A list of 36 words by utarcher.
- palaverwas added by astromoose and appears on 189 lists
- doxywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 63 lists
- imbuewas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 122 lists
- insurrectionwas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 84 lists
- clandestinewas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 335 lists
- collatewas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 42 lists
- sullywas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 69 lists
- obeisancewas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 110 lists
- mitewas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 37 lists
- fallaciouswas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 142 lists
- addendumwas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 48 lists
- caveatwas added by queenslartibartfast and appears on 156 lists
- religiositywas added by mostlyfoobar and appears on 10 lists
- kosherizedwas added by mostlyfoobar and appears on just this list
- backbirthwas added by mostlyfoobar and appears on just this list
- tetchywas added by mostlyfoobar and appears on 63 lists
- betwixtwas added by mostlyfoobar and appears on 118 lists
- bibbledywas added by utarcher and appears on 3 lists
- philosophizewas added by utarcher and appears on 5 lists
- truthsomewas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- patsywas added by utarcher and appears on 26 lists
- laconicwas added by utarcher and appears on 501 lists
- scruthwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- ornerywas added by utarcher and appears on 87 lists
- whingewas added by utarcher and appears on 54 lists
- pantywaist ijitwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- sanguinewas added by utarcher and appears on 550 lists
- ironicalwas added by utarcher and appears on 23 lists
- gorramwas added by utarcher and appears on 19 lists
- creepifyingwas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- ruttingwas added by utarcher and appears on 16 lists
- shindigwas added by utarcher and appears on 66 lists
- corpsifiedwas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- fripperywas added by utarcher and appears on 109 lists
- foufarawwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- fanciblewas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
ruzuzu commented on the list words-i-learned-from-firefly
May 10, 2010
Telofy commented on the list words-i-learned-from-firefly
该死! I’m two hours late.
May 10, 2010
queenslartibartfast commented on the list words-i-learned-from-firefly
Hey, I added a few words, hope you don't mind. :-) This was a great show.
Edit: "A few" turned into 10. O_O M'bad. :P
May 23, 2010