ruzuzu has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 868 lists, listed 40756 words, written 10726 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 2941 words.
Comments for ruzuzu
ruzuzu commented on the user ruzuzu
Thank you, bilby. As you know, I'm also fond of misheard-numa-numa-lyrics.
bilby commented on the user ruzuzu
This made me think of you:
It was probably the bananaphone.
markusloke commented on the user ruzuzu
I only just recently noticed that there's a comments section! Yikes! Anyways, unreal-laurens-friend-finder is up and running and needs contributions! So many exclamation points!
ruzuzu commented on the user ruzuzu
Eek! TankHughes, I'm glad I was able to point out that list to you, but I'm sorry to contribute to the demise of another. May I console myself with the thought that you'll eventually replace it with a new list for our amusement?
TankHughes commented on the user ruzuzu
I'd respond to you on my list... BUT I DELETED IT! *shock* It made more sense to add my 4 to tbtabby's Location Slang list instead. I'm happy someone else has made a large list that I can legitimately add Canadian tuxedo and Mexican wave to.
qms commented on the user ruzuzu
Thank you for your kind comment of December 15, ruzuzu. It pains me to have overlooked your comment for so long but, in the absence of the Community page, I seem to have been looking in the wrong places for evidence of activity. I had begun to fear that I was the only one still visiting regularly.
When I last communicated with Erin she wrote that she had a fix for the Community page but was having difficulty getting it installed on the server. I think it is possible we will not have the Community page back until after the holidays. I hope people will not have lost the habit of visiting.
I hope your holidays are happy ones. -
marky commented on the user ruzuzu
some more of my random freak out lists!
napoleonic commented on the user ruzuzu
Hey ruzuzu, I have tripled the length of your calculator words list - hope you like it!
fbharjo commented on the user ruzuzu
I knew she plays the sax. Have you read 'Crazy Brave' yet?
I wonder how many people realize the etymological significance of the title.
Playing the sax is 'crazy brave' of course.
The sax is the ultimate soul instrument with its long neck and throaty sound (see nephesh)
My niece Ramona has taught me that well!
She has 'crazy brave' in her blood, too.
deinonychus commented on the user ruzuzu
Thanks for the red admiral! By the way, I borrowed some of your spiders for my own little collection.
gulyasrobi commented on the user ruzuzu
Hi ruzuzu.
It took me a while to find this reply box.
Thank you for the welcome message.
Please feel free to comment on my lists or add words to them.
aishababe commented on the user ruzuzu
Am a young single girl never married seeking true love for a long term relationship with marriage potentials,i am happy to contact you because you cut my interest! i will love us to be good friends or a lot more, you can contact me through.( that i will send you my photos,till i hear from you, bye and kisses!
Miss Aisha
Prolagus commented on the user ruzuzu
And I less than three you! Miss you guys. You know how it feels sometimes, though... I visit often but can't find anything to add to the conversation.
I really wish there was an easier way to follow threads. If you don't spend lots of time here, you have to open all links on the Zeitmunity page. There has to be a different way!
dhuber commented on the user ruzuzu
Thanks! Start -geddon ready to add some words...
pterodactyl commented on the user ruzuzu
What's all the fuss about <3' secret messages? Ah! I see! Can it really be as simple as hiding messages behind' hearts?
Favorite Lists
- From the Algonquin et al.
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- I Live a (SOWPODS) Hardscrabble Life
- Loaded Names
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- The Much Avoided Latin-rooted-English List
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- •Open List: Ways to Get Your Hash Browns at a Dream-State Waffle House
- Schrödinger's cat and other famous scientific props
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- From the Estate of the Brothers Collyer
- Geologic Delights
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- Very Funny
- Gee, that's hard and soft!
- Yosemite Samite
- Three is Compoundy.
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- Oscillating Forms
- Super Team Up Deluxe
- When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go
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- Names of fish that end in -fish.
- scrabble words
- Poetrie: The Map
- subordinators
- quirks of grammar
- Rare Books
- Hopi, Tewa and Zuni words
- Proof that marketers are idiots
- Laundry List
- • M a r g a r i n e
- Words sung by: Belle and Sebastian
- Monosyllabic and rhymeless
- Past tense in -t.
- •An Arsenal for Civil Defunse (Open List)
- Gums & Resins
- Lessons In Marxism
- "Puts the ____ in ____" Jokes
- • Knuckle tattoos
- The Tool Shed
- Ignis Fatuus
- letterpress words
- legitimate scrabble words
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- words about time
- Mississippi Valley - Midwestern Recipes
- Inflicted on Wordie / Wordnik
- Bioluminescence
- Carol Wright Gifts
- 5-0
- Inky
- Heraldry
- Medieval heraldry...
- In The Laboratory
- Names for the Third Stomach of a Ruminant
- Snoopy
- Pun-ch Lines
- Places In Utah
- names of hats
- Hats Off!
- Quaint Locations
- Mom-Speak
- frogapplause suitcase
- Here I Dreamt I Was An Archetype
- I Can't Believe It's Not Listed
- Books torn asunder by New Year’s Eve
- *hork*
- Contronympho
- Autantonyms
- Big Top
- funny place names in the garden state
- Heraldica
- More Than One 'Z'
- Weaselie
- gentian and bitters
- Turning and Twisting Tours
- Scotch on the Rocks
- Tunie: Bohemian Rhapsody
- • This is the story of the Hurriclone
- Four weeks, 28 breakfasts
- Imagical: Words You Should Be Falling Over Yourself to Use Image Search On
- Fore!
- Century Dictionary
- we have reservations
- Oddest Book Title of the Year
- Massholese
- Potential band names
- Pahdon me; I fahted.
- Pelage
- The Blasphemous Comma and Other Bible Errata
- reecedano's Words
- Remarkable Wikipedia categories/lists
- "Let's go strap on the ole air'chine and bore holes in the sky!"
- The most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational list!
- Trout Mask Replica
- A Matter Of Time
- Pachinko Bajingo
- That's Not a Banana
- preposition
- Terms Used by NASA that only NASA Understands
- slo: fem. nouns with sg. nom. ending -ø, gen. -í
- Calques
- Groups
- Panaceaseless
- etymological curiosities
- • Suggestions for new Sailormoon attacks
- Klaatu Barada N... Necktie... Nickel . . . . Klaatu Barada Nahagablaga!
- set phasers to...
- Really Cool Three-Letter Words
- fitting words
- If Wordie were a movie or TV series it would be called..................
- Fireclature
- Des Esseintes' fantastic name-dropping
- Moby-Dick
- Oulipian writing techniques
- Stars is God's Lantern
- Nigerian English
- Rejected locations for the Secret Lair
- Story of a Missing "S"
- Scribblative ✍
- Musical titles in translation
- Antelope
- measure for measure
- •Open List: What's On Your Work Desk?
- Things that rhyme with chicken noodle soup
- Thank you Ruzuzu
- The Male of the Species
- Jukebox @ The Verbal Arms
- plans for the weekend
- words classifiable in 4 different ways as a noun, verb, adj and adv
- traditional slovene names of months
- over dale
- All About Shoes
- Interesting Iowa Place Names
- Masthead Staples
- Afghanistanbananastan
- Horological Vocabulary
- Slaves Enlisted in the Black Regiment of Rhode Island, 1777
- Moon
- What's in a Gnome?
- • Prime numbers in songs
- Memories of HK
- Killjoy et al
- Hoptoads
- Bonebreakers and Mother-in-Law Killers
- Critical and Philosophical Terms
- I would like to be reincarnated as...
