ruzuzu has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 868 lists, listed 40756 words, written 10726 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 2941 words.
Comments for ruzuzu
ruzuzu commented on the user ruzuzu
Thank you, bilby. As you know, I'm also fond of misheard-numa-numa-lyrics.
bilby commented on the user ruzuzu
This made me think of you:
It was probably the bananaphone.
markusloke commented on the user ruzuzu
I only just recently noticed that there's a comments section! Yikes! Anyways, unreal-laurens-friend-finder is up and running and needs contributions! So many exclamation points!
ruzuzu commented on the user ruzuzu
Eek! TankHughes, I'm glad I was able to point out that list to you, but I'm sorry to contribute to the demise of another. May I console myself with the thought that you'll eventually replace it with a new list for our amusement?
TankHughes commented on the user ruzuzu
I'd respond to you on my list... BUT I DELETED IT! *shock* It made more sense to add my 4 to tbtabby's Location Slang list instead. I'm happy someone else has made a large list that I can legitimately add Canadian tuxedo and Mexican wave to.
qms commented on the user ruzuzu
Thank you for your kind comment of December 15, ruzuzu. It pains me to have overlooked your comment for so long but, in the absence of the Community page, I seem to have been looking in the wrong places for evidence of activity. I had begun to fear that I was the only one still visiting regularly.
When I last communicated with Erin she wrote that she had a fix for the Community page but was having difficulty getting it installed on the server. I think it is possible we will not have the Community page back until after the holidays. I hope people will not have lost the habit of visiting.
I hope your holidays are happy ones. -
marky commented on the user ruzuzu
some more of my random freak out lists!
napoleonic commented on the user ruzuzu
Hey ruzuzu, I have tripled the length of your calculator words list - hope you like it!
fbharjo commented on the user ruzuzu
I knew she plays the sax. Have you read 'Crazy Brave' yet?
I wonder how many people realize the etymological significance of the title.
Playing the sax is 'crazy brave' of course.
The sax is the ultimate soul instrument with its long neck and throaty sound (see nephesh)
My niece Ramona has taught me that well!
She has 'crazy brave' in her blood, too.
deinonychus commented on the user ruzuzu
Thanks for the red admiral! By the way, I borrowed some of your spiders for my own little collection.
gulyasrobi commented on the user ruzuzu
Hi ruzuzu.
It took me a while to find this reply box.
Thank you for the welcome message.
Please feel free to comment on my lists or add words to them.
aishababe commented on the user ruzuzu
Am a young single girl never married seeking true love for a long term relationship with marriage potentials,i am happy to contact you because you cut my interest! i will love us to be good friends or a lot more, you can contact me through.( that i will send you my photos,till i hear from you, bye and kisses!
Miss Aisha
Prolagus commented on the user ruzuzu
And I less than three you! Miss you guys. You know how it feels sometimes, though... I visit often but can't find anything to add to the conversation.
I really wish there was an easier way to follow threads. If you don't spend lots of time here, you have to open all links on the Zeitmunity page. There has to be a different way!
dhuber commented on the user ruzuzu
Thanks! Start -geddon ready to add some words...
pterodactyl commented on the user ruzuzu
What's all the fuss about <3' secret messages? Ah! I see! Can it really be as simple as hiding messages behind' hearts?
Favorite Lists
- From the Algonquin et al.
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- I Live a (SOWPODS) Hardscrabble Life
- Loaded Names
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- The Much Avoided Latin-rooted-English List
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- •Open List: Ways to Get Your Hash Browns at a Dream-State Waffle House
- Schrödinger's cat and other famous scientific props
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- From the Estate of the Brothers Collyer
- Geologic Delights
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- Very Funny
- Gee, that's hard and soft!
- Yosemite Samite
- Three is Compoundy.
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- Oscillating Forms
- Super Team Up Deluxe
- When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go
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- Names of fish that end in -fish.
- scrabble words
- Poetrie: The Map
- subordinators
- quirks of grammar
- Rare Books
- Hopi, Tewa and Zuni words
- Proof that marketers are idiots
- Laundry List
- • M a r g a r i n e
- Words sung by: Belle and Sebastian
- Monosyllabic and rhymeless
- Past tense in -t.
- •An Arsenal for Civil Defunse (Open List)
- Gums & Resins
- Lessons In Marxism
- "Puts the ____ in ____" Jokes
- • Knuckle tattoos
- The Tool Shed
- Ignis Fatuus
- letterpress words
- legitimate scrabble words
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- words about time
- Mississippi Valley - Midwestern Recipes
- Inflicted on Wordie / Wordnik
- Bioluminescence
- Carol Wright Gifts
- 5-0
- Inky
- Heraldry
- Medieval heraldry...
- In The Laboratory
- Names for the Third Stomach of a Ruminant
- Snoopy
- Pun-ch Lines
- Places In Utah
- names of hats
- Hats Off!
- Quaint Locations
- Mom-Speak
- frogapplause suitcase
- Here I Dreamt I Was An Archetype
- I Can't Believe It's Not Listed
- Books torn asunder by New Year’s Eve
- *hork*
- Contronympho
- Autantonyms
- Big Top
- funny place names in the garden state
- Heraldica
- More Than One 'Z'
- Weaselie
- gentian and bitters
- Turning and Twisting Tours
- Scotch on the Rocks
- Tunie: Bohemian Rhapsody
- • This is the story of the Hurriclone
- Four weeks, 28 breakfasts
- Imagical: Words You Should Be Falling Over Yourself to Use Image Search On
- Fore!
- Century Dictionary
- we have reservations
- Oddest Book Title of the Year
- Massholese
- Potential band names
- Pahdon me; I fahted.
- Pelage
- The Blasphemous Comma and Other Bible Errata
- reecedano's Words
- Remarkable Wikipedia categories/lists
- "Let's go strap on the ole air'chine and bore holes in the sky!"
- The most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational list!
- Trout Mask Replica
- A Matter Of Time
- Pachinko Bajingo
- That's Not a Banana
- preposition
- Terms Used by NASA that only NASA Understands
- slo: fem. nouns with sg. nom. ending -ø, gen. -í
- Calques
- Groups
- Panaceaseless
- etymological curiosities
- • Suggestions for new Sailormoon attacks
- Klaatu Barada N... Necktie... Nickel . . . . Klaatu Barada Nahagablaga!
- set phasers to...
- Really Cool Three-Letter Words
- fitting words
- If Wordie were a movie or TV series it would be called..................
- Fireclature
- Des Esseintes' fantastic name-dropping
- Moby-Dick
- Oulipian writing techniques
- Stars is God's Lantern
- Nigerian English
- Rejected locations for the Secret Lair
- Story of a Missing "S"
- Scribblative ✍
- Musical titles in translation
- Antelope
- measure for measure
- •Open List: What's On Your Work Desk?
- Things that rhyme with chicken noodle soup
- Thank you Ruzuzu
- The Male of the Species
- Jukebox @ The Verbal Arms
- plans for the weekend
- words classifiable in 4 different ways as a noun, verb, adj and adv
- traditional slovene names of months
- over dale
- All About Shoes
- Interesting Iowa Place Names
- Masthead Staples
- Afghanistanbananastan
- Horological Vocabulary
- Slaves Enlisted in the Black Regiment of Rhode Island, 1777
- Moon
- What's in a Gnome?
- • Prime numbers in songs
- Memories of HK
- Killjoy et al
- Hoptoads
- Bonebreakers and Mother-in-Law Killers
- Critical and Philosophical Terms
- I would like to be reincarnated as...
- mantisic
- Library Reference Desk Words
- Vaiani's list - lessons learned from a student of Chopin's student
- Dutchly things
- ex-element
- Malcolm-Hex
- animals with their own paper
- Squ-
- Chabon, Michael
- You Must Be Joking
- O is for Over The Moon
- the joy of copyediting
- A Confederacy of Dunces
- things (good)
- via Weird and Wonderful Words
- Uncalendared
- Gems from 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
- Public List: Rogues' Gallery
- phrases (2 to 3 words)
- The not-necessarily-complete adventures of bilby the wordnik
- Don't be Koi With Me.
- tabla bols
- hoppestere
- Some of my favorite headlines from the Weekly World News
- Retrologisms
- Punlandia
- Cup-shaped or cup-like
- Aftercrimes, Geoslavery, and Thermogeddon
- Digital English Vocabulary
- TN5 Lesson 51
- Words for those "of a certain age"...
- Sounds a little like heliocentric
- Handspinning Words
- Skunk Works
- Constriction (condition of)
- English Placenames that are Words
- To Embrace or Clasp
- •Open List: You're Invited to a Mandatory Picnic!
- •Open List: The Hazards of Spell-Czech
- Artificial Intelligence
- Skip The Light Fontastic
- Just because I feel like saying it...
- Words that hurt
- _______ chicken
- a watched pot
- Rock. Star.
- Copies of copies
- Sweet Tooth Fairy Tale
- bioinformatics and bioengineering words
- Galls
- Metaflip
- C. S. Bird – Grandiloquent Dictionary
- Cagastric Words
- Gristle and Flesh
- phth
- Two-word poems
- blooms taxonomy
- Rhetoric: The Harlot of the Arts
- coinages that deserve attention
- Greetings
- Roll Out the Barrels
- ROT13 Pairs
- Name, a Novel
- The Secret Garden
- Public List: Calculating Devices
- Mollusque's miscellany
- End in -kin
- Chemical Element Abbreviations
- The Oddympics
- semantic nonsensicals
- Prosie: from Urquhart's Rabelais
- a modern herbal
- new words
- "Cripple in a café in Paris"
- From the Wordnik Examples
- peculiarities of our own languages
- [Open] The Apocrypha Wordnikia
- Trumpet and Bugle Calls
- math
- Silly-sounding words
- Easy to phone
- Tandem repeat
- Bird Fish
- Nihilarity
- "UnDeErEst" Words Not Seen In Nature...
- Excellent Potential Cat Names
- “We put the . . . in . . . .”
- Lucky Waiting for Godot
- "Cabbage and turnips have driven me, though my 'mother cooked squirrel, I'd stayed longer."
- Graph Theory Terminology
- Confessions of an English Opium Eater
- my grandmother's words
- Ute
- MiaLuthien's list ♥
- algebra
- Yes Sir, No Ma'am, Hai Senpai
- Mollusks
- Available language editions of Scrabble
- programming
- Go Fly a Kite
- Bestoj
- Unda stand in oneder storms
- CycList
- The Whole Nine Yarbs
- Snarl words
- Purr words
- -mouth
- 3 Objects Within 15 Feet Of My Computer
- Yeoman of the what?!
- 120
- Legal personal relationship words
- Marks
- Words that shouldn't be used on a first date.
- Children From Russia Spend Summer
- waldo's list
- Of or Pertaining to Stars or Constellations
- Proustian
- Coal Mining Terms
- Semordnilap
- TED Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world
- G[r]eek
- Shaped like a Crow's Bill
- You're a SUPER Hero!
- Fake Minerals & Gemstones
- Nuts
- King in Uruk
- Sponge Spicule Terminology
- A Peckerwick of Fiffoldry
- gyre - enquired & unquired
- Canadian English that's not in American English
- sans belif
- Shakespeare Adaptations
- How many _____ does it take to change a light bulb?
