A list of 79 words by tumbel.
- succedaneumwas added by tumbel and appears on 34 lists
- bibliophagouswas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- foolscapwas added by tumbel and appears on 42 lists
- lucubrationwas added by tumbel and appears on 103 lists
- sammelbandwas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- bifoliumwas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
- ceroplasticwas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
- wiccamicalwas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- shadoufwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- sakiehwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- mastabawas added by tumbel and appears on 11 lists
- autarchicwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- paratextualwas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- socioinstitutionalwas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- syntagmaticallywas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- hastatewas added by tumbel and appears on 17 lists
- depauperatewas added by tumbel and appears on 16 lists
- lacustrinewas added by tumbel and appears on 68 lists
- scunnerwas added by tumbel and appears on 17 lists
- cynosurewas added by tumbel and appears on 230 lists
- praxiteleanwas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
- Laodiceanwas added by tumbel and appears on 9 lists
- cicisbeowas added by tumbel and appears on 39 lists
- belletristwas added by tumbel and appears on 32 lists
- squirearchicalwas added by tumbel and appears on 3 lists
- toffwas added by tumbel and appears on 25 lists
- odalisquewas added by tumbel and appears on 127 lists
- kleptocracywas added by tumbel and appears on 49 lists
- klephtwas added by tumbel and appears on 6 lists
- scarperwas added by tumbel and appears on 23 lists
- punctiliowas added by tumbel and appears on 56 lists
- margravatewas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- avant la lettrewas added by tumbel and appears on 6 lists
- orchidaceouswas added by tumbel and appears on 23 lists
- periwiggedwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- marmorealwas added by tumbel and appears on 100 lists
- lamassuwas added by tumbel and appears on 4 lists
- matelotwas added by tumbel and appears on 7 lists
- table d’hôtewas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- waliwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- pashawas added by tumbel and appears on 28 lists
- vicereinewas added by tumbel and appears on 10 lists
- fellahinwas added by tumbel and appears on 7 lists
- dahabeahwas added by tumbel and appears on 8 lists
- concupiscentwas added by tumbel and appears on 104 lists
- costivewas added by tumbel and appears on 34 lists
- Cairenewas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- chiboukwas added by tumbel and appears on 6 lists
- beywas added by tumbel and appears on 21 lists
- billet-douxwas added by tumbel and appears on 48 lists
- amour proprewas added by tumbel and appears on 23 lists
- chatelainewas added by tumbel and appears on 31 lists
- entrepotwas added by tumbel and appears on 25 lists
- dandlewas added by tumbel and appears on 55 lists
- dragomanwas added by tumbel and appears on 32 lists
- galloonwas added by tumbel and appears on 7 lists
- passementeriewas added by tumbel and appears on 14 lists
- schiffliwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- camberwas added by tumbel and appears on 25 lists
- statorwas added by tumbel and appears on 6 lists
- parietalwas added by tumbel and appears on 24 lists
- solenoidwas added by tumbel and appears on 13 lists
- anechoicwas added by tumbel and appears on 27 lists
- aileronwas added by tumbel and appears on 23 lists
- monocoquewas added by tumbel and appears on 20 lists
- nacellewas added by tumbel and appears on 46 lists
- soliduswas added by tumbel and appears on 36 lists
- naumachiawas added by tumbel and appears on 15 lists
- patinodromewas added by tumbel and appears on just this list
- pelotonwas added by tumbel and appears on 28 lists
- gorgoninwas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- gallinaceouswas added by tumbel and appears on 22 lists
- homologatewas added by tumbel and appears on 13 lists
- halterewas added by tumbel and appears on 2 lists
- lamellaewas added by tumbel and appears on 7 lists
- icefallwas added by tumbel and appears on 13 lists
- seracwas added by tumbel and appears on 18 lists
- bathyscaphewas added by tumbel and appears on 12 lists
- chiropterawas added by tumbel and appears on 5 lists
- megabatwas added by tumbel and appears on 10 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list encountered-while-fact-checking
September 11, 2012
ruzuzu commented on the list encountered-while-fact-checking
(I especially like the word solidus.)
September 11, 2012