- mantisic
- Library Reference Desk Words
- Vaiani's list - lessons learned from a student of Chopin's student
- Dutchly things
- ex-element
- Malcolm-Hex
- animals with their own paper
- Squ-
- Chabon, Michael
- You Must Be Joking
- O is for Over The Moon
- the joy of copyediting
- A Confederacy of Dunces
- things (good)
- via Weird and Wonderful Words
- Uncalendared
- Gems from 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
- Public List: Rogues' Gallery
- phrases (2 to 3 words)
- The not-necessarily-complete adventures of bilby the wordnik
- Don't be Koi With Me.
- tabla bols
- hoppestere
- Some of my favorite headlines from the Weekly World News
- Retrologisms
- Punlandia
- Cup-shaped or cup-like
- Aftercrimes, Geoslavery, and Thermogeddon
- Digital English Vocabulary
- TN5 Lesson 51
- Words for those "of a certain age"...
- Sounds a little like heliocentric
- Handspinning Words
- Skunk Works
- Constriction (condition of)
- English Placenames that are Words
- To Embrace or Clasp
- •Open List: You're Invited to a Mandatory Picnic!
- •Open List: The Hazards of Spell-Czech
- Artificial Intelligence
- Skip The Light Fontastic
- Just because I feel like saying it...
- Words that hurt
- _______ chicken
- a watched pot
- Rock. Star.
- Copies of copies
- Sweet Tooth Fairy Tale
- bioinformatics and bioengineering words
- Galls
- Metaflip
- C. S. Bird – Grandiloquent Dictionary
- Cagastric Words
- Gristle and Flesh
- phth
- Two-word poems
- blooms taxonomy
- Rhetoric: The Harlot of the Arts
- coinages that deserve attention
- Greetings
- Roll Out the Barrels
- ROT13 Pairs
- Name, a Novel
- The Secret Garden
- Public List: Calculating Devices
- Mollusque's miscellany
- End in -kin
- Chemical Element Abbreviations
- The Oddympics
- semantic nonsensicals
- Prosie: from Urquhart's Rabelais
- a modern herbal
- new words
- "Cripple in a café in Paris"
- From the Wordnik Examples
- peculiarities of our own languages
- [Open] The Apocrypha Wordnikia
- Trumpet and Bugle Calls
- math
- Silly-sounding words
- Easy to phone
- Tandem repeat
- Bird Fish
- Nihilarity
- "UnDeErEst" Words Not Seen In Nature...
- Excellent Potential Cat Names
- “We put the . . . in . . . .”
- Lucky Waiting for Godot
- "Cabbage and turnips have driven me, though my 'mother cooked squirrel, I'd stayed longer."
- Graph Theory Terminology
- Confessions of an English Opium Eater
- my grandmother's words
- Ute
- MiaLuthien's list ♥
- algebra
- Yes Sir, No Ma'am, Hai Senpai
- Mollusks
- Available language editions of Scrabble
- programming
- Go Fly a Kite
- Bestoj
- Unda stand in oneder storms
- CycList
- The Whole Nine Yarbs
- Snarl words
- Purr words
- -mouth
- 3 Objects Within 15 Feet Of My Computer
- Yeoman of the what?!
- 120
- Legal personal relationship words
- Marks
- Words that shouldn't be used on a first date.
- Children From Russia Spend Summer
- waldo's list
- Of or Pertaining to Stars or Constellations
- Proustian
- Coal Mining Terms
- Semordnilap
- TED Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world
- G[r]eek
- Shaped like a Crow's Bill
- You're a SUPER Hero!
- Fake Minerals & Gemstones
- Nuts
- King in Uruk
- Sponge Spicule Terminology
- A Peckerwick of Fiffoldry
- gyre - enquired & unquired
- Canadian English that's not in American English
- sans belif
- Shakespeare Adaptations
- How many _____ does it take to change a light bulb?
- Citrus
- Zee's zees
- Forgotten English 1
- opt
- Impossible wind-up toys
- Name name (name)
- Columns & Rows
- Apples to Apples: Red Cards
- Coruscate, Coruscate, Little Star
- Wild Weather
- It's made of people
- patterns
- mexicanismos
- Listless
- Tiger Safety Rules
- well-hyphenated
- words that make me feel funny
- Lees
- Panel Discussions at WordieniKon
- Conjunctive Adverbs
- Reduples
- The Worm List
- Seeing Things
- Sum of full and some
- Nabokov vocabulary
- The Epos of Wordnik
- Written on Water
- Words from Georgia
- Occupational hazards
- Towns/Cities That Should Have Been Marx Brothers
- My postillion has been struck by lightning.
- legal
- Non-vital organs
- Guide to the Perplexed
- Dominoes
- Of Arabic Origin
- Genes
- Typewriter words
- T:PSYCHO - misinterpretations
- Reading Materials
- Discovered Scrabble Words
- My God, It's Full of Stars!
- Hoodoo Guru
- Ready, set, guess this language...
- Aaron Sorkin words
- Insulting animals
- 17th & 18th C Cookbooks/medicines
- Disappointing Wikipedia links
- Latvia
- Stuffie: Crunchie
- moving constants
- • Words I often hear at my workplace
- Dactyls
- Cetaceans
- EN-HU - homographs
- O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin Novels in Order of Publication
- The Scences
- well punctuated well?
- Potential names for Vietnamese beef soup restaurant
- knackered squid ink
- parrots
- Zing Went the Strings
- In Jeopardy
- encountered while fact-checking and copyediting
- Words you were amazed to hear in a song
- Recent scrabble bingos
- Unit 7, text 2, Task 9
- the Collected Poems of W.H. Auden
- The Waves
- WORDNIK - words found in "Wordnik"
- Sounding like a superhero
- Unidentified sounds...
- Dan: You read this already. — Your pal, Dan
- plant friends
- The sound of birds
- Lifeforms with which I'd like to communicate
- OvoloOvoloOvoloOvoloOvoloOvolo
- Change one letter
- Times and Tides
- HTML Tags
- Trees I've Discovered (Or Discovered Again)
- book phrases and words
- eponymous fabrics or articles of clothing
- Wordnik's long(er) definitions
- Carlos' Words
- You Don't Say
- Practical Scrabble Words (TWL)
- A Whiz Mob
- Mundane Transformers
- anadromous
- litany of lexical likes
- Guitarist's Glossary
- Words and phrases which DID NOT come from Star Wars
- some words
- Dictionary Terms
- Rainy weather report.
- phraseologue
- Stars
- Sound Effects You Didn't Know You Needed
- Palabras de 3 letras en Español.
- Bread-eating
- miscellanea
- Native Tongue
- We have saints for your complaints!
- N and the W
- Call Me Russell - Russell Peters
- Tagalog English Translation
- Donald Trump. Art of deal
- Collectivist Cultures
- A casual observer might believe (incorrectly) that I am an elderly time-traveling British woman
- trees of Chaucer
- corpus medicorum
- Poetrie: Sailing To Byzantium
- SCIE - statistics
- Shoes
- Anglo-Saxon Words
- What flies like a what-what
- the Air Alaska "boardroom" lounge at LAX
- 1943
- fabricatious phrases
- hooks with heavy letters
- bob
- made-up-ical words for Wordies
- Suitable Names for Female Pandas
- découvert en étudiant le français
- sick plants
- Plant Diseases
- Bits and pieces
- retro-encabulator tech specs
- William Toone's Obsolete and Uncommon Words (1834)
- Happy Valentines Day
- Towns with Sizeable Albino Squirrel Populations
- colloquies
- The life of madmouth
- A flowing together or towards
- Envelope
- Thresholds
- Word Guidelines for Wordie
- stumps
- things that freak me out (animals)
- agentive clothing
- Olden
- Anagram poetry
- Vogon Anagram Poetry
- words describing one long dream which spans nearly two years and takes place between the hours 10 pm and 1 am
- wonder--1
- EN - redundancies, tautologies and pleonasms
- crosswords
- Comicana Symbolia
- Obsolete & disused science terms
- Last letter is a silent B
- You Card
- Attack of the Randomites!
