erlome has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for erlome
I think this is a great place for comments and feedback, erlome. I'll note two things. First, our benevolent Wordnik overlords only track the number of words we've looked at when we're actively logged in to the site--and we can each change our own settings to decide how much of that information we'd like the rest of the world to see. Second, the venerable Century definitions are still here--but only for those words that are old enough to have been around before the dawn of lolcats and yolo. (My favorite Century definitions tend to have the word hence in them--I even made a hence list.)
Anywho, I'm glad you're here!
all the comments end up on the community page
Oh, did I misunderstand this comment page? The comments were *to* me? This page came up when I changed my password, I just assumed it was a place for me to offer comment or feedback! I suppose I should send this by email... Sorry.
Comments by erlome
erlome commented on the user erlome
Oh, did I misunderstand this comment page? The comments were *to* me? This page came up when I changed my password, I just assumed it was a place for me to offer comment or feedback! I suppose I should send this by email... Sorry.
June 18, 2015