A list of 97 words by uselessness.
- roflcopterwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- do not wantwas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- buttseckswas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- lulzwas added by uselessness and appears on 19 lists
- made of failwas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- gtfowas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- icon lovewas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- amiritewas added by uselessness and appears on 15 lists
- intertubeswas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- moarwas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- nevarwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- w00twas added by uselessness and appears on 12 lists
- o haiwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- i can has cheezburgerwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- pokemanswas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- zomgwas added by uselessness and appears on 16 lists
- like woahwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- ♥was added by uselessness and appears on 15 lists
- oh noeswas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- i heartwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- hellawas added by uselessness and appears on 35 lists
- evarwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- that's hotwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- for realswas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- so groodwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- ftwwas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- so hot right nowwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- urwas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- o rlywas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- aslwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- lololwas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- uberwas added by uselessness and appears on 38 lists
- tardwas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- hottiewas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- watwas added by uselessness and appears on 17 lists
- supwas added by uselessness and appears on 39 lists
- hells nowas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- bitcheswas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- datwas added by uselessness and appears on 20 lists
- diswas added by uselessness and appears on 31 lists
- noonewas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- 2was added by uselessness and appears on 11 lists
- imwas added by uselessness and appears on 16 lists
- rwas added by uselessness and appears on 13 lists
- uwas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- gfwas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- bfwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- halpwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- rawrwas added by uselessness and appears on 18 lists
- hubbywas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- loolwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- picswas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- vidswas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- n00bwas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- ^_^was added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- stoopidwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- jebuswas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- kthxbyewas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- plzwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- mehwas added by uselessness and appears on 60 lists
- suxwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- tehwas added by uselessness and appears on 25 lists
- linky linkywas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- camwhorewas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- fundywas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- pr0nwas added by uselessness and appears on 11 lists
- shitewas added by uselessness and appears on 32 lists
- bffwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- memewas added by uselessness and appears on 141 lists
- fanboywas added by uselessness and appears on 26 lists
- spooonwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- numa numawas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- sexaywas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- hottwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- head asplodewas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- ate my ballswas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- jfgiwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- asshatwas added by uselessness and appears on 68 lists
- bamfwas added by uselessness and appears on 15 lists
- intarwebwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- harblwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- im in urwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- i, for onewas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- first postwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- grrlwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- d00dwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- pwnwas added by uselessness and appears on 36 lists
- roflolwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- stfuwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- haxx0rwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- omgwas added by uselessness and appears on 22 lists
- wtfwas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- awwwwwwwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- teeheewas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- lawlwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- hugzwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- preggerswas added by uselessness and appears on 26 lists
kaichi commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
Here's another one I saw just a few days ago: "lool." I assume it's an elongated form of "lol," but I'm not really sure.
January 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
Oh GOSH. Can I be the only one who hates this stuff?
January 16, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
No, you're not the only one who hates it. Though I have to admit, some of these are kind of neat in an in-joke sort of way. Not too many though.
February 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
I was reading a Washington Post article the other day about how these...um...creations are creeping into essays and other writing assignments. Not surprising, of course--but the point of the article was that even if teachers are willing to let them slide (and few are), they can't understand the damn things because most are old enough to have avoided this particular boil on the face of the English language.
February 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
Ew. One of many reasons I, despite loving language, decided not to teach it.
February 17, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
Some of us do understand it but still loathe it. I take the harsh route, and fail any paper containing net speak. No questions. No revisions. Just an F. I do warn them, of course.
I've not seen a u in place of you yet.
February 26, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
I've seen them used in a few papers. If I were teaching college level students back home, I would do the same najp.
February 26, 2007
reesetee commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
I haven't taught in ages, but I suspect I'd do the same. Thank heavens I haven't seen any manuscripts containing netspeak...yet.
February 26, 2007
tribblewing commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
Actually, it's kthnxbai, not 'bye'. I actually love these words; they're meant to be used facetiously, as a particularly ironic stylistic effect. Some of these belong on a l33t/1337 list.
July 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
I've never seen it that way before, I guess it's a newer form that plays on the lolcats meme, like o hai.
July 20, 2007
whichbe commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
May 6, 2008
madmouth commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
preggers is from way back.
this list makes me feel so guilty.
April 14, 2009
john commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
U, can't believe I missed this list first time around. I have a love-hate (ok, mostly hate) relationship with the words on it, but I love the list itself. And I really appreciate you putting into words, in the description, the inchoate discomfort this kind of language makes me feel, and your recognition that these are all of a piece. They're not just words, they epitomize a syndrome. I can live with rancor and bad spelling, but the cutesy superiority complex part is nauseating.
June 18, 2009
jfk commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
I don't know. The description of the list might pose a more convincing argument if the list itself had more face validity. C'mon, entries like: that's hot, i heart, hella, uber, hubby, pics, teehee, hottie, bf, gf, first post? A subculture clearly spawned in hell. Also, the lister's use of smiley faces, lol's, and terms such as "newbies" in his own posts makes him seem a less credible critic.
June 19, 2009
marky commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
cool list!
July 11, 2011