
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun Any of several evergreen trees of the genus Citrus of Southeast Asia, widely cultivated in warm regions and having fragrant white flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior, especially the sweet orange and the bitter orange.
  • noun The fruit of any of these trees, having a sweetish, acidic juice.
  • noun Any of several similar plants, such as the Osage orange and the mock orange.
  • noun The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between red and yellow, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 590 to 630 nanometers; any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium lightness and moderate saturation.
  • adjective Of the color orange.
  • adjective Made from oranges.
  • adjective Tasting or smelling like oranges.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A mordant acid coal-tar color of the monoazo type prepared by combining diazotized para-nitraniline with salicylic acid. Also called alizarin yellow R.
  • noun Same as orange T.
  • Of or pertaining to the principality of Orange in France, or the line of princes named from it: often with special reference to William III. of England, Prince of Orange, who was regarded as the champion of Protestantism against Louis XIV. on the continent, and against James II. in Ireland.
  • Of or pertaining to the Society of Orangemen, or Orangeism: as, an Orange lodge; an Orange emblem. See Orangeman.
  • noun The fruit of the orange-tree, a large globose berry of eight or ten membranous cells, each containing several seeds which are packed in a pulp of fusiform vesicles, distended with an acidulous refreshing juice.
  • noun A rather low branching evergreen fruit-tree, Citrus Aurantium, with greenish-brown bark, elliptical or ovate coriaceous leaves, the petiole often winged, and fragrant white flowers.
  • noun A reddish-yellow color, of which the orange is the type.
  • noun In heraldry, a roundel tenné. See roundel.
  • noun The Carolina cherry-laurel, Prunus Caroliniana. It is a small tree with glossy coriaceous leaves, wild and cultivated for ornament in the southern United States. Its foliage, bark, and fruit contain prussic acid, and the leaves are often fatal to animals browsing upon them. Also called mock-orange and wild peach.
  • noun See toothache-tree.
  • Of or belonging to an orange; specifically, being of the reddish-yellow color of the orange.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to an orange; of the color of an orange; reddish yellow.
  • noun The fruit of a tree of the genus Citrus (Citrus Aurantium). It is usually round, and consists of pulpy carpels, commonly ten in number, inclosed in a leathery rind, which is easily separable, and is reddish yellow when ripe.
  • noun (Bot.) The tree that bears oranges; the orange tree.
  • noun The color of an orange; reddish yellow.
  • noun See Mandarin.
  • noun (Bot.) any species of shrubs of the genus Philadelphus, which have whitish and often fragrant blossoms.
  • noun (Bot.) an Australian shrub (Citriobatus parviflorus); also, its edible yellow berries.
  • noun (Zoöl.) a tanager of Jamaica (Tanagra zena); -- so called from its bright orange breast.
  • noun (Zoöl.) a large, handsome cowry (Cypræa aurantia), highly valued by collectors of shells on account of its rarity.
  • noun (Bot.) an inconspicuous annual American plant (Hypericum Sarothra), having minute, deep yellow flowers.
  • noun (Chem.) an oily, terpenelike substance obtained from orange rind, and distinct from neroli oil, which is obtained from the flowers.
  • noun a kind of black tea.
  • noun an orange-colored apple with acid flavor.
  • noun the orangelike fruit of a shrubby species of nightshade (Solanum Quitoense), native in Quito.
  • noun (Zoöl.) any species of scale insects which infests orange trees; especially, the purple scale (Mytilaspis citricola), the long scale (Mytilaspis Gloveri), and the red scale (Aspidiotus Aurantii).

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An evergreen tree of the genus Citrus such as Citrus aurantium.
  • noun The fruit of an orange tree; a citrus fruit with a slightly sour flavour.
  • noun The colour of a ripe orange (the fruit); a color midway between red and yellow.
  • adjective Having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree; yellowred; reddish-yellow.
  • verb transitive To color orange.
  • verb intransitive To become orange.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun any citrus tree bearing oranges
  • noun a river in South Africa that flows generally westward to the Atlantic Ocean
  • noun round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees
  • noun any pigment producing the orange color
  • adjective of the color between red and yellow; similar to the color of a ripe orange
  • noun orange color or pigment; any of a range of colors between red and yellow


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English, from Old French pume orenge, translation and alteration (influenced by Orenge, Orange, a town in France) of Old Italian melarancio : mela, apple + arancio, orange tree (alteration of Arabic nāranj, from Persian nārang, from Sanskrit nāraṅgaḥ, possibly of Dravidian origin).]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Middle English orenge, orange, from Old French pome orenge 'Persian orange', literally 'orange apple', influenced by Old Provençal auranja and calqued from Old Italian melarancio, melarancia, compound of mela 'apple' and (n)arancia 'orange', from Arabic نارنج (nāranj), from Persian نارنگ (nārang), from Sanskrit नारङ्ग (nāraṅga, "orange tree"), from Dravidian (compare Tamil nartankāy, compound of நரந்தம் (narantam, "fragrance") and காய் (kāy, "fruit"); also Telugu నారంగము (nāraṅgamu), Malayalam നാരങ്ങ (nāraṅga), Kannada ನಾರಂಗಿ (nāraṅgi)).


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  • Orange rhymes with no other word.

    May 31, 2007

  • I was playing the improv warm-up game "did you say" once, and I said, "his shirt was red", at which point someone said "Did you say red?", and in my haste, I responded, "No, I said orange", at which point about 6 people said "Did you say orange?", and I was screwed.

    June 1, 2007

  • blancmange?

    November 6, 2007

  • Someone called John Field is responsible for this limerick:

    There once was a man of Fort Orange

    Who longed to make rhymes using orange.

    But he quit in despair,

    And hung himself in mid-air,

    Where he swings to and fro like a door 'inge.

    November 25, 2007

  • ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French orenge (in the phrase pomme d'orenge), based on Arabic n�?ranj, from Persian n�?rang.

    November 29, 2007

  • Words that (kind of) rhyme with orange: syringe, citrange, range, derange

    May 7, 2008

  • William of Orange

    July 8, 2008

  • Hmm. Are there any other words, like orange, that don't rhyme with anything else?

    July 7, 2009

  • Else?

    July 7, 2009

  • Orange (Eng.); Orange (Fr.); Naranja (Sp.); Arancia (It.)

    Interestingly, none of these terms come from the Latin word for orange, citrus aurentium; instead, they all come from the ancient Sanskrit naga ranga, which literally means "fatal indigestion for elephants." In certain traditions the orange, not the apple, is the fruit responsible for original sin. There was an ancient Malay fable--which made its way into the Sanskrit tongue around the Seventh or Eighth Centuries B.C.--that links the orange to the sin of gluttony and has an elephant as the culprit. Apparently, one day an elephant was passing through the forest, when he found a tree unknown to him in a clearing, bowed downward by its weight of beautiful, tempting oranges; as a result, the elephant ate so many that he burst. Many years later a man stumbled upon the scene and noticed the fossilized remains of the elephant with many orange trees growing from what had been its stomach. The man then exclaimed, "Amazing! What a naga ranga (fatal indigestion for elephants)!" ---

    July 16, 2012

  • Here's an 1869 book of Orange Poetry.

    Uncle, can you find a rhyme for orange?

    February 24, 2014

  • Thank you, Alexz. This book is clearly the work of an obsessive. Here I have been reproaching myself for profligacy. Compared to "Uncle" I am time's miser.

    February 24, 2014

  • With Blorenge and sporange , I suspect there will be some new poetry.

    April 2, 2014