A list of 67 words by thtownse.
- evolutionizewas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- gal palwas added by thtownse and appears on 3 lists
- rubiconwas added by thtownse and appears on 36 lists
- fo realswas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- Team Buildingwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- dumbismwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- advertorialwas added by thtownse and appears on 9 lists
- on-boardingwas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- rewrite the wheelwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- doablewas added by thtownse and appears on 20 lists
- kicking it old schoolwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- foodiewas added by thtownse and appears on 31 lists
- mad skillzwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- propswas added by thtownse and appears on 23 lists
- mad propswas added by thtownse and appears on 5 lists
- your guys'swas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- brangelinawas added by thtownse and appears on 6 lists
- guesstimatewas added by thtownse and appears on 30 lists
- pressurizedwas added by silverbelle and appears on 4 lists
- to wherewas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- [anything] - gatewas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- It suckswas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- savvywas added by thtownse and appears on 92 lists
- value chainwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- gaffewas added by thtownse and appears on 82 lists
- reason beingwas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- impactfulwas added by thtownse and appears on 22 lists
- post-baby bodywas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- mavenwas added by thtownse and appears on 91 lists
- celebwas added by thtownse and appears on 14 lists
- mockumentarywas added by thtownse and appears on 9 lists
- frenemywas added by thtownse and appears on 43 lists
- part and parcelwas added by thtownse and appears on 10 lists
- lesson learnedwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- the thing of it is, iswas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- whole 'notherwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- genitalswas added by thtownse and appears on 12 lists
- genitaliawas added by thtownse and appears on 25 lists
- meet and greetwas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- on the cheapwas added by thtownse and appears on 3 lists
- a ways to gowas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- surf the webwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- prosumerwas added by thtownse and appears on 9 lists
- new initiativewas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- let's sunset this ideawas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- ramp upwas added by thtownse and appears on 5 lists
- be proactivewas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- pick and choosewas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- turnaround timewas added by thtownse and appears on 3 lists
- linearlywas added by thtownse and appears on 7 lists
- productizewas added by thtownse and appears on 4 lists
- risk-aversewas added by thtownse and appears on 3 lists
- non-trivialwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
- peel the onionwas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- provisioningwas added by thtownse and appears on 3 lists
- webinarwas added by thtownse and appears on 39 lists
- bells and whistleswas added by thtownse and appears on 8 lists
- ballyhoowas added by thtownse and appears on 80 lists
- repurposewas added by thtownse and appears on 14 lists
- irregardlesswas added by thtownse and appears on 62 lists
- twoferwas added by thtownse and appears on 7 lists
- re-upwas added by thtownse and appears on 4 lists
- ducks in a rowwas added by thtownse and appears on 4 lists
- do whatwas added by thtownse and appears on 2 lists
- reinvent the wheelwas added by thtownse and appears on 3 lists
- good to gowas added by thtownse and appears on 4 lists
- re-lookwas added by thtownse and appears on just this list
chained_bear commented on the list dumbisms
Don't forget to be proactive and maximize our resources to get all the low-hanging fruit. I love the name of this list!
March 19, 2008
reesetee commented on the list dumbisms
I encountered a rather startling dumbism the other day in an e-mail: "Let's sunset this idea."
March 19, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list dumbisms
Did you sunset the sender?
March 19, 2008
frindley commented on the list dumbisms
"New initiative" always gets me. What other kind of initiative is there?
March 19, 2008
reesetee commented on the list dumbisms
I was tempted to, c_b.
March 20, 2008
jwjarvis commented on the list dumbisms
they are so dumb, so very dumb, fo reals.
November 10, 2010
thtownse commented on the list dumbisms
I am listening to a series of lectures-on-CD by linguist John McWhorter, and am starting to think I am too hard on the peculiarities of spoken language. Most of the items on this list annoy me because they are dumb, but some are legitimate verbal English. But in revisiting these, almost every one of them makes me cringe.
July 27, 2012
bilby commented on the list dumbisms
"In June 1999, then-Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) appeared on the House floor to reflect on the Columbine massacre, and he proceeded to blame science textbooks for the murders. These tragedies happen, DeLay said , 'because our school systems teach the children that they are nothing but glorified apes who are evolutionized out of some primordial soup.'"
July 28, 2012