of ‘scientific’ research.

    Global Voices in English » Japan: Whaling. Scientific research or commercial hunting? 2009

  • Humpbacks are still recovering from long-term whaling losses, but Japan and Denmark still want the IWC to let them hunt small numbers each year. News of the Underwater World 2010

  • Australia may intervene in Japanese whaling row: minister

    Raw Story 2009

  • In recent decades, a broadening international consensus has begun to emerge in the policies of those institutions concerned with "whaling" - in itself an unpleasant term for what should accurately be called whale hunting - and in particular that of the IWC, created in 1946 to co-ordinate the different national industries.

    Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian | Paola Cavalieri 2010

  • In recent decades, a broadening international consensus has begun to emerge in the policies of those institutions concerned with "whaling" - in itself an unpleasant term for what should accurately be called whale hunting - and in particular that of the IWC, created in 1946 to co-ordinate the different national industries.

    EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed (Guardian: Paola Caval 2010


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