- Citrus
- Zee's zees
- Forgotten English 1
- opt
- Impossible wind-up toys
- Name name (name)
- Columns & Rows
- Apples to Apples: Red Cards
- Coruscate, Coruscate, Little Star
- Wild Weather
- It's made of people
- patterns
- mexicanismos
- Listless
- Tiger Safety Rules
- well-hyphenated
- words that make me feel funny
- Lees
- Panel Discussions at WordieniKon
- Conjunctive Adverbs
- Reduples
- The Worm List
- Seeing Things
- Sum of full and some
- Nabokov vocabulary
- The Epos of Wordnik
- Written on Water
- Words from Georgia
- Occupational hazards
- Towns/Cities That Should Have Been Marx Brothers
- My postillion has been struck by lightning.
- legal
- Non-vital organs
- Guide to the Perplexed
- Dominoes
- Of Arabic Origin
- Genes
- Typewriter words
- T:PSYCHO - misinterpretations
- Reading Materials
- Discovered Scrabble Words
- My God, It's Full of Stars!
- Hoodoo Guru
- Ready, set, guess this language...
- Aaron Sorkin words
- Insulting animals
- 17th & 18th C Cookbooks/medicines
- Disappointing Wikipedia links
- Latvia
- Stuffie: Crunchie
- moving constants
- • Words I often hear at my workplace
- Dactyls
- Cetaceans
- EN-HU - homographs
- O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin Novels in Order of Publication
- The Scences
- well punctuated well?
- Potential names for Vietnamese beef soup restaurant
- knackered squid ink
- parrots
- Zing Went the Strings
- In Jeopardy
- encountered while fact-checking and copyediting
- Words you were amazed to hear in a song
- Recent scrabble bingos
- Unit 7, text 2, Task 9
- the Collected Poems of W.H. Auden
- The Waves
- WORDNIK - words found in "Wordnik"
- Sounding like a superhero
- Unidentified sounds...
- Dan: You read this already. — Your pal, Dan
- plant friends
- The sound of birds
- Lifeforms with which I'd like to communicate
- OvoloOvoloOvoloOvoloOvoloOvolo
- Change one letter
- Times and Tides
- HTML Tags
- Trees I've Discovered (Or Discovered Again)
- book phrases and words
- eponymous fabrics or articles of clothing
- Wordnik's long(er) definitions
- Carlos' Words
- You Don't Say
- Practical Scrabble Words (TWL)
- A Whiz Mob
- Mundane Transformers
- anadromous
- litany of lexical likes
- Guitarist's Glossary
- Words and phrases which DID NOT come from Star Wars
- some words
- Dictionary Terms
- Rainy weather report.
- phraseologue
- Stars
- Sound Effects You Didn't Know You Needed
- Palabras de 3 letras en Español.
- Bread-eating
- miscellanea
- Native Tongue
- We have saints for your complaints!
- N and the W
- Call Me Russell - Russell Peters
- Tagalog English Translation
- Donald Trump. Art of deal
- Collectivist Cultures
- A casual observer might believe (incorrectly) that I am an elderly time-traveling British woman
- trees of Chaucer
- corpus medicorum
- Poetrie: Sailing To Byzantium
- SCIE - statistics
- Shoes
- Anglo-Saxon Words
- What flies like a what-what
- the Air Alaska "boardroom" lounge at LAX
- 1943
- fabricatious phrases
- hooks with heavy letters
- bob
- made-up-ical words for Wordies
- Suitable Names for Female Pandas
- découvert en étudiant le français
- sick plants
- Plant Diseases
- Bits and pieces
- retro-encabulator tech specs
- William Toone's Obsolete and Uncommon Words (1834)
- Happy Valentines Day
- Towns with Sizeable Albino Squirrel Populations
- colloquies
- The life of madmouth
- A flowing together or towards
- Envelope
- Thresholds
- Word Guidelines for Wordie
- stumps
- things that freak me out (animals)
- agentive clothing
- Olden
- Anagram poetry
- Vogon Anagram Poetry
- words describing one long dream which spans nearly two years and takes place between the hours 10 pm and 1 am
- wonder--1
- EN - redundancies, tautologies and pleonasms
- crosswords
- Comicana Symbolia
- Obsolete & disused science terms
- Last letter is a silent B
- You Card
- Attack of the Randomites!
- Disyllabic and rhymeless
- Construction For Poets
- Leaves
- -erer
- wordienik anagrams
- You Need Not Apply
- person or measurement
- • Iroquoisy
- Nigella Bites
- zen
- ossified
- Contextomies
- Stalk of a Feather
- legless, footless or ventrally finless
- Alphabet Stories
- Terms That Are/Have Examples of the Term
- The Whole Thing
- ..."... a scrabble word"
- Plosives from Front to Back
- Latin Qs
- For fetter or hearse
- antelopes
- The Nose Knows
- Scalialese
- Dropsical Terms
- mustelids
- Types of bone fractures
- Winesburg, Ohio
- Clothing&Textiles
- It's Electric!
- One thing leads to another
- Animal Animalia
- Whist and Bridge Terms
- Glitched definitions
- Place Gerund Noun
- Unoriginal, cliche
- WORDNIK Word List
- Crocodile
- Wordnik Spam Inquiries
- Abstract Roles
- mathematics is like breathing
- geom
- Missing Word Candidates
- 1712 Cookbook terms found
- complimentary animals
- Fishful thinking
- 19 c.
- With a Hole in It, Perforated
- of or pertaining to feathers
- Victorian Words
- Sad Wallpapers
- aubrey's brief lives
- The Bindery
- recent new scrabble words
- wow plays in scrabble
- scrabble speak
- Grammar Police - correct dash lineup.
- Watercolours
- pigments
- pigments
- spice
- What Beats What
- Why I spend so much time on Wordie
- professor L. Hammer
- Land
- English Weights and Measures
- Shores of Knowledge
- Coffee House
- Maids
- liminal words
- befouled
- Predictionary
- O'-ho
- A cold environment.
- Yiddishkeit
- "A few words not in the dictionaries"
- Dye Box
- three sheets to the wind
- 2300°F
- The Measure of Man
- Words not in Merriam-Webster's Unabridged
- brtom's Words
- fish phrases
- Words For Novel (Part 5)
- Thesaurus Club Joke Words
- Greek letter terms
- Tempo Indications
- lotic words of flow
- geochemical substances
- naphthenic acid fraction compounds
- Resembling a bunch of grapes
- "A Ballad of Remembrance"
- Fictional medicines
- the trial of the wasps
- Grammatical cases
- a case of cases
- Knowledge of Reference term Required.
- Anachronic Liquidators, Cyf.
- spiral
- Lessons of Wordie / Wordnik
- tweezer-like
- CHEM - early chemistry terms
- a-wolf
- Common names for Datura stramonium
- Ammon Shea's OED faves
- Can't Stop Won't Stop
- Our John
- Kitchen Stuff
- Meta
- Meta squared
- vocabularies
- Beyond One's Knowledge, Province or Scope
- LIT - Ulysses - key words and phrases
- X's Y, where X is somebody's name
- Egyptian Gods & Goddesses
- Age of Asparagus!
- pith and vinegar
- Pickle and such
- musée des beaux arts
- Euphemisms for catastrophic failures and explosions
- poetic notions
- sweet tooth fairy
- So Sue Me
- Drug Store Items That Would Make Horrible Superhero Names
- Cepstrums
- heart of darkness
- Heart of Darkness
- encyclopedia gustatorica
- Fauvism
- English Customs
- Autoerotic
- Absolutely Anglophilic
- Linnaean Lexicon
- Latinized 'meme animals'.
- Mauve
- A Perfect Red
- Hymnody
- Animal Identity Crisis
- exposure
- amino acids
- alzheimer's
- The Heart's Parts
- Calendar Stories
- Potential names for my autobiography
- triple anagrams
- Quacksalvers et al. Nostrum
- Underside of a body (as a bird's)
- The Quality or State of Being Gentle or Mild
- Stuffie: Chain Chain Chaaaain....
- dying arts
- The Voice of the Shuttle
- Clarissa, Or, The History of a Young Lady
- Duelistic
- Words ending with -ward
- Anthrolocution
- anatomy etcetera
- Blippets
- words from chess
- Words from Fables
- Steaming Vat of Vitriol
- WF - retronyms
- Nietzsche
- A Boat
- Retention of Larval Traits in Adults
- Words with more than 60 definitions
- rays & x-rays
- Death Valley
- inspired by science
- this word is more than one word
- singing the [Stygian] blues
- Woodus
- Numbering
- Humbug and bafflegab
- King Gilbert I of Savoy
- bloom
- Swim Bladder
- A List of Molecular Proportions
- Anything But Standard International
- Types of hammers
- This List Could Choke a Horse
- Noah's Park
- Rhetorical Devices
- Muse's tacet ,to learn
- Thank you for being eponymous
- Eigo-Wasei.
- Catafalque
- eyebrow
- Circus Stuff
- Words in search of a list
- to Indicate or suggest
- Chambers missing words
- robots (famous)
- a bite; act of biting
- Zoonotic diseases
- to-husk-or-shuck-4i4xacw-cz
- Math Eponyms
- Archaic Colours
- Archaic
- Archaic Words
- EN - archaic words
- Best of qms
- tarot-collection
- showcase for specimens and art
- Numberie
- Your number's up.
- Serious Scrabble
- List of Heraldry Terms
- Tasmanian Times
- You're a Grand Old Flag
- Bread-related Words
- A Crumb Of Comfort
- Let Them Eat Cake...
- Mill
- Loafing Around
- exemplifying
- Word-offs
- Red
- Wodehouse
- latin words for medical prescription
- Famous names which are also sentences
- Dyes & Pigments
- la-bas
- End in -ot
- Train Smash Words
- open to random page in some reference book, add a word from that page to list
- Humanoids
- You've got this all wrong
- some adverbs not ending in ly
- Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
- What probably should show up in my papers
- This List Is My Oyster
- Finnish locative cases
- by train
- Landscape Language
- Fun Legal Words
- Nuclear Homework
- Textiles
- trk2
- OoOoOo
- Collected Words - List 2
- a chain
- Have a pickle
- Wilton's words
- a pocket
- Permutations
- Mathematical words
- Some Medical Terms
- Substancestry
- Scopes, tropes, and graphs
- RAS Syndrome
- slug-like or slug-shaped
- words with letters in alphabetical order
- Kayfabe
- With Upturned Snout or Nose
- Sacrilicious
- -some Words
- stripes and bands
- What's My Favorite Word?
- Whoa Black Betty
- Abbreviations into Acronyms
- This is not a list
- Food Pellet Flavours
- Interesting :)
- Mereological verb/adjectives
- words to describe peanut butter
- Not Gonna Fly
- Crustaceans
- Things We Supect Are Collected By ruzuzu
- SCIE - mathematics
- Mnemosyne
- The Bee List
- Can We Get Along?
