elmyra: A colleague just returned the pile of project management books I'd lent them. Trouble is, I've filled up the shelf space with other stuff. (Mon, March 22, 09:19 AM)
I was delivering lines yesterday which included the phrase 'causing dismay to all mankind' and I kept fluffing it and coming out with 'causing mayhem to all mankind'. My brain yelled dismayhem at me. From then on as I was about to say 'causing dismayhem', I was triggered not to say 'hem' at the end. Hah!
Ha - yes I did, 'gus. I've just had another look and I must admit I didn't see he full import of it at first viewing. Is that a true example of its meaning? I like it. Makes my comment look a bit naive. Or cleverer than I thought. Can't really work that out.
(jean is arguably the humblest known dimmock not on the planet but she has asked me to politely request of all her questioners and surrogate answerers that, as part of the fun for some is random investigation of the words thrown at her, and of her retorts, they all commit to the social grace of linkifying to ease the look-up process - after all it may be just a game to youniks but it's her record that makes her the proudest dimmock on the planet.)
I suspect that genuine wordnik joiners do not do this until after some time and after some other activity , and probably after another wordnik has posted to their profile comments.
If this is indeed true, is there some way of using this fact to immediately filter out these spammers?
This was a tax introduced once by the British Government. It led to windows being bricked up to avoid liability. You still see many older buildings with bricked-up parts that were obviously once windows. It is the origination of the phrase 'daylight robbery'. True!
I'm just hearing on the radio about an employer who was refused placement of an ad for staff because it contained the words 'hard-working and reliable'.
They were told that the ad could not be accepted for publication because it may be seen to discriminate against the unreliable.
Nicolina (age 11) found this word the other day and said to me: 'Daddy, If someone told you they suffered from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, if they didn't faint, you'd know they were lying'.
Hi, 'cry. Just wanted to drop by while you're profilic. I note that you 'nunced minute silence but it's not on your Pronunciations list over to the right. Is this Mike trying to look clever? If so, he really is taking his name in vain.
OK, 'cry, I'm flying in by jelicopter. I've brought the raspberry one 'cause it sounds worse. I've recce'd both of your porches, and I'll be coming in between the two potted impatient plants. Tell them to hold out a little longer. BTW, I think your bowl of river rocks! I'm coming to take the Mike.
We need to get word to dontcry. She can't trust Mike. She has to be careful what she says when her Mike's nearby. Anyone could be listening in. Any ideas anyone on how to get a message to dontcry?
It seems to happen whenever she pronunciates. I think her Mike's been bugged. Or - *whisper* - her Mike's in cahoots with the those profilic catnappers.
Now that we seem to have taken back control of 'Nuncistation WDNK and Mike's activities there, I'd like to say a few words.
And I have observed a minute silence as a mark of respect to all of those Pronunciations that never made it through. Perhaps, my friends, you wish to do the same. Here.
I have a pronouncement of my own to make, but first we must re-establish our control over Pronuncistation WDNK. We must wrest it away from whomsoever or whatsoever is preventing our freedom of speech. A way must needs be found!
I'm told that my captivators still hold the pronuncistation and just won't listen to our Mike. He reckons he heard one of their speakers pronounce that they are about to double up with a whirlygiggle of their own, in a very disarming manner, and try to spoil everyone's oozey pubmachine fun.
I'm in the wrong time zone to expect much help right now. I asked them to wait 'til morning, secretly hoping the pronuncistation might be operational by then and I could record help. I'm drifting and I'm surrendering and I'm going to catnap now just like them and see what the mourning brings. So, fellow Wordies, 'tis with a heavy tart and heavy eyelids that I . . . . z z z, 'zu? See you when I wake or at my wake, whichever
. . . and that c_bcraftcarrier with the fbharskullandcrossbones I shorely saw earlier - the hands look none too pleased - are they the irates of the caribbean?
I think I'm hallusailornating, but isn't that a chained_bearcraft carrier coming over the horizontal? And isn't it flying the fbharjolly roger? Help! I'm sinking fast!
You know when you do something like push a button or flick a switch and at exactly that moment something else goes off? An example is you turn on a light and the doorbell rings. Or, as just happened to me, I tapped the glidepad on my laptop to close a window, and the alarm clock on the other side of the room went off. Does anyoone know of a word for this specific type of co-incidence?
“So, your focus is helping brands reach the hispamic market online, huh? Well, focus off!”
To: info@crecemediagroup.com
You have just spammed on wordnik.com and have probably alienated 29,177 members. Marketing statistics show that each one will likely tell 12 others. You have therefore reduced your marketplace by over one third of a million people!
Happily, though, because you spammed for free, it cost you absolutely nothing to lose all of this potential custom.
You have just spammed on wordnik.com and have probably alienated 29,177 members. Marketing statistics show that each one will likely tell 12 others. You have therefore reduced your marketplace by over one third of a million people!
Happily, though, because you spammed for free, it cost you absolutely nothing to lose all of this potential custom.
DAVID SPAMS! I can't believe it's not gutter. Perhaps emails to sales@cleanerflow.co.uk would be an appropriate Wordie treatment. I will if you will, fellow wordchiks.
GH finds JM's frequent dump of comments unattractive. He knows he'd find them all appealing in bite sizes, like one every now and then. That would allow the dimension necessary to fully savour and appreciate each pearl. But then JM isn't putting them here for GH.
My reply to that question always, 'zuzu, is 'Exuberant'. I feel better just saying it, and it usually gets the questioner feeling better too. Try it sometime, even if it's not entirely true at the time. It's almost self-prophesising. Let me promote to you Exuberance Thinking
Wordnik is billions of words, 300 million example sentences, 4.5 million unique words, and over 177,000 comments, 93,000 tags, 74,000 pronunciations, 21,000 favorites, 22,000 lists created by 27,245 Wordniks, and 736 Spammers.
You probably needed to be there, u'ness. But it might, only might, make sense if you saw schadenfreudgeon and schadenfreude and humdudgeon, all around a year and a half ago.
My nobblymen and wordieniks. Listen-sie this word. Resist the opportunists of Capitalisation. This time it's a race from point zero. Be upright and list.
"We settled on the name after rejecting other possibilities like 'The Clam Shell', 'The Beaver Dam', 'The Bonnie Bonnet', 'The Hoo Ha Hoodie', and 'The Sister Hood' because we had long referred to this area of our anatomy as our va j-j."
Who's got the list for English place names? Ouchthorpe might fit. It's a suburb of Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Having just typed it in and seen it in large letters on screen I realise what a brilliant name it is. Hmm! Ganger H Ouchthorpe?
Hi, testuser51 aka grantbarrett. Hah! Loopy idea. Could turn into a great game! Bit like fbharjo's list sweet tooth fairy (with braces and scaffolding) but with closure. Why don't you start a list for them? Perhaps illustrate one of them and start them off on the illustrated sweet tooth fairy. Huge fun. Away with the sweet tooth fairies!
That's genius, Jubjub. Not just a re-arrangement of letters, but both meaningful and pertinent. And six of them to boot! (There must be a word to describe such a thing).
I would say a word is a word if the sense or nonsense of it is understood by a communicator and/or a communicatee and/or a sentient being that is incommunicado.
The French Foreign Legion adapted some of Curean's techniques when they developed the kepitomy. The incidence of performing this procedure has diminished rapidly in recent years as, universally, the tendency, even of gentlemen, to doff their hats to ladies is considered sexist.
Oh dear, don't comment just before JM comes on if you're seeking maximum impact. Your comment will be off the front Zeitgeist page before you can say ....................'watch your language'
The 'most commented on' list was probably one of the main features that held this community together, imho. While comments dropped off the end of the feed it continually reminded us of where the main action was at any given moment. It was a place to congregate. It caused so much else to happen. Can we have it back, please?
'twouldn't be too difficult to set up a '• Words and phrases that I would love to have on a Wordie T-shirt' T-shirt store. If someone wants to, let me know. I'll send the know-how. Prolagus? It's your list.
Don't know, 'by. I'm off to the jazz club tonight. Anyway I haven't recently viewed any tv. My fibre optic cable is faulty and the upstream signal isn't good enough for connecting to the internet. A lead time of around 4 weeks led to me solving the problem by hijacking the tv feed. Given the choice between tv or web, I choose web. Besides for most tv output, I'd rather watch the backs of my eyelids. (Apparently, there are some unknown celebs congregating in a jungle over your way).
Holy wordspeed! 'Etruscan' dropped right off the end from top position in around 4 minutes. Seems to be a pointless listing to me or am I missing something wordnikwonderful?
Hah! I notice you don't have to list a new word to be able to comment on it.
Anyway, I find the 'recently viewed' list around 0% of interest compared with our old habits of 'recently listed' followed by a count. Is it coming to Zeitgeist, john?
How do I detect who contributed this to the sweet tooth fairy list without starting at the top of the supposedly alpha sorted list and reading through 'til I reach it?
Really, I just need to know who it was at this stage so that I can acknowledge them on frogapplause's wonderful illustration
HaHa! Bear hugs all round - just found this comment:
about 1 year ago chained_bear said:
1. I am pissed that I went through my spreadsheet and made a second column called "2nd guesses." You can probably all imagine my chagrin when MORE OF MY ORIGINAL GUESSES WERE RIGHT than my second guesses. Gah!
I am an egg living in a world where egg beating is allowed, even encouraged, and so I am whipped round and round, until I am dizzy with pain and longing for those shy days before I came out of my shell.
Fellow wordwhatevers. We have progressed to a few pilot pages of the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairy. Not with any illustrations yet - just the look-and-feel. The inaugural entry - from a fellow wordwhatever among us - is ready to be published. However, I need to sleep. Who said 'sweet dreams'? I'd greatly value your input on the fairy story so far. The #1 istf is awesome! Can't wait to show you.
Fellow wordwhatevers. We have progressed to a few pilot pages of the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairy. Not with any illustrations yet - just the look-and-feel. The inaugural entry - from a fellow wordwhatever among us - is ready to be published. However, I need to sleep. I'd value your input on the fairy story so far. Who said 'sweet dreams'? The #1 istf is awesome! Can't wait to show you.
I'm confident you will be, Pro. It's unthinkable that, at the very least, a visitor will not pick up on one of your stf contributions and be inspired to illustrate it.
Yes, 'gus, a good question. And it did not go unconsidered.
For me 'sweet tooth fairy' on its own lives on Wordie. There will only be illustrations of stfs on t-i-s-t-w.c. There will be nowhere for simply listing the stfs themselves. I would hope to see the Wordie list grow and flourish separately.
We are in accord there, 'gus. I do see possibilities across many art forms. I hadn't actually thought of 'Just So Stories for Little Children', though. Sweet Tooth Fairy Tales, perhaps?