- Disyllabic and rhymeless
- Construction For Poets
- Leaves
- -erer
- wordienik anagrams
- You Need Not Apply
- person or measurement
- • Iroquoisy
- Nigella Bites
- zen
- ossified
- Contextomies
- Stalk of a Feather
- legless, footless or ventrally finless
- Alphabet Stories
- Terms That Are/Have Examples of the Term
- The Whole Thing
- ..."... a scrabble word"
- Plosives from Front to Back
- Latin Qs
- For fetter or hearse
- antelopes
- The Nose Knows
- Scalialese
- Dropsical Terms
- mustelids
- Types of bone fractures
- Winesburg, Ohio
- Clothing&Textiles
- It's Electric!
- One thing leads to another
- Animal Animalia
- Whist and Bridge Terms
- Glitched definitions
- Place Gerund Noun
- Unoriginal, cliche
- WORDNIK Word List
- Crocodile
- Wordnik Spam Inquiries
- Abstract Roles
- mathematics is like breathing
- geom
- Missing Word Candidates
- 1712 Cookbook terms found
- complimentary animals
- Fishful thinking
- 19 c.
- With a Hole in It, Perforated
- of or pertaining to feathers
- Victorian Words
- Sad Wallpapers
- aubrey's brief lives
- The Bindery
- recent new scrabble words
- wow plays in scrabble
- scrabble speak
- Grammar Police - correct dash lineup.
- Watercolours
- pigments
- pigments
- spice
- What Beats What
- Why I spend so much time on Wordie
- professor L. Hammer
- Land
- English Weights and Measures
- Shores of Knowledge
- Coffee House
- Maids
- liminal words
- befouled
- Predictionary
- O'-ho
- A cold environment.
- Yiddishkeit
- "A few words not in the dictionaries"
- Dye Box
- three sheets to the wind
- 2300°F
- The Measure of Man
- Words not in Merriam-Webster's Unabridged
- brtom's Words
- fish phrases
- Words For Novel (Part 5)
- Thesaurus Club Joke Words
- Greek letter terms
- Tempo Indications
- lotic words of flow
- geochemical substances
- naphthenic acid fraction compounds
- Resembling a bunch of grapes
- "A Ballad of Remembrance"
- Fictional medicines
- the trial of the wasps
- Grammatical cases
- a case of cases
- Knowledge of Reference term Required.
- Anachronic Liquidators, Cyf.
- spiral
- Lessons of Wordie / Wordnik
- tweezer-like
- CHEM - early chemistry terms
- a-wolf
- Common names for Datura stramonium
- Ammon Shea's OED faves
- Can't Stop Won't Stop
- Our John
- Kitchen Stuff
- Meta
- Meta squared
- vocabularies
- Beyond One's Knowledge, Province or Scope
- LIT - Ulysses - key words and phrases
- X's Y, where X is somebody's name
- Egyptian Gods & Goddesses
- Age of Asparagus!
- pith and vinegar
- Pickle and such
- musée des beaux arts
- Euphemisms for catastrophic failures and explosions
- poetic notions
- sweet tooth fairy
- So Sue Me
- Drug Store Items That Would Make Horrible Superhero Names
- Cepstrums
- heart of darkness
- Heart of Darkness
- encyclopedia gustatorica
- Fauvism
- English Customs
- Autoerotic
- Absolutely Anglophilic
- Linnaean Lexicon
- Latinized 'meme animals'.
- Mauve
- A Perfect Red
- Hymnody
- Animal Identity Crisis
- exposure
- amino acids
- alzheimer's
- The Heart's Parts
- Calendar Stories
- Potential names for my autobiography
- triple anagrams
- Quacksalvers et al. Nostrum
- Underside of a body (as a bird's)
- The Quality or State of Being Gentle or Mild
- Stuffie: Chain Chain Chaaaain....
- dying arts
- The Voice of the Shuttle
- Clarissa, Or, The History of a Young Lady
- Duelistic
- Words ending with -ward
- Anthrolocution
- anatomy etcetera
- Blippets
- words from chess
- Words from Fables
- Steaming Vat of Vitriol
- WF - retronyms
- Nietzsche
- A Boat
- Retention of Larval Traits in Adults
- Words with more than 60 definitions
- rays & x-rays
- Death Valley
- inspired by science
- this word is more than one word
- singing the [Stygian] blues
- Woodus
- Numbering
- Humbug and bafflegab
- King Gilbert I of Savoy
- bloom
- Swim Bladder
- A List of Molecular Proportions
- Anything But Standard International
- Types of hammers
- This List Could Choke a Horse
- Noah's Park
- Rhetorical Devices
- Muse's tacet ,to learn
- Thank you for being eponymous
- Eigo-Wasei.
- Catafalque
- eyebrow
- Circus Stuff
- Words in search of a list
- to Indicate or suggest
- Chambers missing words
- robots (famous)
- a bite; act of biting
- Zoonotic diseases
- to-husk-or-shuck-4i4xacw-cz
- Math Eponyms
- Archaic Colours
- Archaic
- Archaic Words
- EN - archaic words
- Best of qms
- tarot-collection
- showcase for specimens and art
- Numberie
- Your number's up.
- Serious Scrabble
- List of Heraldry Terms
- Tasmanian Times
- You're a Grand Old Flag
- Bread-related Words
- A Crumb Of Comfort
- Let Them Eat Cake...
- Mill
- Loafing Around
- exemplifying
- Word-offs
- Red
- Wodehouse
- latin words for medical prescription
- Famous names which are also sentences
- Dyes & Pigments
- la-bas
- End in -ot
- Train Smash Words
- open to random page in some reference book, add a word from that page to list
- Humanoids
- You've got this all wrong
- some adverbs not ending in ly
- Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
- What probably should show up in my papers
- This List Is My Oyster
- Finnish locative cases
- by train
- Landscape Language
- Fun Legal Words
- Nuclear Homework
- Textiles
- trk2
- OoOoOo
- Collected Words - List 2
- a chain
- Have a pickle
- Wilton's words
- a pocket
- Permutations
- Mathematical words
- Some Medical Terms
- Substancestry
- Scopes, tropes, and graphs
- RAS Syndrome
- slug-like or slug-shaped
- words with letters in alphabetical order
- Kayfabe
- With Upturned Snout or Nose
- Sacrilicious
- -some Words
- stripes and bands
- What's My Favorite Word?
- Whoa Black Betty
- Abbreviations into Acronyms
- This is not a list
- Food Pellet Flavours
- Interesting :)
- Mereological verb/adjectives
- words to describe peanut butter
- Not Gonna Fly
- Crustaceans
- Things We Supect Are Collected By ruzuzu
- SCIE - mathematics
- Mnemosyne
- The Bee List
- Can We Get Along?
- Words that forced me to abandon pedagogy -or- commonly (and stupidly) confused words
- words that mean pink
- lost for word
- Not in the Periodic Table
- Partes del cuerpo
- invented by bored Victorians
- Antiwords
- Æsces to æsces, funk to funky
- Fictional Acronyms
- kn- words
- Shades of the Colour Black
- The Confidence Man
- Loanwords - Lehnwörter
- In The Colorhouse
- Printmaking Terms
- Sea- Words 🌊
- Pure science
- set theory
- Medieval Clothing
- covering, coat, rind, husk or skin
- Slaphappy
- fallacies
- That Would Be Illogical
- Belist
- Sorry, your list was marked as spam
- Clothing Missing Parts
- Mathematical
- Mathematical Phrases in Common Parlance
- x cake
- Daffyd Demands A Recount
- out of sorts
- cliche formulas
- excellent math words
- mathematonymy
- utensil strength
- wonder
- List of dictionaries
- Just ducky
- OSPD 7th new words
- coffee phrases
- the dyer
- Victorian Cemetery Symbolism
- Roonerspisms
- Critischism
- jack
- single-letter words
- Proto-Cinema
- THOSE Words
- Tom Lehrer Words
- scrabble
- Bibliophilia
- Trades Featured in R. Campbell's The London Tradesman, 1747
- Recent new examples
- Abandoned mines of Nevada
- Ulysses
- Human Powered Vehicles
- Periodic Table of Cake
- Letters
- astronomical
- London Underground stations (current and former) which are also LinkedIn accounts
- phrenology
- weather idioms and phrases
- mathematical jargon
- David's books about words and language
- Things that might be radioactive
- Twine
- Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue's Capitol
- My . . . uh . . .