- Words that forced me to abandon pedagogy -or- commonly (and stupidly) confused words
- words that mean pink
- lost for word
- Not in the Periodic Table
- Partes del cuerpo
- invented by bored Victorians
- Antiwords
- Æsces to æsces, funk to funky
- Fictional Acronyms
- kn- words
- Shades of the Colour Black
- The Confidence Man
- Loanwords - Lehnwörter
- In The Colorhouse
- Printmaking Terms
- Sea- Words 🌊
- Pure science
- set theory
- Medieval Clothing
- covering, coat, rind, husk or skin
- Slaphappy
- fallacies
- That Would Be Illogical
- Belist
- Sorry, your list was marked as spam
- Clothing Missing Parts
- Mathematical
- Mathematical Phrases in Common Parlance
- x cake
- Daffyd Demands A Recount
- out of sorts
- cliche formulas
- excellent math words
- mathematonymy
- utensil strength
- wonder
- List of dictionaries
- Just ducky
- OSPD 7th new words
- coffee phrases
- the dyer
- Victorian Cemetery Symbolism
- Roonerspisms
- Critischism
- jack
- single-letter words
- Proto-Cinema
- THOSE Words
- Tom Lehrer Words
- scrabble
- Bibliophilia
- Trades Featured in R. Campbell's The London Tradesman, 1747
- Recent new examples
- Abandoned mines of Nevada
- Ulysses
- Human Powered Vehicles
- Periodic Table of Cake
- Letters
- astronomical
- London Underground stations (current and former) which are also LinkedIn accounts
- phrenology
- weather idioms and phrases
- mathematical jargon
- David's books about words and language
- Things that might be radioactive
- Twine
- Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue's Capitol
- My . . . uh . . .
- ¡Lotería!
- Verses
- The "ize" have it
- Scrabble Names
- Common words, but seldom words in common
- Against Nature
- It's a trap
- Quilt Designs
- Word Chain
- Words people had looked up from the New York Times online sometime around June 16, 2009
- Livestock Brands
- Annoying words that are surprisingly acceptable when used during a game of Scrabble
- All animals are equal....
- A Barbie girl in a Barbie world
- Wonders of the World
- Antics
- Neat
- Endangered Species
- Containers
- Capitonyms or capitonyms
- The Universal Calculator
- In The Name Of All That Is Good And Holey...
- My former nicknames
- Words that should be heard in songs more often
- Of Mice and Men
- Construction Zone
- Things people will tell you might be like peanut butter
- Former Constellations
- Podes et cetera
- Dictionaries I keep within arm's reach
- Underscoring the Possibilities
- Asterisms
- False teeth fairy ring around the rosie
- Naughty Croc Fountain
- Lines
- Saucy
- Things I've overheard people say into their cellular telephones
- Christmas Wish List
- Pretty Please
- The Whole Ball of Wax
- Constellations
- If it ain't broke
- The Dinner of the Three Emperors
- All Things Scrabble
- You should make a list
- Magic Tricks
- Ruzuzu's Ideal List
- bilby's once and future nicknames
- Chickens
- Grapes
- Scrabble words which start with the letter J
- Tropes
- Santa
- Non-dictionary reference books I keep within arm's reach
- Prime Time
- Scrabble: 2 to make 3
- L'Engle Lingo
- Everything is Broken
- Bob Dylan, Revisited
- Here Kitty, Kitty
- Just Batty
- Laguna Manialtepec
- Things people might attempt to juggle
- Noteworthy Words
- Salad Dressings
- Constellations (English names)
- Desert ingredients
- Constellations (genitive forms)
- In Cars
- My Strange Kitchen
- Putting down roots
- Bottles
- Worts and all
- Hot Names for Girls
- ruzuzu's taxonomy
- Just Because
- Elvis
- Oh yeah? You and what army?
- Hot Names for Guys
- You're Such a Card
- More Light!
- Beware the Ides of March
- Things that might glow in the dark
- Things that were hidden by the snow
- Phones
- Fortune Cookie Fortunes
- Rap-ture
- Whatever's at hand
- Things you can (or should) stuff inside a toaster
- Frogs
- Were you looking for
- Tag! You're it.
- Brushes
- Columns
- This List is Bananas
- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
- Introductory Signals
- Someday I'll pronounce these things for frogapplause
- In the "nik" of time
- Doctor Faustus
- The Shambles
- Sedges
- Scrabble Countries
- Lists
- Hot Names for Androids
- Hot Names for Mollusks
- That's just great!
- The Wars of the Roses
- Tect-ual Analysis
- Aarne-Thompson classification system for folktales
- Fairy Tales
- Rushes
- Bite me
- Simon-pure
- What's our vector, Victor?
- Scribes
- Hernesheir Apparent
- Condiments
- Walking in the rain
- Who really wrote Shakespeare's plays?
- Panvocalic Pants
- Sufjan Stevens invites you to Come On Feel the Illinoise
- Cattle
- Cribbage
- Overtones
- Waves and Waveforms
- Carp
- Camp
- Book Keeping
- Vaudeville
- Words that can be spelled on an upside-down calculator
- Scrabble words which end with the letter J
- Animal bipes implume
- This list is like butter
- This list is not like butter--it is butter!
- Comics, Comic Books, and Comix
- Hazardous art materials
- Stocks and Bonds
- Water, water, everywhere
- Balmy
- Things which make cool patterns on the wall when I turn on the overhead projector
- Nahuatl
- Bird birds
- A few of my favorite definitions from the Century Dictionary
- Husbands
- Know Your Wrights
- Mnemonic Devices
- Money
- Names of U.S. States which appear on the back of the five-dollar bill
- Bob
- Bells and Whistles
- Open and Shut
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Things with wings
- Koláče fillings
- Hoppers
- Recently viewed
- Guarded
- Punch Lines
- Wives
- Edits
- Possible typos in the GNU Webster's 1913
- Hoods
- Too darn hot
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Geneva
- Falconry
- Swine
- Theophilus North
- Well
- The Division Division
- -ight
- Hobs
- Table of Contents
- Paracelsus
- Goats
- Known and Probable Carcinogens
- Bucket List
- To Whom It May Concern
- The Glass Menagerie
- Polymers
- Long s examples
- Medical terms or linguistic terms?
- Echolocation
- Animals with orange teeth
- Straw
- Gillian Welch, revelator
- Squirrels and squirrel-related activity I've observed on my walks to and from work
- There oughta be a law
- Muses
- French words and phrases I learned from Bizet's Carmen
- Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder
- Loaded
- Mold
- Decadence
- I'll have to tell the frog all about it
- Ick!
- Baskets
- Operas
- Weetzie Bat
- Show me Missouri
- Words I wish I didn't know
- Disturbing definitions from the Century Dictionary
- The New Yorker's style manual
- Michigan
- Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time
- Made in...
- Itchy
- O Captain! My Captain!
- Type Designers
- It's so hard to find good help these days.
- Click my heels three times and I'm back in Kansas?
- Penmanship
- There is no place like Nebraska
- Cod
- My Favorite Things
- SAT list (now featuring sat, sateen, and satori)
- Wordnik Vocabulary List
- I'b sorry. I hab a cold.
- Migration
- Send in the clowns
- In Dreams
- Erins
- The Romance of the Rose
- Sage advice
- Ruzuzu's totally rad, righteous, and rockin' R words
- Top 500 Shower Curtains
- Cold
- Systems of Survival
- Owls
- Don't Mess With Texas
- You really ought to give Iowa a try
- The Japanese art of...
- Oklahoma, OK!
- Fifty States Project
- Georgia on my mind
- cc
- Mousey
- Things that make me happy
- Ways to find out
- Hence
- You probably think this list is about you
- i.e.
- Rent
- Leonard Cohen
- Banes
- Master and Commander
- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- The Garden on Ryons Street
- Ar!
- Eye Dialect
- Jewel or medical problem?
- Farriery
- Spinning
- Old Pharmacy, etc.
- Handkerchiefs, etc.
- Rocks
- About Face
- Minnesota
- Colorado
- Harpy Nay Weep
- Rats
- Walking in the snow
- Scold
- Rodeo
- New Hampshire
- unruzuzu
- Oily
- Abstraction
- Rock 'n' Roll, a play by Tom Stoppard
- Bring, brang, brung.
- The Pits
- Words suggested to me by the sad-faced teacher on my Scrabble app
- Citizens' Band
- Food items offered "on-a-stick" at the Iowa State Fair as of July 2010
- Hence, figuratively
- Wordniks who've created a word-a-day list for our amusement
- Figuratively
- Furriery
- Way to go Ohio
- The flower garden
- Hilarity ensues
- Book-names
- Hooks
- Specifically
- She did what?
- Sugar
- Whence
- Collections
- Literally
- Rain
- Hip, hip, hooray!
- Bacon
- Water always flows downhill
- thank you reesetee
- Tuna
- Bees
- the curious incident of the dog in the night-time
- Trout
- Grafting, &c.
- Herring
- Arcades Ambo
- Ruination Day
- Rakes
- Things that smell better than they taste
- Bridesmaid revisited
- Cryptography, etc.
- Honorary Wordniks
- Nom de Guerre Finder
- Shoe parts
- Three Wishes
- Hunting cries
- This line is printed in . . . .
- thank you marky
- a list of inane -cation variants
- Recently sniffed
- Recently Licked
- Alabama
- Ruzuzu's Big Ass List
- Things that taste better than they smell
- Barbarisms
- Contents of the May Day basket I received earlier today
- Bad Luck
- Doo-it-yourself Doowop List
- Trending words
- Visuals
- Vices
- Phonestheme: CR- (or KR-)
- Corals
- Glove-making
- See cut under
- Nyah, nyah, nyah.
- Let them eat cake.
- Which see
- Cords
- Snakes
- International House of Fufluns
- The Golden Age
- Mackerel
- It's that time again
- O, that this too too solid flesh would
- This account either doesn't exist or isn't public.
- Positive Identification
- T-shirt Animals
- Spiders
- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
- Changes
- Blindman's bluff, or glim-glam.
- Dictionary words
- Shrimp
- Daisies
- Sorry, no photos found.
- Nature abhors a vacuum
- Elemental States
- If I were going to write a book about André Breton, these people would be in the index.
- Impossible Snow Globes
- Clapping games
- Kicks
- Other duties as assigned.
- Roll Out Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer
- Shuffleboard
- Vides
- Sorry, no definitions found.
- Hyperbole
- Misheard Numa Numa Lyrics
- Turnips
- Differences between video games and real life
- Non-human sidekicks
- Alpen-
- Boswell's Life of Johnson
- Leibniz
- Some HTML is allowed
- Solutions
- Blites
- Sorry, no tweets found.
- Embroidery
- Triangulation
- Cicero
- Logical Fallacies
- Salmon
- Cant terms
- Things I never find at rummage sales or second-hand stores
- Vampires
- Counties of Nebraska
- Arcadia, a play by Tom Stoppard
- _______ the cat
- Carnivorous plants
- Squirrels! Squirrels! Squirrels!
- Occupy ________
- Thank you, leaden.
- Thank you, hernesheir.
- Solastalgia
- Answers
- Maya Deren
- Ligatures
- Catfish
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Especially
- Perfumery
- Good names for muffins
- Features
- Thank you, sionnach.
- Special Effects
- In the Quotation
- Bubbles
- Do-it-yourself Christmas Carol List
- See extract
- Instability
- R&R
- Barbed Wire
- Make a Wish
- Caffeined
- Machines
- Spice or Weapon?
- Grinders
- Nails
- Guys and Dolls
- Charles Sanders Peirce
- Comma Chameleon
- Knitting
- In the figure
- See Illust.
- Stars
- Heaps
- Capitals
- See list under
- Clouds
- Crabby
- It's a date!
- Duck!
- A List List
- Ultimates
- Irony
- See Table at
- O Wyoming!
- First I Look at the Purse
- Literally or Figuratively
- Originally
- State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
- Uncle! Uncle!