I had intended 'illustrated' as in its widest sense as in '(something) to illustrate a point'.
Sorry to disappoint as I was planning on deliberately being 'logoless'! I thought to keep it all very plain for maximum impact of contributions. I do have a font in mind that I believe will work but I have yet to try it.
Thanks, 'by. Hope you won't be disappointed, though, as I've already registered the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairy.com for the site.
I did play around with different and supposedly clever wordplay, the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairi.es for instance. I preferred, however, that as the content is most important to therefore KISS it!
I want to create a website themed 'The Illustrated Sweet Tooth Fairy'. I've checked for any issues, vis-a-vis Wordie, with John, and there aren't any.
He suggests that I inquire here, of you who have contributed to the list.
I envisage simply inviting 'illustrated' stfs to be published on the website.
I imagine illustrations can be in many art forms.
My marketing mind whispers to me that there may be coin in the idea. If so, I envisage a proportion of any such coin available to all original contributors of both stfs and illustrations.
I welcome all comments from my fellow Wordies, whether from the beginning or more recently, who have grown up with me with this rather off-the-wall figure of speech.
DREAMS...when i was a kid i tot d world would end in 1999 cos of a tv sci-fi series dat i loved. I used to wonder if i would have a girlfriend n end up marrying her
. I wondered if id ever fly in a plane n go round d world in 80 days!!!! I tot id be a cowboy movie star somehow after watching the good the bad n the ugly...u noticed all the "I"s rite? Well am an adult now n with d benefit of hindsight, no dreams comes to stay except it has room for others n not just all about you. Oh n by the way...i dont only fly in planes but i work around planes n hope to fly round d world in 80days...space cowboys know better...Dreams...vague,twisted,sweet,bitter, deep as d ocean n as shallow as a bathtub. Any one else with DREAMS????
Kolnikov didn’t really believe in God, not as He was depicted by organized religions. He believed that there was something bigger than man, bigger than life, but he didn’t know what.
For the Roman soldier Hadrian's Wall was more than just a defence against the Caledonian tribes - it also represented the dividing line between the known world of order and civilisation, and the unknown world of chaos and barbarism.
I didnt know what barbarism meant. It sounded like something to do with haircuts but that didnt sound right. The picture in the book showed the tribes with long messy hair and the Romans with short hair or helmets so maybe barbarism was to do with haircuts.
Some pleasant event in the future, which isn't likely to happen, 'lby. From Alice Through the Looking Glass . . . . 'The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday - but never jam to-day'.
For me vertical lists are the superior way to list. I don't know the scientific understanding we have of it. It may have something to do with a tangible interruption between each item on a horizontal list?
For me, the way words are listed to the right hand side of the Zeitgeist page is a design disaster. It is an unnatural way to read a list and just deters me from wanting to scan it.
Three words where the first and second form a known expression and the second and third form a known expression and all three together make a credible expression.
Like sweet tooth and tooth fairy make sweet tooth fairy.
A 'perfect sweet tooth fairy' would, of course, be one where all three words together also formed a known expression.
I just have to get a sign made. The back lane past our house is poorly maintained and is riddled with potholes. Yet it is used muchly by motorists as a 'rat-run' from an city inner ring road into the centre. I'll put one at each end of the lane. HaHa!
And unless it's an exodus to the exotic. That is, an escape from one place to another. Using basic definitions. Indeed if an exodus isn't exotic it won't be an exodus.
'Just tell me what you want to tell me. I'm not going to judge you. My own eyes are fuller of beams than a mock-Tudor pub, so I can't even see your motes.'
Charles Paris in The Dead Side Of The Mike by Simon Brett.
My feelings about this are mixed. On the one hand I experience extreme pleasure at the immense beauty and artistry of the play. On the other I feel indignant humour at having my bum in the air to be able to read it! Hah! Brilliant, 'fy.
AhA! Fantastic idea, King of the Johngle. Here's my offer. LOGOF! You list one on mine and I'll list two on yours! List One Get One Free! Just contribute schadenfreudgeon to my list SCHADENFREUDGEON and I'll contribute two to yours.
Big-browed physicists tell us that two objects cannot under any circumstances occupy the same place at the same time. . . . .
. . . . a lot of fundamental physics is the solemn statement of the absurdly obvious. Any drunk who has tried to put his car where a lamppost stands is a self-educated physicist.
In order to get whatever it is you want, all you have to do is to stop performing the actions that don't bring about your desired result and start performing the actions that do.
......when prospectors with more dreams than common sense were drawn to the area by silver and rumors of silver. They discovered rich veins of the latter.
When I asked old Ronnie how he could possibly be so sure that Jasper (a Muscovy duck) was 29 years old, he said "Ee, lad, I've had 'im since 'e were egg".
A 'Porky sitting' is fried ham. A pig sits on its abdomen, which is the source of bacon, so 'one Porky lying' would have called for a rasher with the eggs.
'Cardiac shingles' is an order of toast with extra butter.
Behind the slumpstone wall lay a backyard, a swimming pool. Dappled with morning light and tree shadows, the water glimmered in shades of blue from sapphire to turquoise, as might a trove of jewels left by long-dead pirates who had sailed a sea since vanished.
Odd! After seeing your listing of this here, h'heir, Ive discovered that it's missing from my List 9. I found that it's actually missing from my Beatles lyrics book, which I understood had ALL of their lyrics.
Wow, ptero! I'm delighted and humbled at your adoption. I don't believe there was a Little Miss Different in the Little Miss series, but it sounds as if there ought to have been. Anyway if there wasn't, for me, it reflects the delightful edge that this list employs.
'Keep it up, gangerh. I'm going to love this page! :) Just think: A one-page, go-to reference for "Yes, We Have No Bananas" in almost any language! That's what Wordie is FOR!'
It would be an unexpected stroke of luck to find that 103 other Wordies listed this word for the first time today before a certain other word was listed again.
I like this one, 'gus. At first I wondered where I'd got it from as I'd forgotten I'd made it an open list. Ta for the contribution. I'm eager to use it. Perhaps as a bit of sledging at our cricket match today.
Aha! To wit, indeed! To woo, as well! It seems some fellow Wordies know of you already, 'luette, and hold you in good stead. I knew nought of you 'til now, am apprehensive, but your stock is rising. Be gentle with me. My days are in awe of the wonder that is Wordie.
Hey, 'esheir, I think this should be on fbharjo's clever list 'sweet tooth fairy (with braces and scaffolding)'. Though there are five stfs in there that would look good on the stf list.
Answer: 1. Then 27 governments do what they're told. (450 million EU consumers, incandescent with rage, are now banned from buying 100w incandescent light bulbs ).
We was robbed! That was definitely above waist height and should have been a no-ball! Hit him with your white stick, umpire! And did you see how wide that other one was? Anyway the only England Miss out on dramatic win that I saw was a couple of weeks ago when it really mattered! Now she was really something! So put that in your urn and smoke it! Oh, you can't, can you? Because it's not your urn! Ha!
This is brilliant, chained_one. You just must close it to all but bilby. I'm feeling very possessive about this list and nervous about it's spoliation by others!
gangerh's Comments
Comments by gangerh
Show previous 200 comments...
gangerh commented on the word pile management
elmyra: A colleague just returned the pile of project management books I'd lent them. Trouble is, I've filled up the shelf space with other stuff. (Mon, March 22, 09:19 AM)
March 23, 2010
gangerh commented on the word pile management
Heard this from a cousin today. She says it's the only technique she knows for running her home.
March 23, 2010
gangerh commented on the word midwicket off
As in '. . . caught at midwicket off the bowling of . . . ', presumably.
See also duck off.
March 22, 2010
gangerh commented on the word military intelligence test
Also, some might say, an oxymoron.
March 22, 2010
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Just found Food Vigilante which ran a contest for sweet tooth fairies. There are some gems in the submissions.
March 21, 2010
gangerh commented on the word chocolate cake tin man friday morning alarm clock face down load cell phone number line dance mat test twist round about me too much music videos online translator
By Nicolina
March 21, 2010
gangerh commented on the word pentagram
Is pen not a word? Is tag not a word? Is ram not a word?
March 18, 2010
gangerh commented on the word dismayhem
Oh, how the brain works!
I was delivering lines yesterday which included the phrase 'causing dismay to all mankind' and I kept fluffing it and coming out with 'causing mayhem to all mankind'. My brain yelled dismayhem at me. From then on as I was about to say 'causing dismayhem', I was triggered not to say 'hem' at the end. Hah!
March 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Chicanery
Negotiating curves then, 'by?
March 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the list 3--1
0 on the side
March 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word norma jean dimmock
oh lummy that isn't what i intended at all
March 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the word norma jean dimmock
March 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the word norma jean dimmock
March 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the word never put your banana in the refrigerator
I prefer 'a slash .....' in a bananame ' ..... to the more pedestrian hyphen'.
March 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the user dontcry
dontcry hurts so gangerh hurts a bit too - my condolences, 'cry
March 10, 2010
gangerh commented on the word never put your banana in the refrigerator
Oh, bilby. So we do have banana-growing areas today.
March 10, 2010
gangerh commented on the word dogbo
An 'asbo' for dogs, apparently proposed today by the UK Gumment.
March 10, 2010
gangerh commented on the word plenty of
Hah, you got this too, eh 'zuzu?
March 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the word i would like to welcome the village people
Hah 'zuzu, you got it in one!
March 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
March 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
No question that you were besotted, p'underscore.
March 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
March 7, 2010
gangerh commented on the word make up your mind day
Haha, 'tee and 'by! Nothing that I contribute would add to the discussion.
March 7, 2010
gangerh commented on the word never put your banana in the refrigerator
yes we have no banana-growing areas
March 7, 2010
gangerh commented on the word forex
I feel I ought to explain my previous comment.
It was made in response to a comment by danymarlon.
He/she/it spammed a link about wealth and forex.
Both his/her/its account, and the comment, has been nuked.
Leaving my comment suspended sans raison d'être.
March 7, 2010
gangerh commented on the word forex
And XXXX you, danymarlon.
March 7, 2010
gangerh commented on the word cheese sacrifice purchase day
If you wedge cheese doesn't that give you some purchase?
March 6, 2010
gangerh commented on the word bellend
But you are leaning toward the obtuse there, 'by.
March 6, 2010
gangerh commented on the word bellend
Also akin to dickhead. And I'm an Angle rather than a Brit.
March 6, 2010
gangerh commented on the word pronuncistationary
Describes the state of my wordnik pronouncement facility these days. Is it just mine that's staggered to a halt?
March 6, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
March 5, 2010
gangerh commented on the word greater spotted woodpecker
I’ve seen more of the greater spotted woodpecker than the lesser spotted but then, presumably, so has everyone.
