A list of 495 words by kalayzich.
- saolawas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- mhorrwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- harnessed antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bontbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- markhor = snake-eater in Persianwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Capra falconeriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nakongwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- grimmewas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Kobus ellipsiprymnuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- ellipsen waterbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- defassa waterbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nilghorwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- rupicaprawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- boodebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nagorwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- agacellawas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- cabreewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- peelewas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- gauwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- trippantwas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- Theodor von Heuglinwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Joseph Thomsonwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Gazella thomsoniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Milne-Edwardswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- ghuralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Himalayan Goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Long-tailed Goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Red Goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Chinese Goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- serow species (now in genus Capricorniswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Naemorhedus griseuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Naemorhedus baileyiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Naemorhedus caudatuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Naemorhedus goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Nemorhædus bubalinawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- swartwitpenswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Salt's Dik-dik Madoqua saltianawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Silver Dik-dik Madoqua piacentiniiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kirk's Dik-dik Madoqua kirkiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Günther's Dik-dik Madoqua guentheriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Charles Hamilton Smithwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Raphicerus campestriswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Raphicerus sharpeiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Raphicerus melanotiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Al Wabra Wildlife Preservationwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Dorcatraguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Theodore Noackwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Dorcatragus megalotiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Neotraginiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Royal Antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Sharpe's Grysbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Raphiceruswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kenya oribiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cape grysbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Bates's pygmy antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- dwarf antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Von Dueben, 1846was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Nesotragus moschatuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope Sumatrensiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cambing ootanwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Sumatran antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Rhaphiceros campestriswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- white-bearded gnuwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- brindled gnuwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Antidorcaswas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- Carl Jakob Sundevallwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Eberhard August Wilhelm von Zimmermannwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antidorcas marsupialiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- springer antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope euchorewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- The milk-white Snowdonian Antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Slate-coloured Antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- sivatheriumwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Philip Lutley Sclaterwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Scythian antelope n. = saiga n.was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- scimitar-horned sable antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- satyralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- tiangwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Alcelaphus lunatawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Bastard Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- A blackbuck is featured in the 2010 film Prince of Persia.was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- subspecieswas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- Antilope cervicapra rupicaprawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope cervicapra rajputanaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope cervicapra cervicaprawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope cervicapra centraliswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- antalopus, a horned animalwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope bezoarticawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Mongolian saigawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Saiga tatarica mongolicawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Saiga tartaricawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- rupicaprinewas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- Hamilton Smithwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Bohor reedbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Mountain reedbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Redunca reduncawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- Johann Reinhold Forsterwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Vaalribbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Vaal rhebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- rooi rhebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Redunca fulvorufulawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- grey rhebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Pelea capreoluswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- reemwas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- Addax nasomaculatuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Henry Baker Tristram (1867) proposed it to be the antelope Addaxwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- pygarg Deuteronomy 14:5was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- pushmi-pullyuwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- artiodactylouswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Richard Owenwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- artiodactylwas added by kalayzich and appears on 10 lists
- http://www.sil.si.edu/imagegalaxy/imageGalaxy_enlarge.cfm?id_image=7832was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Dambowas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Puku are crepuscularwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- southern reedbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- David Livingstonewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- roan antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kobus vardoniiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- pronkwas added by kalayzich and appears on 54 lists
- George Ordwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilocapra americana sonoriensiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- hypsodontwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- pronghorn antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- prong-hornedwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- potoquanewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Pasanwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- rooibuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- rooibokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- gracefulwas added by kalayzich and appears on 50 lists
- ox-antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Fringe-eared oryxwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Oryx beisa callotiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Oryx beisa beisawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Rüppellwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- H. de Blainvillewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- hippotraginewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- oryginewas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Ourebia ourebiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nanguerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilocapra americanawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Missouri antelope n. Obs. the pronghornwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Soemmerring's Gazelle, N. soemmerringiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Grant's Gazelle, N. grantiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Dama Gazelle, N. damawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Nanger is a genus of antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- pronkingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- Genus Sylvicaprawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Genus Philantombawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Common Duiker, Sylvicapra grimmiawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Walter's Duiker, Philantomba walteriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Maxwell's Duiker, Philantomba maxwelliiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Blue Duiker, Philantomba monticolawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Zebra Duiker, Cephalophus zebrawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Yellow-backed Duiker, Cephalophus silvicultorwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- White-bellied Duiker, Cephalophus leucogasterwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Weyns's Duiker, Cephalophus weynsiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Ruwenzori Duiker, Cephalophus rubidiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Red Forest Duiker, Cephalophus natalensiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Red-flanked Duiker, Cephalophus rufilatuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Peters's Duiker, Cephalophus callipyguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Ogilby's Duiker, Cephalophus ogilbyiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Jentink's Duiker, Cephalophus jentinkiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Harvey's Duiker, Cephalophus harveyiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Brooke's Duiker, Cephalophus brookeiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Black-fronted Duiker, Cephalophus nigrifronswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Black Duiker, Cephalophus nigerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Bay Duiker, Cephalophus dorsaliswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Ader's Duiker, Cephalophus adersiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Abbott's Duiker, Cephalophus spadixwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- duiker is the Dutch word for diverwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Maxwell's antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Maxwell's duikerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- antelope dendrobiumwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Madoqua piacentiniiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Madoqua kirkiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Madoqua guentheriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- W. Ogilbywas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope saltianawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Madoqua saltianawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- lechwre is remarkable for its waterloving characteristicswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bushgoatwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on 19 lists
- Kobus leche ssp. kafuensiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kobus leche ssp. robertsiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kobus leche ssp. smithemaniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Bangweulu Lechwe (Kobus leche smithemani)was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kawambwa Lechwe (Kobus leche robertsi)was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Brown Lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis)was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Zambesi Lechwe (Kobus l. leche)was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Black Lechwewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Roberts' Lechwewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kafue Lechwewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Red Lechwewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kobus lechewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- southern lechwewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tibetan antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- sabre-like hornswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- goat antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Naemorheduswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- N. goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- N. crispuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- antilopine wallaroowas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- antelope kangaroowas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- Late Greek antholopswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- slenderly builtwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- hollow-horned ruminantwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- kookaamwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- kookoomwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- korrigumwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- konzewas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- kokongwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- kokoonwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope taurinawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Kobus kobwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Oreotragus oreotraguswas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- kleenebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- kevelwas added by kalayzich and appears on 11 lists
- blue duikerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophus monticolawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- ipitiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- Antilope cervicaprawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- impoonwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- Damaliscus hunteriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- herolawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- hartebeesthuisjewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Sir W. C. Harriswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- harrisbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- guibwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bushbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- Antilope melanotiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cemas goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Procapra picticaudawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Catoblepas gnuwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Theodor Haltenorthwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- molecular phylogeneticswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- dewlapwas added by kalayzich and appears on 34 lists
- Artiodactylawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- 'Djink-i-junka' (meaning 'the bush used to be dark') by the Senegambian nativeswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Senegambian elandwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- T. d. gigaswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- eland is Dutch for "elk" or "moosewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Edward Smith-Stanleywas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Lord Derby elandwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- John Edward Graywas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus (antelope-like)was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Common elandwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Giant elandwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Taurotragus derbianuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Taurotraguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus spekeiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus angasiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus buxtoniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus imberbiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Lesser kuduwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Imbabalawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Strepsicerotiniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus euryceruswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus strepsiceroswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tragelaphus scriptuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Hunter's hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Coastal Topiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaeteswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damalopswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Parmulariuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Megalotraguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes taurinus mearnsiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Western White-bearded Wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes taurinus johnstoniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Nyassaland Wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes taurinus cooksoniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cookson's wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes taurinus albojubatuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Eastern White-bearded Wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes taurinus taurinuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Blue Wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes taurinuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Connochaetes gnouwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Black Wildebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- antelopes anagrams to pleonastewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus lichtensteiniiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus caamawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphus torawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphus swayneiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphus majorwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphus lelwelwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphus cokiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Red Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Tora Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Swayne's Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Western Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Lelwel Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Coke's Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Bangweulu Tsessebewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphus buselaphuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus pygargus phillipsiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus supersteswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus pygarguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus pygargus pygarguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus lunatuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus korrigum topiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus korrigum jimelawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscus korrigum korrigumwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Korrigumwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Hirolawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Beatragus hunteriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophinaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Peleinaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Aepycerotinaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Reduncinaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Sigmoceroswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damaliscuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Beatraguswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Lichtenstein's Hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Alcelaphinaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- savannahwas added by kalayzich and appears on 19 lists
- H. n. kirkiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- H. n. rooseveltiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- H. n. varianiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Roosevelt sable antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Giant Sable Antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Zambian Sable Antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Sable antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Hippotragus nigerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- ruttingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 16 lists
- bushveldwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- Aepyceros melampus melampuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Black-faced impalawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Aepyceros melampus petersiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilocapridaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Greek orux (Gazelle or Antelope) and leukos (whitewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Oldfield Thomaswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Dr. John Edward Graywas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Christian Gottfried Ehrenbergwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Wilhelm Friedrich Hemprichwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Martin Lichtensteinwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainvillewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Peter Simon Pallaswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Oryx leucoryxwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Arabian oryxwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophus jentinkiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bushmeatwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- Fredericus Anna Jentink.was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Jentink's duikerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bovidwas added by kalayzich and appears on 12 lists
- 91 species, most of which are native to Africa, in about 30 generawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- herdwas added by kalayzich and appears on 41 lists
- even-toed ungulatewas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Bovidaewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- gooralwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- goralwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- Gazella picticaudatawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Catoblepas gorgonwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- dik-dikwas added by kalayzich and appears on 10 lists
- Nanotragus Saltiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Litocranius walleriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Oryx capensiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Taurotragus oryxwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Procapra gutturosawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Sylvicapra grimmiawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophus Grimmiiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophus mergenswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- diving goatwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Ammodorcas clarkeiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- dibatagwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- Cephalolophus grimmiawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- deloowas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- dama antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- dama gazellewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophus rufilatus, Graywas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- coquetoonwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- Gazella gazella bennettiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- capriform antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- catoblepaswas added by kalayzich and appears on 13 lists
- capricervewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Antilope Americana (furcifera)was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bush-buckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- buckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 73 lists
- Antilope bubaluswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bosch-bokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Pygargawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Pied Antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Nunniwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Damalis Pygargawas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Boocercus euryceruswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- blue buckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Cephalophuswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Gazella albifronswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Boselaphus tragocameluswas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- biggelwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- blauwbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- bezoar antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- biltongwas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- bles-bokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- beisawas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- ariel Arabic aryil (variant of ayyil stag), applied in Syria to the Gazelle (Dozy).was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Etymology: < Old French antelop (also antelu), < Latin ant(h)alop-us (Damianus, a1072), Greek ἀνθόλοψ, ἀνθόλοπ- (Eustathius of Antioch, c336), original language and meaning unknown. Med.Latin forms were also talopus, calopus.was added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- addra gazellewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- Dorcas Gazellewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- topiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 17 lists
- tragelaphwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- waterbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- tharwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- TRAGELAPHINEwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- suniwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- steinbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- steinbockwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- steenbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- steenbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- stembuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- stembokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- sitatungawas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- springbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 18 lists
- springbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- situtungawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- serowwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- shamoiswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- sasinwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- tsessebewas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- saigawas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- sassabywas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- pygargwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- reebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- reedbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- rhebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- reitbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- pallahwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- prongbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- pronghornwas added by kalayzich and appears on 14 lists
- pukuwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- palebuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- oryxwas added by kalayzich and appears on 26 lists
- ourebiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- oribiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- nilgaiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- nilghauwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nilghaiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nylghaiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- nilgauwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- nylghauwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- lechwewas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- madoquawas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- kuduwas added by kalayzich and appears on 11 lists
- koodoowas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- kobwas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- kongoniwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- izardwas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- kaamawas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- klipspringerwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- nyalawas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- inyalawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- impalawas added by kalayzich and appears on 19 lists
- hartbeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- hartbeeswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- grysbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- hartebeestwas added by kalayzich and appears on 13 lists
- gerenukwas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- gemsbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 15 lists
- gemsbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- gazellewas added by kalayzich and appears on 37 lists
- elandwas added by kalayzich and appears on 17 lists
- duykerwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- duikerwas added by kalayzich and appears on 10 lists
- duikerbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- duikelandwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- dzerenwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- chiruwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- cabritwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- chikarawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- chinkarawas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- chamoiswas added by kalayzich and appears on 53 lists
- dikdikwas added by kalayzich and appears on 11 lists
- duikeland dzerenwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- cabriewas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- addaxwas added by kalayzich and appears on 27 lists
- bluebuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- antilopinewas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- blackbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- bongowas added by kalayzich and appears on 30 lists
- bontebokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- blaubokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- bosbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- antelopewas added by kalayzich and appears on 34 lists
- arielwas added by kalayzich and appears on 12 lists
- blesbuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bubalwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- blesbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- boshbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bubaliswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bloubokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bokwas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- boschbokwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bubalewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- bubalinewas added by kalayzich and appears on 10 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list antelopes
Ach! How did I miss this list? I love it!
July 2, 2015