- Why I adore this site
- Here's a tip for you.
- Fellowship
- The Other
- The Motown Sound
- See Phrases Under
- Might as well jump
- Antonomasia
- Found Poetry
- Compare Cut Under
- Annexed engraving
- Technical characters
- Figured under
- See Usage Note at
- Beams
- Hail! South Dakota!
- Furrows
- Meet the Beetles!
- Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Things we used to think were safe
- See Regional Note at
- Cross-references
- Bands
- Punchy
- Vodou Loas
- Quiz Shows
- Halva
- That's nice.
- What the neighbors are currently arguing about
- Fall
- Blendes
- If it's magic...
- Difficult to Distinguish
- Cause and Effect
- Maryland
- Used poetically
- Ladders
- Slip Slidin' Away
- Ketchup
- Mulling
- 3-Letter Scrabble Words Which Do Not Contain Any 2-Letter Words
- Beets
- 3-letter Scrabble Words
- Salt and Pepper
- Courtly Love
- Ratchet
- Tar
- Formerly
- Marbles
- Cotton
- Musical Intervals
- Particularly
- Mustard
- Klezmer
- Thunderbolts and Lightning
- The mnemonic words of logic
- Calendar month phrases
- Pendulums
- Wordnik Puzzle: Neat Porters
- Maqams
- Model Organisms
- Keepers
- A
- Muppets!
- Recently Loved Words
- Trigonometry
- The Rolling Stones
- E
- It's Personal
- Things I read about somewhere
- Talking Heads
- Trobairitz
- Exclamations
- Dancey Dances
- The accompanying cut
- Plurals that end in -os instead of -oes
- Volcanology
- Molasses disasters
- Africa
- Newton
- Mockery
- Typefaces
- Old Jules
- Natural and Artificial Ingredients
- Food and Wine Pairing
- Motion
- Edsel
- The Buck Stops Here
- Ill-ness
- Publishers
- Saponaria officinalis
- Glass
- See also cut in next column
- See these words
- Angle of Repose
- Gravity's Rainbow
- Namely
- Definitions which make me want to throw a drink in Wiktionary's face and storm off
- Feathers
- Where see cut
- As in the cut
- Inexactly synonymous
- Rabbits
- Damps
- Capital City
- Word Song
- Ulysses
- Gallows
- House Keeping
- Soup Ingredients
- 15-letter words
- Iceality
- The Goldfinch
- Erik Satie
- This one's all -eers
- Things that look different under black light
- Playing Cards
- Name of sundry
- Okra
- Timber!
- Crows
- Zombification
- Galen
- Cancer
- Hunting the wild boar
- Quartets
- Dunes
- Old Form
- Duplication and copying
- Rediscoveries
- See
- ruzuzu's Friday night parlour games
- I'm your biggest fan
- Shades
- A snotty list
- See the vocabulary
- Tennessee
- Radishes
- Put A Ring On It
- Blocks
- With cut
- See Illust. in Append.
- Eat your heart out
- Same as hoot.
- Put A Sock In It
- Carl Van Vechten and the Irreverent Decades
- Hence Called
- Crossword Words
- Orlando
- Set 1
- The Confidence-Man
- Fennel
- The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
- Rube Goldberg Machine
- Set 4
- Humus
- Set 3
- Oh, deer!
- Faro
- Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo, etc.
- Cardigan words
- North Dakota
- Sescenti
- Sketchy
- Set 2
- Anatomy or Horology?
- That really takes the cake.
- Stock Phrases
- That thing you wear on your face when it's cold.
- Lord of the . . .
- Corny
- Woad
- Mine.
- In the following quotation
- perty
- Arches
- What a wreck!
- Whence the name
- Tubs
- The Nebraskan
- Mathematics
- Feedback Loops
- Polszczyzna
- See the quotation
- Saddlery
- Pottery
- Odd Jobs
- The Metaphysical Club
- Relatives
- I Am a Strange Loop
- Things I'll be able to see now that I have glasses
- Why did the ___ cross the ___ ?
- The Dud Avocado
- Things that might have melted on the sidewalk
- In ancient church music
- Terms of Art
- Pigments
- Euclid's Elements
- Surfactants
- Refrigeration
- Nevada
- The Land of Steady Habits
- A hide of land.
- Indigo
- Sheets
- Marbling
- Digits
- Pointy
- Collectively
- Lilac
- Suffragists
- Heraclitus
- Doctrine of Signatures
- In music
- Reagents
- Hegel
- Ulysses
- -gogue(s)
- Confectio Damocritis
- Olden
- Democritus
- Lamiaceae
- Plato
- In grammar
- Aristotle
- Mordants
- I'm sure there's some other explanation
- Lead
- The elephant in the room
- Coal Tar
- Vinegar
- Heart of Darkness
- Salt-making
- The Aloha State
- Illusions
- Our Delaware
- The Biographical Section
- Pigment sources
- A Whale of a List
- Slogum House
- In logic
- Moths
- For the Time Being
- In mech.
- In seal-engraving
- Path finding
- In machinery
- Plaster
- Confessions of an Art Addict
- Kant
- Lime
- Paper and papermaking
- In therapeutics
- The Commonwealth of Virginia
- Ads
- In dynamics
- Compounds
- But Y tho?
- Euler
- Boron
- Berzelius
- 1893
- Montana Melody
- In anatomy
- Go, Mis-sis-sip-pi
- Magnetism
- Fresco
- North Carolina
- In the manège
- In turnery
- Ammonia
- Blooms
- Simplified Spellings
- My Old Kentucky Home
- That's a fine kettle
- South Carolina
- By extension
- Pass it on!
- In lumbering
- Engines, motors, and machines.
- Washington, My Home
- Descartes
- Proteins
- In hat-making
- guns
- Oh, Arkansas
- West Virginia
- Catalysis
- A Tale for the Time Being
- In phytogeography
- The Name of the Rose
- -ward words
- Antidotes
- Vitriolic
- Vermont
- Göttingen
- The Works
- In theosophy
- Pack-ing List
- Lobster
- money
- lawyers
- Phases
- I love you, California
- In crystallography
- Constants
- Homographs
- In cookery
- Hammers
- Maps and cartography
- Grocery List
- Heteronyms
- Indexers
- In rhetoric
- Greek Mathematical Thought
- No longer in scientific use.
- In gunnery
- Scythes and scything
- Miss Morissa
- Fine tuning
- Solvents
- In petrography
- Interrogative Animals
- Interrogative Plants
- Interrogative Minerals
- The yoke's on you.
- Cups
- Wheat
- Ferrets
- Daniel Chester French
- On, Wisconsin!
- A cute list.
- Every item you could possibly need to prepare for a global pandemic.
- Sick list
- My Antonia
- The Alienist
- Pandas
- Mum’s the word
- Latin
- Contranyms, Autoantonyms, etc.
- Instructions
- Set 6
- The Game of Loo
- Eel-shaped fish
- Survey Says
- See the note
- No soap
- Same as
- Triangles
- Stanols
- In shoe manufacturing
- Pearls
- In conchology
- See the compounds
- Sausage
- In upholstery
- An obsolete form
- Urchins
- In medicine
- It's What I Do
- In pianoforte-making
- Professional wrestling slang
- Quick!
- Puffball
- Seals
- Create a new List
- New list
- Conflagrations
- In Gothic Arch.
- Shibboleths
- Gimbals
- Hence often
- Plutonic
- Bricks
- Steady
- In engraving
- Aftermath
- Hapax Legomena
- Sator Square
- In palmistry
- Usage Problem
- Lanternflies
- In whale-fishing
- In botany
- In whale
- Ligatures
- Braille
- Heels
- Cutlery
- In hunting
- Used figuratively
- Custom houses
- Lathing and plastering
- Augers
- Bookbindings Old and New
- State of Maine
- Balloons
- That's the joint
- In diamond-cutting
- Valves
- In printing
- Leeches
- Also called
- Defined by the equation
- Soil Orders
- Hoofs
- Asteroids
- Sestina words
- See the extract.
- Worth a shot
- Mealy
- In change-ringing
- Librarians
- In decorative art
- Not a valid Scrabble word
- Ligatures
- Hay-lofts
- Mirrors
- See cut in preceding column
- Early English History
- Ash, ashes, ashen
- Fibers, fibrils, and filaments
- Simplified spellings
Comments by ruzuzu
ruzuzu commented on the word spiroylous acid
There is spiroylic, though.
September 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word spiroylous acid
That's fascinating. I'm not seeing anything in the OED or the 1895 version of the Century (see, e.g.,
September 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word murderhobo
Thanks, tankhughes. I used to play once a week, and I feel you've perfectly described each member of my former group. They eventually decided they'd rather get together to play Star Fleet Battles--and while I appreciate the idea of using a map of hexes instead of squares, I found having to stop and consult the rules in the middle of every battle was a bit tiresome. (When my friends play, they jokingly refer to themselves as space lawyers.)
September 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word definitionless
Thanks, alexz. I knew there had to be something.
September 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word definitionless
Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
September 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word murderhobo
Dungeons and Dragons is a collaborative game based on storytelling. Each player is responsible for describing the actions of one character. The person running the game for them each session (the Dungeon Master) is like an omniscient narrator and provides each of the players with the setting--what the townspeople are doing, what the merchants might have for sale, what information innkeepers might have if the players' character were to simply ask, what random encounters might happen (based on the roll of the dice), including whether there are any monsters nearby that they could fight. Murderhobos don't care about any of the details--their characters just kill whatever or whomever they encounter.
Edit: Maybe that's not a good translation. A murderhobo is a character that deals with every novel situation in the game by defaulting to death or destruction because it's all a fantasy world and they can do whatever they want there. It could just be the strategy of one player, or it could be the whole group. The hobo part comes from the fact that the characters tend to wander from place to place looking for adventure (or things to kill).
September 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word definitionless
There should be a name for this sort of thing. Lexicographer's paradox?
Edit: Maybe it would be funnier to avoid defining it, though.
September 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list can-we-get-along
Quiet enjoyment?
August 31, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word bandgap
I don't remember that ever happening on an almost Solveig tour, but boy were there some close calls with brown M&M's.
August 31, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word thaumatography
Thanks tankhughes, this is fun! Some other words that show up near it in the Century are thaumasite, thaumatogeny, and thaumatrope.
August 29, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word back-line
What do we think the definition from the Century means? ("See to haul back.") Is it like haul up or haul off?
August 26, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list ruzuzus-big-ass-list
Bilby, I will indeed accept bumbastus--but only because of the first three letters.
August 26, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word lamp-case
No, but I'll take this as the signal to start.
August 26, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word acronym
I like that the American Heritage Dictionary notes that this has a "usage problem." I wonder how many other usage problems are out there.
*wanders off to make a list*
August 25, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list begtodiffer-com-words-dealing-with-the-problem-of-abbreviated-names
This is a fun list. Also see the list by tankhughes found here: abbreviations-into-acronyms-QGBtAKUtfn64-q-17Y0TZ.
August 25, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word discriminal
Also see dragon's-tail.
August 24, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word longtermism
From "How can we help humans thrive trillions of years from now? This philosopher has a plan" by Malaka Gharib (
August 24, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word chilodipterus
See Paroncheilus affinis.
August 24, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word topology
One of the Century definitions ("The art or method of assisting the memory by associating the objects to be remembered with some place which is well known.") reminds me of a memory palace.