March 4, 2010
gangerh commented on the word peckhamian mimicry
Thanks, pro'. You have enkindled a new stf satisfying pop of absurdity.
March 2, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
March 2, 2010
gangerh commented on the word peckhamian mimicry
Ha - yes I did, 'gus. I've just had another look and I must admit I didn't see he full import of it at first viewing. Is that a true example of its meaning? I like it. Makes my comment look a bit naive. Or cleverer than I thought. Can't really work that out.
*looks confused (thereby attracting others looking confused)*
March 2, 2010
gangerh commented on the word peckhamian mimicry
Wot, no examples? Bit of a conundrum for mimicry to exist without at least one. Or is that the point of a peckhamian one?
March 2, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
(jean is arguably the humblest known dimmock not on the planet but she has asked me to politely request of all her questioners and surrogate answerers that, as part of the fun for some is random investigation of the words thrown at her, and of her retorts, they all commit to the social grace of linkifying to ease the look-up process - after all it may be just a game to youniks but it's her record that makes her the proudest dimmock on the planet.)
March 2, 2010
gangerh commented on the word uneccessary
'tis uneccessarilly so
February 28, 2010
gangerh commented on the list things-people-might-attempt-to-juggle
*admits accomplishment*
having learnt sat on a rock on a beach in Menorca
February 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word thank you humphrey you may retire
Why, thank you 'scorey. I was that king.
February 25, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 25, 2010
gangerh commented on the word thank you humphrey you may retire
Announced, bilby. Humphrey is King Hubert The Umpteenth's equerry.
February 25, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 25, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 24, 2010
gangerh commented on the word false economy size
Haha! Nice one.
February 24, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 23, 2010
gangerh commented on the user fbharjo
Your comment from before "don't forget short closure sweet tooth fairies such as run dry run. there is a separate list of them"
I haven't forgotten 'jo. My apologies, just overlooked them at the time. I will shortly add a page to w.t-i-s-t-f.c linking to your list.
Thought I might call them 'clenched teeth fairies'.
February 22, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 22, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 22, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
February 21, 2010
gangerh commented on the word French kissing disease
February 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word does miley cyrus have a tattoo
i always thought mollusque was a he.
February 14, 2010
gangerh commented on the word does miley cyrus have a tattoo
does most of miley have a tattoo?
February 14, 2010
gangerh commented on the word almost Solveig
February 9, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Wordnik
Intriguing observation, 'ome323. And is years interested? A huge welcome to you, meanwhile, to the wonder that is this wordsite.
February 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Am eagerly awaiting your illustrations, georgette.
February 5, 2010
gangerh commented on the word almost Solveig
Please can I play the fool?
February 5, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gummidge's law
What, PU?
February 4, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gummidge's law
February 4, 2010
gangerh commented on the word foufou
Hah! bilby! Lovely word. Lovely comment. Lovely ruzuzu aka . . .
February 4, 2010
gangerh commented on the word 99p coin
There should be a 99p coin
February 4, 2010
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy-with-braces-and-scaffolding
Now someone's come up with a real challenge here - Alphabelt and Braces.
February 3, 2010
gangerh commented on the user feedback
Thanks, g_b. Seems OK now. I can hear all the ones I just tried. Except for minute silence.
February 2, 2010
gangerh commented on the word 01022010
Most days are emordnilapic, but today is different. At least, it is here in the UK.
February 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the user feedback
Please see comment on minute silence about the Pronunciation feature not working.
February 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the word minute silence
These are the only Pronunciations that are working for me at the moment.
February 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the word holy ghost orchid
I know there's a ghost orchid, but am not so sure about a holy ghost.
February 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the word even prime
It's evening here too. Later.
February 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the word speed gun barrel
Thank you, Tony Rushforth.
February 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
January 31, 2010
gangerh commented on the word spam
It seems to me that spammers join wordnik and the first thing they do is add a comment to their profile.
(Showing up on Zeitgeist as, for instance, 'on pongsomespammer's profile, pongsomespammer said').
I suspect that genuine wordnik joiners do not do this until after some time and after some other activity , and probably after another wordnik has posted to their profile comments.
If this is indeed true, is there some way of using this fact to immediately filter out these spammers?
January 31, 2010
gangerh commented on the word navel fluff
January 31, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Bill the Cat
The cat won't pay.
January 30, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
January 30, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Tony Blair
I played with your name
January 30, 2010
gangerh commented on the user 1132997707
I played with your name.
January 30, 2010
gangerh commented on the list to-parryphrase-the-porkmeister-as-it-were
Mike Parry: . . motor trade rip-offs . . . That's right, Andy.
Andy Townsend: And there are plenty of people out there who've tried to have the wool pulled over their eyes.
January 29, 2010
gangerh commented on the word daylight robbery
See window tax.
January 29, 2010
gangerh commented on the word window tax
This was a tax introduced once by the British Government. It led to windows being bricked up to avoid liability. You still see many older buildings with bricked-up parts that were obviously once windows. It is the origination of the phrase 'daylight robbery'. True!
January 29, 2010
gangerh commented on the word rhetorironical
Unfortunate that, for once, I should know the answer.
January 28, 2010
gangerh commented on the word pongsome
Your thanks are premature and misplaced, '707, for the answer to your question, which I am assuming is not rhetorironical, is no. ;-)
January 28, 2010
gangerh commented on the word arriviste
My question was rhetorironical.
January 28, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Apple Pi
I was nearly right. I was thinking iPud!
January 28, 2010
gangerh commented on the word arriviste
What's a buffalogirl?
January 28, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word unreliable
I'm just hearing on the radio about an employer who was refused placement of an ad for staff because it contained the words 'hard-working and reliable'.
They were told that the ad could not be accepted for publication because it may be seen to discriminate against the unreliable.
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word U2 in the air
I'm with you, john!
Collecting Nicolina the morning after a 70s dinner party
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
(Why doesn't this work here?)
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
(You can't do that, your uselessness - jean hasn't answered to New questions yet!)
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the list underscoring-the-possibilities
?_ is random cleverness, ruzuzu. And PossibleUncommentable.
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the user frindley
Well hello, frindley. We've been unfrindley for too long. Good to see your name on screen again.
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word smooth operator manual
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word call to arms akimbo
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the word hookem-snivey
Not with a hyphen it isn't.
January 27, 2010
gangerh commented on the list false-teeth-fairy-ring-around-the-rosie
What a fantastic idea, ruzuzu. Much hilarity to be had here.
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word a satisfying pop goes the weasel word to the wise heads mulling the depths of absurdity
Haha! Hilarious, bilby! You slay me.
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Nicolina (age 11) found this word the other day and said to me: 'Daddy, If someone told you they suffered from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, if they didn't faint, you'd know they were lying'.
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
Awesome, 'zuzu. I'm trying to work out how to download this as my voicemail message. It's priceless!
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word a satisfying pop of absurdity
I love this! 'tis my new exuber cool phrase. I'm using it hourly. Hah! Thank you, erinmcknaceous.
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word paramilitary training bra
This needs illustrating, please, 'nesheir.
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word convertible top dollar
Sweet Tooth Fairy meets the Fractured Definition?
January 26, 2010
gangerh commented on the word borborygmus
The Borborygmus Song?
January 23, 2010
gangerh commented on the word I guess that's the earliest I've ever been late
Yogi Berra.
January 23, 2010
gangerh commented on the word don't get me right; I'm just asking!
Yogi Berra.
January 23, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
This word at work.
January 21, 2010
gangerh commented on the word trickeries<
You shouldn't be listing like that, wordnik. . . . . . WORDNIK . . atte. e. en . SHUN!
January 21, 2010
gangerh commented on the list lost-for-word
Are there actually names given to types of co-incidences?
gleng might be one, PU.
January 19, 2010
gangerh commented on the word word association football
January 19, 2010
gangerh commented on the word word association football
January 19, 2010
gangerh commented on the user erinmckean
I played with your name.</>
January 19, 2010
gangerh commented on the list lost-for-word
Twilight Zone, 'score.
January 18, 2010
gangerh commented on the list lost-for-word
Hah, 'cry. Your comment has only just clicked with me! (Dawned on me?)
Spooky. (:-{
January 18, 2010
gangerh commented on the word prosodic fuckups
You have to pay for this. Try sodic fuckups lite, to be sure of what your getting into, before you subscribe and make an example of yourself.
January 18, 2010
gangerh commented on the user dontcry
Hey, minute silence isn't recorded on my Pronunciation list, either!
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
I played with your name.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the user dontcry
Hi, 'cry. Just wanted to drop by while you're profilic. I note that you 'nunced minute silence but it's not on your Pronunciations list over to the right. Is this Mike trying to look clever? If so, he really is taking his name in vain.
BTW your porchnunciations become you.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
OK, 'cry, I'm flying in by jelicopter. I've brought the raspberry one 'cause it sounds worse. I've recce'd both of your porches, and I'll be coming in between the two potted impatient plants. Tell them to hold out a little longer. BTW, I think your bowl of river rocks! I'm coming to take the Mike.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word contrapedation
Clever though, 'zu. Maybe too clever for catnappers. Now then, perhaps that's the key . . . .
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word contrapedation
This is no time for levity, ruzuzu.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I'm hoping I caught her in time over on contrapedation.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word contrapedation
Quickly, d-c, get over to gangerhkinesis for an important message.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
We need to get word to dontcry. She can't trust Mike. She has to be careful what she says when her Mike's nearby. Anyone could be listening in. Any ideas anyone on how to get a message to dontcry?
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
It seems to happen whenever she pronunciates. I think her Mike's been bugged. Or - *whisper* - her Mike's in cahoots with the those profilic catnappers.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Well done, 'cry! Now I know you're alright! And your porchcred is intact.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Now that we seem to have taken back control of 'Nuncistation WDNK and Mike's activities there, I'd like to say a few words.
And I have observed a minute silence as a mark of respect to all of those Pronunciations that never made it through. Perhaps, my friends, you wish to do the same. Here.
Ah, Profile Sweet Profile.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word crastination lite
The free version. Don't be put off by it.
January 17, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
fbh'roger that. I'll drink to that. Over . . . at The Verbal Arms.
January 16, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
That's the one with the 'skill and crossbananas'. Over.
January 16, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
We will never flag!
We will fly, fly, fly the fbharjolly roger.
January 16, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
No time for remorse now, 'cry.
We need to secure control of the stipulation and free up your Mike.
The hospital spin doctor has done his rounds and discarded me as fitting in well and ready to go towards elsewhere.
Thanks to all my awesome zeitgeisters, I'm now feeling offensive, and ready for some spurious kinesis.
March with me as we gather momentous and advance on the speechless 'station WDNK.
Find your voices and sing out loud 'The Battle Hymn Of The Banana Republic'.
All together now ...