- ¡Lotería!
- Verses
- The "ize" have it
- Scrabble Names
- Common words, but seldom words in common
- Against Nature
- It's a trap
- Quilt Designs
- Word Chain
- Words people had looked up from the New York Times online sometime around June 16, 2009
- Livestock Brands
- Annoying words that are surprisingly acceptable when used during a game of Scrabble
- All animals are equal....
- A Barbie girl in a Barbie world
- Wonders of the World
- Antics
- Neat
- Endangered Species
- Containers
- Capitonyms or capitonyms
- The Universal Calculator
- In The Name Of All That Is Good And Holey...
- My former nicknames
- Words that should be heard in songs more often
- Of Mice and Men
- Construction Zone
- Things people will tell you might be like peanut butter
- Former Constellations
- Podes et cetera
- Dictionaries I keep within arm's reach
- Underscoring the Possibilities
- Asterisms
- False teeth fairy ring around the rosie
- Naughty Croc Fountain
- Lines
- Saucy
- Things I've overheard people say into their cellular telephones
- Christmas Wish List
- Pretty Please
- The Whole Ball of Wax
- Constellations
- If it ain't broke
- The Dinner of the Three Emperors
- All Things Scrabble
- You should make a list
- Magic Tricks
- Ruzuzu's Ideal List
- bilby's once and future nicknames
- Chickens
- Grapes
- Scrabble words which start with the letter J
- Tropes
- Santa
- Non-dictionary reference books I keep within arm's reach
- Prime Time
- Scrabble: 2 to make 3
- L'Engle Lingo
- Everything is Broken
- Bob Dylan, Revisited
- Here Kitty, Kitty
- Just Batty
- Laguna Manialtepec
- Things people might attempt to juggle
- Noteworthy Words
- Salad Dressings
- Constellations (English names)
- Desert ingredients
- Constellations (genitive forms)
- In Cars
- My Strange Kitchen
- Putting down roots
- Bottles
- Worts and all
- Hot Names for Girls
- ruzuzu's taxonomy
- Just Because
- Elvis
- Oh yeah? You and what army?
- Hot Names for Guys
- You're Such a Card
- More Light!
- Beware the Ides of March
- Things that might glow in the dark
- Things that were hidden by the snow
- Phones
- Fortune Cookie Fortunes
- Rap-ture
- Whatever's at hand
- Things you can (or should) stuff inside a toaster
- Frogs
- Were you looking for
- Tag! You're it.
- Brushes
- Columns
- This List is Bananas
- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
- Introductory Signals
- Someday I'll pronounce these things for frogapplause
- In the "nik" of time
- Doctor Faustus
- The Shambles
- Sedges
- Scrabble Countries
- Lists
- Hot Names for Androids
- Hot Names for Mollusks
- That's just great!
- The Wars of the Roses
- Tect-ual Analysis
- Aarne-Thompson classification system for folktales
- Fairy Tales
- Rushes
- Bite me
- Simon-pure
- What's our vector, Victor?
- Scribes
- Hernesheir Apparent
- Condiments
- Walking in the rain
- Who really wrote Shakespeare's plays?
- Panvocalic Pants
- Sufjan Stevens invites you to Come On Feel the Illinoise
- Cattle
- Cribbage
- Overtones
- Waves and Waveforms
- Carp
- Camp
- Book Keeping
- Vaudeville
- Words that can be spelled on an upside-down calculator
- Scrabble words which end with the letter J
- Animal bipes implume
- This list is like butter
- This list is not like butter--it is butter!
- Comics, Comic Books, and Comix
- Hazardous art materials
- Stocks and Bonds
- Water, water, everywhere
- Balmy
- Things which make cool patterns on the wall when I turn on the overhead projector
- Nahuatl
- Bird birds
- A few of my favorite definitions from the Century Dictionary
- Husbands
- Know Your Wrights
- Mnemonic Devices
- Money
- Names of U.S. States which appear on the back of the five-dollar bill
- Bob
- Bells and Whistles
- Open and Shut
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Things with wings
- Koláče fillings
- Hoppers
- Recently viewed
- Guarded
- Punch Lines
- Wives
- Edits
- Possible typos in the GNU Webster's 1913
- Hoods
- Too darn hot
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Geneva
- Falconry
- Swine
- Theophilus North
- Well
- The Division Division
- -ight
- Hobs
- Table of Contents
- Paracelsus
- Goats
- Known and Probable Carcinogens
- Bucket List
- To Whom It May Concern
- The Glass Menagerie
- Polymers
- Long s examples
- Medical terms or linguistic terms?
- Echolocation
- Animals with orange teeth
- Straw
- Gillian Welch, revelator
- Squirrels and squirrel-related activity I've observed on my walks to and from work
- There oughta be a law
- Muses
- French words and phrases I learned from Bizet's Carmen
- Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder
- Loaded
- Mold
- Decadence
- I'll have to tell the frog all about it
- Ick!
- Baskets
- Operas
- Weetzie Bat
- Show me Missouri
- Words I wish I didn't know
- Disturbing definitions from the Century Dictionary
- The New Yorker's style manual
- Michigan
- Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time
- Made in...
- Itchy
- O Captain! My Captain!
- Type Designers
- It's so hard to find good help these days.
- Click my heels three times and I'm back in Kansas?
- Penmanship
- There is no place like Nebraska
- Cod
- My Favorite Things
- SAT list (now featuring sat, sateen, and satori)
- Wordnik Vocabulary List
- I'b sorry. I hab a cold.
- Migration
- Send in the clowns
- In Dreams
- Erins
- The Romance of the Rose
- Sage advice
- Ruzuzu's totally rad, righteous, and rockin' R words
- Top 500 Shower Curtains
- Cold
- Systems of Survival
- Owls
- Don't Mess With Texas
- You really ought to give Iowa a try
- The Japanese art of...
- Oklahoma, OK!
- Fifty States Project
- Georgia on my mind
- cc
- Mousey
- Things that make me happy
- Ways to find out
- Hence
- You probably think this list is about you
- i.e.
- Rent
- Leonard Cohen
- Banes
- Master and Commander
- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- The Garden on Ryons Street
- Ar!
- Eye Dialect
- Jewel or medical problem?
- Farriery
- Spinning
- Old Pharmacy, etc.
- Handkerchiefs, etc.
- Rocks
- About Face
- Minnesota
- Colorado
- Harpy Nay Weep
- Rats
- Walking in the snow
- Scold
- Rodeo
- New Hampshire
- unruzuzu
- Oily
- Abstraction
- Rock 'n' Roll, a play by Tom Stoppard
- Bring, brang, brung.
- The Pits
- Words suggested to me by the sad-faced teacher on my Scrabble app
- Citizens' Band
- Food items offered "on-a-stick" at the Iowa State Fair as of July 2010
- Hence, figuratively
- Wordniks who've created a word-a-day list for our amusement
- Figuratively
- Furriery
- Way to go Ohio
- The flower garden
- Hilarity ensues
- Book-names
- Hooks
- Specifically
- She did what?