August 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word star jelly
Also see nostoc.
August 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word nostoc
"The name Nostoc was coined by Paracelsus and is a combination of the English nostril and German Nasenloch "nose hole, nostril", likely due to appearance of many species colonies being similar to nasal mucus."
August 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Nostoc
See nostoc.
August 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word boops boops
See Boops boops.
August 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Boops boops
Also see comments on boops boops.
August 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Benjamin Peirce
See comment on idempotent.
August 9, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word idempotent
From the Wikipedia page for Benjamin Peirce: "In algebra, he was notable for the study of associative algebras. He first introduced the terms idempotent and nilpotent in 1870 to describe elements of these algebras, and he also introduced the Peirce decomposition." (
August 9, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word loxodrome
Cf. lemniscate.
August 8, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word fodientia
I know it's fashionable to go solo, but there's always a spot for you in almost Solveig.
August 5, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word check-spring
If we don't, I nominate you to make one for us. (Actually, even if we do, I still nominate you to make your own for our amusement.)
August 4, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word bars-gemel
See gemel.
August 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word hayz
Not what I was expecting.
August 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list crustaceans
I just got gnathostegite as a random word.
August 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list lock-me-up
Ooh! An open list!
August 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word gimbal lock
See comments on quaternion.
August 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list dewdew-drops
August 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list algorithm-avoidant-inventions-D25p2r0HK_2pCayeZApKQ
May 35?
August 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list not-gonna-fly-Nnyhv4qDQD5cWLDxfRymr
I think it's great (which probably says something about my own lists).
August 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word steller
I'm reminded of the joke about a grasshopper that walks in to a bar. The bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you," and the grasshopper says, "You have a drink named Steve?"
August 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list things-we-supect-are-collected-by-ruzuzu-SYb-wiljc4sQNMz89j1-P
You know me too well.
July 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word fogging
That's fun, Bilby. What era is that from?
July 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list topological-verb-adjectives
What a fun list!
July 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the user adirgeforher
I like your lists.
July 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word why did ruzuzu cross the road
Why did ruzuzu cross the road? To create an open list.
July 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list why-did-the---cross-the
That sounds like a perfectly valid reason to cross the road, tankhughes.
July 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word genus cerastium
"Chick-weed" makes me think of Twelfth Night: "Give me thy hand, And let me see thee in thy woman’s weeds."
July 27, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the user brokeneye
I like your lists.
July 25, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list seals-8MLRJ_pGUWZovaajZa9W9
Ah, man. Sorry. I guess the list is sealed.
In the meantime, you can send me suggestions. (I'll do some experiments to see whether this has something to do with how I'm creating these lists.)
July 25, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list abbreviations-into-acronyms-QGBtAKUtfn64-q-17Y0TZ
Oh! That's a good one, w. I've also heard people say "I,D" for id. (cf. ibid).
July 22, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word blemmatrope
I hadn't, but I will now.
July 20, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word colter
Hm. Ploughshares cut into swards.
July 20, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word jean dimmock
Has anyone made this into a list yet? It would be hilarious to have jean dimmock as a random entry on a jean dimmock list.
July 19, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the user theoread
I like your lists.
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word monk seal
(I was beginning to lose faith in the notion that every potential list is an existing list.)
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word monk seal
Is it possible that we don't have any lists about seals yet?
Edit: Ah. here's a seals-and-sea-lions list, at least.
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list dayaways
I arrived here after getting wantaways as a random word.
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the user lupin99
I like your lists.
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list helmet-CZgXMkbmQU
Your lists amuse me every time you make one.
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word portrayment
*trips silent alarm*
July 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list abbreviations-into-acronyms-QGBtAKUtfn64-q-17Y0TZ
Oh, jinx! I was just coming here to say that about states. Some people's names do this, too: Jo, Ed, etc. (though then there's the whole Elizabeth, Margaret, Betsy, and Bess thing to ponder).
Edit: Wait. Duh. Are you just looking for the ones where you'd say it like an initialism? (In which case this list is even cooler.)
July 13, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word puffball
July 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Tatarian lamb
See barometz.
July 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list whoa-black-betty-HQ0x0b_1xVTMD9AXNjsC8
Umbrage! This otherwise perfect list contains no mention of the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary.
July 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list professional-wrestling-slang-5V5seeZRNJ54pzXowKeaW
I started out specifically looking for words with "professional wrestling slang" in their definitions, but feel free to make more suggestions (I somehow uncharacteristically created this as a closed list).
July 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list food-pellet-flavours-wPzukDApb4zscp4sivXLI
Brackets around "Skinner box Flavour Delivery AlgorithmTM" please.
July 8, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list food-pellet-flavours-wPzukDApb4zscp4sivXLI
Oh, look! A delicious food pellet list!
July 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list food-pellet-flavours-wPzukDApb4zscp4sivXLI
*presses lever*
July 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Nicolson pavement
July 6, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Skinner box
Wheat germ, I think.
July 6, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Skinner box
Oh, look! A delicious food pellet!
July 5, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list sacrilicious-ECwESJQci_b
What a great list!
July 5, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Skinner box
*presses lever*
July 5, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list not-the-sum-of-their-parts
Bilby just found coinventorship.
June 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word coinventorship
Oh, tankhughes, that's marvelous. Thank you! Of course the brilliant sionnach already has a list.
June 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word coinventorship
This is great! Is there a name for words such as this—words which are made of other complete words? For instance, I’m thinking carrot is made of car and rot.
June 4, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word whichs
I'm reminded of one of my favorite jokes: Why do witches wear black? So you can't tell which witch is which.
May 13, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word bangboard
I have to admit that I never knew there was a word for this. That'll learn me. Guess I should find myself a good old-fashioned husking bee.
April 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list hence
April 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the user deku
I like your lists. Welcome to Wordnik!
April 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word nabooian
List me, like you did by the lake on Naboo!
April 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word feels old and structured, but isn’t
Right? I was also thinking democracy, the internet, biofilms... certain kinds of ice or glass.
April 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list slug-like-or-slug-shaped-NGdldFKpNd
My new favorite list.
April 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word feels old and structured, but isn’t
Often as I’m waking up from a dream, there will be one last word or phrase that lingers. Today it was a riddle: Name something that feels old and structured, but isn’t.
April 12, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list ras-syndrome-1fFizBdFKE2
I love this list.
April 6, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7458
April 4, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7458
Me? A stalwart? Aw shucks.
March 30, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list words-in-first-3-wordle-word-guess-list-fEttSrihG8
I've read that POUND, CRANE, and SALET (a variation on sallet) are good to start with, but I like STAMP and STARE.
March 30, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7458
I looked up the postal code--7458 must be near 7457. They're both in Hungary.
March 22, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7457
Oh, yay! Hi possibleunderscore!
March 17, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7457
And hi rolig!
March 16, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7457
I'm still discovering entries that had gotten the wordie treatment--often when I'm looking up something that I thought was new, but that bilby already entered a citation for in 2009.
Hi bilby from 2009!
March 16, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list scopes-tropes-and-graphs
Likewise, vm.
March 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list scopes-tropes-and-graphs
This list is fantastic.
March 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word aperiodic
"The phenomenon that (Bradley) Voytek and other scientists are investigating in a variety of ways goes by many names. Some call it “the 1/f slope” or “scale-free activity”; Voytek has pushed to rebrand it “the aperiodic signal” or “aperiodic activity.”"
-- "Brain’s ‘Background Noise’ May Hold Clues to Persistent Mysteries" by Elizabeth Landau (
March 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word 7457
I just looked it up again--it's a prime number (but it seems to be a rather boring one).
March 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word proleptic
Miss you, qms.
March 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list mathematical-words--1
My new favorite list--and currently the only one that lists injective.
March 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the user fifeflyer
I like your lists.
March 11, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word sea-urchin
Those are fantastic, vendingmachine. Thank you!
March 10, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word gold-solder
See chrysocolla.
March 9, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list urchins-Q6jhG5tG9_
Please sir, I want some more entries on my list.
March 4, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word heart-urchin
See heart urchin, and compare egg-urchin.
March 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list an-obsolete-form-QFYoW1JmA
Thank you. You've just captured all my feelings about The Century Dictionary in general.
March 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list a-pocket
Would caries count? (I'm thinking dental caries.)
March 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list nuclear-homework-xLoFAN-UQmQG
That's exciting, tankhughes. Congratulations!
March 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list have-a-pickle-DjYwdhoxYq
Oh, I am so there.
March 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list wiltons-words
My *new* new favorite list.
March 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list have-a-pickle-DjYwdhoxYq
Oh, yes--dancing the St. Giles's hornpipe sounds delightful, too.
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list have-a-pickle-DjYwdhoxYq
This is my new favorite list.
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word dempne
I can't believe I'm the first person to list this.
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word the rot
See bane.
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word bane
"A disease in sheep, more commonly called the rot."
--Century Dictionary
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word veg*n
See the comments on vegetarian if you dare.
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word shrewd
I thought you were a veg*n.
March 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word continent
See citation on Zealandia.
February 22, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Zealandia
-- "The missing continent it took 375 years to find" (
February 22, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word voxel
-- "New Map of Meaning in the Brain Changes Ideas About Memory" (
February 22, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word nebraksa
I have relatives near Jeff City, I lived down by Springfield for a semester, and I have yet to hear anyone there say "Miz-ur-uh."
February 16, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list nuclear-homework-xLoFAN-UQmQG
This is my new favorite list.
February 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Nebraska products
Thanks, vm, I'm fond of it too. I especially appreciate the sandhills, but there are a lot of scenic spots if you're brave enough to venture off of I-80.
February 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Nebraska products
Here's a link to more exaggeration postcards from nebraksa: (my favorite is the grasshopper).
February 15, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list sausages
I knew there had to be a sausage list around here somewhere! I've got an open list, but I'll be yoinking plenty of these.
February 14, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word fenster
"A karst window, also known as a karst fenster, is a geomorphic feature found in karst landscapes where an underground river is visible from the surface within a sinkhole."
February 10, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list pure-science
Hm. I see that sausage body is also here. Is there already a sausage list somewhere?
February 10, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Lichtenberg figure
See comment on Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.
February 9, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
-- From "How You Really Use Mathematics To Define Paper Size" (
February 9, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list pure-science
This is my new favorite list.
February 9, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word pogonius
I have some nice vegan fufluns right here--it's a new recipe. Let me know what you think.
February 7, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word pogonius
"Whenever the TRAHOR FATIS inscription appears, it is accompanied by a seven–pointed “bearded” star (pogonius), raining influence toward Earth and its denizens."
-- From "A Renaissance Riddle: The Sola Busca Tarot Deck (1491)" (
February 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word open list
See ru open list zuzu.
February 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list us-places-named-after-non-us-places-nJSQDngyIS
Sometimes it's hard to switch back and forth once a list has been started--but the moment I can list things, I will.
After all, open list is my middle name.
February 3, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list us-places-named-after-non-us-places-nJSQDngyIS
Thanks v--I would, but it doesn't seem to be an open list.
February 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word heartsette
A variation on the card game hearts:
February 2, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list us-places-named-after-non-us-places-nJSQDngyIS
I think there are various Albions, too--one in Nebraska, one in Iowa.
