
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • intransitive verb To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.
  • intransitive verb To register or indicate.
  • intransitive verb To render (sound or images) into permanent form for reproduction, as by mechanical or digital means.
  • intransitive verb To record the words, sound, appearance, or performance of (someone or something).
  • intransitive verb To record something.
  • noun An account, as of information or facts, set down especially in writing as a means of preserving knowledge.
  • noun Something on which such an account is based.
  • noun Something that records.
  • noun Information or data on a particular subject collected and preserved.
  • noun The known history of performance, activities, or achievement.
  • noun An unsurpassed measurement.
  • noun Computers A collection of related, often adjacent items of data, treated as a unit.
  • noun Law A transcript or a collection of statements and related information reporting the proceedings of a legislative body, a court, or an executive.
  • noun A disk designed to be played on a phonograph.
  • noun A musical recording that is issued on a medium of some kind.
  • idiom (go on record) To embrace a certain position publicly.
  • idiom (off the record) Not for publication.
  • idiom (on record) Known to have been stated or to have taken a certain position.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A cylinder or disk which bears a series of indentations originally made in wax, foil, or other plastic material by the vibrating stylus of a phonograph or similar instrument and which may be used in the reproduction of the original sounds. The name is applied both to the original impression in wax or other plastic material and to any cast or copy of this original in non-plastic material.
  • noun Also used attributively in the sense of definition 6: as, “a record subscription list”; “a record output in steel,” etc., meaning the largest on record.
  • noun In the sense of having a published record; being on record as having accomplished some particular feat. In fanciers' language a ‘record homer’ is a homing pigeon with an established record of having flown a certain distance within a specified time.
  • noun Attestation of a fact or event; testimony; witness.
  • noun Memory; remembrance.
  • noun That which preserves remembrance or memory; a memorial.
  • noun Something set down in writing or delineated for the purpose of preserving memory; specifically, a register; an authentic or official copy of any writing, or an account of any facts and proceedings, whether public or private, usually entered in a book for preservation; also, the book containing such copy or account: as, the records of a court of justice; the records of a town or parish; the records of a family.
  • noun The aggregate of known facts in a person's life, especially in that of a public man; personal history: as, a good record; a candidate with a record.
  • noun In racing, sports, etc., the best or highest recorded achievement of speed, distance, endurance, or the like: as, to beat the record in leaping.
  • noun Same as recorder, 4.
  • noun In old English law, authentic documents in official rolls of parchment, particularly of judicial proceedings, and preserved in a court of record.
  • noun In modern use, the original process and pleadings in an action or suit, with the judgment and such other proceedings as are involved therein and required to be included by the law of the forum, which are filed and registered as containing a permanent memorial of the essential features of the adjudication.
  • noun Synonyms Note, chronicle, account, minute, memorandum.
  • To call to mind; recall; remember; bear in mind.
  • To recall (to another's mind); remind.
  • To bring to mind; suggest.
  • To see or know by personal presence; bear witness to; attest.
  • To recite; repeat; sing; play.
  • To preserve the memory of by written or other characters; take a note of; register; enroll; chronicle; note; write or inscribe in a book or on parchment, paper, or other material, for the purpose of preserving authentic or correct evidence of: as, to record the proceedings of a court; to record a deed or lease; to record historical events.
  • To mark distinctly.
  • Figuratively, to imprint deeply on the mind or memory: as, to record the sayings of another in the heart.
  • Synonyms Record, Register, Chronicle, Enroll, Enlist. To record events, facts, words; to register persons, voters, things; to enroll volunteers, scholars; to chronicle events; to enlist soldiers, marines. To record a mortgage or deed; to register a marriage.
  • To reflect; meditate; ponder.
  • To sing or repeat a tune: now only of birds.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb obsolete To recall to mind; to recollect; to remember; to meditate.
  • transitive verb obsolete To repeat; to recite; to sing or play.
  • transitive verb To preserve the memory of, by committing to writing, to printing, to inscription, or the like; to make note of; to write or enter in a book or on parchment, for the purpose of preserving authentic evidence of; to register; to enroll
  • transitive verb etc., to have a copy of the same entered in the records of the office designated by law, for the information of the public.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English recorden, from Old French recorder, from Latin recordārī, to remember : re-, re- + cor, cord-, heart; see kerd- in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English recorden ("to repeat, to report"), from Old French record, from recorder. See record (verb).

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English recorden ("to repeat, to report"), from Old French recorder ("to get by heart"), from Latin recordārī, present active infinitive of recordor ("remember, call to mind"), from re- ("back, again") + cor ("heart; mind").


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  • Were some parts of it omitted, and false statements rectified, it might not do any harm; and perhaps it might be found advisable to adopt some plan of that kind, making a careful _record of the omissions_ to insert any future _misrepresentations_, and a like record of such _additions_ or _alterations_.

    Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Complete 1811

  • Were some parts of it omitted, and false statements rectified, it might not do any harm; and perhaps it might be found advisable to adopt some plan of that kind, making a careful _record of the omissions_ to insert any future _misrepresentations_, and a like record of such _additions_ or _alterations_.

    Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Volume 2. 1811

  • I say, if you want to know where jazz is going, listen to a Bugge Wesseltoft record (it used to be _listen to a Miles Davis record_ but he's in heaven with Dizzy and the Duke). 5 solid stars.

    Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website 2010

  • There are three methods I needed to create to get the basic behavior I wanted; Click here to jump to the video: ProjectViewUI renderActionsOn: html | record | super renderActionsOn: html. html button class: #record; callback: (record: = Record new. (self ...

    Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now 2010

  • For good measure, he also played a key role, a few years later, in designing the original packaging for the long-playing 33·-r.p.m. discs that re­defined the term "record album."

    NYT > Home Page By PETER KEEPNEWS 2011

  • The term "record earnings" tends to enhance the mood of all who hear it. -- Top News 2012

  • Cname record is short for conical name record, it's a type of resource record in the DNS (domain name system) that tells you the the domain name is just another name for another conical domain name. 2009

  • Cname record is short for conical name record, it's a type of resource record in the DNS (domain name system) that tells you the the domain name is just another name for another conical domain name. rehan21 2009

  • * Australian aboriginals threw a hardwood spear 110 meters or more (the current world javelin record is 98.48).

    Anthropologist Argues that Modern Humans Are Wimps 2009

  • "Australian aboriginals threw a hardwood spear 110 meters or more (the current world javelin record is 98.48)"

    Anthropologist Argues that Modern Humans Are Wimps » E-Mail 2009


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  • learn by heart

    July 14, 2007

  • That's murder, I rote

    November 7, 2009