Yes, we have no 'nuncianas ..
We have no 'nuncianas today...
Wow! I think we're in for a resounding success!
January 16, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I have a pronouncement of my own to make, but first we must re-establish our control over Pronuncistation WDNK. We must wrest it away from whomsoever or whatsoever is preventing our freedom of speech. A way must needs be found!
January 15, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I'm told that my captivators still hold the pronuncistation and just won't listen to our Mike. He reckons he heard one of their speakers pronounce that they are about to double up with a whirlygiggle of their own, in a very disarming manner, and try to spoil everyone's oozey pubmachine fun.
January 15, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I'm told that I can now receive visitors.
January 15, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
. . everything's going round . I hope it's a spin doctor, . . 'derscore . .
January 14, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Did . . I, . did ... I .. I . thought I was a gonger . . .
January 14, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Where . . . am . . . I?
January 14, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I'm in the wrong time zone to expect much help right now. I asked them to wait 'til morning, secretly hoping the pronuncistation might be operational by then and I could record help. I'm drifting and I'm surrendering and I'm going to catnap now just like them and see what the mourning brings. So, fellow Wordies, 'tis with a heavy tart and heavy eyelids that I . . . . z z z, 'zu? See you when I wake or at my wake, whichever
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
. . . and that c_bcraftcarrier with the fbharskullandcrossbones I shorely saw earlier - the hands look none too pleased - are they the irates of the caribbean?
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
. . . and in the wordnik of time, probably.
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Yes, 'jo, a call to arms for my very arrival.
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
They're suggesting I may want to draft any final message to the Worldie. They've given me penultimate and paper for it.
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
I radioed for help over on the pronuncistation but I think they've commandeered it
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Hahahahahahah! You slay me, 'zuzu. I'm proud you managed to before the catnappers could.
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I think I'm hallusailornating, but isn't that a chained_bearcraft carrier coming over the horizontal? And isn't it flying the fbharjolly roger? Help! I'm sinking fast!
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
maybe the infuntry could get here sooner
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
. . . did you get the interrobangs, ruzuzu ‽ ‽
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
Shh! Don't come alone - there are two many of them. Quickly - switch channels . .
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
ruzuzu ‽ ‽
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
If only I could get to my lists. Maybe that's what they're after. Perhaps the king of the johngle has hidden them for safety. I do have a contingency flan. So I won't go hungry. Quickly - launch the helicopterodactyls and the helicopter funships! Call chained_bear - she's got the keys to the Arsenal for Civil Defunse. The wonder that is Wordie must be saved!
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
When the screaming stops you'll . . . .
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
They're saying to me they sent it to my nextofkinesis.
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Yes, bilby. Thank you. Apparently, I have been known to make the occasional moving performance.
January 13, 2010
gangerh commented on the list lost-for-word
You know when you do something like push a button or flick a switch and at exactly that moment something else goes off? An example is you turn on a light and the doorbell rings. Or, as just happened to me, I tapped the glidepad on my laptop to close a window, and the alarm clock on the other side of the room went off. Does anyoone know of a word for this specific type of co-incidence?
January 12, 2010
gangerh commented on the word vaginalatrous
I'd like to give you my word on that, but I can't quite get my tongue round it.
January 12, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Wordie treatment
From: crecemediagroup.com
I respect your motives and reasoning. I actually enjoyed Wordnik's concept, thought I could slip a link or two there.
What can I say, I think it deserves this. Lesson learned.
Enjoy the week,
Received 11/01/10
January 12, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Wordie treatment
on franciscopublicidad's profile, gangerh said
“So, your focus is helping brands reach the hispamic market online, huh? Well, focus off!”
To: info@crecemediagroup.com
You have just spammed on wordnik.com and have probably alienated 29,177 members. Marketing statistics show that each one will likely tell 12 others. You have therefore reduced your marketplace by over one third of a million people!
Happily, though, because you spammed for free, it cost you absolutely nothing to lose all of this potential custom.
Angerh Management
Sent 11/01/10
January 12, 2010
gangerh commented on the user franciscopublicidad
Note for all Wordie front line attack troops:
The email address target for the Wordie treatment is
Angerh Management
January 12, 2010
gangerh commented on the user franciscopublicidad
So, your focus is helping brands reach the hispamic market online, huh? Well, focus off!
January 12, 2010
gangerh commented on the user jmjarmstrong
I'll pass on that one, bilby!
January 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the word Wordie treatment
To: sales@cleanerflow.co.uk
You have just spammed on wordnik.com and have probably alienated 29,177 members. Marketing statistics show that each one will likely tell 12 others. You have therefore reduced your marketplace by over one third of a million people!
Happily, though, because you spammed for free, it cost you absolutely nothing to lose all of this potential custom.
Angerh Management
Sent 10/01/10
January 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the user mrb0rg
DAVID SPAMS! I can't believe it's not gutter. Perhaps emails to sales@cleanerflow.co.uk would be an appropriate Wordie treatment. I will if you will, fellow wordchiks.
January 11, 2010
gangerh commented on the user jmjarmstrong
GH finds JM's frequent dump of comments unattractive. He knows he'd find them all appealing in bite sizes, like one every now and then. That would allow the dimension necessary to fully savour and appreciate each pearl. But then JM isn't putting them here for GH.
January 9, 2010
gangerh commented on the word cunningham
January 9, 2010
gangerh commented on the word clout
Tout your clout.
January 9, 2010
gangerh commented on the user reviewsgator
SPAMgator! Sling your hook, and make it snappy.
January 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the word i miss wordie
Wordie . was . -----------------------------------
------------------------- . the . utmost . -------
------ . incomprehensive . dictionary . ----------
----------------------------------- . in . -------
------------ . the . unknown . multiverse . ------
January 8, 2010
gangerh commented on the word I miss wordie
Perhaps wordnik could develop an eswoosh?
January 5, 2010
gangerh commented on the list lost-for-word
Unit of measure? ;-)
January 5, 2010
gangerh commented on the word ought
I thought I ought to comment on this. Comment on it, I thought I ought. Indeed, I thought, to comment on it, I ought.
January 5, 2010
gangerh commented on the word I miss wordie
I am unable to deduce why, but the name wordnik irritates me.
January 4, 2010
gangerh commented on the word chuck norris
Chuck Norris has an iPhone app for threading a needle.
January 1, 2010
gangerh commented on the word books split over the new year
December 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
Hah! Punderscore! Just got to see it! Pure genius.
December 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word Opus the Penguin
Don't you need 10 nuts for a game of flippin' nuts?
December 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ice-cream
I'm hy-per-phen-til-ating with all this.
December 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the list jams--jellies--and-preserves
'It must be jelly 'cos jam don't shake like that'. Cute playlist, Milo. And cute comment, 'by.
December 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word racist
Racist, surely, 'jub.
December 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word allatseanavyhandsondeck
Hah! The sweet tooth fairy meets the Wordie Banana Song! Hah!
December 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word settler
Would the settled agree?
December 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
Have it your way. Merry Christmas. Little? Yes, I can allow your feelings here, 'ness. Not a carol though, is it?
December 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stealer of milky butterfly poop
butterfly by night soil!
December 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word Floccinaucinihilipilification
Means nothing to me, either.
December 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
Haha, GB. Welcome to the wonder that was Wordie!
December 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the user virusfirewall84
porn video?
December 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
December 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word good
HaHa! Brilliant, 'by. Glad you asked that, 'zuzu.
December 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ervate
Yes, I do now, 'lig. What did you do with the other 48,000?
December 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word like, you know, okay
What a gem of a short! Pure diamond, like, stuff. All Wordieniks should take frogapplause's direction here. Permit me to egg you on.
December 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word good
My reply to that question always, 'zuzu, is 'Exuberant'. I feel better just saying it, and it usually gets the questioner feeling better too. Try it sometime, even if it's not entirely true at the time. It's almost self-prophesising. Let me promote to you Exuberance Thinking
December 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ervate
About 55,500 search results for ervate but can I find a definition? Well, nothing I can readily understand. Anyone know?
December 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cancatervate
If a ship's commander could also ervate you would say yes to cancaptervate.
December 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cancatervate
If a cat could ervate would it land buttered side up?
December 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
Wordnik is billions of words, 300 million example sentences, 4.5 million unique words, and over 177,000 comments, 93,000 tags, 74,000 pronunciations, 21,000 favorites, 22,000 lists created by 27,245 Wordniks, and 736 Spammers.
December 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word will i am
Well spotted, Nicolina.
Sweet William Fairy.
December 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word but the minority is growing
Heard today on radio: 'The majority agree with him, but the minority is growing'.
December 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word soupçon
soMEone did, 'vi, just a little one.
December 12, 2009
gangerh commented on the word daybreak
Hah! Superb, bilby!
December 11, 2009
gangerh commented on the word eleven
'specially odd as it's odd. Not even even.
December 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the user hostmonster
SPAMMONSTER! 10/9 is a fraction of the cost. Hah!
December 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word flanker
I have yet to decide what I want to be when I grow up.
December 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word if it pleases and sparkles
What if it teases and malarkles, marky?
December 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word Schadenfreude
Yes, please. That would be nice. I've never had one before. Will I get another sugar rush?
December 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word Schadenfreudgeon
You probably needed to be there, u'ness. But it might, only might, make sense if you saw schadenfreudgeon and schadenfreude and humdudgeon, all around a year and a half ago.
December 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word Schadenfreudgeon
My nobblymen and wordieniks. Listen-sie this word. Resist the opportunists of Capitalisation. This time it's a race from point zero. Be upright and list.
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word Schadenfreude
No! No! No! No! No! Not Again! Copycat! Plagiarist! SPAM ALERT! PERSONSTRIONICS! I HATE YOU! WIND-UP MERCHANT! WHY? WHY? WHY? So, wanna fight? Hah! Schadenfreudgeon!
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word horse-coursing
That, 'corse, 'd be a Royal Ascot *whinnie*, 'cry?
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word horse-coursing
That, 'corse, 'd be the horse chestnuts, 'cry?
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list my-list--5
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word randomishion
Absolutely. (I posted as a plaudit.)
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word randomishion
The pursuit of uselessness. :-/)
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the user marky
A sort of randomishion of yours, then, 'nessie? Brilliant concept, randomishness. Absolutely impossible, ' corse.
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word horse-coursing
Nor force a horse, 'corse. Drink here, anyone? Mine's a Redrumdudgeon.
December 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the user hostgator
December 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the user bilby
Your wise words feature here today, bilby. I couldn't resist it. Hah!
December 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
'Well, we're all street actors aren't we, in our own little way?'
The bilby.
December 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the list british-broadcasting-concision
'Well, we're all street actors aren't we, in our own little way?' !! Nice play, bilby. Was it punintended? I suspect not.