February 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list us-places-named-after-non-us-places-nJSQDngyIS
Nebraska can offer Geneva, Peru, Cairo, Syracuse, York, Prague, and Gothenburg, among others--but there used to be more: Lancaster was renamed Lincoln in 1869, and Berlin changed to Otoe in 1918.
February 1, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word terrel
Also see terrella.
January 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word able seaman
See comment on able.
January 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word able
From the Online Etymology Dictionary:
January 28, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list full-of-bull-pE7z8c-MZ0ks
Thanks, vm! Wahoo!
January 20, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list full-of-bull-pE7z8c-MZ0ks
Oh, fun! Will you accept two-word phrases? (I'm thinking bull-beef and bull thistles, &c.)
January 20, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the list in-conchology-2VMvKoRv_hDY
Thank you, yarb. I'm surprised mollusque hasn't listed more of these.
January 19, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word cryptobiosis
"The researchers, based in Singapore, Denmark and Poland, chose a tardigrade to try to entangle because of its ability to enter long hibernation to withstand things like searing heat, freezing cold, extraordinarily high pressures, and high levels of ionizing radiation. This hibernation is called cryptobiosis; the animal desiccates, shedding the moisture from its body, and only reanimates when conditions become more manageable."
-- "Scientists Tried to Quantum Entangle a Tardigrade" by Isaac Schultz (
January 19, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word struthiolaria
I can't believe I'm the first person to list this.
January 18, 2022
ruzuzu commented on the word aporia
"Typically, Socrates' opponent would make what would seem to be an innocuous assertion. In response, Socrates, via a step-by-step train of reasoning, bringing in other background assumptions, would make the person admit that the assertion resulted in an absurd or contradictory conclusion, forcing him to abandon his assertion and adopt a position of aporia."
December 28, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word sippet
Also see sop.
December 27, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list caves-and-cave-art-g_6DoyCfC0N9
What a fun list!
December 21, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word Snegurka
"A version of a folk tale about a girl made of snow and named Snegurka (Snezhevinochka; Снегурка (Снежевиночка)) was published in 1869 by Alexander Afanasyev in the second volume of his work The Poetic Outlook on Nature by the Slavs, where he also mentions the German analog, Schneekind ("Snow Child")."
December 16, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list flying-into-snow
December 16, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word cibus
See the definition on cib.
December 13, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word nether-vert
*trips silent alarm*
December 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word blood
(No mention of using soup as a dye for leather, though.)
December 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word blood
Oh, ew. The Century has given us this gem: "In leather-coloring, to apply a coating of blood to, in order to obtain a good black."
December 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word flesh and blood
Now I'm wondering about the etymology of blood.
December 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word flesh and blood
For what it's worth, I'm looking at the online version of the OED (through my library's subscription), and I see the following:
"a1340 R. Rolle Psalter xvii. 11 He maked his son to take fleisse and blode.
1393 W. Langland Piers Plowman C. ii. 153 Whanne hit hadde of þe folde flesch and blod ytake.
1509 Parlyament Deuylles (de Worde) lxxii I..toke flesshe and blode a mayde within.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost i. i. 186 I would see his owne person in flesh and blood."
December 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word moleomancy
Not what I was expecting.
November 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the user nickpatterson high
Welcome! Nice to see a fellow fan of The Century.
I just saw your question over on the page for the word synchronously. Generally, the best way to show a word is one of your favorites is to log in and select "love" at the top of the page for that word. Hope that helps!
November 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word trink
It did occur to me to wonder whether trink and drink were related.
There's an old klezmer song called "Skrip, klezmerl, skripe" where an uncle sings "kh’vel trinken vi a fish/ un vel tantsn bay der khupe," which is translated as "Now I will drink like a fish/ and dance by the wedding canopy," (See here:
But, also, do folks still get thrown "into the drink"? And could we then use a trink to rescue them?
November 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word trink
Compare trench and tranche.
November 18, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word cow pat
Compare cow pie.
November 1, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word cow pie
Cf. cow pat.
November 1, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word goatfish
See comments on ahuruhuru.
October 26, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word the ultimate blended threat
Umbrage! Everyone knows it's wasteful to use only half a ruzuzu. What'll you do, stick the ruz in the fridge with some lemon juice? Throw the uzu away? Feh.
October 26, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word mathematical induction
Oh, hey, ruzuzu from 2018--thank you. I was stuck on this again.
This time I'll add that C.S. Peirce also wrote about abduction, but it's the kind of rabbit hole that leads one to muttering about confectio Damocritis.
October 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word abduction
"The term “abduction” was coined by Charles Sanders Peirce in his work on the logic of science. He introduced it to denote a type of non-deductive inference that was different from the already familiar inductive type."
-- From the "Peirce on Abduction" section of the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
October 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list youve-got-this-all-wrong-TjaXkcvUHyGZ
This is my new favorite list.
October 13, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word hyaline
I think it's where they play jai alai.
October 13, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word virgule
Adding this to the list of qms poems.
October 11, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word duodenotomy
Smiting seems more like an -ectomy.
September 28, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the user stuartmathergibson
Not sure why bilby is anti-anthesis.
September 25, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list penny-phases-words
Aha! Here it is.
September 21, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word swine-penny
Do we have any penny lists?
September 20, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word Flower of Kent
"The Flower of Kent is a green cultivar of cooking apple. According to the story, this is the apple Isaac Newton saw falling to ground from its tree, inspiring his laws of universal gravitation. It is pear-shaped, mealy, and sub-acid, and of generally poor quality by today's standards. As its name suggests, this cultivar likely originated from Kent, England."
September 13, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word bi-quinary
See biquinary.
September 6, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word portcrayon
I hadn't--but I sure will now!
September 6, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word crab wherry
See wherry.
August 27, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word doppelzentner
Not what I was expecting.
August 27, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word odd-come-short
See odd-come-shortly.
August 25, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word herb robert
Also see herb-robert.
August 25, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the user hcarson
I like your lists.
August 25, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list bells-and-whistles
Oh. Here's one. (See comment on passing-bell.)
August 25, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word passing-bell
Do we have any bell lists yet?
August 25, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the user vendingmachine
Big hugs from me, too. So very sorry for your loss.
August 24, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word takotsubo cardiomyopathy
See takotsubo.
August 24, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word takotsubo
"The name "takotsubo" comes from the Japanese word takotsubo "octopus trap", because the left ventricle of the heart takes on a shape resembling an octopus trap when affected by this condition."
-- From Wikipedia's takotsubo cardiomyopathy page (
August 24, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list may-or-may-not-be-specific-but-it-s-definitely-not-excrement
Ooh. Do we need a new list? I know there are some parasite lists here, but do we need something a bit more specific?
August 22, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word feeder-bar
Maybe just one more.
August 21, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word feeder-bar
It’s okay.
August 21, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word feeder-bar
August 21, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list may-or-may-not-be-specific-but-it-s-definitely-not-excrement
Can I get a ruling on whether tapeworms belong on this list or the other list? See here:
August 20, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word food pellet
August 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word riffly
I love it when my fufluns have grape riffles.
August 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word iota
Why I oughta...
August 18, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list train-smash-words-pAz_VfHOiYXV
My new favorite list.
August 18, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word pyow
*trips silent alarm*
August 17, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word land-beaver
I b'eave you're correct.
August 11, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word land-beaver
How much land would a land-beaver beaver if a land-beaver could beaver land?
August 10, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word origen
Thank you, ry--I had the same question.
August 10, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word QUA
Sine qua non.
July 26, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word perfectoid
— “New Shape Opens ‘Wormhole’ Between Numbers and Geometry” By Kevin Hartnett, July 19, 2021 (
July 24, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list eels
I found tobias fish or "sand eel," which would appear to be another fish that just looks like an eel.
Guess it's time to make another list. (
July 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word lanturlu
See the etymology for lanterloo ("French lanturlu, originally the refrain of a sixteenth-century song.")
July 19, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word weebill
Not likely to fall down.
July 18, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list la-bas-8kJjgQGj4c2h
This is my new favorite list.
July 18, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the list the-universal-calculator
You're right, ry. I couldn't help myself.
And bilby, I'm surprised you haven't added corkscrew or plastic toothpick.
July 18, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word autoantonym
For a list, see this list made by oroboros:
May 31, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word emperor
— “Light in the Palazzo” by Ingrid D. Rowland, New York Review of Books.
May 16, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word s’mores
Compare with smoor.
May 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word smoor
This makes me hungry for s’mores.
May 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word what the
I once got in trouble for using a phrase I’d heard Flo the waitress say on an old episode of “Alice.” I had turned to a classmate on the playground and said, “Kiss my grits,” but I don’t think any of us—students or staff—actually knew what grits were, so it was hard to defend myself.
May 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word elide
Hi rculver00! I just added a comment on your profile about making lists.
May 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the user rculver00
Welcome to Wordnik! Just saw your comment on elide. If you press the button that says “love” on the page for a word, that word will automatically show up here under your “Favorites” on your profile. If you decide to make a new list and add a word, everyone can see the list and what you’ve added—but you can set the list up initially so that nobody else can add words to your list. (Open lists are amusing though.) Have fun!
May 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word orbisculate
There was just a story about this madeupical word on CBS Sunday Morning:
May 2, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word oceanic nonlinear internal solitary waves
“On November 1, 2016, NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Indonesia, allowing the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board to capture a stunning true-color image of oceanic nonlinear internal solitary waves from the Lombok Strait.”
May 1, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word zenzontlruzuzu
Thank you, fbharjo. I love it.
April 7, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word warp speed
Here’s a link to that dictionary of “more than 400 words”:
January 27, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word mum-house
See mum for clarification.
January 15, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word zuzu
RU zuzu? Yes I am.
January 7, 2021
ruzuzu commented on the word ru
Why, yes—I am indeed.
December 28, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word plasma
See use in citations on tokamak.
December 28, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word tokamak
“Harnessing this form of nuclear power, though, has proven extremely difficult, requiring heating a soup of subatomic particles, called plasma, to hundreds of millions of degrees – far too hot for any material container to withstand. To work around this, scientists developed a donut-shaped chamber with a strong magnetic field running through it, called a tokamak, which suspends the plasma in place.“
— “Is nuclear fusion the answer to the climate crisis? Promising new studies suggest the long elusive technology may be capable of producing electricity for the grid by the end of the decade.” By Oscar Schwartz, Mon 28 Dec 2020 05.00 EST
December 28, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word muffin fan
Have you ever seen the Muffin Fan and the Fuflun Man in the same room at the same time?
November 24, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word unsolicited sperm donut
Not what I was expecting.
November 24, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word muffin fan
Do you know the Muffin Fan?
November 23, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word boa constrictor
“Though all boids are constrictors, only this species is properly referred to as a "boa constrictor" – a rare instance of an animal having the same common English name and scientific binomial name. (Another such animal is the extinct theropod dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex.)”
November 23, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word bruit de diable
Venus Hum used to open for the Blue Man Group.
November 3, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word attainted
Last I heard, they were opening for Styx on the state fair circuit—but I’m not sure whether the virus has changed their tour plans.
November 2, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word attainted
Mostly I remember being angry at those bouncers—especially the tall one with the bulging thews—but they were probably right about not shooting off fireworks in that enclosed space.
November 1, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Juan Eduardo Cirlot
“Born in Barcelona in 1916, Cirlot was a composer, a musicologist, an art critic, a translator, and a collector of antique swords. In the 1940s he became well-acquainted with, and translated the poetry of, avant-garde writers such as Paul Éluard, André Breton, and Antonin Artaud.”