- Sugar
- Whence
- Collections
- Literally
- Rain
- Hip, hip, hooray!
- Bacon
- Water always flows downhill
- thank you reesetee
- Tuna
- Bees
- the curious incident of the dog in the night-time
- Trout
- Grafting, &c.
- Herring
- Arcades Ambo
- Ruination Day
- Rakes
- Things that smell better than they taste
- Bridesmaid revisited
- Cryptography, etc.
- Honorary Wordniks
- Nom de Guerre Finder
- Shoe parts
- Three Wishes
- Hunting cries
- This line is printed in . . . .
- thank you marky
- a list of inane -cation variants
- Recently sniffed
- Recently Licked
- Alabama
- Ruzuzu's Big Ass List
- Things that taste better than they smell
- Barbarisms
- Contents of the May Day basket I received earlier today
- Bad Luck
- Doo-it-yourself Doowop List
- Trending words
- Visuals
- Vices
- Phonestheme: CR- (or KR-)
- Corals
- Glove-making
- See cut under
- Nyah, nyah, nyah.
- Let them eat cake.
- Which see
- Cords
- Snakes
- International House of Fufluns
- The Golden Age
- Mackerel
- It's that time again
- O, that this too too solid flesh would
- This account either doesn't exist or isn't public.
- Positive Identification
- T-shirt Animals
- Spiders
- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
- Changes
- Blindman's bluff, or glim-glam.
- Dictionary words
- Shrimp
- Daisies
- Sorry, no photos found.
- Nature abhors a vacuum
- Elemental States
- If I were going to write a book about André Breton, these people would be in the index.
- Impossible Snow Globes
- Clapping games
- Kicks
- Other duties as assigned.
- Roll Out Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer
- Shuffleboard
- Vides
- Sorry, no definitions found.
- Hyperbole
- Misheard Numa Numa Lyrics
- Turnips
- Differences between video games and real life
- Non-human sidekicks
- Alpen-
- Boswell's Life of Johnson
- Leibniz
- Some HTML is allowed
- Solutions
- Blites
- Sorry, no tweets found.
- Embroidery
- Triangulation
- Cicero
- Logical Fallacies
- Salmon
- Cant terms
- Things I never find at rummage sales or second-hand stores
- Vampires
- Counties of Nebraska
- Arcadia, a play by Tom Stoppard
- _______ the cat
- Carnivorous plants
- Squirrels! Squirrels! Squirrels!
- Occupy ________
- Thank you, leaden.
- Thank you, hernesheir.
- Solastalgia
- Answers
- Maya Deren
- Ligatures
- Catfish
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Especially
- Perfumery
- Good names for muffins
- Features
- Thank you, sionnach.
- Special Effects
- In the Quotation
- Bubbles
- Do-it-yourself Christmas Carol List
- See extract
- Instability
- R&R
- Barbed Wire
- Make a Wish
- Caffeined
- Machines
- Spice or Weapon?
- Grinders
- Nails
- Guys and Dolls
- Charles Sanders Peirce
- Comma Chameleon
- Knitting
- In the figure
- See Illust.
- Stars
- Heaps
- Capitals
- See list under
- Clouds
- Crabby
- It's a date!
- Duck!
- A List List
- Ultimates
- Irony
- See Table at
- O Wyoming!
- First I Look at the Purse
- Literally or Figuratively
- Originally
- State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
- Uncle! Uncle!
- Why I adore this site
- Here's a tip for you.
- Fellowship
- The Other
- The Motown Sound
- See Phrases Under
- Might as well jump
- Antonomasia
- Found Poetry
- Compare Cut Under
- Annexed engraving
- Technical characters
- Figured under
- See Usage Note at
- Beams
- Hail! South Dakota!
- Furrows
- Meet the Beetles!
- Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Things we used to think were safe
- See Regional Note at
- Cross-references
- Bands
- Punchy
- Vodou Loas
- Quiz Shows
- Halva
- That's nice.
- What the neighbors are currently arguing about
- Fall
- Blendes
- If it's magic...
- Difficult to Distinguish
- Cause and Effect
- Maryland
- Used poetically
- Ladders
- Slip Slidin' Away
- Ketchup
- Mulling
- 3-Letter Scrabble Words Which Do Not Contain Any 2-Letter Words
- Beets
- 3-letter Scrabble Words
- Salt and Pepper
- Courtly Love
- Ratchet
- Tar
- Formerly
- Marbles
- Cotton
- Musical Intervals
- Particularly
- Mustard
- Klezmer
- Thunderbolts and Lightning
- The mnemonic words of logic
- Calendar month phrases
- Pendulums
- Wordnik Puzzle: Neat Porters
- Maqams
- Model Organisms
- Keepers
- A
- Muppets!
- Recently Loved Words
- Trigonometry
- The Rolling Stones
- E
- It's Personal
- Things I read about somewhere
- Talking Heads
- Trobairitz
- Exclamations
- Dancey Dances
- The accompanying cut
- Plurals that end in -os instead of -oes
- Volcanology
- Molasses disasters
- Africa
- Newton
- Mockery
- Typefaces
- Old Jules
- Natural and Artificial Ingredients
- Food and Wine Pairing
- Motion
- Edsel
- The Buck Stops Here
- Ill-ness
- Publishers
- Saponaria officinalis
- Glass
- See also cut in next column
- See these words
- Angle of Repose
- Gravity's Rainbow
- Namely
- Definitions which make me want to throw a drink in Wiktionary's face and storm off
- Feathers
- Where see cut
- As in the cut
- Inexactly synonymous
- Rabbits
- Damps
- Capital City
- Word Song
- Ulysses
- Gallows
- House Keeping
- Soup Ingredients
- 15-letter words
- Iceality
- The Goldfinch
- Erik Satie
- This one's all -eers
- Things that look different under black light
- Playing Cards
- Name of sundry
- Okra
- Timber!
- Crows
- Zombification
- Galen
- Cancer
- Hunting the wild boar
- Quartets
- Dunes
- Old Form
- Duplication and copying
- Rediscoveries
- See
- ruzuzu's Friday night parlour games
- I'm your biggest fan
- Shades
- A snotty list
- See the vocabulary
- Tennessee
- Radishes
- Put A Ring On It
- Blocks
- With cut
- See Illust. in Append.
- Eat your heart out
- Same as hoot.
- Put A Sock In It
- Carl Van Vechten and the Irreverent Decades
- Hence Called
- Crossword Words
- Orlando
- Set 1
- The Confidence-Man
- Fennel
- The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
- Rube Goldberg Machine
- Set 4
- Humus
- Set 3
- Oh, deer!
- Faro
- Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo, etc.
- Cardigan words
- North Dakota
- Sescenti
- Sketchy
- Set 2
- Anatomy or Horology?
- That really takes the cake.
- Stock Phrases
- That thing you wear on your face when it's cold.
- Lord of the . . .
- Corny
- Woad
- Mine.
- In the following quotation
- perty
- Arches
- What a wreck!
- Whence the name
- Tubs
- The Nebraskan
- Mathematics
- Feedback Loops
- Polszczyzna
- See the quotation
- Saddlery
- Pottery
- Odd Jobs
- The Metaphysical Club
- Relatives
- I Am a Strange Loop
- Things I'll be able to see now that I have glasses
- Why did the ___ cross the ___ ?
- The Dud Avocado
- Things that might have melted on the sidewalk
- In ancient church music
- Terms of Art
- Pigments
- Euclid's Elements
- Surfactants
- Refrigeration
- Nevada
- The Land of Steady Habits
- A hide of land.
