A list of 148 words by Kristianto2010.
- perversitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 10 lists
- reprimandwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 97 lists
- Normandewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- exasperationwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 19 lists
- dumbfoundwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 37 lists
- partialitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 16 lists
- inadvertentlywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 49 lists
- resiliencywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 10 lists
- dignifiedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 16 lists
- propensitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 160 lists
- futilitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 24 lists
- assailwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 79 lists
- lestwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 51 lists
- circumspectlywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 5 lists
- mutterwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 46 lists
- falsettowas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 26 lists
- disbursementwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 10 lists
- godlinesswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 10 lists
- weavewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 40 lists
- ravenouswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 102 lists
- vindicatewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 115 lists
- commonerswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 3 lists
- by God's Gracewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- gulliblewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 82 lists
- dementiawas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 46 lists
- authenticwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 89 lists
- debasewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 74 lists
- perseverancewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 53 lists
- debaucherywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 120 lists
- enormouswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 34 lists
- sphericalwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 33 lists
- creakwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 28 lists
- stoopwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 44 lists
- deprivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 27 lists
- chastenwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 44 lists
- carnalwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 86 lists
- savorwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 45 lists
- promiscouswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- Compassionatewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- deemedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 13 lists
- charlatanwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 208 lists
- peddlewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 41 lists
- Anonymouswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 3 lists
- lavishwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 143 lists
- Ascribewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 3 lists
- vitrifiedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 5 lists
- perversewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 81 lists
- Prudencewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 7 lists
- myriadwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 251 lists
- vindictivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 135 lists
- fretwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 87 lists
- abominationwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 65 lists
- reverewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 65 lists
- Destitutewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 3 lists
- blightedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 32 lists
- scracewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- pomegranateswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- precedewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 27 lists
- virtuosowas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 84 lists
- put upwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 12 lists
- villainwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 70 lists
- grudgewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 40 lists
- zealwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 112 lists
- discernwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 107 lists
- unwholesomewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 12 lists
- likenwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 15 lists
- meticulouslywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 7 lists
- aftwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 35 lists
- brawlwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 47 lists
- scalpelwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 22 lists
- asepticwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 35 lists
- arablewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 46 lists
- primordiumwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 6 lists
- propagatewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 64 lists
- inoculatewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 58 lists
- germinatewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 30 lists
- colloquialwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 142 lists
- advocatingwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 5 lists
- abhorswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 6 lists
- revelrywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 91 lists
- deterwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 64 lists
- begottenwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 18 lists
- encryptewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- lingerwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 104 lists
- patriarchwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 47 lists
- adulationwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 98 lists
- Despitewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 2 lists
- prevailwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 64 lists
- endowedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 12 lists
- introvertedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 19 lists
- confidingwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 8 lists
- anguishwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 88 lists
- assertivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 28 lists
- yonderwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 66 lists
- elusivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 173 lists
- neverthelesswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 60 lists
- thrivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 59 lists
- succumbwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 65 lists
- inhabitwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 25 lists
- palpablywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 10 lists
- enthronedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 4 lists
- conceivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 39 lists
- supplicationwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 42 lists
- allusionwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 78 lists
- enmitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 161 lists
- cravingwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 25 lists
- covetwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 102 lists
- detentionwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 21 lists
- pantwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 26 lists
- entitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 52 lists
- flogwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 26 lists
- pinningwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 2 lists
- puckeredwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 7 lists
- assume responsibilitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- perspirationwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 15 lists
- breach of warrantywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- exhortwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 120 lists
- covenantwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 80 lists
- expedientwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 118 lists
- Crutchwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- cassavawas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 20 lists
- Heedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 4 lists
- Beholdwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 2 lists
- compartmentalizewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 25 lists
- Besiegewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 2 lists
- Bestowswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- conjugatewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 34 lists
- bierwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 47 lists
- fallenwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 29 lists
- Celibacywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 2 lists
- chastitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 44 lists
- discerniblewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 35 lists
- Pervasivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 3 lists
- culpritwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 56 lists
- pertinentwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 104 lists
- Ruffianswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- mischiefwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 42 lists
- cultwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 46 lists
- aprodithwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on just this list
- perceivewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 56 lists
- flue gaswas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 3 lists
- provisionwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 48 lists
- Audacitywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 4 lists
- hallowedwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 43 lists
- Procrastinationwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 2 lists
- abolishwas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 49 lists
- dismaywas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 49 lists
- Eloquencewas added by Kristianto2010 and appears on 4 lists
Kristianto2010 commented on the list my-personnal-words-list-on-wordnik
Kefasihan Bicara
October 6, 2010
dradvujwalad.andrews commented on the list my-personnal-words-list-on-wordnik
good work
March 1, 2012