December 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the list british-broadcasting-concision
It could mean that her performance died. But, 'by, are we all Coronation Street actors?
December 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word caterpillarness
What a brilliant word. *goes off to register an account somewhere, anywhere, to enter it as username*
December 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word haggis
Can only be the word that causes the jocularity, for the dish itself is scrumptious, esp. with tatties'n'neaps. Och, and an 80/- ale, or a malt.
December 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word va j-j visor
"We settled on the name after rejecting other possibilities like 'The Clam Shell', 'The Beaver Dam', 'The Bonnie Bonnet', 'The Hoo Ha Hoodie', and 'The Sister Hood' because we had long referred to this area of our anatomy as our va j-j."
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the user marky
I played with your name.
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stoplifting
Thesuarus, eh? There must be a better word for it somewhere.
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word WTBH
What The Bloody Hell ... ? ?
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word illustrated sweet tooth fairy
Fellow Wordieniks . . . you are invited to a preview of the opening exhibition of the illustrated sweet tooth fairy. Our Guest of Honour is frogapplause. Drinks and nibbles afterwards at the Verbal Arms. Mine's a harvey wallbangerh.
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word grill marks
You'd have a low-cal grill mark, 'tee. Hee.
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Hey, sionnach. This is the enchanted home for all those sweet tooth fairy pretenders who can't quite follow the rules - false teeth fairies.
December 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word █████
Awesome pronouncement, 'agus! Is it the same in black? I had a script through the other day with some black ones on.
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
sweet tooth fairy circles, maybe, 'ser51 aka 'rett?
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ouchthorpe
Who's got the list for English place names? Ouchthorpe might fit. It's a suburb of Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Having just typed it in and seen it in large letters on screen I realise what a brilliant name it is. Hmm! Ganger H Ouchthorpe?
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word frugal living large
Ha! An oxymoronic stf!
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Hi, testuser51 aka grantbarrett. Hah! Loopy idea. Could turn into a great game! Bit like fbharjo's list sweet tooth fairy (with braces and scaffolding) but with closure. Why don't you start a list for them? Perhaps illustrate one of them and start them off on the illustrated sweet tooth fairy. Huge fun. Away with the sweet tooth fairies!
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stop sign language
See the illustration by frogapplause. Link works on comments page.
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word making wood work
Slogan seen on the side of a van today that also said 'Carpenters and Joiners'.
December 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word grill marks
I prefer the taste of griddle marks.
November 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word autocomplete
I've renamed my enter key. I now call it autotruncate key.
November 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
'Pronouncements' may be a more apt title for how I believe Wordies-that-was may prefer it.
November 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word giant toasted ants
November 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordie treatment
He's À la skipvia, 'ible'core.
November 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordie treatment
That's genius, Jubjub. Not just a re-arrangement of letters, but both meaningful and pertinent. And six of them to boot! (There must be a word to describe such a thing).
November 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word sweetoofairy
sweetoofairy, innit. Twitter ye not. Yet, else .
November 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the user feedback
I want a message. I only got a vanished page, o vanishedone.
November 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the user kiki47890
November 27, 2009
gangerh commented on the word the riverside
Hah! You don't wait 11 months for 'Recently viewed'; recently is there already.
November 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the word the riverside
#15 on 'Recently listed' at this moment (in November).
Listed as recently as last January.
What's all that about, then?
*slides off to look up definition of recently*
November 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the word madeupical
But yuckty is in the ear of the beyucker and/or beyuckee.
November 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the list cockney-alphabet
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! You changed the name. My farfer would be honaaahred
November 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the word j for cakes
Hah! Ta, bilby. 'spose it 'elps to 'ave the roots of a right 'erbert, dunnit?
Thought it might be fun to work my way through the list.
November 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the word madeupical
I would say a word is a word if the sense or nonsense of it is understood by a communicator and/or a communicatee and/or a sentient being that is incommunicado.
November 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the word i am getting hungry and need endorphines
Big hug!
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word madeupical
OK,then. My mistake.
I would say a word is a word if it is mutually understood by a communicator and a communicatee.
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word apple pie
writes and draws
for this to rhyme
you need a plum
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word features
Hey! How does 'ordnik know that I'm leaving a 'note' rather than a 'comment' or 'citation'?
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word madeupical
I would say a word is a word if it is mutually understood by the communicator and the communicatee.
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cuddlefish
As cooked in a fish keddle?
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the list cockney-alphabet
Wunnerful list! My Old Man was a Cockney. His name was Albert. If I'd done this list I would have titled it Cockney Alphabert, 'corse.
*buggers orf to shine aksint fer nunciatin*
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word but i am of the universe
Ta,'by. We are so together! And it's led me to your wonderful list, which has escaped me 'til now.
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word madeupical
Surely every word was once ante-madeupical?
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word madeupical
That's good then.
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word but i am of the universe
Whoops! I've just seen the date on the comment I added when I first listed this word. It was 16 months ago.
Somethin' screwy goin' on 'round here.
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word but i am of the universe
Hey! This has just shewn up as 'recently listed'. But it only shows as appearing in a list of mine that I put it in at the beginning of this year.
Does this mean that 'recently' means around 9 months previously?
Also, words I am listing now don't seem to appear on 'recently listed' at all.
Interest level floundering.
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word self-dekepitation
Maybe see epitomy. Hah!
November 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word epitomy
Alternative Ending:
'... to doff their hats to ladies is not considered politically epicorrect'.
And you can cut that out, too!
November 24, 2009
gangerh commented on the word epitomy
(listed here because I don't know how to add an example).
'Should the above become a nuisance to you, you can have an epitomy, which will surgically remove it'.
Likewise, an epitomy can be carried out to remove your on, your upon, your over, your around, your close to, your near, your besides, and/or your after.
Reportedly, the first procedure was carried out, on himself, by the great Greek gourmet, Curean.
His legacy lives on with many fine words that have benefitted from epicurtailment .
Examples are tome, of course, centre, scopalian, stle, and c fail.
The French Foreign Legion adapted some of Curean's techniques when they developed the kepitomy. The incidence of performing this procedure has diminished rapidly in recent years as, universally, the tendency, even of gentlemen, to doff their hats to ladies is considered sexist.
I hope that makes it clear, refenestration.
November 24, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
Yippee! We have 'Recently listed'. Interest level soars to 100%!
November 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word most commented on
Yippee! Is back! Thanks, king of the johngle. I feel as if everyone just walked back into the room. And I like the '/ever' add.
November 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word epitomy
TeeHee, bilby!
November 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word i just don't think you have the full package
Go to i just don't think you have the full package for Steve's X Factor performance. Link on Steve doesn't show on Zeitgeist.
November 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word i just don't think you have the full package
I've been working in a film today with Steve.
November 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word structure
Structure your stuff, 'ros.
November 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word transport for the next generation
PalQQka has no nipples, reesetee? In that case what are those tassles hanging on?
November 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word oh dear
Oh dear!
November 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word oh dear
Oh dear, don't comment just before JM comes on if you're seeking maximum impact. Your comment will be off the front Zeitgeist page before you can say ....................'watch your language'
November 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the user feedback
A plea for most commented on.
November 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word most commented on
The 'most commented on' list was probably one of the main features that held this community together, imho. While comments dropped off the end of the feed it continually reminded us of where the main action was at any given moment. It was a place to congregate. It caused so much else to happen. Can we have it back, please?
Please discuss. Hah!
November 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word acrefully
The Council have misdirected mthemselves in that demand does not require to be acrefully manages as suggested
November 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the list things-ive-overheard-people-say-into-their-cellular-telephones
" Hello. Yes. He's here at the store with me, honey. And as soon as he's spent, he'll be on his way home. "
November 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnikkers
'twouldn't be too difficult to set up a '• Words and phrases that I would love to have on a Wordie T-shirt' T-shirt store. If someone wants to, let me know. I'll send the know-how. Prolagus? It's your list.
November 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
Don't know, 'by. I'm off to the jazz club tonight. Anyway I haven't recently viewed any tv. My fibre optic cable is faulty and the upstream signal isn't good enough for connecting to the internet. A lead time of around 4 weeks led to me solving the problem by hijacking the tv feed. Given the choice between tv or web, I choose web. Besides for most tv output, I'd rather watch the backs of my eyelids. (Apparently, there are some unknown celebs congregating in a jungle over your way).
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
It's random, innit? Innit?
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
I wonder how far down the dropped off end of the Recently viewed list it went in that time. Could be miles. Curiosity level 100%.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
Holy wordspeed! 'Etruscan' dropped right off the end from top position in around 4 minutes. Seems to be a pointless listing to me or am I missing something wordnikwonderful?
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
Blimey! They've gone. 5 minutes, and ... have they dropped off the end already? Interest level plummets to 0.4%.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
'Thee prolific chum, Cilia. Colossal language metaphor!'
At this moment the seven most Recently viewed words, in order.
Interest level climbs to 4%.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
Also, I notice that having recently viewed recently viewed Recently viewed isn't showing that I recently viewed recently viewed.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word recently viewed
Hah! I notice you don't have to list a new word to be able to comment on it.
Anyway, I find the 'recently viewed' list around 0% of interest compared with our old habits of 'recently listed' followed by a count. Is it coming to Zeitgeist, john?
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the user grant_barrett
I played with your name.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word comments
You're right, 'cry. I've been misled a few times.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnikkers
Yes! -nikkers is pants!
(Does that trans-atlantic?)
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word herouette
I say, I say, I say. What's super + hero + pirouette?
I don't know. What's super + hero + pirouette?
boy wonder woman, of course!
(One day the sweet tooth fairy will make it into panto!)
Hah! Picture that!
Maybe even illustrate it.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word unclean
Uncle Ian! That's brilliant!
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnikkers
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word herouette
That was just spin.
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnikkers
wordnikkers - this is a hold up?
November 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the user sionnach
An stf of yours has been illustrated by frogapplause. Here.
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the user gangerh
Thanks, 'applause.
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordie list of the year 2009
I seem to recall bilby hinting that I might conduct Identify the Wordie 2009. I think I maybe said nothing, or maybe even yes, but certainly not no.
I emailed him on Monday proposing that I could do it.
Did you get it, bilby?
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word shove it
That would have been 'shelve it'.
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word shove it
I'm sure the menu used to say 'share it'. Didn't it. How did you do that, bilby?
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word put it in the longboat till it's sober
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word schadenfreude
Take this word and ...
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word nuxiy
Hey! More activity. Yes! Over to Pronunciations. I want to know how to say 'Hi, nuxiy'.
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word chained_bear
I do hope the king of the johngle didn't forget to unchain her back at (you know ..) *subsides to a whisper*
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word logout
Bit like 'Lovely to see you again. When are you going back?'