From “A Dictionary Takes Us Through the Fascinating History of Symbols: Juan Eduardo Cirlot’s A Dictionary of Symbols has been an invaluable resource for decoding symbols since it was first published in 1958.” By Angelica Frey, Hyperallergic, October 31, 2020 ( )
November 1, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the user haiduong2010
Even better if the books being cooked are cook books.
October 15, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Bradel binding
"A Bradel binding (also called a bonnet or bristol board binding) is a style of book binding with a hollow back. It most resembles a case binding in that it has a hollow back and visible joint, but unlike a case binding, it is built up on the book."
September 10, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the user jboyd
I like your lists.
September 10, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word giant panda
Is there already a panda list somewhere? I was going to make a pun about pandan.
August 14, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word cultigen
“The word cultigen was coined in 1918 by Liberty Hyde Bailey (1858–1954) an American horticulturist, botanist and cofounder of the American Society for Horticultural Science. He was aware of the need for special categories for those cultivated plants that had arisen by intentional human activity and which would not fit neatly into the Linnaean hierarchical classification of ranks used by the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature (which later became the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants).”
Miss you, qms.
August 14, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word hydraulic jump
"An important phenomenon responsible for dissipating energy in a channel is the hydraulic jump. A hydraulic jump occurs in a channel when shallow, high velocity (supercritical) water meets slower moving (subcritical) water. The short and turbulent transition between the two water depths is called a hydraulic jump."
August 6, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word sentient six foot animatronic rats
Rodents of unusual size? I don’t believe they exist.
June 27, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Lothar Collatz
“Lothar Collatz, like most German students of his time, studied at a number of different universities. He entered the University of Greifswald in 1928, moving to Munich, then to Göttingen, and finally to Berlin where he studied for his doctorate under Alfred Klose.”
June 27, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word doomscrolling
Cf. schadenscrolling.
June 22, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word doomscrolling
“Each day brings further entries into the popular lexicon: ventilator, community spread, doomscrolling. (The latter is slang for an excessive amount of screen time devoted to the absorption of dystopian news.)”
— “‘Quarantini.’ ‘Doomscrolling.’ Here’s how the coronavirus is changing the way we talk” by Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times, April 11, 2020.
June 22, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word schadenscrolling
“I wouldn't call schadenscrolling a *good* use of a Saturday night, but it beats the hell out of doomscrolling.”
— David Roberts (@drvox) via Twitter
June 22, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word jean dimmock
April 27, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the user chezmoi
Welcome! Would you like to try some fufluns with grape riffles? I'm also experimenting with jimmies.
April 27, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Plague of Galen
“The Antonine Plague of 165 to 180 AD, also known as the Plague of Galen (after Galen, a Greek physician who lived in the Roman Empire and described it), was an ancient pandemic brought to the Roman Empire by troops who were returning from campaigns in the Near East.”
April 11, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word jewel box
Oh. Here:
-- From "Critical Appraisal of the Philip Johnson Pavilion" by James N. Carder ( (footnote removed))
April 3, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word jewel box
Nice, ry.
For some reason, I associate it most with Philip Johnson.
April 3, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word take umbrage
I see your umbrage and raise you some unjustified indignation.
March 23, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word take umbrage
(See, e.g., marathon of phony umbrage taking.)
March 18, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word umbrage
Also see take umbrage, if you dare.
March 18, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word take umbrage
Umbrage! I can't believe this hasn't been listed more often on this site.
March 18, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Prince Albert
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
March 17, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the user vendingmachine
Oh! Are the vending machines running?
*waits two seconds, then shouts*
Then we'd better go catch them!!!
*wanders off to the Prince Albert page*
March 17, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Me no Leica.
From Wikipedia's page about Walter Kerr: "Notoriously he is credited with one of the world's shortest reviews, "Me no Leica" for John Van Druten's I Am a Camera in the New York Herald Tribune, December 31, 1951." (
March 10, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the list red--2
Wow--this is my new favorite list.
March 6, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word paradoxical undressing
Compare terminal burrowing.
March 6, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word terminal burrowing
Compare paradoxical undressing.
March 6, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word leucocytiform
What time is it when the elephants sit on your northern fence?
March 6, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word postmeatal
Just got this as a random word. How has this not been listed yet?
February 27, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word honestly, it's not for everyone
Maybe nebraksa is the vegan alternative to Nebraska.
February 26, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word honestly, it's not for everyone
Yeah, the most amusing thing to hear in a restaurant around here is "Oh, you're a vegetarian. You eat chicken, though, right?"
February 26, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word honestly, it's not for everyone
Also? Still a better slogan than "Meth. We're on it."
February 24, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word honestly, it's not for everyone
Ashland is great. I took a class there about sewing signatures for bookbinding.
It also happens to be where some of the folks returning from China get to hang out in quarantine whilst they wait to see whether they have the dreaded corona virus.
February 24, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word u v v v w v uu v vv
February 19, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the user jasonwordperson
I like your lists!
February 19, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the list fight-scene-words-ii--the-fightening
Ooh. Them's fightin' words.
February 13, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the list anagram-poetry
*trips over inert llamas*
February 13, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Hamilton Walk
See citation on quaternion.
January 24, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word quaternion
-- from
January 24, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word ⎠
January 16, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Aleutian disease
Uh... so has anyone created a ferret list yet?
January 15, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the list 2300af
Would you consider adding ferret?
January 15, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word scatebrous
I love that one definition has "abounding" and the other has "a bounding."
January 15, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word katal
Brackets around moozuzu, please. I'm sure there's a list where you can stick it.
January 15, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word katal
Funny that this is about moles instead of cows.
January 13, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the list worms-s3tPu02Jdkd
What a great list! My favorite is the Diet of Worms, but it seems as if you're going for something else here.
January 13, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word cloud street
Ooh! That's fun.
January 10, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word manchet
Uh, I don't know much about heraldic symbolism--but it sure seems like if Wordnik were to have some sort of coat of arms, then this is the way to include fufluns.
January 3, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word HNY
Harlem, New York.
January 3, 2020
ruzuzu commented on the word Texas Red
-- Wikipedia (
Also see texas red.
December 30, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list list-of-heraldry-terms
Thanks for this list, hh. Just arrived here (again) after looking up mullet.
December 11, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Daimonelix
I've never had any, but that doesn't mean it isn't out there somewhere.
December 10, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Daimonelix
You might have to travel to nebraksa to find them.
December 5, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list serious-scrabble-mlfrY38fftk
This is a great list!
December 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Daemonelix
See Daimonelix.
December 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Daimonelix
-- From
See, also, ichnology.
December 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word ichnology
December 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word précis
See comments on précising.
December 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list best-of-qms-f3E-ECnAs3S
It's hard to narrow down my favorites--qms was prolific, and each one was a gem.
November 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list archaic-words--2
Ha! I just noticed "e-mail message."
November 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word herke
Has anyone made a list of Middle English words yet?
November 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list moonblink-Aihj6loFEm
I concur.
November 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Funderdome
Do bilbies prefer the DownUnderDome?
November 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Brodie knob
Thanks, vm--you just answered a question I didn't even know I had!
November 22, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word antisturgeon
When I first saw this, I read it as "antisurgeon," and now I'm trying to come up with a joke about my aunt who is a Christian Scientist and loves caviar. (My auntie who's anti-surgeon but pro-sturgeon, &c.)
November 22, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word soltentanue
Thanks, fb! Had I slept longer, I might have convinced my friend to study Solon.
November 22, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word soltentanue
Dreamed I was at a gas station by a college campus, consoling a friend who’d been told she wasn’t allowed to study Aristotle any longer. I led her over to the used dvds, trying to cheer her up. One of her classmates was there—she had just been to a lecture about poetry. I asked whether there had been any mention of cauliflower as a symbol. She was just starting to say, “Right, so as you know, cauliflower is a soltentanue,” and I was just about to say, “Do you mean solanaceae? I thought it was cruciferous,” but my alarm woke me up before I could question her further.
November 21, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word foomo
Oof. *favorited*
November 18, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word longueur
Does that mean a flaneur is a person who loves spending time on flan?
November 18, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list french-in-english
Would you consider cul-de-sac?
November 15, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word longueur
Ha. It's like if you took longer and made it even lonnnnnger.
November 15, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word volvelle
Uh, I think the best coffee to accompany custard-filled fufluns is definitely kopi-LEWDwak. Amirite? (Wocka wocka.)
November 5, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list approved-icelandic-female-names-cH9qECJAzMu6
Fantastic--and I love that you're the first person to list Björk!
November 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Ramon Llull
See citation on volvelle.
November 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word volvelle
November 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list ice-nomenclature-2YkOZ__kW6GB
November 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list retro-names-for-movie-houses-BJX43YqsEME9
October 31, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word eyeleteers
Dear bilby,
I think your ears are lovely. Now make that list for us!
Yours truly, ruzuzu
October 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word 2-8-0+0-8-2s
From "Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
Plural form of 2-8-0+0-8-2."October 16, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list plants-named-after-animals-fJh6uvbbzEBD
You might enjoy madmouth's love-across-kingdoms list--which goes both ways (I think it has animals named after plants, too).
October 16, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word epiploon
I have a list of those! (See found-poetry.)
October 10, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word frequentive
"frequentive (not comparable)
Misspelling of frequentative."
October 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word whiffle
"from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
1662, in sense “flutter as blown by wind”, as whiff + -le (“(frequentive)”) and (onomatopoeia) sound of wind, particularly a leaf fluttering in unsteady wind; compare whiff. Sense “something small or insignificant” is from 1680."
October 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word magnanerie
Not what I was expecting.
October 1, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word whiffletree
"|F|rom The Century Dictionary.
Same as swingletree.""|F|rom the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
Same as whippletree."October 1, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list interrogative-animals-G78xbJ5pP_Nz
Thanks, ry!
September 25, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list interrogative-animals-G78xbJ5pP_Nz
It's an open list--have at!
September 24, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list to-indicate
September 23, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list chambers-missing-words-syBbU4NnraS1
I like that you're the first person to list sieve of Eratosthenes.
September 23, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list potential-names-for-our-dog-rg4BuSN2-YNo
I like how if you combine Chimborazo and Rizzo, it almost sounds like Ratso Rizzo.
September 23, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list interrogative-animals-G78xbJ5pP_Nz
How do we feel about "how"?
September 20, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list interrogative-animals-G78xbJ5pP_Nz
And minerals are here: interrogative-minerals-d7PvM26GxlBl.
September 20, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list interrogative-animals-G78xbJ5pP_Nz
All right. I've started the plant list here: interrogative-plants-GGm7K8ksj_aG.
September 20, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list interrogative-animals-G78xbJ5pP_Nz
I see your point. Should we have a second list for plants?
September 20, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word werewolf
Ooh. That's definitely how I'll start pronouncing it now.
*wanders over to wereweasel*
September 19, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word werewolf
INGA: Werewolf!
FREDDY: Werewolf?
IGOR: There.
IGOR: (Pointing to the woods.) There, wolf. (Pointing to the castle.) There, castle.
FREDDY: Why are you talking that way?
IGOR: I thought you wanted to.
FREDDY: No, I don't want to.
IGOR: Suit yourself... I'm easy.
--From the movie Young Frankenstein (1974)
September 19, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word whincow
That's excellent!