- Indigo
- Sheets
- Marbling
- Digits
- Pointy
- Collectively
- Lilac
- Suffragists
- Heraclitus
- Doctrine of Signatures
- In music
- Reagents
- Hegel
- Ulysses
- -gogue(s)
- Confectio Damocritis
- Olden
- Democritus
- Lamiaceae
- Plato
- In grammar
- Aristotle
- Mordants
- I'm sure there's some other explanation
- Lead
- The elephant in the room
- Coal Tar
- Vinegar
- Heart of Darkness
- Salt-making
- The Aloha State
- Illusions
- Our Delaware
- The Biographical Section
- Pigment sources
- A Whale of a List
- Slogum House
- In logic
- Moths
- For the Time Being
- In mech.
- In seal-engraving
- Path finding
- In machinery
- Plaster
- Confessions of an Art Addict
- Kant
- Lime
- Paper and papermaking
- In therapeutics
- The Commonwealth of Virginia
- Ads
- In dynamics
- Compounds
- But Y tho?
- Euler
- Boron
- Berzelius
- 1893
- Montana Melody
- In anatomy
- Go, Mis-sis-sip-pi
- Magnetism
- Fresco
- North Carolina
- In the manège
- In turnery
- Ammonia
- Blooms
- Simplified Spellings
- My Old Kentucky Home
- That's a fine kettle
- South Carolina
- By extension
- Pass it on!
- In lumbering
- Engines, motors, and machines.
- Washington, My Home
- Descartes
- Proteins
- In hat-making
- guns
- Oh, Arkansas
- West Virginia
- Catalysis
- A Tale for the Time Being
- In phytogeography
- The Name of the Rose
- -ward words
- Antidotes
- Vitriolic
- Vermont
- Göttingen
- The Works
- In theosophy
- Pack-ing List
- Lobster
- money
- lawyers
- Phases
- I love you, California
- In crystallography
- Constants
- Homographs
- In cookery
- Hammers
- Maps and cartography
- Grocery List
- Heteronyms
- Indexers
- In rhetoric
- Greek Mathematical Thought
- No longer in scientific use.
- In gunnery
- Scythes and scything
- Miss Morissa
- Fine tuning
- Solvents
- In petrography
- Interrogative Animals
- Interrogative Plants
- Interrogative Minerals
- The yoke's on you.
- Cups
- Wheat
- Ferrets
- Daniel Chester French
- On, Wisconsin!
- A cute list.
- Every item you could possibly need to prepare for a global pandemic.
- Sick list
- My Antonia
- The Alienist
- Pandas
- Mum’s the word
- Latin
- Contranyms, Autoantonyms, etc.
- Instructions
- Set 6
- The Game of Loo
- Eel-shaped fish
- Survey Says
- See the note
- No soap
- Same as
- Triangles
- Stanols
- In shoe manufacturing
- Pearls
- In conchology
- See the compounds
- Sausage
- In upholstery
- An obsolete form
- Urchins
- In medicine
- It's What I Do
- In pianoforte-making
- Professional wrestling slang
- Quick!
- Puffball
- Seals
- Create a new List
- New list
- Conflagrations
- In Gothic Arch.
- Shibboleths
- Gimbals
- Hence often
- Plutonic
- Bricks
- Steady
- In engraving
- Aftermath
- Hapax Legomena
- Sator Square
- In palmistry
- Usage Problem
- Lanternflies
- In whale-fishing
- In botany
- In whale
- Ligatures
- Braille
- Heels
- Cutlery
- In hunting
- Used figuratively
- Custom houses
- Lathing and plastering
- Augers
- Bookbindings Old and New
- State of Maine
- Balloons
- That's the joint
- In diamond-cutting
- Valves
- In printing
- Leeches
- Also called
- Defined by the equation
- Soil Orders
- Hoofs
- Asteroids
- Sestina words
- See the extract.
- Worth a shot
- Mealy
- In change-ringing
- Librarians
- In decorative art
- Not a valid Scrabble word
- Ligatures
- Hay-lofts
- Mirrors
- See cut in preceding column
- Early English History
- Ash, ashes, ashen
- Fibers, fibrils, and filaments
- Simplified spellings
Comments by ruzuzu
ruzuzu commented on the word curtail
Also see curtal and curtol.
March 12, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word grinding
Also see grinting.
March 12, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word distrain
Also see destrain.
March 7, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word to-infinitive
March 7, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word extinction burst
Oh, look! A delicious food pellet!
February 7, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the user artoparts
I like your lists and comments.
January 31, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the list david-s-books-about-words-and-language
How did I miss this? Now favorited.
January 31, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the user jcreed
I like your lists. And your comments. And category theory.
January 31, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word aquativeness
Thank you, ry!
January 17, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the list phrenology-2WQl6P-RdvZ_S-tjd7R2n
My new favorite list!
January 17, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the list london-underground-stations-which-are-also-linkedin-accounts-C3A1HfVOLDDMYCes83D3F
If you ever do make that list, I'll definitely favorite it.
January 15, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the list london-underground-stations-which-are-also-linkedin-accounts-C3A1HfVOLDDMYCes83D3F
January 15, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word aquativeness
Do we have any lists about phrenologists? If not, I'd nominate ry to create one.
January 14, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word dirck's ghost
See Pepper's ghost.
January 10, 2025
ruzuzu commented on the word groce out
Have we discussed this already? I've noticed that I don't pronounce "grocery" the way other people do--I say "grosh-ery," but often I hear people say "gross-ery."
December 20, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the user wavey
I like your lists.
December 20, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the user chark
Welcome to Wordnik! I like your lists.
December 20, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word broigne
Also see brugne.
December 19, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word tulwar
Also see thulwar.
December 19, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list abandoned-mines-of-nevada-3meaBks5_pUpYGRRGOro_
Excellent! I look forward to future amusement.
December 16, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word cropper
"E. J. Sullivan, for instance, is a master both of illustration and decoration, with a curiously flexible technique, accomplished and fascinating in much the same way as the dangerous feats of an acrobat who keeps us wondering if he will avoid a cropper, and comes up smiling every time . . . ."
--The Art of Pen Drawing: A manual for students, illustrators, and commercial artists by G. Montague Ellwood
November 28, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word curse
Also see kers.
November 21, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word cress
Also see kers.
November 21, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list abandoned-mines-of-nevada-3meaBks5_pUpYGRRGOro_
My new favorite list.
November 5, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word housecarl
Also see thingman.
October 23, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word trepanning
Added. Thanks, bilby!
September 19, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word catarrh
Compare pose from the Century.
September 18, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list deer-oBKYMj8YXUdwUPNhDfMEf
Nice! I have one, too--if you'd like to yoink any entries: oh--deer.
September 9, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list recent-new-examples-9DxhpsiJqQscEz62Q1QrH
Ooh. Fun!
September 6, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word butterine
See bosh.
August 22, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list trades-featured-in-r-campbell-s-i-the-london-tradesman-i-1747
I love this--arrived here after looking up stationer.
August 14, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word littleworth
I'm surprised this one hasn't been listed already.
August 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word ocellus
Compare speculum.
August 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word Jolly's balance
See mirror-scale.
August 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word black mirror
See Claude glass.
August 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word Claud Lorrain glass
See Claude glass.
August 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word shotten herring
See shotten.
August 7, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word tallot
Fine. See my latest list.
August 7, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word tallot
Surely someone could start a hay-loft list for it.
(I really hope I didn't just nominate myself.)
August 6, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word blackberrita
I'm guessing a polarberrita is supposed to come with extra ice but gets watered down quickly.
July 31, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list those-words
What a fun list!
July 30, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word haymow
Thank you, bilby from 2007. You're a rock star.
July 30, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list doubles-uwrEpTSD2IzbCHjLFP_q9
I love this! You might enjoy the comments over on raccoonnookkeeper.