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word logout
Not very inviting is it?
'Hi gangerh
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word contingency flans
Phew! Ta, 'gus, I thought we'd been disarmed! I should have stockpiled more than one!
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word contingency flans
Not in any lists yet.
Be the first!
But I was the first!
I distinctly remember adding this to {An Arsenal for Civil Defunse].
Come back, _bear, we need to be defunded!
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word olympic torch song
From twitter on this page.
'robotbatman: Trying to figure out music for lyrics my dad made for a contest to write a song to be played while the Olympic torch comes through town'
Ha - watch this space:
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word SuperSlots
Haha! Super 'nunciation, 'nessie! You've inspired me to 'nunciate here as soon as I can get it to work. But it doesn't yet hear me.
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word chained_bear
'This user either doesn't exist or doesn't have a public profile'
Oh no! No! We haven't lost the _bear, surely?
That would be un_.....
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word olympic torch song
How do I detect who contributed this to the sweet tooth fairy list without starting at the top of the supposedly alpha sorted list and reading through 'til I reach it?
Really, I just need to know who it was at this stage so that I can acknowledge them on frogapplause's wonderful illustration
November 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cake
Nicely,'nach! One of those mischievous false teeth fairies!
November 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cake
'Would you prefer a piece of park or a walk in the cake?'
'Mmm. That's not as easy it sounds.'
November 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word croke park
Páirc an Chrócaigh. Dublin. Gaelic Athletic Association.
November 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
(You can't do that, 'ness - jean hasn't answered to Peering yet!)
November 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
November 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word clut
November 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word chagrined_bear
HaHa! Bear hugs all round - just found this comment:
about 1 year ago chained_bear said:
1. I am pissed that I went through my spreadsheet and made a second column called "2nd guesses." You can probably all imagine my chagrin when MORE OF MY ORIGINAL GUESSES WERE RIGHT than my second guesses. Gah!
November 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tv dinner gown
Ta, 'gus. Hope I don't mix up my gown and my guide again without you around!
November 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the list not-your-screen-name
*colours up a little and goes quiet for a while*
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
I am an egg living in a world where egg beating is allowed, even encouraged, and so I am whipped round and round, until I am dizzy with pain and longing for those shy days before I came out of my shell.
Coral Rumble.
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the user repsac3
Why, thanks, '3, for all your comments. I thought I'd opened up my profile, but I suspect I didn't click the save profile button.
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the user palooka
A sweet tooth fairy of yours has been illustrated here.
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tv dinner gown
Oh dear. You'll have to go to the comments on the word page. The link is active there but hasn't transferred correctly to Zeitgeist.
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tv dinner gown
The illustrated tv dinner gown.
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tv dinner gown
November 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
November 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word illustrated sweet tooth fairy
'sweet tooth pic fairies' OR 'sweet tooth fairy pics'?
Which one works for you, or not? Oh dear. I need to sleep.
November 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word illustrated sweet tooth fairy
Fellow wordwhatevers. We have progressed to a few pilot pages of the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairy. Not with any illustrations yet - just the look-and-feel. The inaugural entry - from a fellow wordwhatever among us - is ready to be published. However, I need to sleep. Who said 'sweet dreams'? I'd greatly value your input on the fairy story so far. The #1 istf is awesome! Can't wait to show you.
November 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word illustrated sweet tooth fairy
In place of comments on lists being non-operational I've created this word. Copies of comments on the list 'sweet tooth fairy' following.
November 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
'sweet tooth pic fairies' OR 'sweet tooth fairy pics'?
Which one works for you, or not? Oh dear. I need to sleep.
November 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Fellow wordwhatevers. We have progressed to a few pilot pages of the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairy. Not with any illustrations yet - just the look-and-feel. The inaugural entry - from a fellow wordwhatever among us - is ready to be published. However, I need to sleep. I'd value your input on the fairy story so far. Who said 'sweet dreams'? The #1 istf is awesome! Can't wait to show you.
November 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word jean dimmock
November 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Re - Capability Brown -
"I'd like to die before him so that I can see heaven before it is improved".
November 12, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
People might believe what you tell them but they will never doubt what they assume.
November 11, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Albert Einstein
November 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fireplace fender bender
Not to mention this kind of confusion: Would a riverbank be a watersideplace or a launderedmoneyplace?
And as for bank shoe . . . . I bet that's not easily dealt with either.
November 9, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fireplace fender bender
Then that makes it perfect.
November 8, 2009
gangerh commented on the user strev
I played with your name.
November 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wiinjury
According to a psysiotherapist today, many people are suffering injuries while playing their Wiis.
November 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word macho man boobs
Mr Big tits?
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word macho man boobs
I can wait to see this one illustrated!
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ever so nice
You're welcome. I'd be delighted should you add it it to the sweet tooth fairy list.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ever so nice
So nice! And was it ever so! Cute stf, 'tee.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
I'm confident you will be, Pro. It's unthinkable that, at the very least, a visitor will not pick up on one of your stf contributions and be inspired to illustrate it.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Yes, 'gus, a good question. And it did not go unconsidered.
For me 'sweet tooth fairy' on its own lives on Wordie. There will only be illustrations of stfs on t-i-s-t-w.c. There will be nowhere for simply listing the stfs themselves. I would hope to see the Wordie list grow and flourish separately.
Among other reasons.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
We are in accord there, 'gus. I do see possibilities across many art forms. I hadn't actually thought of 'Just So Stories for Little Children', though. Sweet Tooth Fairy Tales, perhaps?
I had intended 'illustrated' as in its widest sense as in '(something) to illustrate a point'.
Sorry to disappoint as I was planning on deliberately being 'logoless'! I thought to keep it all very plain for maximum impact of contributions. I do have a font in mind that I believe will work but I have yet to try it.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Thanks, 'via. I am, as we comment-swap, 'having at it'! Had to look that phrase up, though as 'twas unfamiliar to me.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Thanks. 'arjo. Will do.
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Thanks, 'by. Hope you won't be disappointed, though, as I've already registered the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairy.com for the site.
I did play around with different and supposedly clever wordplay, the-illustrated-sweet-tooth-fairi.es for instance. I preferred, however, that as the content is most important to therefore KISS it!
November 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word washing machine gun
Thank you, Nicolina.
November 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word nye
Xmas and NYE Bookings Being Taken.
November 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
I want to create a website themed 'The Illustrated Sweet Tooth Fairy'. I've checked for any issues, vis-a-vis Wordie, with John, and there aren't any.
He suggests that I inquire here, of you who have contributed to the list.
I envisage simply inviting 'illustrated' stfs to be published on the website.
I imagine illustrations can be in many art forms.
My marketing mind whispers to me that there may be coin in the idea. If so, I envisage a proportion of any such coin available to all original contributors of both stfs and illustrations.
I welcome all comments from my fellow Wordies, whether from the beginning or more recently, who have grown up with me with this rather off-the-wall figure of speech.
November 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word jimmy brits
What's this rhyming for, plethora?
November 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word misdirections
Never waste one.
November 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the list to-parryphrase-the-porkmeister-as-it-were
Andy Townsend: "What's the difference, Mike, between a 'parryism' and a 'paroxysm'?
Mike Parry: "Well, Andy, that's easy. One is about laughter and the other's full of bull."
(A Madeupical).
October 31, 2009
gangerh commented on the word self-esteem engine
HaHaHa! I like this!
October 31, 2009
gangerh commented on the word all english county cricket should be played in australia
Ha! Knew you'd be the first to comment, 'by!
October 31, 2009
gangerh commented on the list to-parryphrase-the-porkmeister-as-it-were
An act or habit of using and misusing ideas (and words) ridiculously. As manifested in the wisdom and sagacity of the nation's favourite (and only) self-styled seeker of 'truth and justice' © Mike 'Porky' Parry. Allegedly.
October 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Make today the springtime of the rest of your life.
October 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word take away out
Good one, Nicolina!
October 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word bikini wax museum
October 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
DREAMS...when i was a kid i tot d world would end in 1999 cos of a tv sci-fi series dat i loved. I used to wonder if i would have a girlfriend n end up marrying her
. I wondered if id ever fly in a plane n go round d world in 80 days!!!! I tot id be a cowboy movie star somehow after watching the good the bad n the ugly...u noticed all the "I"s rite? Well am an adult now n with d benefit of hindsight, no dreams comes to stay except it has room for others n not just all about you. Oh n by the way...i dont only fly in planes but i work around planes n hope to fly round d world in 80days...space cowboys know better...Dreams...vague,twisted,sweet,bitter, deep as d ocean n as shallow as a bathtub. Any one else with DREAMS????
Agbo Henry Agbo.
October 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word train stations of the crossword puzzle
Mornington Crescent!
October 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word train stations of the crossword puzzle
HaHa, rolig. Very clever. Cryptic, too. Excellent play!
October 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Kolnikov didn’t really believe in God, not as He was depicted by organized religions. He believed that there was something bigger than man, bigger than life, but he didn’t know what.
From ‘America’ by Stephen Coonts.
October 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
I like the history of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson
October 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the user ecbrenner
I played with your name.
October 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word erikabrengunner
Erika shoots a Bren Gun.
October 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word money trees
All I have to say is banana money trees.
October 25, 2009
gangerh commented on the word yes we have no bananas
Yes we have no World War II scarcities
October 24, 2009
gangerh commented on the word barbarism
For the Roman soldier Hadrian's Wall was more than just a defence against the Caledonian tribes - it also represented the dividing line between the known world of order and civilisation, and the unknown world of chaos and barbarism.
I didnt know what barbarism meant. It sounded like something to do with haircuts but that didnt sound right. The picture in the book showed the tribes with long messy hair and the Romans with short hair or helmets so maybe barbarism was to do with haircuts.
From 'The Dead Fathers Club' by Matt Haig.
October 24, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fairy floss maker
Here we call it candy floss.
October 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
“…….You won’t find the answers you’re looking for in the bottom of a glass, Killigrew.�?
“I don’t drink to find the answers. I drink to forget the questions.�?
From ‘Killigrew and The Incorrigibles’ by Jonathan Lunn.
October 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the user bilby
I played with your name.
October 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the user mollusque
I played with your name.
October 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the user daymoon
I played with your name.
October 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the user asativum
I played with your name.
October 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word adsense
Prolagus wants the role of 'Brackets'! It's an all-encompassing symbolic part, 'gus.
October 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word adsense
Can I play the Sweet Tooth Fairy?
October 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the user trivet
I played with your name.
October 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the user sarra
I played with your name.
October 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word malleabl
Perhaps, dear 'by, the speller was competent at spelling but simply couldn't plan ahea
October 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the user fbharjo
I played with your name.
October 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word thirty-twelve
please dont
October 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word sea change
Hah! So 'tis, John!
