Identify the Word(ie)(nik) 2013!
An empty list by yarb.
Tip: Add several words or phrases at once by separating them with semicolons. Don't worry about surrounding whitespace -- we'll ignore it.
In response to the clamouring of the masses (ruzuzu and gangerh), I hereby declare open the fourth almost-annual "Identify the Word(ie)(nik)".
Gangerh compèred the last edition back in 2011, and in a fiercely-fought battle including allegations of foul play, stewards' enquiries, blood-doping etc., I emerged covered in filth but triumphantly brandishing my "molotov cocktail waitress" mug.
The inaugural "Identify the Wordie" was the brainchild of uselessness, in 2007, i.e. the mists of time. The sequel, Identify the Wordie part deux saw bilby varying the theme in his inimitable drongoid way.
If you are new, you can probably garner the gist of it by reviewing those storied tourneys of yore. When you're ready, email your word to idthewordienik13 at gmail and in due course, I will publish the list of words, along with a proportionate amount of (c)red herrings, and also a list of the participants, and you can put your thinking caps on and take your best shy at a sweet tooth fairy mug of your choice.
ruzuzu commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
Does a tiara count as a thinking cap?
March 19, 2013
yarb commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
No, a thinking cap is one of those caps with yellow, red, blue and green segments to it and a flower or whirligig sprouting from the top.
March 19, 2013
deinonychus commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
Is there a deadline for this? (So I know when to give up thinking and send in a random word)
March 20, 2013
yarb commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
No deadline. I'm enjoying inferring things about people based on how long they agonise over their words.
March 20, 2013
yarb commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
Well after the initial rush of excitement, we have run into a doldrum. Come on, hurry up and submit words before I get busy again.
March 23, 2013
vanderpink commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
Normally I would not consider joining any clamouring masses, but the Eurovision contest is over and I am looking for something new to amuse me. Shall we begin?
May 20, 2013