A list of 159 words by PossibleUnderscore.
- congestinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- chromiumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 17 lists
- radonwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 13 lists
- DMwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- tabinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- chloropicrinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- ethyl bromoacetatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- chloroacetonewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- botoxwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 13 lists
- ironwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 80 lists
- seleniumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 25 lists
- telluriumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 9 lists
- radiumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 18 lists
- uraniumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 15 lists
- osmiumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 20 lists
- berylliumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 23 lists
- bariumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 15 lists
- fenazaflorwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- ethyl bromidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- polixetonium saltswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- mancozebwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- acifluorfenwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- acephatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- staphylococcuswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 8 lists
- opioidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 14 lists
- clostridium botulinumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- gelseminiawas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- adeprilwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- adepinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- nightshadewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 49 lists
- buttercupwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 58 lists
- jack in the pulpitwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- oak foliagewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- jasmine berrieswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- yew berrieswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- daphne berrieswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- rhubarb leafwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- monkshood rootswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- daffodil bulbswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- amatoxinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- diotoxinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- capsaicinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 12 lists
- phosphoruswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 39 lists
- methanolwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 7 lists
- aflatoxinswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- palytoxinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- shigellawas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 6 lists
- botulinal neurotoxinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- tetanuswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 15 lists
- dimethylaminewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- zirconium silicatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- coal tarwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 7 lists
- toluenewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 7 lists
- anthraxwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 22 lists
- salmonellawas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 16 lists
- nafoxidinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- nitrofurazonewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- oraflexwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- penicillic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- lycorcidinolwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- galliumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 14 lists
- helenalinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- heliotrinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- purinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 10 lists
- pyrimidinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 6 lists
- riboxamidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- fluoridewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 15 lists
- estronewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- methoxyacetic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- marasmic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- dopaminewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 29 lists
- cycasinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- sodium sulfitewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- sodium butyratewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- sodium chloridewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 6 lists
- sodium azidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- sodium aminotriacetatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- sodium para-aminosalicylatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- calcium chromatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- butonatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- benzidinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- anguidinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- adenosinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 9 lists
- terreic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- trinitrochlorobenzenewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- trypsinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- urethanewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- vitamin awas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- zinc chloridewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- abrinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- formaldehydewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 16 lists
- pentothalwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- nickelwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 31 lists
- magnesiumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 20 lists
- ethylene glycolwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- gasolinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 26 lists
- fluoxetinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- aluminumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 26 lists
- fluoroacetic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- oligomycinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- dinitrophenolwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- malonatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- antimycinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- rotenonewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- silverwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 126 lists
- aconitinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- strophanthinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- copperwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 99 lists
- prussic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- leadwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 88 lists
- thalliumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 10 lists
- thyroxinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- gelsemiumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- hemlockwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 63 lists
- hexabarbitalwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- henbanewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 25 lists
- carbon monoxidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- digitaliswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 17 lists
- barbitonewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- coniinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- atropinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 16 lists
- antimonywas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 53 lists
- akeewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- alcoholwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 45 lists
- caffeinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 29 lists
- toxaphenewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- cadmiumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 28 lists
- tabunwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- dieldrinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- sodium chloratewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- chlordanewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- sarinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- paraquatwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 13 lists
- thallium sulfatewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- mercuric chloridewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- solaninewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- chaconinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- somanwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- nicotinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 24 lists
- hydrogen cyanidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 4 lists
- trichothecene mycotoxinswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- white phosphoruswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- VXwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- tetrodotoxinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- saxitoxinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 3 lists
- alkaline saltswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- aklomidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- acetonewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 15 lists
- acetic acidwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 8 lists
- aconitewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 27 lists
- strychninewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 24 lists
- ricinwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 8 lists
- arsenicwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 52 lists
- mercurywas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 66 lists
- hydrogen cyanide gaswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on just this list
- mustard gaswas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 6 lists
- chlorinewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 28 lists
- botulinumwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 2 lists
- cyanidewas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 29 lists
chained_bear commented on the list poisons
Eeew... This list is creepy but fascinating.
August 18, 2009
agatehinge commented on the list poisons
Nice to learn I deliberately ingest at least 3 of these substances daily.
March 10, 2010
sionnach commented on the list poisons
Perhaps 'randon' and 'chronium' should be replaced by radon and chromium, respectively (and respectfully, of course)?
Detailed instructions on the preparation of ricin can be found in one of David Foster Wallace's short stories (in the collection of Oblivion.
March 10, 2010
sionnach commented on the list poisons
This list worries me, frankly. I imagine all visitors to weirdnik unlucky enough to stumble across it, sitting petrified at their terminals as they succumb to the effects of undetectable (essentially zero) amounts of the various toxins not included on the list. Any practitioner of homeopathy will tell you that these dangerously low levels of exposure must correspond to a massive overdose.
Readers of this page are urged to cover the mouth with a handkerchief, to avoid breathing in, and to back away from the monitor. Slowly, slowly, slowly.
March 10, 2010
PossibleUnderscore commented on the list poisons
Haha. Actually, this list has been on hold for a while because I wasn't (and still aren't) sure which poisons to include and which ones to leave out. I mean, if I were to add every poison in the world, you might as well go read the official lists and then I'd have to find where to draw the line between poisonous and non-poisonous, considering water and sugar are also poisons just to name a few. It all depends on the amount ingested.
I suppose you could consider these 'my favourites' but at some stage, I'll probably get around to refining the list and making it more specific
March 11, 2010
sionnach commented on the list poisons
"All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous".
March 13, 2010
milosrdenstvi commented on the list poisons
Mithridates, he died old...
March 13, 2010
reesetee commented on the list poisons
Well, that's it, then. Just list every single word in the entire English language.
Wait...is this just for English words?
March 17, 2010
refenestration commented on the list poisons
No....no one said a Dinner Party...
April 4, 2010
refenestration commented on the list poisons
Oh, and how yew berries have anything to do with Beryllium completely perplexes me!
April 4, 2010