July 23, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list proto-cinema
Ditto to what the bear said.
July 18, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list critischism
Such a great list! I just arrived here after looking up recense.
July 16, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list roonerspisms-2wa4dDl9UQfDm2LJLiuDC
This is my new lavorite fist.
July 1, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list oar-ALOTaGkoNfjRQ71wEcrdf
July 1, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word batter
"Egyptian pyramids (with the exception of the most ancient, the Saqqara step pyramid) were square in ground-plan and fully pyramidal in shape. The specification for the gradient, known as the 'batter', of such pyramids was denoted by the hieroglyphic word śkd, meaning ratio."
--From Reading the Past: Mathematics and Measurement by O.A.W. Dilke
June 12, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list victorian-cemetery-symbolism-OoVLgWk7jSgkkQv6YXng6
What a great list!
May 7, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the user janemurder
I like your lists.
May 7, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word exploding cucumber
Umbrage! Are there no cucumber lists around here?
May 7, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word Robson rotation
Vote for me! Obviously! My platform includes shoes, places to wait for trains, and, according to the Century Dictionary, "In physical geography, a shallow sea-bottom near a continent; a continental shelf: as, the Patagonian platform."
April 5, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word phronesis
Bilby, you should add it to the list: best-of-qms-f3E-ECnAs3S
March 26, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list acceptable-proper-names-in-scrabble-pHSNGIBeNewAK3vF6I5kj
Oh, fun--I have a list like this, too, but yours is more official. See scrabble-names.
March 11, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list historical-military-terms-of-interest
Such a great list. I just arrived here after looking up arquebus.
March 5, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word dariol
See dariole.
February 21, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word unwoof
I'm guessing this is about weaving. It would be easier to pull out the woof (or weft) than it would be to change out the warp.
February 15, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word side-oats
Even if we do, I nominate you to make one!
February 14, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word cod-banger
Ha! I do, too.
February 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word billy-roller
Yes, please--I nominate you to create it, tankhughes.
February 6, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word hornpout
Good one! Thanks, bilby.
February 1, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word hornwood
How interesting! Wood led me to the etymologies on wode.
February 1, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list wonder-a3re49t-FE_myEJtQsmfZ
These are great!
February 1, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list johnny-appleseed
I just got deuzan as a random word.
January 26, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word bromyrite
Bro. Amirite?
January 26, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list utensil-strength
This list is delightful.
January 25, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the list mathematonymy
This is my new favorite list.
January 25, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word snickersnee
Got it! Thanks, bilby.
January 24, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word stallinger
I quit stalling, I swear!
January 24, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word roussette
I thought a fruit bat was a flying fox.
January 18, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word closed compound
It would be funny to spell it without the space.
January 10, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word ennui
Have you ever heard of the "Bunnicula" books? The titular character is allegedly a vampire rabbit--but he's a vegetarian (he only sucks the juice out of vegetables).
I know there's a lot of tension in the world of bunny-bilby relations, but maybe a shared love of hummus could be a place to start.
January 10, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word scabbard-plane
Added. Thanks, bilby!
January 8, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word banjorine
I hear Tangerine Banjorine has a rider about orange M&Ms.
January 5, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the user nordicwalker
Welcome to Wordnik!
January 5, 2024
ruzuzu commented on the word sunk-band
*starts rummaging around for the theremin*
December 28, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Jubula
We definitely need an "Owl or Liverwort" list. Bilby, I nominate you to create it.
December 27, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word sunk-band
Shipwrecked Solveig?
December 27, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word brass farthing
Thank you!
December 21, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word brass farthing
Brackets around brass razoo, please.
December 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the user oluwashina
Mmmm. Fufluns.
December 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word parmesan
Also see Parmesan.
December 11, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Parmesan
Also see comments on parmesan.
December 11, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list phraseologue---confabular-locutions
This is my new favorite list.
December 1, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word hoopy
Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.
November 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the user bilby
Me too. Do you have room for some fufluns?
November 21, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word sheepmeat
There is!
November 6, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word sheepmeat
I'd never heard of this! Do we suppose there's a meat list around here somewhere? Mincemeat, lunchmeat, etc.?
November 6, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list daffyd-demands-a-recount
This is my new favorite list.
November 6, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word mouth jail
Be careful! I'm reminded of Charles Darwin--but he tried to do this with a beetle he was collecting. He wrote, "I will give a proof of my zeal: one day, on tearing off some old bark, I saw two rare beetles and seized one in each hand; then I saw a third and new kind, which I could not bear to lose, so that I popped the one which I held in my right hand into my mouth. Alas it ejected some intensely acrid fluid, which burnt my tongue so that I was forced to spit the beetle out, which was lost, as well as the third one." (As seen here: )
November 2, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Tribulus
You should add it to madmouth's love-across-kingdoms list!
October 27, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the user isnotnull
I like your lists.
October 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word piepowder
I love this! You should add it to mollusque's "not edible" list.
October 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list meal
This is fantastic! Arrived here after looking up gobbetmeal.
October 19, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list things-that-were-hidden-by-the-snow
Not yet, bilby, but I'm sure more will surface.
August 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list devil-made-me-do-it-NqJ7AatOFhTk5JItRypE8
Fantastic. Would you consider deviled eggs?
August 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list parts-is-parts-_SLSr1hK8WXM9SFIUorAT
This is fun.
August 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word snark
LitHub suggests the "contemporary debate over the use of the word snark began in 2003," when in "the inaugural issue of The Believer, Heidi Julavits defined snark as “a scornful, knowing tone frequently employed to mask an actual lack of information.”"
See here:
August 27, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word columbite-tantalite
Also see coltan.
July 27, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word 7457
I just learned that 7457 Veselov is an asteroid or minor planet named after Vyacheslav Afanasievich Veselov.
July 26, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word myster
I can't believe this hasn't been listed!
July 25, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list clothing-missing-parts
It's a miss-tery! Har har.
July 25, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list clothing-missing-parts
How did I miss this one? *favorited*
July 24, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list how-you-put-the-clothing-on-buJ8h89twxhulFeCpvnRk
This is a fantastic list.
July 24, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Order of the Three Stars
In Riga, Latvia, the Brīvības piemineklis or Freedom Monument (1935), features a sculpture of a woman holding up three stars. See
July 12, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word tapekini
"Bikini for a tapeworm" would be an excellent title for an album or song (perhaps sung to the tune of Christina Aguilera's "Genie In A Bottle.")
July 12, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list belistful
I've returned to this list after looking up bemuse, which led to behead and befrumple, which led me right back here.
To my shame, I must admit that I still haven't finished reading any version of Rabalais.
June 23, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word behead
I'm amused by comparing behead and decapitate. Or is bemused? Demused?
June 23, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list belist
You might also enjoy the belistful list.
June 23, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list things-i-wish-i-knew-more-about-7drAlcNcpDIX3mOmTeJHz
Paldies! Paldies!
June 16, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list things-i-wish-i-knew-more-about-7drAlcNcpDIX3mOmTeJHz
Also, I don't say it enough, but I'm glad you're here, vm.
You too, tankhughes.
June 15, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word beg the question
Also see comments over on begs the question.
June 15, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list logical-fallacies
Also see that-would-be-illogical and things-i-wish-i-knew-more-about-7drAlcNcpDIX3mOmTeJHz.
June 15, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list things-i-wish-i-knew-more-about-7drAlcNcpDIX3mOmTeJHz
Ooh. I'll be sure to yoink a few of these for my logical-fallacies list.
June 15, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list slaphappy
My new favorite list!
June 14, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word filly
Huh. There's actually some interesting stuff over on colt--especially when you look at the old Century Dictionary definitions. (Always a pleasant surprise when the Century isn't being creepy.)
And don't get me started on gelding.