October 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word sea change
But, but... that would surely be a deep sea change.
October 20, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cold tofurkey
Come on let's tofurkey trot
(Shoo-shoo gobble-gobble diddle-ip)
(Shoo-shoo gobble-gobble diddle-ip)
People may say you'er some kind of a nut
But you swivel your knees and you start to strut
But if you really want to get out of a rut
Do some tofurkey trottin' and a
(All your cares will be forgotten yeah)
October 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cold tofurkey
Brillby! Love it!
October 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
Again I say: I fear that the beautiful random growth that is Wordie is about to join something organised with a goal.
October 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the user uselessness
I played with your name.
October 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the user sonofgroucho
I played with your name.
October 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the user perhapsolutely
I played with your name.
October 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fankles
Apparently not, I hear, if you are Barbie.
October 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word lightquake
A galaxy of suns blazed on the windshields of the serried cars and SUVs, a lightquake that shocked my bloodshot eyes and forced me to squint.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
October 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word your upper case voice
Thanks, frogapplause. I like it. Does it mean shouting?
October 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word paper jam tomorrow
Some pleasant event in the future, which isn't likely to happen, 'lby. From Alice Through the Looking Glass . . . . 'The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday - but never jam to-day'.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word bunker's knob
New Addington, Croydon.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word flaybottomist
HaHa! Thank goodness science has found a better way to draw blood!
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
For me vertical lists are the superior way to list. I don't know the scientific understanding we have of it. It may have something to do with a tangible interruption between each item on a horizontal list?
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word miksch's law
That stripper.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word she'll make you a toolshed you can't refuse
Heard today. As 'Don't cross her or .....'.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fankles
Fat ankles, I hear.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
For me, the way words are listed to the right hand side of the Zeitgeist page is a design disaster. It is an unnatural way to read a list and just deters me from wanting to scan it.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word sweet tooth fairy
Three words where the first and second form a known expression and the second and third form a known expression and all three together make a credible expression.
Like sweet tooth and tooth fairy make sweet tooth fairy.
A 'perfect sweet tooth fairy' would, of course, be one where all three words together also formed a known expression.
October 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
It’s the fourth leg of the table that causes the wobble.
Barrie Pepper.
October 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fasten brastraps and remove dentures
I just have to get a sign made. The back lane past our house is poorly maintained and is riddled with potholes. Yet it is used muchly by motorists as a 'rat-run' from an city inner ring road into the centre. I'll put one at each end of the lane. HaHa!
October 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the word church of the whispering comet topless bar, adult bookstore, and burger heaven
.... past the town limits of Pico Mundi, on a tract of desert land.
October 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the user super-george
I played with your name.
October 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word l’esprit de l’escalier
A spring in your step?
October 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the user reesetee
I played with your name.
October 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger.
Leonard Cohen.
October 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word fungry
I may be fungry but I don't fancy spam.
October 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word exodus
And unless it's an exodus to the exotic. That is, an escape from one place to another. Using basic definitions. Indeed if an exodus isn't exotic it won't be an exodus.
October 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
'Just tell me what you want to tell me. I'm not going to judge you. My own eyes are fuller of beams than a mock-Tudor pub, so I can't even see your motes.'
Charles Paris in The Dead Side Of The Mike by Simon Brett.
October 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the user milosrdenstvi
I played with your name.
October 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the user rainedancing
I played with your name.
October 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the user pterodactyl
I played with your name.
October 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word yes we have no bananas
Your the top banana, 'boros!
October 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the list lost-for-word
Brilliant, 'cry. Inadquacy it is then!
October 12, 2009
gangerh commented on the user frigga
I played with your name.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the user kewpid
I played with your name.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the user repsac3
I played with your name.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?
Robert Browning.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the list schadenfreudgeon
Perhaps see rfl.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word uo�?ƃpn�?ɹɟu�?p�?ɥɔs
My feelings about this are mixed. On the one hand I experience extreme pleasure at the immense beauty and artistry of the play. On the other I feel indignant humour at having my bum in the air to be able to read it! Hah! Brilliant, 'fy.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word rid owe
All I ever get on the Wordie homepage Google ad these days is 'Debt Problems? Want to know if you can wipe out all the debt you can't afford?'.
I'm guessing that Google analytics is now resorting to an anagram model. And 'Wordie' does appear a lot on the home page.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the user qroqqa
I played with your name.
October 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the user gangerh
Hey, everyone looks up to a microlight flying over, rolig!
October 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word i think not
I don't think they're for 1am.
October 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the user kjola
I played with your name.
October 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the user plethora
I played with your name.
October 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Only the present exists.
October 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the word rfl
AhA! Fantastic idea, King of the Johngle. Here's my offer. LOGOF! You list one on mine and I'll list two on yours! List One Get One Free! Just contribute schadenfreudgeon to my list SCHADENFREUDGEON and I'll contribute two to yours.
October 6, 2009
gangerh commented on the user jmjarmstrong
GH played with your name.
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the user Telofy
I played with your name.
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the user thesaraheffect
I played with your name.
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word for god's sake, don't set the piano on fire
Goodness gracious . . .
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word common cold cash cow catcher
I do like this, 'robo'. There's a better home for it on fbharjo's list 'sweet tooth fairy (with braces and scaffolding)', though.
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word carbon copy cat calling card carrying case closed circuit
I do like this, 'robo'. There's a better home for it on fbharjo's list sweet tooth fairy (with braces and scaffolding)
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
It’s never too late to be what you might have been.
George Eliot.
October 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the user dontcry
I played with your name.
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the user rolig
I played with your name.
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word willow
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word willow
This wouldn't be a conspiracy emanating from your national summer game, would it, 'lby?
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the user john
I played with your name.
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the user skipvia
I played with your name.
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wtf
Why the face?
October 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word griffin park
I used to live right next to it - I don't remember that it had a pub on each corner.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word psychopath
Son, this is the United States of America. Some would say it's unconstitutional to try to prevent psychopaths from fulfilling their potential.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stumpery
Slosh an occasional layer of old yogurt over them to encourage moss.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the user whichbe
I played with your name.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product.
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word proonette
Marry Onette? One for, one against.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the word clean up the kitchen, plus midnight whistleberries with zeppelins
An order of hash, and an order of black beans with sausages.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
October 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the user seanahan
I played with your name.
October 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
People don’t change when they see the light, they change when they feel the heat.
Dr Jim Reeve.
October 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the user voyeurvoyeur
Spotted this under Wordiest Wordies just now.
VoyeurVoyeur (111/111)
And welcome to the wonder that is Wordie.
October 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the user chained_bear
I played with your name.
October 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Here's the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they are wondering why it shows up over and over again.
John Assaraf.
The Secret.
October 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word collector's item
'Every banknote I get these days seems to be a collector's item. As soon as I get one a debt collector calls round!'
October 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word physicist
Big-browed physicists tell us that two objects cannot under any circumstances occupy the same place at the same time. . . . .
. . . . a lot of fundamental physics is the solemn statement of the absurdly obvious. Any drunk who has tried to put his car where a lamppost stands is a self-educated physicist.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
October 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word falkland islands
Hah - gangerh actually says 'It's a ewe-boat'. Hah!
October 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the user oroboros
I played with your name.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
In order to get whatever it is you want, all you have to do is to stop performing the actions that don't bring about your desired result and start performing the actions that do.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word subjunctive case
His mother, Daphne, 'nach. He did name one of his sons Herzogovina.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word burn two british, send 'em to philly for fish
Two English muffins with cream cheese and lox.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word discovered rich veins of rumours of gold
......when prospectors with more dreams than common sense were drawn to the area by silver and rumors of silver. They discovered rich veins of the latter.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word double spuds twice in hell
Two orders of French fries made extra crisp.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word subjunctive case
When I asked old Ronnie how he could possibly be so sure that Jasper (a Muscovy duck) was 29 years old, he said "Ee, lad, I've had 'im since 'e were egg".
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word launcheon
Perhaps ask whichbe if you can put it here, Milo'.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Life is a contact sport.
September 30, 2009
gangerh commented on the user yarb
I played with your name.
September 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word two cows, make 'em cry, give 'em blankets, and mate 'em with pigs
Two hamburgers with onions, cheese, and bacon.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word first screen kiss
Just got home from filming my first screen kiss. HaHa!
September 29, 2009
gangerh commented on the word srljo
I don't believe in using long words when diminutive ones will do.
September 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cardiac shingles
See one porky sitting, hash browns, cardiac shingles.
September 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word one porky sitting, hash browns, cardiac shingles
A 'Porky sitting' is fried ham. A pig sits on its abdomen, which is the source of bacon, so 'one Porky lying' would have called for a rasher with the eggs.
'Cardiac shingles' is an order of toast with extra butter.
Hash browns are merely hash browns.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word eggs - wreck 'em and stretch 'em
..... I stretched an order of eggs, which means that I added a third egg to our usual serving of two. Then I wrecked 'em: scrambled them.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the list txt
Hah! Yes, John, I'm going to use smtoe as often as I can. Please add it.
As for mass-tagging, I'm completely tagilliterate. But I'd be happy to attempt it should someone txt me through it.
Is there such a thing as smtoejam? (Sets my teeth on edge just as much)?
September 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word f2f
Far too far?
September 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the user vanishedone
I played with your name.
September 27, 2009
gangerh commented on the word bogap
Buy one get a pair.
September 26, 2009
gangerh commented on the word his nobs
'twas always singular here - 'one for his nob'.
September 24, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Words are loaded pistols.
Jean-Paul Sartre
September 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word a sea since vanished
Behind the slumpstone wall lay a backyard, a swimming pool. Dappled with morning light and tree shadows, the water glimmered in shades of blue from sapphire to turquoise, as might a trove of jewels left by long-dead pirates who had sailed a sea since vanished.
From 'Odd Thomas' by Dean Koontz.
September 23, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
Sales Copy that doesn't SELL should carry a Government health warning!
Joe Robson, Copywriter
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word while my guitar gently weeps
Odd! After seeing your listing of this here, h'heir, Ive discovered that it's missing from my List 9. I found that it's actually missing from my Beatles lyrics book, which I understood had ALL of their lyrics.
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the list my-porches
That has to be the most intriguing comment I have read here on the internet.
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ain’t she sweet
Oh ain't she nice .....
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word aloha ‘oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo ......
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tip-toe through the tulips
Oh, tiptoe from the garden ....
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word stimthought
'Beware of being in the hands of someone else’s ego.'
(Ganger H)
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word road conditions
Taxi radio speak for 'copper with a radar gun' or 'copcar hiding in wait'. Always followed by a location to alert other cabbies.
September 22, 2009
gangerh commented on the word kingly brightness
Your Royal Brightness.