September 19, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word whincow
So, let's see: whincow... werewolf.
Are there any "what" or "why" animals? (I'm guessing who is reserved for owls.)
September 19, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the user yarb
Agreed! Yarb is excellent.
September 18, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word aleatory
Compare aleatoric.
September 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word aleatoriality
See comment on aleatoric.
September 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word aleatoric
Wikipedia also offers the following etymology: "The term became known to European composers through lectures by acoustician Werner Meyer-Eppler at the Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music in the beginning of the 1950s. According to his definition, "a process is said to be aleatoric ... if its course is determined in general but depends on chance in detail" (Meyer-Eppler 1957, 55). Through a confusion of Meyer-Eppler's German terms Aleatorik (noun) and aleatorisch (adjective), his translator created a new English word, "aleatoric" (rather than using the existing English adjective "aleatory"), which quickly became fashionable and has persisted (Jacobs 1966). More recently, the variant "aleatoriality" has been introduced (Roig-Francolí 2008, 340)."
September 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word rock milk
See agaric.
September 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Scheele's Green
Copper arsenite.
September 9, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word copper arsenite
Scheele's Green.
September 9, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word poison dress
One appears in the Cate Blanchett movie about Elizabeth I.
I wonder whether dresses dyed with copper arsenite (or Scheele's Green) would fit.
September 9, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word echolocution
That's fantastic. There should be a word for when you're sure you've coined something new, come here to claim it, then see it's already listed.
September 9, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word cryptozoic
See definition on Cryptozoic.
September 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word pelite
Cf. psephite.
September 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word rang
From the Century Dictionary:
"In petrography, in the quantitative system of classification, a division of igneous rocks lower than the ‘order,’ based on the character of the chemical bases in the preponderating group of standard minerals in each class. See rock."
You rang?
You rock!
September 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word soluble glass
See sodium silicate.
September 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word sodium silicate
See soluble glass.
September 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word atramentum sutorium
See comment on green vitriol.
August 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word chalcanthum
See comment on green vitriol.
August 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word sory
See comment on green vitriol.
August 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word misy
See comment on green vitriol.
August 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word green vitriol
"Alum and green vitriol (iron sulfate) both have sweetish and astringent taste, and they had overlapping uses. Therefore, through the Middle Ages, alchemists and other writers do not seem to have discriminated the two salts accurately from each other. In the writings of the alchemists we find the words misy, sory, and chalcanthum applied to either compound; and the name atramentum sutorium, which one might expect to belong exclusively to green vitriol, applied indifferently to both.
August 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list solvents-T8D_61_v9VF
I nominate you to make that list! (Should I ask whether anyone has a theremin I can borrow?)
August 23, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word cass
Funny that there’s a Wiktionary entry that says this is “obsolete,” but nothing from the Century, etc.
August 21, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the user manolito
*polishes tiara*
*polishes off a tray full of Fufluns*
August 16, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Zez Confrey
"Edward Elzear "Zez" Confrey (April 3, 1895 – November 22, 1971) was an American composer and performer of novelty piano and jazz music. His most noted works were "Kitten on the Keys" and "Dizzy Fingers.""
August 16, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the user harpshot
August 13, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the user manolito
I think teanner sounds lovely.
But I have so many questions:
Is this English tea and dinner business like the supper/dinner question I deal with in the middle of America?
Must one wear a tiara to tea?
When is bilby inviting us all over?
Should I bring fufluns?
August 12, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word lost for word
I was just looking at the word arm and realized that it could be anagrammed to ram and mar. Is there a word for words where each and every variation in the order of the letters leads to another word?
August 1, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word spectrophotometer
"Visual comparisons by the human eye and a suitable, uniform light source is one method to assess how good an old, now discontinued pigment relates to a new substitute. Another way is to take a measurement using a device called a spectrophotometer that assesses the color reflectance at wavelength segments within the range of visible light detectable by a human eye."
July 29, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the user qms
I’d been wondering, too. Such sad news.
Thanks for letting us know, Erin.
July 27, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Kraut und Rüben
Cabbage and turnips. See citation on quodlibet.
July 23, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word quodlibet
One of the Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach is a quodlibet. Wikipedia says, "This quodlibet is based on multiple German folk songs, two of which are Ich bin solang nicht bei dir g'west, ruck her, ruck her ("I have so long been away from you, come closer, come closer") and Kraut und Rüben haben mich vertrieben, hätt mein' Mutter Fleisch gekocht, wär ich länger blieben ("Cabbage and turnips have driven me away, had my mother cooked meat, I'd have opted to stay"). The others have been forgotten. The Kraut und Rüben theme, under the title of La Capricciosa, had previously been used by Dieterich Buxtehude for his thirty-two partite in G major, BuxWV 250." (
July 23, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Word
word to the mother
July 18, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Echo
See echo.
July 8, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word echo
See Echo.
July 8, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word diapir
"Depending on the tectonic environment, diapirs can range from idealized mushroom-shaped Rayleigh--Taylor-instability-type structures in regions with low tectonic stress such as in the Gulf of Mexico to narrow dikes of material that move along tectonically induced fractures in surrounding rock."
July 8, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list your-mailchimp-randomly-selected-word-from-the-dictionary
Ooh! I'd forgotten about scytale. Nice!
July 2, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Umklapp scattering
"In crystalline materials, Umklapp scattering (also U-process or Umklapp process) is a scattering process that results in a wave vector (usually written k) which falls outside the first Brillouin zone.
. . . .
"The name derives from the German word umklappen (to turn over). Rudolf Peierls, in his autobiography Bird of Passage states he was the originator of this phrase and coined it during his 1929 crystal lattice studies under the tutelage of Wolfgang Pauli. Peierls wrote, "...I used the German term Umklapp (flip-over) and this rather ugly word has remained in use...."
June 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word blow a kiss to ruzuzu
That explains a lot about my weekend. I would also like to question Wordnik about a few missing socks from my last load of laundry.
June 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word magicaer
Oh! It's like The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.
June 10, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word magicaer
I do like the caer part of this--at first it reminded me of the Spanish verb for "to fall," but on Wikipedia there's a bit about it as Welsh for -caster* (though in a castle-y way).
*"Caer (Welsh pronunciation: kɑːɨr; Old Welsh: cair or kair) is a placename element in Welsh meaning "stronghold", "fortress", or "citadel", roughly equivalent to the Old English suffix now variously written as -caster, -cester, and -chester." (
June 10, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word black swan
"When asked about his father-in-law President Donald Trump, Kushner told CNN's Van Jones: "He's a black swan. He's been a black swan all his life.""
June 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word magicaer
Compare magic user.
June 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Ole Worm
Worm married Dorothea Fincke, the daughter of a friend and colleague, Thomas Fincke. Thomas Fincke was a Danish mathematician and physicist, who invented the terms 'tangent' and 'secant' and who taught at the University of Copenhagen for more than 60 years.
May 31, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Olaus Wormius
Also, see, stalactite.
May 31, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Olaus Wormius
See Ole Worm.
May 31, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word stalactite
"The term "stalactite" was coined in the 17th century by the Danish Physician Ole Worm, who coined the Latin word from the Greek word σταλακτός (stalaktos, "dripping") and the Greek suffix -ίτης (-ites, connected with or belonging to)."
-- From Wikipedia's "Stalactite" entry (, which sends us off to the wonderful Online Etymology Dictionary, where (at we find this: ""hanging formation of carbonite of lime from the roof of a cave," 1670s, Englished from Modern Latin stalactites (used 1654 by Olaus Wormius), from Greek stalaktos "dripping, oozing out in drops," from stalassein "to trickle," from PIE root *stag- "to seep, drip, drop" (source also of German stallen, Lithuanian telžiu, telžti "to urinate") + noun suffix -ite (1). Related: Stalactic; stalactitic."
May 31, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word oscillation
Also see parasitic oscillation.
May 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word parasitic oscillation
"Parasitic oscillation is an undesirable electronic oscillation (cyclic variation in output voltage or current) in an electronic or digital device. It is often caused by feedback in an amplifying device."
May 28, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word horseapple
Are we comparing apples and oranges?
May 15, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word regmaglypt
Oh, yeah? Try lamp egg, Mr. Apt Leggy.
May 15, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word regmaglypt
Regmaglypts are "thumbprint-sized indentations in the surface of larger meteorites formed by ablation as the meteorite passes through a planet's atmosphere, probably caused by vortices of hot gas."
May 14, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word most all
Is it a shortened form of almost all?
But, also, it's ringing bells for me about statistics and inferences and Thomas Bayes and (of course!) Charles Sanders Peirce.
May 14, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word coworkers = co + workers or cow + orkers
Yeehaw! Thanks, Buckaroo Bilby.
May 14, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word cowboy shot
Shoot! Well, I still nominate you to, er, put your own brand on it, VM.
May 10, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word cowboy shot
I'm having fun looking--in the meantime, I nominate you to make one!
May 9, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word ambo
Makes me think of arcades ambo.
May 9, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word gumbi gumbi
Also, bilby, is “courier numbat” the same as a pneumatic tube?
May 5, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word gumbi gumbi
Thank you, qms.
May 5, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word gumbi gumbi
No worries! Sorry about the attention span and memory loss. Your limerick game is spot on, and your comments are always great.
Besides--I assume that the ruzuzu born into the timeline of snotty goblets and snooty relatives is probably off wasting precious resources on fancy automobiles and sparkly tiaras.
I'm glad to be here. I'm glad you're here, too.
May 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word gumbi gumbi
Wait. Was it goblets or gobbles? I feel my entire destiny rides on this question.
May 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list circus-stuff
What a thrilling list!
May 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word gumbi gumbi
By a strange coincidence, "snotty gobbles" was one of my nicknames in high school.
May 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word fʊ̈ˈɫɔksʃɚ
*trips silent alarm*
May 3, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word dog's breakfast
“The systems use a dog's breakfast of custom codes and command system, with no standardization, let alone basic security. All systems pose some risk of vulnerabilities, but in this case it's like they didn't even try.“
— “Security researchers reveal defects that allow wireless hijacking of giant construction cranes, scrapers and excavators” (
March 17, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word circle-squarer
Delightful as always, qms!
March 15, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word zillion
Fun! That's definitely earlier than the OED's first example for it, which is from 1944.
March 15, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word cliche
I was sure this was a bell-shaped hat.
March 6, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list eyebrow
Perfection! I wish there were a way to set up an alert every time there's a new list from biocon.
March 6, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word pontoon
February 8, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word dimidiate
Well done, qms!
February 8, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word pontoon
Just got cohomology as a random word and thought of this.
February 6, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the list indexers
I do.
Does that mean I just read about myself? Ach. *added*
February 6, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word bewusstseinslage
Well, I don't know about that, but there certainly was a time when I was known as the Wordnik Mustard Girl.
edit: Corn on the side.
February 5, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word bewusstseinslage
You could also turn it into a corndog, which would go well with mustard. Silage on the side.
February 4, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word haver
Cf. comment on Haverford.
February 1, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word melamine,
I'm so glad it worked out--commas are such pesky creatures.
February 1, 2019
ruzuzu commented on the word Kuzma's mother
-- (which also tells us the following: "Because of the phrase's use in Cold War diplomacy, it became a code word for the atomic bomb. In particular, the Tsar Bomba 50 MT yield thermonuclear test device was nicknamed "Kuzka's mother" by its builders.")
February 1, 2019
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