June 12, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word deaerator
I was just reading this:
June 9, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the user dasinmd
I like your lists.
June 9, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word fruit batty
See comments on iroquois and fruit bat.
April 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list mathematics--6
Thank you, vm. Your suggestion of cohomology is appreciated--and not just because it is iroquoisy or fruit batty. (I'd watched an episode of NCIS recently that mentioned homology and cohomology.) But your vote of confidence in me is even more appreciated. I'm fond of everything you add to this site, too!
April 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word ux.
See comments on ux.
April 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word ux
I think it's short for uxor.
April 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word affordance
April 7, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list medieval-clothing-2aoe7FQO5JFYqLrwXOcIF
What a great list!
April 3, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word smytrie
See comments on smyterie.
April 3, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word smyterie
Ah. A different version of the Century has it both ways (with smyterie listed first), and tells us it's "more properly smitery," from smite or smyte, "a bit, particle," and to see smit and smitch. It has the same quotation from Burns.
(See here:
April 3, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word smyterie
That's interesting, vm. The OED has it spelled as "smytrie" (same definition) with an example quoted from "The Twa Dogs" by Robert Burns.
April 3, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word harry-gad
Also see harry-ruffian.
March 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word gad-crook
See gad-hook.
March 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word rautener
I didn't find anything for this in the OED, but the search did lead me to "rattener" (which also seems rascally).
March 29, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word blowout
Also see blow-out.
March 22, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word sand-draw
Nice one, vm! Compare blow-out.
March 22, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Provora
March 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word potayto, potahto
Ooh. This looks ripe for some phony umbrage taking.
Umbrage! It should be potayto! potahto! to match exclamation! mark!
February 22, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list triple-homonyms
I nominate tankhughes to make that list. Slay... sleigh...?
February 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word racahout
Someone just listed racahout and glandiform. Please tell me an acorn list is in the works!
February 3, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word children's-bane
Also see water hemlock.
February 1, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word dog-leech
For the character created by P.D. James, see Adam Dalgliesh.
February 1, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the user turds
I like your lists!
January 31, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word barometz
Also see Vegetable Lamb of Tartary.
January 31, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word vegetable lamb
Also see Vegetable Lamb of Tartary.
January 31, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word googie
Also see lists and comments on Googie.
January 30, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Googie
Also see comment on googie.
January 30, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word lorimer
Also see loremer.
January 26, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word ulloa's circle
See fogbow.
January 23, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list ithuriels-spear-qSnexndAoRMpjyf_H0NyL
You have such interesting lists!
January 23, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word turbine
I've been trying to figure out how I would normally say this (in the middle of nebraksa). I say "wind turbine" as if it rhymes with "turban," but if I were talking about a "turbine engine," then it would rhyme with the way Craig Morgan sings "combine" in the song "International Harvester."
January 20, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word Trust, but verify.
January 19, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word terce
Compare undern.
January 19, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list gums-and-resins
Would you consider copalin?
January 19, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word powder
Over on the word streak, vendingmachine added a comment about minerals which are "'too hard to powder easily.'"
But now that I'm here, all I can think about is this definition from the Century: "To sprinkle with salt, spices, or other seasoning; hence, to corn; pickle."
January 13, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word poss
I just got posser as a random word.
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list edible-fabrics-maKxgyBzsvbUXyegouwza
And I thought about leg-of-mutton sleeve, but that seems more like a style than just the fabric itself.
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word cheese cloth
See cheesecloth.
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list edible-fabrics-maKxgyBzsvbUXyegouwza
I did have a piece of Texas sheet cake yesterday, but I'm not sure that should count either.
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list edible-fabrics-maKxgyBzsvbUXyegouwza
I just added chiffon on its own, then I had immediate regrets because I saw you'd already added chiffon cake. Delete mine if you like!
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list edible-fabrics-maKxgyBzsvbUXyegouwza
What a delicious idea for a list!
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word covered
Is it bad that the first thing this reminded me of is ketchup couverture?
January 10, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word osoberry
Versus bearberry.
January 9, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word balloon bomb
-- from a Nebraska Historical Marker near Ellsworth, Nebraska (as described here:
January 9, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the list take-a-letter--maria
I like this list. Would you consider adding missive and zeppelin mail?
January 9, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word continuousarity
In my dream this New Year's Day, "continuousarity" was the same as consanguinity. Wonder what that portends.
January 1, 2023
ruzuzu commented on the word azure
See comment on azured for its use in heraldry.
December 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word azured
"So they made these tools sometimes hollowed, — that is, in outline merely, which lightened them instantly, — and sometimes azured — that is, crossed by horizontal lines, as in the manner of indicating " azure " in heraldry."
-- From Bookbindings Old and New: Notes of a Book-Lover, With an Account of the Grolier Club of New York by Brander Matthews. (1895)
December 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word cosmic microwave background radiation
Also see CMB and cmb.
December 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word cmb
See cosmic microwave background radiation.
December 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list math-mutation-rQqOuxgmYYezH7njGHtCz
This is great! Would you consider induction and monad?
December 21, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word dumb-waiter
Compare dinner-wagon.
December 14, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word lorel
See losel.
December 14, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word krai
Also see kray.
December 5, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word seynt
See seint or saint.
December 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list subdivision-name-words--hzHH8t4nfFSlz-cgcqQ4
Oh, man. This list is great.
December 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word contrastive focus reduplication
See comment on rhubarb rhubarb.
November 30, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word turbidity
See cite on blue wall.
November 30, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word blue wall
November 30, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word harmonic thrush
See the definition on whistle.
November 16, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word seat
See more at Seat.
November 16, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list horse-colors-oTNnYX5KRVWJQyjNKgcHg
It isn't showing up as an open list for me. That happens to my lists every once in a while, too.
November 16, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list horse-colors-oTNnYX5KRVWJQyjNKgcHg
Would you accept piebald?
November 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word papmeat
See pap.
November 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list defenders-of-the-stratosphere
This is a fun list!
October 31, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word boo-jee
Compare bourgie and bougie.
October 31, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word al·um
See alum.
October 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word stibium
Cf. kohl.
October 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word pretendianism
"As a scholar who writes and teaches about American Indian cultural appropriation, I believe that scrutinizing |Sacheen| Littlefeather’s claim to Native identity is necessary. “Pretendianism” – the act of falsely claiming American Indian heritage – does real harm, and the case of Littlefeather may shed light on why people make such claims, and how they get away with it."
From "Sacheen Littlefeather and ethnic fraud – why the truth is crucial, even it it means losing an American Indian hero" by Dina Gilio Whitaker (
October 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word gainchare
Compare gainshire.
October 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word gainshire
Compare gainchare.
October 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list fictional-acronyms
This is great!
October 19, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word oppressest
O! Look! A delicious food pellet!
October 11, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word saltier
Also see saltire.
October 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list antiwords-ReFxVvX-Gvibuy2mJlimO
I'll keep an eye out for more. Such fun!
October 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list antiwords-ReFxVvX-Gvibuy2mJlimO
Would semordnilap count?
October 4, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list antiwords-ReFxVvX-Gvibuy2mJlimO
I adore this list.
October 4, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list in-whale-fishing-ZBADfYxFaFExVk1fHkNWn
Your wish, my command, &c.
September 29, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word oil-derrick
Also see Samson post.
September 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word snorkelwort
Gratiola amphiantha.
September 19, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Gratiola amphiantha
Also known as "snorkelwort."
September 19, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word azimuthally symmetric
See comment on azimuthally.
September 14, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list exocentric-verb-noun-compound-agent-nouns-WRckVSASMK6FJoCrfVqJh
You might also like the agentive-exocentric--v-n-n-compounds list by tankhughes.
September 14, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word pelleting
Oh, look! A delicious food pelleting!
September 14, 2022
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