"As we gaze on your kingly brightness"
September 21, 2009
gangerh commented on the word noli me tangere
yes, me have no bananas
September 19, 2009
gangerh commented on the word blind cricket
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the list little-miss-different
Wow, ptero! I'm delighted and humbled at your adoption. I don't believe there was a Little Miss Different in the Little Miss series, but it sounds as if there ought to have been. Anyway if there wasn't, for me, it reflects the delightful edge that this list employs.
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word gangrel
'A child of gangerh's who is just starting to walk.'
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word blind cricket
Oops! Buttered toast and landing conversations come to mind, 'by.
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word slender scratchdaisy
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the list ponderable-plant-names
Dick Wunderlin? That explains everything! :-)
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word ramgoat dashalong
Wonderful! (But are you sure you're not making some of these up, h'heir?)
September 18, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
(Relevant) comment from chained-bear some months ago on yes we have no bananas -
'Keep it up, gangerh. I'm going to love this page! :) Just think: A one-page, go-to reference for "Yes, We Have No Bananas" in almost any language! That's what Wordie is FOR!'
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word malist
Bad list idea, Silas! ;-}
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word agent orange crush
stf, h'heir!
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word turkey tangle frogfruit
Maybe see turkey tangle fogfruit.
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the list ponderable-plant-names
A delightful list, h'heir.
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word downy maiden fern
Dentata? A toothsome downy maiden fern, is it? (She?)
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word turkey tangle fogfruit
I love this name. I'd also love there to be a turkey tangle frogfruit.
September 17, 2009
gangerh commented on the word celestial body language
stf, 'by!
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the list little-miss-different
Little Miss Different?
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word serendipity
It would be an unexpected stroke of luck to find that 103 other Wordies listed this word for the first time today before a certain other word was listed again.
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word up to code
'....The other buildings were cited for asbestos and no one wanted the expense of bringing the buildings up to code.....'
From 'The Unseen' by Lee Driver.
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word himofftelly
Heard in Yorkshire and around meaning 'The fellow who appears regularly on the television'.
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word during death
Taken On Trust
(Terry Waite)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word today smiling
Take Action
(Stephen Joynes)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word renowned fish
Swimming With Piranha Makes You Hungry
(Colin Turner)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word within help
(Amateur Swimming Association)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word attitude zoom
It's As Simple As
(David Hannon)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word example things
Success In Your Pocket
(David Hannon)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word one lipstick
Style Directions For Women
(Carol Spenser)
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word cretan wildcat
This'll be the She that said to Tom 'Here we are on the verge of extinction and all you can think about is sex'.
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word salesman's shample
September 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the word something one!
Style Directions For Men
(Carol Spenser)
September 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word congratulations! come
do it!
(James R. Sherman, PhD)
September 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word why me
Stay In The Game
(Van Crouch)
September 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word pinkie
September 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word you was unlucky, yesterday. unfortunately, today is different.
Received today in 4 spam emails. Help! Can't work out whether I was luckier yesterday or more fortunate today. Certainly today was different.
Tally thus far then - 0/1/4.
September 14, 2009
gangerh commented on the word the warm and fuzzy feeling
Around here we abbreviate this to 'warm fuzzy', as in 'it gave me a warm fuzzy'. Maybe to avoid the full phrase, as it's too much of a cliché?
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word there are no gaps in your ignorance
I like this one, 'gus. At first I wondered where I'd got it from as I'd forgotten I'd made it an open list. Ta for the contribution. I'm eager to use it. Perhaps as a bit of sledging at our cricket match today.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word dispeopler
And, hey, 'plausible, you have to think defrogsr, then you'll figure it.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word dispeopler
Don't frighten the penguin, ptero'. Remember, to him you're a serious bird threat.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word manstruation
Hah! A singular event, uncle o.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tread softly because you tread on my dreams
HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with the golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams...
William Butler Yeats
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
Aha! To wit, indeed! To woo, as well! It seems some fellow Wordies know of you already, 'luette, and hold you in good stead. I knew nought of you 'til now, am apprehensive, but your stock is rising. Be gentle with me. My days are in awe of the wonder that is Wordie.
'Tread softly because you tread on my dreams' - W. B. Yeats.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word you was unlucky, yesterday. unfortunately, today is different.
Received today in a spam email.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
Wow! You have an algorithm that segregates the uncool ones, 'luette? Wow!
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word imho
IMHonestO, Chuck.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word imho
Chuck Norris could humble a holy opinion.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word lord shove a duck
I was applauding the frog. *stands and claps again*.
September 13, 2009
gangerh commented on the word lord shove a duck
HaHa! Bravo! More! More! *stands and claps*
September 12, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
I do hope 'We've been assimilated' turns out to be the wrong words.
September 12, 2009
gangerh commented on the word boiled peanut butter bean soup kitchen appliance
Hey, 'esheir, I think this should be on fbharjo's clever list 'sweet tooth fairy (with braces and scaffolding)'. Though there are five stfs in there that would look good on the stf list.
September 11, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
I fear that the beautiful random growth that is Wordie is about to join something organised with a goal.
September 11, 2009
gangerh commented on the list prayerware--2
HaHa! Brilliant, 'cry.
September 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word böse
'mein ichPod', surely?
September 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word musing jmaestro
September 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word amplethorax
"Yeth. And I'm only thixteen."
September 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word the kajoler
When urgent, has tendency to overegg.
September 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word provanity
I guess with the basic version you just get the high opinion?
September 10, 2009
gangerh commented on the word qroqqadile
Never simile at one.
September 9, 2009
gangerh commented on the word wordnik
I'll probably be a dropout before I become a wordnik.
September 9, 2009
gangerh commented on the word one-way cul-de-sac
Counter-clockwise it may be where you are, Asativum, but 'twould be clockunwise here.
September 9, 2009
gangerh commented on the word erection
"Never waste an erection". A fundamental tenet of my ex-brother-in-law's philosophy.
September 9, 2009
gangerh commented on the word repsaclicated
Not my screen name.
Not my screen name.
Not my screen name.
September 9, 2009
gangerh commented on the word one-way cul-de-sac
Such is traffic planning here in Wakefield, UK, that the appearance of one of these would be unsurprising.
September 8, 2009
gangerh commented on the word onan the barbarian
Hah! Very good, '111. And, of course, the playpen is mightier than the swordplay.
September 8, 2009
gangerh commented on the word reskew pidgeon
Rescue me!
September 8, 2009
gangerh commented on the word helicopterodactyl
Especially beware of the funship models.
September 8, 2009
gangerh commented on the word imagineer
Oh! I always thought it was words from uneducated speech meaning 'It's me. I'm back'.
September 8, 2009
gangerh commented on the word mymmoshop fraud
I thought as much. Mymmos does have more than one leg.
September 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word governments
Why do we need governments when we've enough low energy in light bulbs?
September 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word feather bomb
The enemy are tickled to death with this.
September 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word molestation
Mornington Crescent! Hah! Nice one, 'ishedone!
September 7, 2009
gangerh commented on the word unique words
It's happened, 'cry! frigga brought home the bacon.
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word international bacon day
What shape is European bacon ordained to be these days? (Maybe see governments).
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word governments
Answer: 1. Then 27 governments do what they're told. (450 million EU consumers, incandescent with rage, are now banned from buying 100w incandescent light bulbs ).
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word england miss out on dramatic win
Anyway, it's England and Wales, now. Apparently. Otherwise it should be 'mrs'! Ha! Work that one out! Ha!
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word england miss out on dramatic win
We was robbed! That was definitely above waist height and should have been a no-ball! Hit him with your white stick, umpire! And did you see how wide that other one was? Anyway the only England Miss out on dramatic win that I saw was a couple of weeks ago when it really mattered! Now she was really something! So put that in your urn and smoke it! Oh, you can't, can you? Because it's not your urn! Ha!
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the list •open-list-anything-bilby-wants-to-add
This is brilliant, chained_one. You just must close it to all but bilby. I'm feeling very possessive about this list and nervous about it's spoliation by others!
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word marxists
Q. Is this why I am no longer permitted to buy 100w incandescent light bulbs here in the USSK?
A. None. But how many revolutions does it take to screw up?
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word well i'll go to the top of our porch
Hope this helps. Ha!
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word unique words
What would it mean to you should our Wordie unique words count reach 250,000 on International Bacon Day?
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word motor vehicle registration
A perfect one, 'esheir!
September 5, 2009
gangerh commented on the word the loch uselessness monster
aka uselessnessie
September 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word international bacon day
Hey! International bacon! Where do I get some?
September 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word triveterinary surgeon
A specialist in menagerie a trois.
September 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word asatnavum
Not sure how I arrived at this one!
September 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word sundaymoonshine
"Drinkin' buttermilk all the week,
September 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the word bilbyword for quality
Also, of course, a bilbywordie of quality.
September 4, 2009
gangerh commented on the list •-wordies-talk-about-themselves
As promised, moved. To a list called The Wordie Banana Song. (I'd make this a link if I knew how.)
September 3, 2009
gangerh commented on the list •-wordies-talk-about-themselves
Sorry. Felt they were wrong but they just all came out and I didn't know where else to put them. I'll move them tomorrow.
September 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word unique words
539 to go
September 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word penis
Mightier than the sword, someone wrote.
September 2, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 1337
I'm listing this 'cause it's a number. I'd love to know why 12 other Wordies are. . . uselessness?
September 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 2t(f √e)
Oh Rudy! Of course! HaHa! Thanks seanahan.
September 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the user elephantesimal
Great name. Welcome to the wonder that is Wordie.
September 1, 2009
gangerh commented on the word tie the knot
Name of shop specialising in menswear hire. (Should that be men'swear?)
August 31, 2009
gangerh commented on the word baghdad
Was it a Christmas present?
August 31, 2009
gangerh commented on the word zircon
Aircon to Zircon
August 31, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 2t(f √e)
August 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word doubt
I don't think I'd believe it.
August 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 10!
frindley's right. 10! is exactly the number of seconds in 6 weeks! It's a fact. Orial.
August 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word doubt
Are you sure, 'vi?
August 28, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 1 wordie lists how sweet tooth fairy dust cover drive wheels around about there then nothing worthwhile
Ah! Thanks 'shedOne and 'by. I remember now. I obviously blocked '1 wordie lists' in error when I copied the phrase to paste sometime.
August 27, 2009
gangerh commented on the word indefatigueable
sacre indefatigueableu!
August 27, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 1 wordie lists how sweet tooth fairy dust cover drive wheels around about there then nothing worthwhile
Anywordie recall what this was about?
August 27, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0 = i
Convinced yet, 'by?
August 27, 2009
gangerh commented on the word 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0
This may raise more questions than I thought it may answer. Or question more answers. Or raise more answers. Or less. Than I thought. Or not.
August 27, 2009
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