
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A constellation of stars in the Southern Hemisphere near Centaurus and Scorpius.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A genus of Canidæ, comprising the wolves, but having no characters by which it can be distinguished from Canis. In this nomenclature the common gray wolf of North America is called Lupus occidentalis.
  • noun [lowercase] The specific designation of the common wolf, Canis lupus.
  • noun An ancient southern constellation, the Wolf, representing a beast held by the hand of the Centaur. It has two stars of the third magnitude.
  • noun [lowercase] In pathology
  • noun Lupus vulgaris, a tuberculosis of the skin, presenting clinically reddish-brown patches made up of papules, tubercles, and flat infiltrations.
  • noun Lupus erythematosus, a chronic dermatitis, beginning in one or more papules which grow so as to cover a large patch.
  • noun The Pacific fulmar petrel, Fulmarus glacialis rodgersi.
  • noun Lupus exedens, a form of lupus in which there is ulceration of the affected parts.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun (Med.) originally, a cutaneous disease with the appearance of the skin having been gnawed, and occurring under two distinct forms. Now used as a generic term for over ten distinguishable diseases having visible cutaneous symptoms.
  • noun (Astron.) The Wolf, a constellation situated south of Scorpio.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun astronomy A summer constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a wolf. It lies south of the constellation Libra.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease
  • noun a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Centaurus


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Latin, from lupus, wolf; see lupus.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Latin lupus, a "wolf"


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  • It's a trust issue ... in my area we already have a young adult female who developed shot induced Lupus from the H1N1 shot (confirmed).

    CNN Poll: Majority of adult Americans don't want H1N1 flu shot 2009

  • The village of Llanarmon takes its name from its church, which is dedicated to Garmon, an Armorican bishop, who with another called Lupus came over into Britain in order to preach against the heresy of Pelagius.

    Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery 2004

  • Lupercus appears to be connected with the name Lupus (wolf), the nurturer of the twins Romulus and Remus.

    Plutarch's Lives Volume III. 46-120? Plutarch 1839

  • Lupus occurs when the body attacks itself, causing inflammation and tissue damage virtually anywhere in the body, making it both difficult to diagnose and treat.

    FDA Panel Backs Approval of Lupus Drug Alicia Mundy 2010

  • Lupus is Latin for “wolf”: some early observers thought that the rash looked like the bite of a wolf.

    After the Diagnosis MD Julian Seifter 2010

  • Lupus occurs when the body attacks itself, causing inflammation and tissue damage virtually anywhere in the body, making it difficult to treat.

    Human Genome Says Lupus Drug Meets Goals 2009

  • By the by, I found out why Lupus is called Lupus yesterday and went to bed fuming, GEEZ, they really need to leave the superstitious naming behind, maybe!

    Decided, 'going to live': 15 reasons why Elizabeth McClung 2008

  • If you like smooth beats, and who doesn't, give it a listen, and we can all only dream of such a back catalogue. (as young as he was) He died of Lupus, which is something I read a bit about when trying to solve a problem I was having with my knee twelve months ago.

    JayDee RIP - Yesterday's Producer Today Ben Barren 2006

  • If you like smooth beats, and who doesn't, give it a listen, and we can all only dream of such a back catalogue. (as young as he was) He died of Lupus, which is something I read a bit about when trying to solve a problem I was having with my knee twelve months ago.

    Archive 2006-02-01 Ben Barren 2006

  • The used to call Lupus that affected the brain & central nervous system, CNS Lupus Central Nervous system lupus, now it is called neuropsychiatric Lupus.

    My progressing Brain Damage #1 accompanied by Oga and other beauty Elizabeth McClung 2008


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