A list of 37 words by asativum.
- %was added by vanishedone and appears on 4 lists
- +was added by vanishedone and appears on 5 lists
- #was added by vanishedone and appears on 6 lists
- ??was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- ?was added by vanishedone and appears on 4 lists
- ...was added by vanishedone and appears on 4 lists
- ..was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- .was added by vanishedone and appears on 7 lists
- %c2%a1was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- SHAZAM!was added by vanishedone and appears on 9 lists
- deletewas added by vanishedone and appears on 43 lists
- simipwas added by vanishedone and appears on 3 lists
- "was added by vanishedone and appears on 4 lists
- %23was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- %2fwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- %3fwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- drowerwas added by fbharjo and appears on 3 lists
- %d4%b3was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- %ef%bb%bf%d4%b3was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- blah ... does that count%3fwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- %c2%a9was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- "pluralistic society"was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- wordiedwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- %c3%a8was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- listswas added by vanishedone and appears on 19 lists
- %c3%a5was added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- cloudwas added by whichbe and appears on 111 lists
- Synonymwas added by Prolagus and appears on 30 lists
- ΒΑ�?Α�?Αwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- biff!was added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- ¨was added by asativum and appears on 3 lists
- recentwas added by vanishedone and appears on 14 lists
- testwas added by vanishedone and appears on 85 lists
- widget_optionswas added by asativum and appears on just this list
- mentionswas added by asativum and appears on 4 lists
- addwas added by asativum and appears on 50 lists
- randomwas added by asativum and appears on 96 lists
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Go on. Just try to read those 12 comments.
June 12, 2008
bilby commented on the list wordie-paradox
Ha! Well spotted Asa! And there was me wondering why you didn't leave that comment on random :-)
June 12, 2008
reesetee commented on the list wordie-paradox
June 12, 2008
kewpid commented on the list wordie-paradox
also: add
June 12, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
that's very cool indeed!
June 12, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
And mentions.
June 12, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
And widget_options
June 12, 2008
john commented on the list wordie-paradox
You can call them paradoxes. I'll call them bugs :-)
June 12, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
But we like them! Please let us play with your bugs...
...hmmm, this one came out weird.
June 12, 2008
bilby commented on the list wordie-paradox
Dang, I wanted to keep this hidden from John for a while.
June 12, 2008
gangerh commented on the list wordie-paradox
Hey, thanks! I just tried and got acoustic shadow which gives me a cool sweet tooth fairy, acoustic shadow boxing.
June 12, 2008
gangerh commented on the list wordie-paradox
Asativum probably did leave the comment on random, bilby, but wanted you to find it without taking all day!
June 12, 2008
bilby commented on the list wordie-paradox
I suppose if you tried *random* enough times you would eventually get to random. Unless of course you had a bit of a bad run AND the number of unique words grew faster than you could reload, in which case you might have a kind of infinity trap.
June 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list wordie-paradox
Wow, trippy. Does anyone have the secret to successfully reading the 12 comments?
June 12, 2008
mollusque commented on the list wordie-paradox
That's freaky, kewpid. Add shows the words on my Words about Words list.
June 12, 2008
kewpid commented on the list wordie-paradox
The trick is to type the word with a capital letter. Click if you dare: Random.
June 12, 2008
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Nifty. Thanks all. Sorry about not making the list open; I meant to, but failed.
Add takes me to words I've added, which is a cool feature.
And kewpid, thanks for the secret to seeing those comments. Kewl.
June 13, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
I jut noticed that test is producing basically the same behaviour (needing to be entered into the URL capitalised), but all the lowercase /words/test gives me is a 404.
September 4, 2008
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Kewl. Thanks VO!
September 7, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
random doesn't belong here anymore (sigh).
September 9, 2008
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Hmph. I'm not taking it off. Some of us will always remember the good ol' days...
September 10, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
We missed recent (Recent). But Weirdnet says the last ten thousand years are recent, so it's probably okay to take our time.
September 25, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
As a naturalist, I agree with Weirdnet, this time. :-)
September 25, 2008
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Excellent! Just when I thought John was being a little too efficient about snuffing these curious beasties.
September 26, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
è, but it's unlistable.
October 7, 2008
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Well, heck. ¨ is good enough for me.
But wait -- what if you list ¨?
October 7, 2008
bilby commented on the list wordie-paradox
mollusque's all caps BANANA deserves to be on this list. But I can't actually link to it without the code to put in my comment, or indeed list it!
October 7, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
It's less paradoxical than Synonym, actually.
October 7, 2008
bilby commented on the list wordie-paradox
Nice work VO.
October 7, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
å is unlistable because it turns into ¥, as sarra discovered on Å.
Edit: I managed to add it by casting a hex, but it still leads to the same place.
November 2, 2008
sarra commented on the list wordie-paradox
And look on the front page, VanishedOne - it looks awful! (I did try all the different encodings I could find. Weirdly, I think those links all led to the yen at one point, then they led nowhere. I may have been imagining it.)
November 2, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
I don't see any problems on the front page, actually--maybe my browser settings are more lenient?
In other W.P. news, I see whichbe found cloud, and now we have lists too. John will be delighted...
Edit: the hex trick worked on è too; again, it still leads to the wrong, i.e. paradoxical place.
November 2, 2008
sarra commented on the list wordie-paradox
Aye. I see this:
Though I've just realised that will look the same to you :) %c3%a8?
November 2, 2008
sarra commented on the list wordie-paradox
Before anyone looking at the recent words list thinks something else has gone wrong… I'm sheepishly testing a new list, which you may be able to spot.
November 2, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, I can see them now that I know where to look.
November 2, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
Annoyingly, the version of blah ... does that count? I managed to add here is operational, owing to the hexadecimal trickery used. However (as noted on bugs), when the random word feature took me to blah ... does that count? it proved unviewable. Try clicking on the links in this comment.
December 28, 2008
asativum commented on the list wordie-paradox
Thanks, VO!
December 29, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
I see one thing Գ (%EF%BB%BF%D4%B3) and Գ (%D4%B3) have in common is that they both allegedly have 0 comments.
January 4, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list wordie-paradox
January 4, 2009
plethora commented on the list wordie-paradox
I seem to be having an inordinate amount of trouble accessing the page i thought you'd lost it when you added "haar".... *gg.
I suspect there's more to the "word" than that, but it doesn't show up on the home page or the last 100 comments page, and the URL is truncated because of the quotation marks.
But I know other people can get there, because it has comments!
February 12, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
It's the " character messing things up. If you enter http://wordie.org/words/i thought you'd lost it when you added "haar".... *gg into your browser location bar you can enter through the back door and join in the fun.
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the list wordie-paradox
Success! Thanks VO.
Although, once I got there, it wasn't actually that interesting...
February 12, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
For the mysteries of simip see ghost comments.
March 18, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
Quite a few of these are broken (read: working as normal words) now... although whether they'll work in comments seems to be another matter.
September 7, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
The hexadecimal stuff is just your common-or-garden character encoding problem, but the big BANANA seems different: click on its mangled form and all you get is a page saying 'Disallowed key characters in global data.' Hopefully we'll get it back soon.
November 18, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list wordie-paradox
Over on comments I've asked for ., .., ..., etc. to be un-broken when there's time, but shall we keep them here for the historical record...?
November 18, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list wordie-paradox
This list is BANANAS. I love it!
June 26, 2011