A list of 19 words by Wordplayer.
- shrimpoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 3 lists
- candoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on just this list
- fractoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 4 lists
- cathodoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 4 lists
- sonoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 29 lists
- thermoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 5 lists
- radioluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 2 lists
- piezoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 3 lists
- crystalloluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on just this list
- triboluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 7 lists
- mechanoluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 4 lists
- electrochemiluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 2 lists
- electroluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 6 lists
- fluorescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 15 lists
- phosphorescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 30 lists
- chemiluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 9 lists
- bioluminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 27 lists
- incandescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 57 lists
- luminescencewas added by Wordplayer and appears on 43 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
Might I respectufully suggest shrimpoluminescence?
July 22, 2011
erinmckean commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
I very much love this list. Thanks for making it!
July 25, 2011
erinmckean commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
I very much love this list. Thanks for making it!
July 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
Humbly offers up: porchlightescence?
July 25, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
Dontcry: Brackets!
July 26, 2011
fbharjo commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
candlebottominescence hic lucubratiunculam dedi
July 26, 2011