from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun A secondary matter; a side issue.
- noun Sports The position of one who draws no opponent for a round in a tournament and so advances to the next round.
- idiom (bye/by) By the way; incidentally.
- interjection Used to express farewell.
from The Century Dictionary.
- See
by . - noun See
by . - noun See
by . - An obsolete spelling of
buy . - noun See
by .
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
- noun Obs. except in the phrase by the bye. A thing not directly aimed at; something which is a secondary object of regard; an object by the way, etc.; as in
on orupon the bye , i. e., in passing; indirectly; by implication. - noun (Cricket) A run made upon a missed ball.
- noun In various sports in which the contestants are drawn in pairs, the position or turn of one left with no opponent in consequence of an odd number being engaged.
- noun (Golf) The hole or holes of a stipulated course remaining unplayed at the end of a match.
- noun in passing; by way of digression; apropos to the matter in hand.
- noun A dwelling.
- noun In certain games, a station or place of an individual player.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
- noun sports The position of a
person orteam in atournament orcompetition whodraws noopponent in aparticular round soadvances to the next roundunopposed , or is awardedpoints for awin in aleague table ; also thephantom opponent of such a person or team. - noun cricket An
extra scored when thebatsmen takeruns after theball has passed thestriker without hittingeither thebat or the batsman. - noun obsolete A
dwelling . - interjection colloquial
Goodbye . - preposition Obsolete spelling of
by . - noun Obsolete spelling of
bee .
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
- noun you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent
- noun a farewell remark
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word bye.
♫♫ Let the circle be unbroken, by & by Lord, bye& bye ♫♫
overstimulation - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008
In Marshallese, the language of Bikini Atoll, hello and bye alike are conveyed in the word kwe, which also means love.i In English, the expression bye was once similarly fulsome: God be with you.
The English Is Coming! Leslie Dunton-Downer 2010
During the first hour I felt pain, but during the rest of the evening pride kindly came to my assistance and from that moment instead of feeling myself little, I grew to a most noble and patagonian [3] nature, from which I could scarcely reduce myself for many days after; and which enabled me at the moment to turn a deaf ear to the contended merits of Demosthenes and Cicero, the Borhavians in medicine, and the &c &c &c &c — and to set and compose verses 'to my Old Oak table', which by the bye is a far better companion to me, as I will make appear, than Dr. A and his son put together.
Letter 115 2009
February 11th, 2010 at 6: 42 pm tombaker says: mr. bye bye is ruled by fear. what a shame.
An acceptance to an anthology and a personal good-bye from a person who moved away instead of just an invite to the going away party.
Archive 2009-01-01 2009
One was essentially an obituary, a fond and sympathetic good-bye from a fellow writer who admired his talent and thought of him as a friend.
Lance Mannion: 2009
An acceptance to an anthology and a personal good-bye from a person who moved away instead of just an invite to the going away party.
Looking back at 2008 2009
One was essentially an obituary, a fond and sympathetic good-bye from a fellow writer who admired his talent and thought of him as a friend.
Old heart crying 2009
Saying good bye is really really really really really really hard but its a little bit easier the more hugs you give and if you know you will see them again … Soon Durnit!
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The 27 Things I Learned at Nerdtacular ‘08: 2008
• Maybe a playoff bye is like key lime pie: looks great, but not necessarily good for you.
Many a sarcastic Bye Felicia was directed at Donald Trump in the final days of his presidency in January 2021. In October 2022, #byefelicia was trending on Twitter after Tulsi Gabbard announced leaving the Democratic party.
Bye Felicia > A dismissive send-off that can playfully mask deeper feelings (or not) Pamela Pavliscak 2022
Initially, "Bye Felicia" was a throwaway line, but its simplicity and dismissive tone resonated with audiences. Over time, it transformed from a moment in a movie to a widely recognized pop culture catchphrase. Its rise to fame was gradual, gaining momentum in the early 2010s thanks to memes, GIFs, and social media, which propelled it into the mainstream lexicon.
Bye Felicia Meaning: An In-Depth Look At The Viral Pop Culture Phrase 2022
Initially, "Bye Felicia" was a throwaway line, but its simplicity and dismissive tone resonated with audiences. Over time, it transformed from a moment in a movie to a widely recognized pop culture catchphrase. Its rise to fame was gradual, gaining momentum in the early 2010s thanks to memes, GIFs, and social media, which propelled it into the mainstream lexicon.
Bye Felicia Meaning: An In-Depth Look At The Viral Pop Culture Phrase 2022
"Bye Felicia" originated from the movie "Friday" where a crackhead named Felicia used to come and ask Craig (one of the main characters) for random things like if she can borrow his car or use his iron - just random stuff. One day she asked him for some money and he says "Bye Felicia" and when she refuses he says it again with gusto. Ever since then, people have been using it as a way to get rid of people in a funny way when someone does or says something outrageous.
Why did "Bye Felicia" suddenly become so popular ArsenalZT 2025
"Bye Felicia" originated from the movie "Friday" where a crackhead named Felicia used to come and ask Craig (one of the main characters) for random things like if she can borrow his car or use his iron - just random stuff. One day she asked him for some money and he says "Bye Felicia" and when she refuses he says it again with gusto. Ever since then, people have been using it as a way to get rid of people in a funny way when someone does or says something outrageous.
Why did "Bye Felicia" suddenly become so popular ArsenalZT 2025
Many a sarcastic Bye Felicia was directed at Donald Trump in the final days of his presidency in January 2021. In October 2022, #byefelicia was trending on Twitter after Tulsi Gabbard announced leaving the Democratic party.
Bye Felicia > A dismissive send-off that can playfully mask deeper feelings (or not) Pamela Pavliscak 2022
bilby commented on the word bye
Cricket jargon - a run scored without the striker having made contact with the ball.
December 4, 2007
chained_bear commented on the word bye
"Dick watches, holding open the gate of the pen, not allowed to assist his dog in any way except with his voice. 'Away,' he commands, 'Bye,' 'Stand,' 'Come,' in rapid succession. Sweep responds, moving fluidly in and out of the flock ... working the sheep back toward the pen."
—Merrily Weisbord and Kim Kachanoff, Dogs with Jobs: Working Dogs Around the World (NY and London: Pocket Books, 2000), 89.
July 25, 2009
aus1750 commented on the word bye
May 21, 2024